THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN DAILY.3 DOLLAR VALUE. 1 Emm 1 ] C Get One To-Day. _ 9S MAIN ST. Students' Laundry Association THE ORIG Wen. VOUGIII -Wine . 0FOX, . et or 'tHEs GRAND LAUNDRYtI, of DIIEIL CTe best high grade laedry inthe State.11h Glove fiih also givoe. Allwerk promptly. Ilegrei :neatly and caefully clone. Office 206S. State eiedencecl60CLawretncest. New State Phoee 441Ch O d JJJu~sic Studio Piano, Pipe Orgaq and Cocgpositiec ARE NOW ON FromaSttltt.atCeraoraey,IGeeteaey. 4I2 S Divliio St. CGcert Piene Tunirag FRESH EVERY WEEK. INAL rles ' Students! Students ! If dissasitedcwicthyu aunedrly service coee lic te, EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A . . CeETi, Prep., 209 E . Weteh. St. TelphneNe. 211, 2 Rime. textellenet'WeorkeeendQuick Sereice Guearanee'd. TIHE(GREAT MIAND)OIN ARTIST, Mr. W- Jiugene Page, Ueesthee Joseph Pohmann Aneetalee the Washburn Instruments. They are efsl eatthe SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 W eat Libetty Street, Ann Arbor. 0. M. MARTIN,.. FUNERAL n ®.®vw jALARM CLOCKS, $1A.00. 1SALE AT U1. (OF M. PINS, 50 Cents. Flee Waetleht aeaiigeeSteeceeltly, DRUG STORE., .J. L. CHAPMAN, 211 Sate Mete Steeet FIIJ.L.AIRD I DIRECTOR T CALENDAR. Biological Work at Put-in-Bagj. Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth I'~t 1TSattarelay, Nov. 12-Mileigeto vs. Under thte sup~ervisioen of Prof. Ave. Amebulance night and day. Rtes- P~ITttIllittois Utniversity at Detreeoit, Ililtrl c ioUeiest e idenee 302 Fifthli ve. Ace Arboriet hti Frielay, Neev. 18.-Fieal Iceter Dei- icheligean, the United St'ate~s Fisht -h patt- t [eeeie Cotete. Cetiommiceet as hegan td wtll posh A! (Jl IOPQ M 6I11(I3G1RN (3,E[N T 1111L Satrday, Nov. 19-G~en. JohntaB. t oml tio tteebeclogcal cxateina- " [oroi1S.L1A1ous1111 fUheGeaIaks.TeUr-Wi n!14 "The Niagara Falls Route." SatttrdaeyNv.19-.N.ichieeaet asliteittary awork Of tiexttaeniVCto- ul Y CrNTtA TX1)it1 Tl , BCoivestigeat ieeaas car riedtel t arittg Tain"Efc u14 CS9s. i Iurs,.j. Neov. O4-ich . JeulytattelAuttotettisoye'ar by t arn ld Leading (tOIt, Ae eitolcy, .ao-~cct..tlgttt arty StaetioeteatIPttutinBBty Ialattd Trm A nodJeweler fall aced F. are-a 3 CitiP. gozat' CTirge.nteLake Erie. ITlepeatrty censiste-d NpYs& Eetpen:t............'r943: hoU. of AI. Lutll's let last ight elofeotrteeta petrsonta ta adelitieec to GET YOUR Atltc E 1xpres ............7451A X_ ateelelected tite folloewaineg ufficers:the eirecor, ts foclloaas: Irt II..13. ekletR ttesExp erea.... ..t t9A . eets ce? aei tlet 'e arl(f ioItevrt , lI btaka Rtoat-.N. Y.&hca teege........01 . 11 latnts, atnd S. B. (eonger, Coliege, Dr. Jutleia Sneeeaaooltietfi-ctAT atFesternciee Express . C.e.... at.. orget tPta. versity'cef Mitllgat aM J ltte~t ~ I & Ktl et tic ........ee45cesrg anset iai, .A-It CtcleeaeeeNigheet, tpeaa........94 - - er's eeL'thee Agriculteural IDepattttetet V~. U'J U V acete ie.leree4s..a ..........12 3eA. M. Books in japan and Itaigj. 'T ' C ~ ~ lal eac 3 o lt tet (0. av RtUlGt,, t11 W.AYS-., Thlet N.lseiolle r.gcdllad33ee. tt Sre ,Qc t. &r, . AgI.ttelIie'age . Agh AtenAc-lir thte Japee nowl eearletblisle Ihee; archotee.scietfc taff 1117of the titees Coseeay hbeokesao the Italieaces, i.'tede Staetes Feshc Cocecaissiotn, tittee aNvlhose literaty poersseee o Da eit scieetifliceesislatets, and five tee- OUR PHOTOS ~~ AR'S oi~~ faeleedaltmcst ettirelyaaey seece Itlee elheeits and te h llerhelpeecs. - elay's oef thteRlietates. Oat cof 2 ,110 1'llecu1elrtetkineg cieteeleateo ta. . .A R E .. vellumles pcublisedc last. year inttle exhaeetsive inqu~liry itte the ife ocl PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH B 1..'. hen ated oeeloleacro tcloss theatc 5,110(}111(e greaet latkes. It awill douetbtless w reolIaw-boesek, tncdl1,300 tr'eatedl of'exteteci ever a lceng teort clyearsated T H E TIME TABLE religioen ,awhieh shcoecs theat thecoiccece- l n-ot eventally bIc arnied iceta ic B 'laeking Effect, (Set. 9, 1895h. tic little cnationast lno t vet taken year reel aceelill permaetlgutar- rryfliaflt tuduio (raeinealeaave AacnArbor- by Cectrcal tantd-t.kitedly Ieteocac ritteta feerteeofciters. Neverthteless a aconesiclereableo es uo t td 'lice. teecetatecee. amounctttaof relicticeac'y aaoetk htas al- II2VetHuo t Nowri SUTH1 rh01 'le necie adcliff'e gyttnasidtc ctretaclybeet a eaocttllislecl; thee resetlts State Phon 1,Cl 5:z4o11 . - j e1:25A. . Cateebricdgewill bh eoally feer use c aeiicchswlhablpuhlishedclitt brief 4:1;6OP. at. 11:25.0. a es .ii 1 h rset et gsa a-. cc. 5~~~4ar~te. i elr 1st. Is rcst is estieteade leo Clrtlgec coet et l t 35 n. +s.15cP. oecc. lb 50,000- cateteehers cef thtestalf. A. G. SPALDI NG & UROS. 41tubetw eceeneAne Ac-ler and Teeoledol c y. Y Te -re 'l..uaan-e fTheese IrealesonSayonl acndreeceea cte.leelleNacctl ,ca 'WI-cc Toedeotaced loeet. All ter traiete Lts'.-A Sigeta Chi fraterntity l~itee sutite at 307 So. Foeurtht. 'aell ' F)Qecet-unayT BiAiteratGrngr'LDncn E: S tyeaetetotctdtyAgen, ettrta'rteorsI atcchIeatedlay feerncee. BeathlanetdalL t. -it t aE TT r . . OtttE Ac-eAcadetty orbetee0011there aced 429imrv ens42S P LE S. Divisice t.,SIeventitng cfNoev. 9. Offcl oufittersatoal.thee -tleedicngecllege, chlanad finder plelase retturtIto ill Chuchol ahletic dlebtea. St. and get rearrd. lllve youceetncitte ieeetaco steic, Spalding's official Inter- -T- ito Criediccet? Prico 22c. Its a ; collegiate Foot Ball D ETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- Dress Repeairing dotte at 412 E. aiteter. GJet it at the MusiceC('s UedcactecieelybeYae,tcvtnetee,Harvard Ptennsytvancia. Coelltnd all teleaedinc BOPR RAILWAY. Hutrott. 41 Stoire, Wtceltitgtota St. ,etolteges andacnai-eites. fltaceecer' shoal Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter alter every hor, beginning at 7:15 a. en, and op to 11:15 pm. For Ypdilaoti, at a quarter befoere thte boorcap to 12:45 a. m. Cara leave corner Hluron and Malta Sts. 't'ieketaono sale at Brown's Darug Store. Wanted=3 Students To teticitasubsceitistoaatthe Chicago Record. A2eopore eteitetoecaectoney. 0. M.STEPHENS, '99 L. l10entschter, the I1bhtographer. Intco0llgqiato IBureau o1 flcadomi6 Gostumo. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANYe , N. Y. Cape, Gowns, and Hoadc made to order and rented. Also Claaa Canes, ClasFats atnd Cape, Clase College Pins. Addrecs a WV. C. KERN, WestrM ngr., HtaskellMtseum, ,Unliv. ef Chicago. elsewhecre. Spalding'sOfficial Foot Ball Guide, edted by Wetter Cactp. Rtecordts. pdeo.o gratphsa oel Iadiceg tercs, toss talcs, wtt te de andeplentoynesI0c. A. G. PAL DING & BROS.,New Yeork, Chicago Myoma's Lalnllry Aollc Al Newa Stacd. 607 E. William St. Give me a trial. Firct claas work end prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 3i40 S. State St., Bladeseahokteor 25e. acd npmac-ds, end sells A. A. Watec-maacFountain teuefor-$1.00 and up. All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Fintst Stlatiocery ic the eity at lcwest prite. AND LL' A Every kind. 119 West Washington Street State Phone 144. Both Phonee, No. 108. Ann Arbor. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.