2 THE (UNIVERITY FIMICJ( H( N JDALY. oight have. turned with peasure an 5)1CC)'-' iiacce uuerother Cicumistances itWEAI .. ~( ~Beeroncne sai (though we thinuk , Pubishd uDii(uday s cteiui g the. 'itscen eidet tat a ColegAyarNulatil otheren)hatsoin heisocaleaod N hGENS THE U ONIVERS I OF I I I. liotnerofalibeInsive lend soilae afoi pI i o,'5C oorhpractiier.' hejga}iFORe I2Irc: heGh r a ni ngMek. i s ttin ixecvide titht myea o n Athtuite ~is, w'I'. i. , b or,'00C. ciyectieqaly, fcc ivt lo('eupaiiFINE P. V W.Jn SS tl _1AA. ii. i5tlI tiseflive, hor ben po1ed1or0HOE F.I o. AOO , . C C II oo '1 suchal iviensand yo ein gion uot h d td_ DITOS.are all call e igtewals of highet a l e l e o t e w l s (f h g e ;'ed uca tio n, an d b y e n terin g th ese S I l 1 V - - walks, the sweet h onI ie, the great ' Theo nbicint inn 11Ii ni'or itheDILY 101 )for bustyworii of Commontllllacti vitos adm,.i' if yuiiwaitto l--thee's o con velar 'i, with)),a reulart deliery befoeisr noo eh ty. Nnfcu, omuuiii' tioiiii, atitthe II~tito at large, are idepriived(Iot need.. to.r other ma Oiitte i n ' oitiw't eon rost be their lest lit's tn itoftlitis. ' +ne o maiedtno the edto eorse r1ptoii. of the dlay Dr. Dase ho w', ideied Lthat treioao 10h111o1n1whichl thaeetut li)'iiuCt to (i))p)> iyliotO li' h, t lehal the LUiversity of Micgltwetestit-- Maucpi'o, malttl s teif t e.n , , t n putlrtictlal'1 i in l 'i hsiih its tl S a csIe e - aian. snbcrtr. )0wilt uon siafaisr I lite aosve etitrk. As Warin'-ts Ieavy-ast alnet lo di'i ilet rp~ inie Ill'r oWoolly fs you iwant the. (le'situ l 15.ii. 1)liay0 pteins' t at tI Students in the War. on wich h y re t aiteimAll over stripes or plain, with is louaii''iisslrThe Alumni Associationi iesires tt " em oble Necks that don't FCx rOTOA'.TfAsss.cllet all the iata possible Conctern- sretc0out 0-eAAI. ug the participation f its i I ad- 4F Another Ainmus Honored. ats andt students, past ad present n h lcto nteDcisouh aewrw th pinnheUi --C m iain U dr er tenisat iv' disrit'tversty is very desirtius that thu ref GYM SUITS C m iain 1'dncr 'ltteslle dstrct y, George ods lbe' a)0neauly estuplete as osotN'iht'(t ttiliWo. K.0 i fb :5 m l 0 Pi. i\e('allitut't L. , wseaas elected to y tile ('vrielCtttoniottiothe ittitit Btil.00tl, Lxandx$4i50. lie stateb iattic) by alhad levndwto h ot iue'Evr ie .uujrts i e 'luitti 1w 15sIquite scapltiif'in for i' ton, prointient in his depatetient swhile ,- 9" here, tingit elcted presiilut f thte Welch H-as Postponed His Lecture. Ulniverit y Ileulicaniilu'lb 1during' lou Herbt'ititWelsh , whoiwsau- 1 his list year. flonced~ to sea':k eftre the Giood Go tven'etitC'itu'bi next Satutrday stud~ent cit overt tentt is utntet- l light haslin pt ol hislic-ure till ne~xt tablushed th .ist thugers All cases fupiuary'owingIt o itnflicting titittes l--- ---- of disoidtr'lii')'ref ered to acnninit egageents, Ittis noit detinitilho' 7 _21 C a ,q tee compsed uentirely o.stdnt, '. owuscliyet whiiiwill lbe the nelxt] '},11)1 the noetioni sitthis Commuliittle 1 peaker o lt'corse, 1)111v'rylile- IlMOPTEMS 115A NMAUACiUciS (0 invariably adoipite hby the lpresidently it wicl be Eugene VlDt'ls. 'te ~ ~At 11 hSCLAPRTS all)1 fitculty.I Peiaties hatve been ate iill be udeiuitely iaiInounieI'l I'L('9IPI. aFnd)PHSICALnAPPRTUSn.[0bom inficted raintg fromiva tixte elri- sion. 1-3' R S O I IDNS ladesatrfo l ama 10and)1to(1litng tern lof suspiensioni, -.._--'~ Sple auln c r"itg. tu injilhury t)1r1)1) Next Sattl dy Michiganti vs. Ilinu _____________ srty, Ttuitils, dishonesty iii exalil- 5115'(or hivI esity' t Delclit. Ve lgarzn sas dlbrtshadOleSnenrad c oc rds -- Fine Confections________ cutting" of Collelge eerel-c, etc. pimollited the fiest ver tirned tS ' Bon Bons and Aaroc*out-xil] be issuei't for thuc'Occasioni ~ -" . Chocolates. A A Ntlk atwView. Ylla iwill do swell to lirder ill adance. -"7 ' 20 AS WSHNTO'SRET A remrkimae tte eentdcll'-'The nlube' is limiite. Distributtitn - 0 ATWSIGO TET Teence of the Method~sist Episcopal iin the bandi~s f F. Stolet, IOpera - ' 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. Church, helti at Nit. Chlelns,by 1r l Iouse News Deptt. Sl on truins, ;.-'-------- _ --- Williamu Daxc, preiinlg ede' of the at depostnorhl field. Saginiaxx'iistrict, to the effect that f You Want Or Biniing, or Pulngs, or anythig i our ine, no matte 'nmore mentelosut at the uniersi- how small or iunov arge, ties exex' year thanu iere sved," REPERTOIRE COMPANY a Job of WE CAN DO IT hals eeni iqutedl widey inl the papercis, Ir -P itng fryu alan e cuitd the lassumptjtionibeig that tile pellk-on'uein tng fryu.alasdetaqtnt. ec lad hutntuind uore especialy theu ATHENS THEATRE, , ,e'flue Ilai Press, The folloxwinug extract fr'onutho r- lin,__4 2m 1 -s siate letter xrittenl isy Dr. Dae to 0'________________________ nlember of te IUiversity faclty, i John L. Sullivan ad Jake Kilain 340 S. STATE L respon~se tonoite oh enqouir'y frsu onite'nio 5) '1 AL A HA _-C 1 th tocshtos hut h lpr n it t5il sigt iii '' iOppIoite' tawBumidig the laterll ow httn m ot fNg n h e ark iwa-, Itisuusertoo r. leIi. f Dawesays: El Captan, Stusa's Comic Opea i Law Book ihersandIm o tr."soth ctintwihyu nTeda(Enng1 -rC interested, I]lull]ot uuttcietty Iave 'os red Wilson's Speechs, asedtdbJas so do not pretendshto instuct yo.1 UNIVERSITY uare for sal' t or branclh store ad we sall be glal to have Bt solue conlsiderble observationi1u1 youi caltutnl exmulie thema. Special Sale oh Erskine li hats led lme to till cohcuslionu that a' ch o f Speeches. KENT'S COMMENTARIES.ll serious 1percentage of younI~g meln aull ,ChnO D ncn wtomend sent to or Univerities areDa cn I Our Branch Here Closes Soon. nts built for. nor are they capable of - appreciatiuug or using to advantage in Granger's Academy. __ _____ alter life, what a university cotrse 12 '® ~t~. contemplates anll saces within their K11t1hone aL,50 ,In Cls Pcu'o reach, and thley too often receive the - -Wtthencoig 011d goig 01 te sans are ten fshios evils rather thanl the benefits of uni- GOPYING and TtESIS WORKI, ilSlus 'rhe Styles o yeserdy ae 0011 (orgotenoto the desire oo versity life, andi are also unfitted, Aiknlo io~iit0o ~ly r~I teI stls fo omow, eesl xooo(oteOs ptdl ios mentally and otherwise, for ocupa Iaslllens. AFanlnTyewieer Innr ant. Iisls(os-row tione of seflnuess to wrhich they 1191 N. Alain; Opera Hose iRRlock. 119iI '8StHOE STORE, A15n Ashiango St,