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November 11, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-11

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VOL. IX, No. 41. ANN ARBOR111(1IC., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1898. Foes PAE.
' i7T I 3 Final InterDepartmsent Debate. The Michigan Book. Illinois Line Up.
~~- -- ~-- -~--~ It has been dehonitely aniounced Thec Mihiga 13o0k just published The DAILYex has received the sfi-
that the flnal inter-deari aeii d- by the Iianid Press seeks to (10 for cial lie up of the Illinois eans
bat io the Cetral D)laig eague mir University what ''Four Years at with their ages, heights al weights,
T T series of prelisiisaries ill be held Yale' los doie for Yale. It enlpla. which is s foloses
Friday' ight Nov. 18. As yet, ho - ejee s pecially te oschelolastic
H FNFALSTNS. Hever, the 1)1ac has not eenti(cer- 'ide of college life. It describes the - - -
coined (u1(0n. Is case snc of the lai rganiiza.tiins, which give iterest too
lecture rooms is iiot avai labhle, (letdei life. Micre thasn(,000 mae- HP4.01
citest will probably be held i New- ticiiltes mlhii iere proisient is °w x
berry Hallcolege iday, or woshave gaiiid dis RIt...F.Lnge r...... 20 5 15
TThe questionl to le debated is the tieioniii in flh- worhd at large ae R T...I Ii cruisk. 20 z 6 170
WE CARRY THlE LARGESTI men itined Ile ct r ueosi.G..Kn ........1 . 2
s11111e thatithas leeiidiccu et is all lC.........ire (((((5u5'55O It (. Ki .1 0 15
A STOCK Atie society preliminariiiy cnitests an n were engircavedl especially for this L G.. .whie....... . 9
the sam111 that ill b deleeed wvit1( i bo ;ad iclude pictures f te L ... lyon......1 1. 10 t69
IN THE CITY Northiiestrn. Resiidred, 't'hatti ciiioleelbii1doigs and o the fratern-i L F . Adi ... ..."p7t 6
Uuiattlssiii 1bi Ia iy iiiiiioe. I lie cimpil ig f this QuI11 St ilmsarth.. '..2 a,7 148
p ireet."' Tileit eriacrily Deti- i tcli iil iiihe L ml aitY is toi h'eciiigratii ..I ..J hstn '05.9 16
U hals drawii 1tle a allrivu e ad tel I iI lie- ~iiii uciliasroairi- ting Sis
i0u E. WASHINGTON ST.I viii iidbeoei lse aliii anil R II .Frnis. .958i 1ii9
LaivTDepartiient tie negatie'fbii-i i i1i. owewI.. i I 15
ishoill reprceettthe foriier are \'.- w i Tofeei k she ieen ots .huhu .......t') , i178
1. airles s ativus Oldiliig. 1- indil wiiii-nii cirnm ii i h)ciii , wicL E..t 0 Ii ii .....1 .0 15
F'. Iigeue llcl ik'iii- Iane. 1 iii ii, ww L iiior50ii uI ni d rLiIaseiof ti- e k.. I i hs......i 0 4,s i l
.' Charles Si sils-,Sig-soeinl San'. iiictliir ile tie lii iandis '-idens
1111ti~cc -iigly li , ~ l Cmi -pci -- 'aor Naitcred Before 11 a War
e++.. .. 4...........*+44 be4 cholen l fiiiIrim 1tee Il e ~i -s- the(leit ii i ryIt . i o ulbtI.. Il nestitgtialiCotiitte.
CT yL trf~I~ll) ailelN ii "ure I,, 3!3 lge (ut uiiaii ie- i ntiti wof se; ii iii et ae pple-ui-ilbifiri-
The S ne. andi her 'i ns.1 iliiiTiihe f'irt i ii. te iii Ifkri,e in-t tri ti N.e' ay
* l giveeuiaccuntof Lte niv, tn*a 'Ioliiet Seittitiee ivil ys
ecptns $ heSntwi lb , 'iii-y aciirprte boh.ut ili i the head-ii file i iiorappaiedein iicivilass
r sllig i'iie ggrahat111oilllls iiei - , b Ilh e tt-ase ereticlen c-t
Siioili no ii i k.i ti irdwinh vert y hal. At itic sec-Ilu l ai 1[II Ile il.i"-I Iull ii ii oitry i hs illl - i
I~ uyred ir e Gaiss- week,olng tothe rmovail'lof thii' rdsliryinhscne, i
oyl- yiiileisiie lipsy s- rettshavi b et achevteddistincetioniiii he i-i fIci Irs not lst the Ciibatitati
*444 ~ i5 t-iitio 1 cent S Lacur frormunbthiise ofdbSates Sinate,1FedIil11Huiiie otgasnedilbIefori'Saitiagii.ls gray
ftesociety, aout ~1 ia - pttetnlivneswh uKCailil seard hila1s flliow' litar11 ~y lit, antd
WIDR PAMAY (i frothie Lw De artenteei a uot e aie cities ci lbeg itloiisig mlutache is I iist(d to a
WILDEs h aterMACYt hswr i. therLw epar tilelitsemer pesitents, judige, emit~eit 1ayier'poinit ous either siue.le (id't
120SauliSi c ieei. jssisn il.hllrela- sillutIi ilihi aid phy ieiaIllSChapters are dniattih ieem toi -tad i a e f the cmiiis-
*+4N..+-.-.-++++**. *** of vacatcies,hosever, swhichwsilbtto ach impllotat diviion15111o (liiivet m
DON 'T FORGET fuie tu ter eciisnti ea iy liesuthias lteay sceties, Dr Nucreil('tii"-iiie- inirelation
fThesouonsrctn tesuieit ipuslitios, studetui c, to cndist~ins iaslie 1had11observel
't'he rsoltioninsrucing Isporlts and gams, acaem isc fatetni. the,-t Caip Alger, Sibstiy and
Hous. Hot and cold lunches pace cos cmmission thiiaio ifd efr the re ties rfessional shiool rteriites Iit11k i soitiiiilcie
at atlhour. Chocolates and Ice tentiisof hn ii of the Philip - tdclc lt asehos i ruiat CutIu hspAleroeasthe ieff
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and phtnes as ntstdisposed of at the last adcolgirastssidrgiomesdeseru(lat Caf
Tobacco, and full lne of Smoking Sup- catro prsadgmsdsre Io bann ae.Ecp
metitluso ihv ob a esp a lelii si ies ~ - ssaoo ae.Ecp
ple. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 15specsolwmehtiaveatoihegtaes i Wr-is reference Itoswater he thougt the
38S.State Street. romthie table sod ftrther cotsiered
308 o. -at te iteetig tetiI~rr~isl.raive formaitacompllee history of ite if CahIll Alger Ia saticaa-ory
-______________________ each football aad baehll gamte sl~lie.H said hu elvr kesw of a
Yell Mastere. played stce te U'iviersity as haul 11111dyi uthill Ustecp-ie ieastio-
Tiliflotin have been apit ss asnte rdeIIttd lillli.quae f nthiavil 1ingLu ahil tett-
'I'lc fllowtigilluiI~tltThe closing chapter is ievoted tarae tui ver 11i11 1xud1 that il his
D rinks. ed yell tiasters for tie Detroit game: Collegiate Sisterhouod." Altogether jadgaentt, the regimenl'aameadical
linalDuiet l~uielac ou J. Pell, L. Elbel, D. Dreiske, M. C. thebo smo iu~uee ler seeci~lellli 1c
Thu eey- - - - - --chchcoae ad, Harttmatn,N. Thompson, 1F. L. Broint, IeCin-d stsatr h
withocete................5 It. C. Beech, R. Page, C. 'Tryion, Fi. Secret Practice. ecilalhtll11clitIlivte
Biet Bouillon wii in scinli thualcan atugF nehrd n . ,Tcare of the woiOICd a fier-cthue-Satiti
aol bc prouced swilSheomnexs- ' ath gIb tieliratd h.'le'V aroty paticeil yesterday aoh-ht
taltetilkisbohmet-nddin. c L. Davis. Others will be appoitnted bhindite clased gtes, andu of the swirk ''teialdhrsuaulrsad
SlotteddMikalboffiaerlsandent forwarda
liltCfeeii Nug, aqik lnch - nn h. ,ce ' ater. the mntagemietitaSted thut they arunier fire", sui-dtu,audIdressed
Wfr il anwo(em'hs.iut ie eisedh etgrealy cencouraged is theiprv- the svounidd auuit, adieuerythig
at the Michiguan Cettral depot a fes enuit sowni.Ntitstuanding thispsie eiiu u iha -sstsln
P UL u iutes before the departere ofthe set ciinditiiiuuoftthe bltlleuullitugIfositleinti clww asdn
train. _________ waCIs jractictally elimuiiatud. All tl the m."___
--A Sad Neglect. meuntihsnla iyedh Weinesday swere Meeting of Philooical Scicett.
N~ew o ae The fact that the gravesie of o ut aat tdslreC itl Te Tu atr i i 11 iti i
oxy on Sale! - the 1presidents lit the repuebhlic is ta-uot ihgan wadsci oitghtiiniteyPhilolog~icalh Sc ilulci I geld Iaih
New Third Edition of dayiiunmarked by eveti so nuchlias a Girusanalctipa itite~a tgutiiiuuuiIi ii-' u
board, although lie hus beets utieer rou n hpahaipgvi ate tehhter of thue ellenig wsurhulProf.
COQOLEY'S the sad fer tmore than 35 years, is, mettbrs of the Bard of Contral Johnt C. Rbolf, pu..id-lhul o f the soci-
CO SIU IN L perhaps, i istaty whill fet-detied any knuisledge (f the tuittr ey i- Te ',ntono ai
hOS IUTO A er when ''Tippecanoue ad'Tyler -Sbstative romiulli hi uli ilulul Ai-
AWtoo'' was so-potent isiuolitical bttle IHeiielberg Uiverity nowiC lau' jictiveS by Ellisis"'' (Ii iir hjwpes
LAW cry. Anii yet it is true that Juhnl classes officily reeogtielfr reg- duherng thulyi-ar iwill bue ruudl y hDrs.
BY ANsREv C. MLAUsmEt, Tyler, the tentutl presuident of the lar practice is fieldl sports. 'The Ileurh, IHeulul, f liii uuu eiacel
A. M., LL. 5.,p Professoir oc An. History, Utnited States, sleeps wsithout a monuiti- imovemencitwssa tud iiorier to re Builtladau1es
Univesityat Miehigan. tmctiC to mark his last restitg lace iii duce the frequetcy of stud~et duls. --- --- -
Hollysvood cemetery, Richmiond. --______--1901 Class Caaes Here.
Cloth Binding ..............$2 50 Ilinissakigret_______fie
Full__Law__Sheep__...........is.is.ii...itg3gr0lutPrendur.class1011 cats aIuii l ed ye-
Full aw Seep.........3.(1 Iebster Society will itet totighitlias for this game with Mchigai at tirduy tand ae-,aih undimore ranua was
in Rootm 24, Uniiversity Hall. Judge Detroit oti this 12th, and it is expected expecte. AI lihoihil res desiring
V.H. Lane swih address the society. that ftlly ODD persns will accon. temcal etit eiesaue of Mr. F. F.
W athr's Bookstore All are invited. pny the team to root. Fredlund~, 308 Thomphsot street.

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