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November 09, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-09

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Htasreceived anewosnd servceable
linecof Goods for

Recently Received
The Philippine Islands,
byDean C. Worceter
Hope the Hermit,
by Edna Lyal

To close out odd sizes.

334 S. STATE STREETettoWohosi.
Agency for the Celebroted Looigley P Slot.
tottooOoiarOttcis to oooodo-214 Ease Washington St., near nth Ave,

The Castle Inn, lined.______________________________
by Stasley'J. Wettoan WJ.Bol0Tuo, PICS."
Afterwards, - y ttot o y W*. V.NOooD, td ice-re CR j
The Day's Work, t~U ~ Y ~ 1 Joos. . L'!,,oAsst.siert\StIVYINSGt8
Reos Corners, KlIN
TaieTlso ui, by Xerriioot Telephone 106. 5 15 E. Liberty St. TateTlso Prd~ alIicetrFr.yLansacts ageneral
Buccaneers and Pirates of or Coasts, FIE CAHSA-)C PE O PIT s luktgloies
by StoctotnttFIRST NATIONAL BANK of Abs.e~86
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, - e" Capi I f' ' ( jitatl, 105,tOO iSutpttttt ttd Pi~5ts, i40,0 O yJrm .d om rmc eerlb n5nrlnirs oeg
The Californians, hy rottMi'StoFORU ILIEL) I6I ' e otltot and Sl-tllttottlt lettero
iby Gtertoode Athtncdit
Cyrano De Bergerac, We cull attetiionto our conmplete line of (etter lraftitNickel Plated Lamtps, E. D. (INNEPto At" itiNetli 1
hy Edototooit io'ottrangitig intprice from Ctot he li t dltacit l'LIese I onips are of lhe lest sitnd. N Vite-rey
The Gospel of Freedom, mit ostitroved patternts aid takis. Inch ditty "'lit' New (,oclester," 44'Ihe s. c. CLAtitSON Citozc hier.it'ee
The Loves of the Lady Arabella, Littip" If you wcant the test Lamnp fr te Loosof . tltotty comte and see us.
it. MElliot Sewelli;Old Num-ber: ~~isiots~tiiiisoai'ii~
D A Long Drawnt, . t, 44 toO. HAIN ST.,'L E "' 0 fotdioo Ott
Ponr Human'ss11Natre, ANN ARBOR, MICH. I , Ot.lt 000.Ott i

Ave Romsa Immortalis,

"El Capitan" at the Athens. Ain Arbor Railroad Connections.

C<Ipilrtl,!50,(tt?0. u1j>Ilss, 3fJOfo, ]'1atlact5 7
+.;eT1C :'211 6,111 ilit S} f)11 771 e>"^ .
K1, 1I 1, F, Pros. C. S.+'. G RE EN E, V!GC-PreS
Flo-:1). 11. I;t 1 c x C- 1 411ier.


The Batitle of the Strong, i 't''t oiic' itli iuX lu l ti t to
Ily tGilbert 'ttt P atI apl i,'' ipvSousa ad Kt i, w~il'' cttoollO' ~'c i tol' tt11t, itt i iiip s Th finn Arber Savilq FdeR
HI'_fN 'A liR ( Le ve i11Arb r.I tcools. 00, ,00 .to ,1,5 .
hyTit b(tt otin t t:5c,00,;site O25o. Visilot'ting Tard s olt, o'.I. Si' ll ii 7:'t a.cisc .AttivAt lit - ......240) p1 t ti . tertlt'1 ' oooul tttsl '1ito Lti-s
t 1101 111 )'r li N e a. tlic11 S pr _ 7:5t.tS .. r i' S +,i. .....tto to o f ti t ,(-itt ettsd p stN 3 a t el
~ . t Iot ti ' 7ai05 ca,72 to...A ie N oof ll :8p r. '1 lttp it o.to riti-ot, oii';5
S [E ti & )L. Itt 1 ites, tntodnc(to an al'7tU I l... Artiv'Bufflio. .:0D n Derr,: 10 tl tilrrl e.; .1.Hr
thSJtOC OSS 0.15 e lebdittgc tieliit wtillb o- ts 70025 I1 .At 0101' tnioisJFitAr in :slir
ciiHhetttlio'tl7125 a. l.. \rietcisille1....... &:SPENCER,
tititu ry, oecIliat. til ets tall i-thE, I t:5 . i.:...Aniccva~ortou1'a.i ..2:5 no
7}11' ItiT B OK E LE S It su stitlStti ts' iilttptbilitant 5 i t u,2ita it....irrivei' i io.. .rT III.IM
1155a n1i ..Arrivet' lny otr... I05mi.to.
penie' acc' s ori est'imm' l beotil i liilied,1511:2 pa ii..A'riveii' delphitutu" 35s pit. i
It is aid b the etrosoltta pres 11:5 a ip .aroriv "Lt.' i'uthos... .5p 1 I
that E lCas t in"ea ns i bight 8: 9 p. Itlot Arl iv ' i.iti.... "5IIl
Li eratdi mloitdoitt8iesa 4 0p ni mu.Arriver roadIaltl'6 . itO 5cy G rocer
ig telotdies ol the score of this note 4:5e pis ... rive Bayitty ... 8:3 ip. We keep everytin~g usually kept in a
S o45Ut..ArveLnigI...7:PL Naouis operad deserve thiose graceuS 4:56p. l..Atrriverandais... 9:5 p.titlorst-class GoeyadBkr.Cl
tributes is Itey weere evitlved by 4:5e p. i.o. Arrive Flit......t...:30p. si. and se us.
(Students' Lecture Association.) Itit.Ienminent musician JotbnPitilip LoT lakmd hieitilt 18 .SAES.
jis l t id r s , ot t l t Sou toocaoltise td eligh tful com pos itios L O T . B l ckO Udw h te ng is 3 1 S iS A T E r YS T C ul
Tickets for the enttre cioirse sie artist,c il l appear imnte prot-dlStbuiling 'mnd receive rewvard. 'c.o~ abrS~i~ao5
and at Gotodyear's, itn Main St., or viule, Edwmartd 'Wilkes, Maiieliite Mtimdtlinis Baitjeauimnd Gmitar. Sue-
they mayi be had from studeitt solic- Lack, Krate Michelena, Nera Rlosa, censor (is Mel Gillespie. Sltiot with RAZOR HONING
itors. Time price is only $2.00. Johii Dumsmmimre, Hurry Carler, Karl Anmmi Arbott Music Cot. Maindolin Or- IS A SCIENCE .
Geimera0loce i el slctdAgeitcy for Detroit, Cii-ARNTl ABR
13O UR K E COOKR AN aind time opeira miii he giveila rea'cagot, Newe York aimd Toiledlo papers THE MODEL of State Street
productioii.-at 121 N. Main St., Opera House is DluNN & ELY':
For 20ctas________ Newrs Depot. BARBER SHOP If you desire
The nterOcen, ladig Chcag Burau r La Wahln oll D.frst-class work and courteous treatment
Tim ImiecOcenleaiit Ciicget BtueaummJaa, 'asiitgoiD try George and Hatrry at 332 S. State St.
IN N ES' BA ND1 dailiy, is laidied by F. Stitfilet, C. Iitfitrmmatiiii pertaiinmg toi time_____
For 20 cis~, or Opera houmse News Depott. 'triamiLaws of te Umiltd States, of the EmOH f tTD ~ balmer and
subscription, dlaily oily, delivered at steveral staties itu territ'rues mof te ENCH IELLt, iuneral Direoctor.
it NimAR N osm, $1.50 for 3 imos., payable in Uinite'd Sttes, itf Fiureigim Coumtries ColstmddOyo yti
aA v i ~ mdvaice.furiishietd mpomi alollicaiii. No. mem E. Lbertytrten.ttesidence 53

For 20 cta.
Time dates for the above woilS soon


be made public. Watcb time Bulletiii
Boards. Derby Ribbed -_=D }jo
Fleece Lined UNDL/RLJY ALR I 0C
T Combi$atQoQ Cut lFull. - j
Underwea'Well Made. ' '.STAT sT.
S. L. A.123 S. MAN ST. WA!! GNER c.CO0

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