4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W ATERM -Nr o6 S. MAIN ST., and WATERMAN'SW.,W WETMORE, 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Willijam St., CARRI ES IDEAL UNIVERSITY 1JEXIT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, F:OLUNTAIi\ Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Has receiveeta new and serviceable line ef Gentls fee TROUSERINO. feet of Workmtanship. rS=AI AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 21Etast Washingeton St., near stn Ave. IrIN MAKES ITS MARK M0LMES' LIVERY, All around the world. Telephone 106. 5 15 E. Liberty St. evss uaou . aCf11 11 4VU w . uca.i v a is "vs W.J. BncnjPn"en W.Antanen, Ist Vice-pres J. V. SnEnEN, 2d Vice-pey JONt. C. WALTZ, Asst. Cashier STfITh SA1VINGS BR1NK FIE C A HE N ~ TPE O PARTIES. L'ratisacts a general FINE CO CHES ANTI COU ES F R Baking Business. Every Onse Warranted for-- ____-= --- FieYas--fA O~f ~ T FIRST NATIONAL BANK of AnnArbor~ FieersL A A F STIVDIgaizd183 N S Captalni, ces Scrlseacd Peofits, F40,000 'rrenscten genetebnking busnessc. Foei-gn J~oi' b dceveu b fkesinsWe call attetntion to our complete line of (.enter Drft Nickel lsted Lamps, e-ccifceo boEe g and ,odl. F ,ceizh leers of Don' be eceved y fke sgnsrangineg in price from 75eclee $2.50 each. These Lanmps are of the latest and creit soil advertiseiients offeritig the Wat- moest improved patternis and makes. Inclueding "'Thle New lloe'hester," "The E .vu. INvNEt'cre. 11A51555~INVie.t. erni Pets frott $1.01) up, as there is Yale," "The Rotyal,"'"The Blerlini Studeint Lamp," "'the Ferfectiocn Student S. W. e-LAeKNc Icenie. rio Watertanatin di niaade at that price. Lamp' If you want the best Lamp foer the Lease tloney estee aced see us- 'We have thne se-called Waterntan ldNmbr Pein, whiich is extetnsively advertiscdj 44 SO. MAIN ST.,D EC O j1tlIAkh il1 k a11( shich leads the unisuspccltig AN N ARBOR, MICH. A N e puiblic, tenbelieve that thcy arc gettinig -'o( St cen d tr toec cts.l thne WVatermn eltnttis remtarka. bly loewjprice. At any titne lprospect. ive peenbueyrs have a few meottent, leisure' we will gladly show tinemintie swinidle that is bencg peretrate(' upots tine pubelic. SHi[EftIN & 6GO. Ulniversity Booiksellers, Stationers, antd Etngravers, 120 S. Statte St., Alin Arbor, Mich.n Sb. lA. (Students' Lecture Association.) Tickets for the entire course are now on sale at Wilder's, on State St., and at Goodyear's, on Main St., oe they may be had from studeint solic- itors. 'The price is only $2.00. Think of hearing 13OURKE COCKRAN For 20 cts,, INNES' BAND For 20 cta., or "IAN MACLAREN" For 20 cts. The dates for the above will soor. be nmade public. 'Watch the Bulletin Boards. SUL All 1- A Secere joke. Ann Arbor Railroad Conniectiocts. A. a inther severe' ok~e wansplay eeld neteAceAn-en>lnhei s nipon 1a5feelllle 4f eno-edisnonnlelay nst n-ate connec't fort- iiipon'it po bllins cn e'e'l. Somieblodly sintuhlemn tcin- belew. Cvitnetioni to ee nclreent nit nireenpnionn LeneveAnin Atrlonr. te e e iveeeannthlie hinene of l'resient 725a.-m..Areiv-e' Chil o.... n. p asnni iMrs. Angell ley tine «\Vnnnn's -,5a to. Arrive StOt'd...6 2 .ni. 7,25 a. n... Arive City.ici1ni. n,. Auexliaery. At tineteime' set tine' 7 e5a. s.. Arrie C 'eluencs.. Ocl:15p. no. 7:9) a. n c...eA en- 4 N41 vaon"al'liy..6'8s . n Syoueeng les ree s eed thenelves it 7 e5a.to ..Annivei iteno.7:0pin line doeor of tine executive tenion7 25 a. n,..Ace-tee e'inntl,n 4ti. >s0p prepared to e'njoey ana iceevenentgs5 27 .nt....Arnie -L~oisville,..710 pm The 1725 a. dee .Are-ci-ve Fonan e...2.3 o e party. 'T'e expanains nhtefci,125ain rvencnt.. .7F0.i. leoeed di1dtnot itlereanse'their ale 11:25a.tn .Arieevelnd. _5 .j pleativeteess of lractecal jokes. en-1es5-aennS.ene-crri elenmoeec..205pin t1 .i-n...c Arnie-ve iadeelphia.. 4:n5 penn Tinees.112n. itn..e.Arerice Cen'ineneeeeea-555 p.en t:25a. n..Arrie Dabytoen.....e6:10p. n.1 General 8:4l p.en..Se-Arice C'iennaecn-ccc6:5 a. en. i geteeral Agetecy for Dettoit, Cll.8:405ten.... Arrive Celnl,enc-e-'cee 50aten. cage, New York ated Teledo pnapers 8:40cp.to Arrie-i aaaa tlila. 48 dte. at ' 121 N. Main St., Olpera Huse 8:4' 1 n. Arrive Laneg 10:50 a. en. 'Nears Depot. 8 43an.. Arrive Gand Reeapd.. 255noon 4:56s.-. Are-tee Bay Cicy. .:31pe ne. G. G. Steel is proeprietor of a sce n..e.-SArrive Lansing .. .750s. tee 4:5n p. n.. ArriveGe-snd Rapids...9:55 p. mn. clotintg establishmtent at St. John's, 4:56 p. sn...Ar-ire Fint-......7:30p.n. Mich.LOST-Black atnd white English The Inter Oceans, leading Chicago setter bitfchputp, blaek ears atnd speot daily, is hiatidled by F. Stofflet, ota hip. Leave with Jateitor of Medic- Opera House News Depot. T'rial al building and receive reaward. satbscription, daily only, delivered at Chas. F. Steitebaur, teacher of 11e0011, $1.50 foer 3 reos., payable in Mattdolitn, Banjeau ated Guitar. Sate- advatnce. cessor to Mel Gillespie. Stttdio with Ann Arbor Music Co. Mandolin Or. The Goodyear Drug Co. wishes to chestra Music furnisleed. 39 imapress u1p(on every student the ftact TheFePrsteod elae that they carry thee largest littecef TeFe rsteodrlal stutenets Suplies atnd also 111af they and leading State and Sporting paper are NEVER UNDERSOLD. is handled by F. Stofhiet, Opera Houtse 20 n-6 w. News Depot. Call ated subscrihee. _______________ Good delivery guarateteed. Thee Waldoe banjoe has a musical Butreau or .uav, 'Wasleingiota, D.. tene. They are an imprenvemnett0ot C. Informatiotn pertaitniteg to the thee fateous eehdhDebsotn for qtaality. Laws of the United Stales, of the Have as tmeuth voleeme as thee Fair- oeverah shates and territnorhes of fle ntks or Stuart. Attn Arbor Music Uteited States, of Feereigtn Coutrties Co. f'artnished utpon applicatieet. ESALIHD1858. ntc-ie- '., . O~.e'n,'nic1F kcnen.)'1till -neoec s. ile flunn Mror Savings ank l nni nee eeen elBnneing Lawn efliieSlae. RSi-- e-U dep osit n t e sll necagen- e n,- nc l n itiesfcthe Seinted Stante.Denftcse d ln,n olrietiiain Saftc epno si bc e st re- maVce-re . C teiEn n. t'ce;W Dtasie;-M- L AM11B & SPENCER, . THE . Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a firet-class Grocery and B3akery. Call and sesue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of i1.-Barber Slaop aned Bath Itoi~s. J. R. TRJNOWSnnssn, Fe-np. 3n22 S. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE.. WeGbanten One-Wee-k. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BARER HOPis Thosc & EcLv'- BARER HOP If ye-u desire first-clase work and coutteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 i. State St. Emalmner and Cails nttended Day sor Night. Nn. 16t E. Liberty Stee. Residene W558 Foaurte Sve, IPcone 115. 'STATE ST. i We sold YOUR GRANDFATHER goods when he went to school here. i .