THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM UITS ND OUTFITS. 1T S. MAIN ST. Students' Laundry Association Wmo. YOUGH T-Win. t. FOX, agents tor THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of IDETROIT The hotesti geade lsandry to the SMote. The only machine dotmestc finish in thte Wet. Gtove finish alsongiven. All work promtloy, -neatty and carefully done. 2028S. Stole st. Residence GtO Lawrenceest. New State Phone. 44. CRET AND STYLISH TAILORING. We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and eqluatl any inth ie State. W5,e respectfully solicit your valued patronage. All gatrten ts made by us kept pressed and in repair for otte year. to0; E. Huron. New State Phoane 43. MIlusic Studio Piano, Pipe Orgar) ned Corgpontion R. 1H. KKIMPF Frotm StuttgartiCouseretoroy, Germanny. 012 S.Dvsiotn St. Corgcert PianesTunirgg MILLARD THE PRINTER Ann Arbor, Mich. MIfIIfN GENITfIL "The Niagara Folio Route." CENTRIAL. 5T3Ntlhilt) TIME. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1095. Mailtand Enpres. .......3 07 Pa'. t N Y & BotntSpecialt..0......05 Fast Eastern ..............0 03" Atan itt'Enprenso............05 A. M. nenesa Ntobt inxpressn..........155 Grand Rapidsn Exprenn ..........i1S1 Mlailt& Ene'..............9 18A. Bosont. N. Y. &Chicaogo ........813" Fant Western Enprens........ t 38 P -1I. OttR &tKal. Enoress..........5045 (hteago Nig,)ht tExpress........ 9 03 ?Paciic Enprens.............1 30 A. SM. 0. NV RtJGi~t,1, H. W. H AYE 4, G. P. & T. Ag't. ('ieags. Ag't Ann Arbor r' TIME TABLE Taking Effet, Oct. 2, 0890. Traittae Ann Arbor by Centrat Stand- ed rime. NOR1TH SOUTH 0:03 A. t. 011:23 A. M. #a12:40e. N1. 11:25 A.ltM. 4:56 I. 0M. 8:40 o. t19:05 A. M. t___ 6:2i 1'. 0. *Run betwenn Ann Arbor andc Totetdo sniy. i These traitn on Sunday onty and run be- tween Toledo and Htowellt. All other tran tinily except Sunday. E. S. GOREtti Agent. tt. W. BENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quartet after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. in. and np to 11:15 p. mo. For Ypsilanti at a quarter befotre the boor op to 12:45 a. m. Cars leave corner Huron and Main Sts. Tickets on sale at Birown's t)rtig Store. CALENDAR. Saturday, Nov. 12-Hont. Herbert Welch itt Good Govertnttent Citib Lectutre Course. Satutrdayv, Nov. 12-Michigan vs. Illinois Unilveroity at Detroiit. Satturday, Nov. 19-Gen.o John B. Goridotn, itt S. L. A. c'ourse. Satutrdaiy, Nov. 19-Michigant vs. Belitit. 'Thuirsdaty, Nov. 24-Mictigato vs. Chicago, at Chicago. Hickok to Coach Northwestern. Orval Hickok, Yale'o fanious guard, wtill coacht Northowestern dor- ing the cotntg week. Hlickok is a warmn friend of Coach Battnard and it is through this frietidohip for the old Patincetcon player that he has been itndutced to take the job, and impart somte of his eastertn craft to Nothwsestern's central fortmatiotn. Hickok swatelted thie gatne last Satutriday anid in speakitng of theo xx tt[noIAtoy inn tiitrin 0,tM ottaI Debaing reliinares. Northwsestern 's repeated defenste Debatng Prliminries. play whient the ball weas ttpon her 5- Intthie delete list niiglt betsween yard litieseas ts brilliantt as anty that the Alphla Nitattid Adeipli Siocieties lie tad ever seen itn a gridiron cast. the debatlers wsere L. Youniig, W. B. Harristn andti L. Van Hook for the Prof. H. C. Adams on Entforcement Aihelpili, anti E. Rhteitifrati, A. R. of Liquor Laws. Wisrtil ittd (G. A. Oliitger for the Alpha Ntt. W. B. Hatrrinson re. Prof. 11. C. Adttmos, int address. is.iveil first pitie, E. Riteitifrank itig his class itt polittittl economy,, secontd. sitd G. A. Ouilitiger tliirid. taidtha ltt in his opinion thte liqutor These Itree swill mleet the swiniters ~ittlaws couild tiot be enfiirced ttntil the tottighit's conttest iti the finlidbat. couts (ecide to accept presunmptive Tioighit the Laws Departmetnt fitial evidence againtst saloonkeepers. Prof. will be held betsveetn the Weboter Adamtis attributed the osteeessful 010- tand ,Jeffersoniiatn Societies. Messrs., eratioit of the presetnt factory lasws tio Kingsley, Simtons and Eaant will the fact that *itteases of violation of represent the Webstetr, attilStinger, factiiry haws the coits adtnit pre- Cole ittd,,vanttoit Jelferotiati. sunijtive eviidence. Chicago's Poor Showing. Prof. R. M. Wenley last tnight tie. livered a very ititeresting lectitre ott Chicago's shoswing against Pitrdute ,Rlobert Burns'' before the Unity suns poor, attd thi suspporters cif thte Clttb. iiarooins are gettitig apprehensive of thte gatme sithi Wiscionsin ntext Statur- A. G. Rositseau is studlyittg laint day. Thththe mtaroon teattitis nt hanitfeicsat his homae itt Peorias, ill. ini goodi coniditioti is appiaretnt. Clarke's withtdrawval frsmtnhie teatitl Dress Repairing dstie at 4t2 E. Sis dlisoirgtized the wsrk of the Hutron. 41 backs atnd his aggressive playinigswill Have ysit seen thtetiesw two slop, lie missed. There is a glsseiig Os- _The Grillitst? Priee 22c. Its a pliintat the menc are gettitig stale, ssinnter. Get it at thte Mttsic Co.'s bitt Stagg refuses tti admoit this. Store, Wtsshinigtsn St. l nentschler, tbe IlkhotogaPber. 110rp--l 1nterrcnIlfiniatfi Bureau o1f RGadCMIG £OtUrMC. THE GREAT MOANDOLI AaTIST, Mr. W. Eugene Page, Uscs the Joseph Sohmann And alo te Washburn Instruments, 'rhey ae foe sle at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. D. M. MARIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance nght and day. Re- idence 302 Fifth Ave. ------ -lrm -aiocksr! Win. AnoldJeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLES 338 So. Sain Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Pione 11, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The Nmete CnGuarantee. FOOT BALL SUPPLIES Otticlotfttiies to tttth leaudingoc ilegs'. scot and ahlt i ltet Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Feot Ball 3tseecltsvelyheYale i'incet,ne, inarr Pensyvaia. Coelltttod " lot ter coading olleges tednieesttitc. Iiatagers holit write o picen aenarotitlen beoeeetteitg eteitere. Spadigo mOltial foot Bali Guide, $ ditd ho ater Cmp. IReeord. polto rpis of eding it tn. 501891 tle, tth in denand epantorynesto. ZA. . SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chcagn Floc's bLau11ty Amulc At News1 Stand 607 E. William St. Give me '0 triat. Frt cas work and protmpt servtce. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State St., -Binds BoksfoeI5cnand upward, and ele A. A. Waterman Founatain Penn for$.00 and up. I All Linen Paper4 bs for 50c. Ftnest Stttoney in the cty at lowet pelte. JO STORE. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Caps, Gowne, sod Hoods msde to order and rented. Also Chast W antd=3StudntsCames, Class Hots and Capo, Chaos College Pins. Address To slici osbceipionsto ts W. C. KERtN, Weseern MOngr., To slici subcrition to helaskelt lliseom, Univ. or Chicago. Chicago [Reco rd '- ADLL A L s'~K~EBE Otteppo sntytsm010entney.119 Went Washington Street Q. aM. STEPHoENS, 1'aaL.a. State Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 105. Ann Arbor, WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRL