4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATE~ AN oIt Will Pay You WA1E MAN' ~ -To take a look at our TIE 25#! ' WINDOW. All the new shapes and colorings in Fall IDEALand Winter Neck Dreaainga :...__-_ ............... :At 50c-1-2 Dollar. FO N"N . . D. A. TINKER & SON, 334 S. STATE STREET. CamlteaAssoetnment at no'aa~ce. Agency for the Celebrated Langley $3 Hat. PEN We nell the Beat One Dollar Glove in the city-Silk Lined or Unlined. MAKES ITS MARK HIOLMES'9 LIVERY, All around the world. -Telephone i06. 5 15 E. Liberty St. Every One Warranted for FINe-E COACHES AND) COUPES FOR PARTIES. JOS. W. KOLLAUF,, M7FHUOR7 Hoo received a new and servilceable line of goods far TROUSERING. Best of Workmnshipt. 214 East WashinagtonaSt., near ash Ave. W. J.BOT,FPRES. S flZL W. AHNOLe, lot Vie-pares J.V.aSEEANn2s t Ci SAVINeS JOHa. C. WALTZ, Asst.Cashier SAVINGS BRINK Tranaacta a general. :Banking Business. GRineT IIATInIIAI QAAIV af Ann Arbor, Five Years. riimnA IMIML DARKI~ organized 18e3 SCapitaloiso0toil. Surplus ad Profies, -40,f5 LA M P S .0 OR S T U D E NreSc aclabagenealblnking bieee. Foreign Dont b deeied y L M P ~ ~ T U D N T exchang noghlandsold. Furnaishlettaera of Don'tbe dceivd byfake signscrdt and advertiseolento offering the WVat- We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Dralt Nickel Plated Lamps, iE. u. 1KINNE,Prect. HARI1SOsul. erman Pen from $1.00 np, as there is ranging in price fromns f5c to X2.510 each. Tliese Lanmps are of the lateot and a .(ASiOI caabt l . no Watermlan Pen madic at that price, os improved patternls and mtakes. Inclitding "lThe New l of hester," "The __ We hae til so-clled aterlanLm "'The Royal," "The Iterlin :studelnt Lamp,""1tThe P erfection Student Pen hc extesivalelyd trad m If yoo want the heat Lamp for the L ept Masiey cocne ad see us. and which leada tile unsuspecting Old Number: D E A N c aanloatce public to believe thlat thley are getting 4SOA N RBO, MICH.an urn tees the Waterman Ideal at tis relaarka- genMI S. i ~u ' * lttt5tteral banktting.tus iancat bly low price. At any tinme prospect- jRIiizna-Prs. C b.aGtaNE, Vie-Pres. ive pena huyerosiaave a fewc mometats High School Beats Jackson High. blie Oralorical As. oelattttl of thae Fnctit H.ttta~ cae.te liuewe will gladly ohow themilthe, AlnArbtr Higha wonlfrttmttJact- Ca-ret a- ~atct i's011 swilldle thlat is beilngperpectratetlI son Highl Saturdasy 1-2 tt 5 i a clt ery ID. Estabarottk andti (eorge R. The Run flror Savinqs Pankl upon thae ipablic. and, lardctfoulghtt game. Thte groutndti1 eek, if Clticeago. tile associatiton tCataltettcck. --.0.St 'n,t$30t00.~l enr laay511 c s 1111 ~ ltertinstoa few celehrities cvtery Rthact, C" i1,,0. fubin a cmon uingtte year. lilt previoulsly enlcctllillell tcrgatieiudrtoil etal Bcataking Late-c tOS CtlClhatunceyllg o tisi"Statce.lReciveccdeposits. ,tisadslsicue'.DB)wM1,eca nti 60JiJ, rst laalf Atnn Arbttr had averitiill Inllttc ilalcy .Dpt ,pl.citae r ncipe-l Icitiecaofthe1ccUnited! +1 mlog Il~iIld RhleatBttoker T. Wacllingtltn antid t .nrceact.dIlecIto Icaicaot Is o0n013ytdYaa to ouh-''Saetiy ideposit bs to treal. University Btaoksellers, Stationers, downs, Sims kickinlg golal eaIchim oe. Joe Jeffersont. OFCR:CrsinMcPe. .DHr ,____n______ oatn, Vice-IScec.; Chat . B. iecoca, Cashie; MS sold Engravers, 1a til eoceond haalf thng haiaged .J. Frito, A-sictit Cashier. sad Jackson carried tile ball downIl Los T. -Corner 'Washaingtlon anld i _ -- 3205S. State St.. AnanoArbsor, Miclo. the field for a ttttchdna, failinlg Ingalls. Open flace, screws frtont -goal haoweever. Altlllugll thae ball Elgini watch, with gttldl chainl, golt LAM P N Iwas in Ann Arboros territory all that stonle charm. Reward, 421 llontp- A B S E I half one touchadown was all Jackoon soil. 37..THlE A could iake. W h aeeler and W h ayte L osT- B lack and w hite E iiglish i -. ft Jones and Taylor for Jackson. This on hip. Leave with Jaiaitoiriif Medic- Em U ~places Ann Arbor in the lead for al building and receive rewvard. F nc ~ o * ~ the slate high school chanmpionshiip. Chas. F. Steinbaur, teacher of We keep everything usually kept in a L l +I Manidotlin, Banican and Guitar. Sue- ir,-l tnTassGoeraend lniorv Call (Studenta' Lecture Association.) tures of the approaching Y. l. C. A. fair will be the evening in practical electricity to be given under the direction of Prof. Ii. S. Carhart, of Tickets for the entire couiroe are the University. The science of now on sale at Wilder's, on State St., electricity is soniething that roost and at Goodyear's, on Main St., or people know very little aboot. In they may be had from student solic- the bands of the expert it is the yeni- itors. Thec price is silly $2.00. table nm~gician's wand tipping all Think of hearing that he touches with gold, and boar- vellous ino the giant labors it willinig- BOURK OOCK AN ly performs at the beck of the master. BO UR KE COC KR AN Pof. Carhart's entertainment will be For 20 ctsa., a novel one.-Times. a On Monday evoning, Nisv. 7, the I N NES'. BA ND University School of Dancing will For 20 cts~, or open an advanced class. Admission for a single evening will he 50 ceiits "IA N M A CLA R EN " I be i sued for $4.t ortetemwl censor tio Mel Gillespie. Stodio with Ann Arbor Music Co. Mandolin Or. chestra Music furnished. 39 The Inter Ocean, leadinag Chicago daily, is handled by F. Stofflet, Opera Hocose News Depot. Trial subscription, daily only, delivered at noon, $1.50 for 3 mos., payable in advance. Bureau ot uaw, Washington, D. C. Information pertaining to the Laws of the United States, of the several states and territories of the United States, of Foreign Countries furnished upon application. The Goodyear Drug Co. wishes to imopress upon every student the fact that they carry the largest line of studenats Supplies and aloo that they are NEVER UNDERSOLD. 20 in-6 w. and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of Mi. Bareber Shop anBiilath Itoomos. J..- TOANWmSowa. Prop. 32 5. State 9t RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. WcGuaantte Oar Wart. __ WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State :!)lrret BARBE SHOPis DUNNs & EiY't. BAR ER HOP If yr-u desire first-class work and courteous treat mint try George and Harry at 3:32 S State St. ENOCH DIETERLk, H r l ieco. Calls attended Day or Sight. No. 111 E. Liberty Streetescidtence sail 5 Fenue-b Ave, iboneis. STATIST. For 20 cta. The dates for the above wili soon be made public. Watch the Bulletin TWO LEADERS FOR FROSTY WEATHER. Boards. A- Derby Ribbed U DER' A 0 Fleece LinedUN EW A 50 'Combination j 1 0 Cut Full. Underwear NE. Well Made. 123 S. MAIN ST. WAGNERc &. O.