.I'HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3. THE UiVERSTY OFMICHIAN DALY. GOLF SHO WL UOODSPEED'5 P -~~~~~~I 9 S.oei7oMAINoeolooST.~I Students' Laundry Association THE ORIGINAL Students ! Students! THE GREAT MAND)OLIN ARTIST, 'Wio. VOUOGIIT-Wot. R. FOX, agents or fissatotisfied with oyour tooootoy service comeot to u e eP.ge h H RADLUDY o ERI "ho heat high grado laundrty to the StatI te. heEXCELSICOR LtUNDRYtUestoh ty mtacthine domestic finisth titthe Wet. LAUNDRYohan (tote fiih als ogie. All work ptompttly, A.F.tOVEIRTPo p.1,0209.Waslhi JsehSoh an . e atol d c otrlydone. Tleot netoNo. ittt2itoge Atndtalsottte toc tol2S. State t. Residetc 610Laworence s.McletWokadQikSr1c urned New State Phtone.4. -W s b r O e--- d_ Ii yaefr aea h - --__= - - -= .ALA>Efl 1CLOCKS, 4IA1.0 ARE NOW ONSALEdAT U. Or M. PINS, i5O Cents. SHAEBEB LE MUSIC STORE PmeOggadCu.peoto 114 Nest Ltberty Street, Ann Arbor, FieW tc oeairtong a Steciltyl R. H. KEMuttgaBROWN'SeDRUGoSTOREe101n00 J. L. CHAPMIAN 0. M MART1IN. 12S. Dietsiotat.i Cergoert Plato TonoggFRESH EVERY WEEK. 006 lote NoMio 01eetFUNERAL I~~IIL~~hARD CALENDAR. atnd oitot gwiltswere'ttaoleeie DIRCTO Emholming a opecialty. No. 200 Fourth T1IE Motnday, Nov. 7-Prof. Wenoley ottlatrgerY tot the itidividulwoork of leer Ave. Amobulaoce nighlt and day. itee- PIUINTER "'Roobert BIots" ini Untity Cluth Eec- two htalfbtacks. idence 302 Fifth Ate. iloe freshmtetn kicked off ini the -- Aeiboe, Mott. tore Course. first tol'fhbut wtere oon01111111Alm uc Saturdaty.'Nov. 12-Rll. erbert 0i l tlll~ MIGH1I N "[NI RhL Wlhiii Cood Governtiment Ciub for dlotoltt.Almatoworkeol the buoli etr ore bc ot h rshln: 0yr I 11Il1lOK TheNiaar FalsRoue.lite, hlert it wetrotover ott. ltidow s. NiaartFlrdRote", ~Nott. 12-Ziiliigait vs. oTotet the freshmioentbrateetuin lt ptlD rCENTIIAs. STANDARtDitTIMEi. Illinoiso Ctiveroityo it Detrotit. their platyitng andolputoiedl the hallA t edn TnhgEfc utr 88 audr 1-Ge 0oh B oootlthoe ioldtinittme tosIxl H01foover !Jeweler T~cEtort h AS.T u. tiotro, ntLv. 1 ciirs. it1.overhefore till hal f wtastil. In the _ewe-e ooail and apo Gt.r...o......i..... .. 4. .otf.tror. '.ot tootsiltonecia........7>soi. Stutrdoay, Nov. 19-Miticlloiot vs. secsod hltif otuible gaiveAlmia the G T.Y U .,0 Eoasterot..... ....... . . 01 a3l" IBelooit. tie botl teatohotfreslotooot's goli toiGEnd' Atlooti etotE . .eeo... .......5 45X14 hursayNov. 24-M-oicioanov. (they1111111scooreod totouochdoownrt i n ue v )trt =h1x55H eaodiootooRotet 1110 Clict'oo at Choicagot. buckinog. Welles otisseol goolla11101 f Mil & o Romeo.. ...0 109. A ArLhenAlmai's last chlioce too cccii tliescoore It l6t Wtoo ern . Exprets5101W3i. w1001lost, for lte bll a s11 11 hir tern. AT o'iz el h1(1 ie5 ::::::::::45 0The All-Freshmetoeam Sttolaved oits toorlo durilig the rcot ofthlie gamtte. ~ . T' U TTL E'S lotto ilt lproS .......... co4 { toeiioFxlpre..s .............2 301A. 0.fisthot e uleditodgalmonin (lie oaint atdol'Ile litteotpo 118So. Stole Strett 00. WI RI'LESO0, 11.950 hAYE", mI A t-°no ud~ 05..~t to'to g to roo Sttattud y oftertnootit andolSuc- ATA, FREOSIEIINI t J, P. '17. ;'tChlr ~ t An Arb r oleeedii defetinth(le AittootCollege Scott.........1,e.......hbno te mtotter ....,. ...t....o"... c e 111 Y te score of 6 tot 5. AlmbIut e............. .................Bly OUR PHOTOS loot tihroouglohicr failture to kick gooalWerln .. . 11 oY .L .J it her otnly totichdowtrn. 1011eAti- Hiornsteito ......r l..........S it . .. A RE . l ' ~ ticlel trots to scotof mudno ll(]i 'ittrr .ro OA- oic ub olo ooyui c1 oio Ci- hilds..........rte..... ...IBowne PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH ~I? w tr n od payn a m oss-(rab .........t.......... lehottien ble, boit thecre WasO ery littlcett1llib-(titrojoer.... ..000l .......Jono TIME TABLE lin. iEndorutnts oere hartro ioakeooloovr... . ..h.........}ot beca10 coohe iytild andhuei littol ... 01.. ....it... .... Wel~ Berryrran Studio Taintg Etlo ct, Ott. 2, 10111. Sooft e ol ain s weelo aety ylintol e i orrsioo e. -2 iue ~ oe 0.r010s leave AnontArboor toy Centtral ta-laot 100 ~All Ireoltoton f1,Alma i. Tootttloowno et Q t lootclae.bus ing. 1-Illootror, Jolhntson. (toil totocer.t to 2 W s -uo t Rottoril 1 lie Ireolsolol~n ilyed a Efairly goodl pire-tC lao. lRoferee -Letor. Stoote Phaoe 71>00 7 >;>* A. Aott. i ictir \r~.W iic loyr(~t011 ips h'ot, 00 M05. iot:20000 t. Meno lthe f ineItat o retits otcnhtoy te (ool o r.W ltr ie octo ooorir .G.S A-IN-. R S 6i>. o Srtco. tllAlot otot8 tetO40 tl.otol1,ly tt.o if'tetiticr c h o dardOl retoo xct ed, 01to 00010riveolc oit9o 0000 000 Socotto:5ly 1oteto err. oo otoothtloae esagitl wh11 1 om tl ir o 110 ogototthe412 ; . G FOOT E.3 G a LLOS - Hooooe toodaotytfoooml.Dlenoeorcot-l.ot bet- enAnnArbr ad led ony, retioi hckse iygtoo l ute i ltetfets. h~meh~a7at 00. 5 o, itrane nS n~~y yadr un b.-1e. A. Ilotim (ourdithra 1111sh oedo11)rwelo d oo D 'loy Wooepoaihongoo neiae ittu1a2E .tol -, t °ItO 000 11 il oo ork, otundho1bee roan ti an t o t ai t Ahoot 1-oo.ll ytrt10 tijrviiot101lott bteot, hoos impilrovedivory touochotooter Soo rothIle famosto old Dosonotfoot quaolity. " Spalding's Official Inter- landto's coacohinog odoriitg thoe paoiloook, I h ave itooolom ohotiotre aitIhoc1"tilt- . Collegiate Foot Ball IDETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AIR hobt thte reshmoteni foutniolBradoley lotlmnotks or Stuatort. Auto Arboor i\I lic Itoot-etotoiao~v~y by Soto,1000.0, tote, Iloiceote 1'n~itooo yotooo. toctocnit ad oll othloedingott otlVAIIWo eay oitl.. liar itertcretceis poor Coo. coolego soand ivo sietis:laonaOtotogeroldo ; '" 1 tarot leave for lDetroit at a quarter -oter every hour, tbeginninug at 7:15 a. Tni. antd tp to 11:1.31h. m. For Ypsilanti it a quarter betfore thte hour uop to 12:15 a. in. Cars leave cortier Ituron and Mfain Sts., itboets on sale at Brown's batg 9Store. XVanted=3 Students Tosolitosubohcripionsto 0 tte Chicago Record A ieopporntO0yi tooome money. G. N.STEPHENS, 1101 1. ient cblt be 1I htootapher. lotercolIGlotIurcau 01fiRGadcmiG Gostume, GOTRELL & LEONAIRD, AttBANY , N. V. tCops, Cownt, and ioods maodo to ordber toed rented. Alsoo(01100 Canes, Clostiats tand Capts, Class College finis. Addresss W. lC. RI~iN, Weroan Mngr., II-el 3obei too,OUiv.o. f Chiago. AN DlAJ. I 9OA L. Ecery kind.j '.SIE3L , 119 West.Woshington Street elo loter. SpoodigsoffiilbmootE-Bl Gbide, c:tI000 ( ot sto to rotes,00. 100.tot- A. P. ALDI N~i & Bl205.,New York, Chicago Moyms Lanr~AoIC At NewtshSead,.601 E. William Si, Give me to triaol. First cloass work; antI promttservce. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. Shott St., Binds Blooksforo25.and towtoot, toodoosellsA, A. WaerantoaFoun~tain Pforoa e$.00 anod up, All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Finoest Slotioey ta the ily at loweet prhee. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.