af i fcame into eistence as the natural re-t tt WE ARE..
suit of two things, iparty governmeny EXCLUS~
Published Daily (Sndayscexcepted) dring the and discretionary appointmnts. To-'
Coic eya c* at day there are about 200,000 post GET
THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. casters wilt owe their tenure of office FOR
Both Phioco 147r sites tiousanlds of collectors, clerks(
adheads of (delartments. Most of NJ. HNA 11BAITR
5AAIGEOTJ. tesetale econtrolitd by the national a
F ococ,01 ccngresstccn sail senators, who as a SHOES
IiUzx5ON5SIANAGtIll. matter of ftact atend more thant one
appointments while fourafefths of teIB L H E ; O E oNpp.COURT House
Atl ti ditor 1. It. Woaaao, 'lkt , etti-e ti-r-tlf--
F.. W. Joc.,'%s, A. u. Mrtcno o., 01 , legislatison is notpropel ly attcntledlt ____________
F.n.EM) N E oil. , 1 . 11. Lue, 55001M, Iso regimeto c it(ie tespoils systemo
(.1). icoecoT,'01 tE.. has ever btenoIt sirc esful cie. It G T IT
I aits icoptlt i ltt1tt corrupt
officials, and d al otcrtl pe ople. I
sors lnortiitty forit is notti a'
les tha t:;payen o l aw. COVERT
he o e esi a r a, iith a regaac tlci bhfae 1party debts owitt pit' Iftit e'y. T e O -C A
noneach dtv. 7tticcon omcnac t ro eati at,, co d ia '11is f &,t ittkeriU deot -
otharoott cittt or ccpuihcsro o ot C ottie a t't o i'19,Totl( s T -C A
handdnaili t ttIi LY offcicc bfoecR p m., occ e ole system co t n .thir'd motret
[oaaild to to eitorc iclcic 3 pt. 0.ii o f tithe day-t ewo"
prvosto thiat. onthich tiec t acc c tatitto tltttan ittitoldtaottito recoids are no1 lis tine of the yearan
ipti o t tawb cittat ihe a t ficac, giv n !eit c retletice y ny ttts o ari ill\',t., -~ ' yoil Will find otirself
"E"". ~i.T .r
reotnp ni t hsoftiea ty iciai a~fhiuce 0the sptiils systeocs iS lttttttl poperly desd t
Allcang sin d~it o-Len^aitttcacuot e to rtted wee have hd tot ftce disgrtce 04coat that can be Worn
t o ' Ut. 1 ott.p. 00 on tceIcy peciots ttat a d ci l ac l m iotstt coot ittosy. these shie'ry fall a s
cc tiit.Whtotisthe eooely? We set r o war°ns in's hy
IN ra L O FTi O DA Y S 11,13Ett6j eytoothtlo htslt tottpiedatotletst totli 1 I , v! J\ {i
i.w JNS fthepast coruptionotaod tat is thai + tl , vsointer. A'We 14St dsplay.
s eoo'ecrtoedti' Civl Service ovteitn. It is a lt' a gi spicaidid assortment
' ct-hot tic liltheItpostingothecore crttic, fair eficiet syste.Iti. +rofthe hest ttiloe'dl kild.
tf Satttrti'y gao.Thie ttf t tilhartoterit ca aefree, cipen cioie.ASK "1U0 b OUR $15
itte ic toc tiio nthticselectii ittof tebet.
of Sepprd eldfro thetelgrah 1blu Sege Sits Ifyor wat $15, $16 and $20.
offSiel iic a t I iii i tis oticettaie, man for. Sttp. Si to ItFittllocootern
utileeit ii uietil t 't tbtot t it, ottoo ttr t tc'lil''. t)t' iltotoilecoi nit u'ot o itk nitfarther.
s~ h t i o u tt'0elresettlti ccecultnot reftoms ivil 'servic i oftetttt ottt
end tit i' i ti-i hes aitil te ploc'tt tC ttt. it ''Ott iuv Ieo
onto ote I r tthis eascon it w i iitp ttl t tttteIitu
Ii 1ntI at . tr it' i te Irg)1. iTthroughitits fotre, le sopis
gtamoe vs ot'cti'd tiC AntntAotr. 'oet i si'tttttti t c'ittt
hisifict ctaxidittdtiregitliethe t wisttldeattaut
tot' thotet citgtt o te ie ltlitint, Th netlcueo tecurew l
butiti ldinot. te atoidedi. Ite, ext Statrdaty ight. tltn. H it'
_____________ bert Weilsh of lPhtitl iil ittoUci p"k - -- - - - - - - cpc'ii---
Wiiiiaon DudleoyFolhe's ILeture. it the tI he Siiggle fr Go '--t= = - = w TT w0 T
\Viel t ,'o o a nit o nt trols 10(00 Goveronmteit it Amteric.' .L t ____y__ .. ..
vottes his patyh ve s Iron ailnitas- j ---"'-'"' -'l M oic'rcoo hAN tMAtoI'AeO' 'caoS Or
iatiotshut." Sit siii WillittmotDtuley'' Fresh Medics Win From Laws.
Fititike ittltiti;etittee utfIis lcturot re 1 ulltottr Latwts citedi-ictgret'a- c(hEMI ICAL aindl PHYSICAL APPARIATUS.
Satulrdlxay nitt ot'"'ieil Srvie lly htut'prise'dlSturoidaoitriii! =ICLOS(OlIC lININGxS. headquarliters on- tll Ubor-
tettirilit ''Dlr. Angll occuptieid ato hentte le'02 Meicenlto tteiir ot- ftoi110.OoStuit'tpAplieis, ih
itt e e t ite taudiete erot bll team toil i 0iiI. Ti e Itwo uu o______________________I_
alt eye- wwere sottligIo tuy neopot tr tolic talt 1.1 Sr st eascono _-
te veertatire 1tuettl'oa s tihe aovte ttii'ltot ayto etther. 'Re heeila'.; Fine Confectons
wordins owere ttired.It wsiden 'tet tetltt rtouctdo1n wis rtdelbyli to0-y ad 6> c~~'Ben Bons nd
t tll, Ioti tort, thtitlit'.litoulke tris rtun, tite runniero' ctesstttly rldil "' . / 'i ..'", ' - Chocolates.
utii titata'ut iti'lttiotit' it hi o'e t ttti tlo~t ii' IItoop~tutut 20tttEAST WASHI200EAS TWASINGTNRSTEET
littirlo, liii' lntrtisalt eintg Ittir l) 'tie fieli itas ittitdy aittfumttitt ng. )31'SUT8SAT SRET
tite to i lti eteiti' pastte oitfte spoils' toalloosiee playiti ttow s the orilrcottS6SUHSAESRE
ot 11ltgiueti.he oltot. ihii- ace.t-i ie '02 Medlit - --...
Anlt ttdiie(' ttttIfile trie .andt'99tit 01110tu rtoiotest fio the If ouy'atOr Bndting, o [Rling, or onyhig in our line, no ontter
ever}y sett otNeberr' al wasiI chamioniiush:1ip f theiproltriitcooonl dehowIfolYoruPoWalrg
presettlt Li )thetpeig tu're itt the lartotls. -ZJob Of E C O I
(coltoti (siti ttiC('u. Ateo' a W A O I
t'ett ieftit t i Io i arlit' iPreclellnt -Priit Ano for yon tll 11d etitqotinted.
4tlolt1:l 'ts'it tto ir cspoet' i O M W E. K i
parte ts leorwwi i en ltt ATHENS THEATRE. . pe iroo 'ol. ieaoh.
rleulb et a ~ntrtill awsr. ftgiturth ii MacayEteasing, No. 7th.
Ittoact Iiut'tit'ii.bt iitet- 000.J 1340 S. STATE.
llttwuia it itt ii i Stu I tas tuttatut to' J ~ i ina oLw L n;
to eeitluoa UUl 4 ,i h tida
i'v.itstt ilttt'il Il til 1CHc-ANGE OF PLAY EVERY NGH-T a"o0 h biser ad mp rtrs
At lint thelire leiLawsBookrePubrIlsw lersIandeImporIsers.1r
hre t, 'otihe it w a'efewut' ";in ehe ac opI ihi etlme.An r 0w, oitVnSti l t 'a "ons tttittionala huPolitiat Iis.ory
111_ohl ran'l t'c ~ts 0.5h c'ii to cire attdl te stall le gttolto htave yoti liall otd
elettiuuoevthtaIt titiofall tilti ci f U ~IERSITYf tj] - iteir.
phiitliiiphysohite tiliilits its lt tueof11. .1Our Branch Here Closes About Nov. ISt.
tinds itfItlot politicianslwas ou 0 tulSchool of ancingiL
tilts theatiyttbh ilt eoingtii.' . -
oeoaco tlt ttinyt istatilelolaitglot GrCianger S Academy.
ofaoeotionot tROo hter- Phoe 040.SH KETHOSE "We -YOUR FEET
ctut politclo llpexol ama n tOSIlt a t -
wbtolesalte dismissal of liht variios GOPYlNO dud ITHESIS WORKI OLD GUNBOATS (;an YOUR FANCY,
officialsunuder thec formoer administra- Al ind-,ofolTypewriting a piiaty. Priesfi
tion. It s probably not trule to say R-aaooatoi. A FotnioTio roticticoic lcot, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fi YOUR FINANCES.
thlat lacksool is responsible for the 119 Y,.,]lain; Opra louse Block.I W. J, APR ILL. 119 E. Wabington St.-