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September 27, 1898 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-27

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in our $3 HAT is the boot quality hatters7
T n .E U R - -ueso lildfor that is brought to America-end is worked only by
hold together only one season-theyr are msade to wear a much longer lperiod,, snd
there is a distinguished character and rich appearance possessed by our gosods as long as they last.
All our fashionable stvles are exclusive in shape and tritmngs. In fact it is everything that mnakes the best
three dollar hat ott earth. TRY IT TO-DAY. G OODS B U
The Niagan'a Faris Route."
CENTAL.OTAN) 011) lIM. ~and all Mlusical Supplies at
Taking lied .tAug. 11, 1St).. \et operate the finest tailoring trade inii te city,'land
i n xr...... *........3047 P A 1eqa any ints Ptie . SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE
Y. Easltottern.........l...() 43 " A~e respectfully solicit -yousr valtued IpatrCeusge. Ill West Liberty Street, Atnn Arhor.
.0)taeu. .7 .11]-) s,' l'l alels m de kpt Ipresed ald 112 r ,,, for Only IIIdoors from Main Street.

Mtail , Epes...........91
B5oston. N. Y. &Chio'ao ........1
Eoot Wteorn Exptress ..........
(_-.- . hal. toots...... ...
ChictaoNighxt. toot-u'..........

13 . a;.
33 P m.
43 zc
30 A. M.

106 Ei. 111r(on. New State Phone 43.

o. W. & T. GOrt, . ( W. ttHt ttAoES.b Johonnie Buter, baseball captain A New Chemistry Laboratory.
______of last yuear's teato is teacising its tioe Dusrioog the0summoler vacation tioe
h liglo schoool a si olletoloog. large soustis baseooetst of thoeCisetoicalsi
''O ' Mr. Gesorge Ei. Sooaon of Lake. laboorotory, wiolsino thoe past lhau
post, N. H., wohoo groadlooted frothtie beeoo oseod for assasy experimsetnts, loos
I bE 0. "~ IUniversity in '97 loos receiveol ot ap- beets converteol itsosa laoratoorytor
Eol- 1iottoseot in thse Uliversity Seihool, work iso Chemical techlosiogy. Tise
Clevelasnd, as a toeschser of Lastin. asntiquoated snot useless crosiisg
TIME TABLE W\h'le nViwvhomePeiet smacinie loose tentremooved, ansoltihe
Taking ltreut, , 011 898000. Aoeiwsiowoel s et' hss rouot assy foursnaces witihtheir
Angell besohonordlbrobefotrcacse
Torains leaveuAuu Arboor cyoCetau S ftd-ieio'siitsoo itoirt oreplosoeoiymdrnfrae
toyTme oneotte vc-peidnsfte
---_--__--AmeicanSocal oseceissocito s kerosene as fuel. Thse rest of
NORH Oti'the roomoohlos toessfbtteoi witts seow
t5O ~. 0025 A. t~. at tiheir mseetinsg itsSarastogasN. V. cor als.Tss.so siyfrs
* 12 40 r. M. 11:25A.. Invitations a sot 'stnooncoou ltesse
40't. ,00. 5840 1, . aret.eisis better facilities for larogerclse
}o9:05) 8:05-to~. ,t. msasrriage of Craig C. Miller, 918 L., in assayisng goioi anso silver ores, bsst
40] .ot io-too noknoot AtbottoanudToledo outy. snot Miss Mary E. Whseeler of Mat'- asosupply ts vsth gescessaor'
0'ee )-(In00Suoodaoyooly anodtruoote- a pyasatgsieesr
000' to Toleotoa0 Hoellt. All othoert-rtainossl, Micho. It occotrs at Mart-shali, for experiments at every ihigis tell-
t:tily eot-opt 't:ot)ttoy, October 15ths. Mr. Whseeler is prat- eratore. Tihe glosossy iseknowns
so.~ ~ ~ E sS.tev-s GrOtIOOE.Agent. tieissgYIis professionsoiso tiheaboove cityastie ol gooosha y tsen
Win. O'Brieno, for three yeas witis of asoditional winowsv, aos loo sr,
'98, died of malariai fever at JIacksons- ceilinog and siodes, beetsconsverted
yu~le, Fia., tisis suosmter. He was a inoto a osdoel labosratory for gas
DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR= private in Torrey's Rtough id toers. atnalysis.
Mr. O'Briens was woell knownvin t col-
BOR RAILWAY. legs circles here, beinsg a mneosber of Excihanige your seeossd-hanol books
o orstise 'Varsity soansdoliss club and taking at Wate's Book Store.
Caslease for D~etroit at a quarter a prominent part in v'arious college
alter every hour, beginnintg at 7:15 a. htappensings. He wasanoesmier of BeOAt.-ttate, $3.00 per ow-Te.
sot, and tsp to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti tihe Signsa Phsi fraternaitv. First clsos scrvic'e for iadies ansd gess-
at a quarter before the hone op to 12:45 ' tletsen. At 523 E. Washiogtoon
a. so. Cars leave cornter Williamssand A ol' trCotigHue tet
Matio Sts.'t'ickets on sate at Birown's AtNbesSaClhig ossre.
Ilroog tore. No. 209 Sooth Main St., Goif Caps Stuoietsostosuld take ctsre to regis.
-Golf Hose-Golf Breechoes. ter at once at Browns Drag Score
'fie DIJ~'s ubsripionhutfoe(doowon towvn) and Calkins Drug Store
ScotDAY'Sseascr'ptitan libor(State St.) Post office emosyees
-thirs aywsumose t 0001obe save strict orders nsot to give aol-
THE " " " tihat of last year, whichswtas thoe dresses, so tioat telegramosnsd ists-
K I ND E RG A RT E N papler's banner year. Leave y'ourp ortant tmecsages oftus o lnsot reach
CIG001550 amewstih solicstor isn msin hltil, or studoents because ilseyihaveonsttregis.
C5 ."ver75brndsof Tbaco,50brdsoftolephsonse us. Regular deliveo'y be- ered. IHave your nsasse and ad- ;n 0bad fC-rte.Acac istdy
0.. ot so 30 Oo out'.01 o'.oo'tct A toaoc ______________dress at botls of the above plaees. No
Ty102 E. HURON ST. Tytise Portland Cafe for boasrdecsarge is attacited.
(iest-lsoand nhsl ly .0opr.Oek. At Nooble's Stasr ClotiisoHouse,
U. of X ,Sha~ia Parlors and Bath Roims ay eaasd lusghetaol or. esNo. 209 SothitMaisnSt., tiseyar
32s SOUTH- STATE STREET. syndiiio. -showntg all thoeneowtlhittgs isn soft or
I .a c- atottic BairDesiong-. . o up tir. -Old Walite's Booke store is heaolqoarters stiff isats.
'T'le latest tintg in mousical- instru-
WAFR IN9 the BaatIlo Eliectsons blansoskmust be deposised Co., on Wasingtons St., tavtem
dewQurtrs n heThopsn uilin intise Itegister's box oso or befotre 'They tare plasyed like a mtassolino.
uotIt 1un d'. Saturday, Oct. 1, 1898: Doni't cost ssucih, froms $6 Is $12. 2

Embhalmiug a specialty. No. 20FJotoetl.
Ate. Ambultance night snd day. ites-
idence 302F5fthtsAve.
Win. AnoldJeweler
338 So. Mtate Street.
Perfect in S3tyle and
112 W, Huron, Stats Phone 119,
The1oeth G uato orante.
fil otfiOttestoallIthet
toeoding.college, schl an 1d
aItoletic clob teamso.
Spalding's Official Inter-
collegiate Foot Ball
Usd cusiveoltoo'y by Yole, Pri5nceton, t1ostard
P'eonsyttlvniaCoo-test aod all otheruleaodinog
ooletges otdunivrsities. mana00ger-'soldo
wruite fop~ices tadosaples'O0bef oreoderitng
et.lswlier. Spaldinga Otficial Fot Ball Guside,
edte~d boy watoer'coomp. Itocospot o5-
graphydosf0letadintot earnos,1O9t roules., oosoto.i-
dext antd explantoryooonootes, 10c,
A. 0. SPALDING & BROS.. Nuns York, Chicago
Al News Stand. 601 E. William Si.
Give noe a tritl. First clossstork and
prompt servie.
140 S. State St.,
Binsloood'o fsat or20. aloot wrspt ol, and selts
W saterman Fonain P'ens lfo'$1.25 antalt.
All Linen Paper, 4 lbs, for 50c,
F'iooestStationoery ito e ito 5y tottolowst puice

THE MODEL ot state Street
BARBER SHOP is yoooo d&Eooees
first-class work and courteous teosoment
try George and Ilooreyot 332 Sttate S. CI
Ebolan sd
ENOCH VITE1LE 1-iuerleD retor,
CaolstattndedDl-otrotoo Ntt
Not t6t 1. .otoo rto Stoee. ei~t'deoo 533t S.
Foottl o)0, I'honeo 129.

tl~entschter, the Plh'otogrvapher.


WASINTONBLCK~ AN ARO K 119t West Washington Street
WASHNGTN BOCK AN AROR. Botls Phones, No. 105. Ann Arbor

OFQO _ R 7Ot- 00

- - ~N/E2~~IT ~TR~~W

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