4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES ITS MARK All around the world. Every One Warranted for Five Years. Don't be deceived by fake signs and advertisements offering the Wat- ermnan Pen fronm $1.00) up, as there is no Waterman Pen made at tbat price. We have flhe so-called Waterman Pen, which is extensively advertised and which leads the unsuspecting public to believe that they are getting t.R Wnt.oni.n.'dg],a tis re stk n ~AI1 iar~imnr 06 . MAIN ST., and u~n. W IIYIUl 342~ S. STATE St., Cor. William St., CARRI ES UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. M0LMES' 9LIVERY, Telephone 1i06. 5 15 E. Liberty St. FINE COACHES AND) COUPES FOR PARIES. JOS. W. KOLLAUF M']qluOR, Hs received a new and serviceable line of Coeds for TROUSERINGE Beet of Workamanship. 214 Fane Wanhington St., near Sth Ave. W. AnNOL saVi e-rpres J.V.aC, e, 2 t.dCaheri ;G Jona. C Woe LA sst. ho 81 I BRNK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST ATIONA BANKof Ann Arber, s Capital, 510000 Sueplus and Profits, t40,50 'rran'acecx geneal slhokroin ries.Foreige. exschangeobought snd .old. FurishloeOsers or credit. En. IiINNE, Pres. 11IARRISON OUL,01 Vioce-Pres S. W.(CLAROil5N, tshies. (or Mooplainloro Streets. Capital1 50,000. Suoplus, 10005.Trasacts 1L I I i 7 3 t , I { i l .I I LAMPS STUDENTS We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel P'lated Lamps, rangieig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. 'Ihese Lanmps are of the latest and nmost improved patterns and makes. Including 'The New IVochester," "The Yale," "The Royal, ""The Bterlin Student Lamp, ""The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp f or the Lcoof Mosioey conme asnd see us. Old Number: o1.A01 44 SO. MAIN ST., DE N& O j ANN ARBOR, MICH. D A TodIais Came. Nol ttllz- ulil- l rf t icetotheSrb, i ~~ Inctz (er v, v. I bily low piec. At aiiy tiose prospect-tYetra od>sGaeNoiet eSrb. R ii.',Ps. C] iEEVc-e. ive pein buyers have afexw momcots ! strloys ANotl1(o-cterrohlosthe The scroubsxwiii be expiectedouot at FsoIT. -0cC booe leisoire wexwiii gloidly soxwthemisthe folloosing . theithltoicfie ld1tiis ;ofternoson and swinusle that is being lerietrotel <"lo fothll amevtlifle t'ni- tomllorrowlesaine as00 1iif'fthe 'Vasity'IlThefAnn Pflroor avings Pank g111 e fo1al fonte isollic. versity of lMichiigans next Satordyls o be 1)thlero too. Coch iHiallond Cpitlol tooolo 000.oplis, o1 '0'00O' xwilteoe 00sloecial intere st. INot Vollax siwilsect tlheiootiandregsular 10000000 000rthe.enel atloO0. aw onybcuethe institutionll at Alnplractice osilbe gonie thlrsssgh ihixx fths s Stat.oReceivetiGetois oy al ls o YlyE'Eas wil& beily lslleiuifeexchiwo th pr iipalooceso f the-Unite Arbor is a rival of Northwstern ill nearl a s llb jlltllO' oooDorafsca10 o orisotrop eb rhtfon.oote 6 1,the c ollee borld, but because lie HareandaHundtRndepoo-stIoX(*00000t00o en. rf fHar an Hond un. O(hc soos Ch'lriolsti lMck. Pre.W. DOlaorrl. University Booksellers, Slalioloers,G football tealm f telly represenits the iooon, Vhice-Preis ; Chaio. 0.Ilisoexi, (Cashie;at, anld FEograxers, stansdinog of thsis groat ooniversity,. There xciii be a baore andch houndi2 elo ritroIC'lr S. tat St, An Abor Mlii.Again, Northwcesterni has not had the rue Saturoday miornlinlg, startinog froml 20S tl S. ll rbrOlih privilege of mleetinog Michigan in tile Gym,. at t0 o'clock. All log i MB & SPE"oG ----football for a nmber of years.FsrdsalcadcrscoltyrllelLA B& E this reasonl, at least, the studsenet booly are inivitedl to participate ands helpN ER shiosuld give the coming teami a hearty make this run a permanlent fixture isin T H E £ receptions, as cordial perhaps as Penns- oer college athletics. 5 sylvania's to Chicago, whiose teamln 11 ecmdb.tewoesuet LoT-lc n ht nls a c body led by the university bansd. setter bitch pu~p, black ears and spot Yr Moreover, Northwestern has a on hip. Leave with Janitor of Medic- We keep everything usually kept in a S o L o A N igreat opportunity to regain her pres- al buildilinand receive reward. first-clana Grocery and .Bakery. Call tiei h aewthicao. o 12 0 .-Sneromgrudand see ue. (Stsudents'LcueAscain. ihCakoo thetateMa- F R'T inl rogron rools nav rovean .~ floosr, front; furnace beat and ,bath' 318-S. STATE ST. thr oln a veesatl easy victim t0 block from campus. 224 S. Thayer._ 'teWleie tThanksgiving. 36 Y OU'RE NEXT Therefore a victory frona Michigan U. of M. Barber Shoe Tickets for the entire cosirse ale Saturday xould pot Northwvestern 011 Clues. F. Steinbaur, teacher, of and.Batin Rootnns. now 011 sale at Wilder's, on State St., lie feet again, and~ give the Purple Mandolin, Banjean and Guitar. Sue- J. aR. TROJANOwSnI. Prop. 0122R. State t and at Goodyear's, on Main St., or consfidenlce for the Wisconsin game. cessor to Mel Gillespie. Stuldio with they mouy be had fromn studenat solic. Michigan xiii come with a clean score, Ann Arbor Music Co. Mandolin Or. RAZOR HON ING itors. The price is only $200. ( and a determination to keep it cleanl; chestra Music furnished. 39 IS A SCIENCE... Think of hearing h ut she will mneet an eleven smarting General Agency for Detroit, Chi- We GuaranteeOur os vrk. flere faadrsletoaci cago, Nexw York and Toledo papers WARREN THE BARBER, allforth Pupl. Eer s O-at 121 N. Main St., Opera House - 1 UR EOO RAN dent should be present at Sheppard NesDpt THE MODEL of State Street For 20 cta., ; Field nlext Saturday."BlenoLaiWsagoD BARBER SHOP fyn dsr a Lor. Corer Wshigto andC. nfomatin lertinin tothefirst-class work and courteous treatment Lo-.-onrW bigoladC uolsto etiigt h try George and Harry at 332 18. State St.. I N N ES' BA ND Ingalls. Openm face, screw front Laws of the United States, of the _________________ For20ct.,orElgin watchl, with gold chaini, gold several states and territories of the ENOCH flIETEDIL Embalmer end Fo 2 ts, rstone chiarin. Rexward, 421 Thomnp- United States, of Foreign Countries UILI FunerI-al Director. 001on. 37 furnished upon application. -- calls atsended 1Day or Night. - . ,'IAN MACLAREN" - _____ For 20 cta. ETA LSH D1858. i The dates for thue above will soon be made }public. Watch thoe Bolletin Boards. We sold YOUR GRANDFATHER goods wvhen he went to school here. SLAm Fourtho Ave, lhone ass. ' g ° ! " -tN. L4o -