THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HJLD1 BPAND, THE1 NE~WTAILORP, 4+444+44444444444 4+44444+44449+444 14044444.4+444ashington4++4.+44+St4!4 Miusic Studio Piano, Pipe Orgop and Composition Rm. IH. KKMB F From Stuttgartt tonservatory, Germanoy. 612 S. Division St. Corcert Piano Tunig Students' Laundry Association Was. VOUGHT-Wma. t. FOX, egents for THlE GRAND L.AUNDRIY, of DETROIT The boot high grade laundry io the State. The only moachine domestic flinih is the West. Glove finish talsoagiven. All woek lrompltly. neatly adcarefully done. Office 202 S. State st. Rlesidesnc 115Lowreesce st. New State Phone. ao1. ... ~u~ f. THE GREAT MANDOLIN ARTIST, CORRECT ADSTYLISH IALUKDG.Mr. W. Eugene Page, \ _ Uses the We operate the finest tailoring tradet in the city, and equal any in the State. Werespeetfully solicit your valued patronage. All garments made by us kept pressed and in repair: for one year. 106 1F. Huoroon. New State Phone 43. Joseph Bohmann Asd otto the Washburn Instruments, Thty arto eale atthe SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 Weot Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. 03 Me MARTINI.. FUNERAL LTI1JJ~hK~ I CALENDAR. decided a year age to take up the DR C O T H E a t u r a y , o v . , S a t u r d a y , N o v .e t e m in5 ,o n1 0 a . a m e re-' 0 0 m bre d e t e rs p cio iy .at i o2 0nF oft hti l e a nd[, E m b a l m i ngge s i oa fs p e c i a l t y.r N o.. i e n2 00m bF o u r thv e _RNE L. vs. '02 Al., at Regents Held. attesgetoofPo.Crrtidne32FthA. at R- Ass Athor, Mich. StraNv -AlFehe who is secretary of the Aloertear __________________ Saudyatv -i.rotutsosociation commbittee, it seas decided AamCok Phot, atRegets Feld. to hlave a parallel investigation carried MIHG VEN R L Sat.dy, Nov. 5--Mliciligau vs. on in this country. The results of TeNaaaFisRue' MnaNv7-rfWelyoDr ueinraebon-itofCENTRAL. STANDSARDIITIME. "Robert Bun1s" itn Untity Club Lee. one per cent. the value of the ampere Leadotwsena vntn 1. h eerho ro.Ptesnadings Taking Effet AugI. 14,1 t8. Lre Cottrse. (and teeetoceia equivalent m Arnold Jeweler; G0110 tAST. Sttrdaoy, Nov. 12-101. Herbert Of siver ad a oseunetheJelr Stall asd Express ...............3 7r. a. Welcht in Gootd Goverllclt Cittb discrepancy ill the values of tite N Y. & Btoto Spetial.0.....458 . 1as1 Easters..............9043 . Lecture Course. miechlalnical equivalent of. heat dis- GET YOUR AtlasticExtpress. ........7 05 A. X. Dtetroit NightExtsto.........55. apas hepprrsdb r GrasndtRapidis Exprest...... .111l0 .. Satuirtlay',Nov. 12-Mlichigan sGters.lTbe pperlied ibyflDr. 00I(G WEST. Illinois Unliversity at Detroiit. (otiwllbpuiseisfllo LU C E Mil&Ftpres ....s.....8A. -. the proceedings of tite association and LU C E Rtoston. N. v. & Chictagos......... s1 Satturday, Nov. 19- Gin. Johtn B. also ill il Physical'Ieve and A Fast Westerni Express . ,. 3 'A.thieiw .R&Ka x rs'::....... 5tor on, illS. L.A. course. WeeallsAnln t b 0.Widean' &Fs.Entes . ..03. orotIt.. inay be AI W. "1UVTLE'S a Chieagto Nigit Exptres.......... 3 Saturda~y, Nosv. 19-Michigan vs. added thalt tile Amlerican associationl Pacific Exptesse............12 30 A. tM. Belit..W UGE, H.W AE Blit. hsIld rttfrtt ups f 3,38 So. Slate street. G. P. &aT. Ac-t, Ciesgo. A=,'tAss Arbor Thlursdiav, Nov. 24-MIichigall vs. rtelilighelcr~oieoc -- Cicag, utChicgo.Of the Clark cell by means of the E , Redetermination of the Ampere. samle apparatus. Thlis work will be OUR PHOTOS PN At the Blostonlnetn of the ___ ARE. A nil et I .sASOciitiol for tile ad vattce A . ~ entotScitle i elperit tnoh Play Jackson High School. PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH TIMEofSceneTABLE o mch hfanAbrHg eolevitres tite hyicfihests ov ersity Dr.will linle tp agaitst the JacksonTHTIEABEKrH.GteothUnvsiyf M1ichigrat. It emlbodiedi the results Highi School eleven this afternoon it Berudio O'I~.ASifgm xetdTraistssleave Ann~ Arbor by Central Stand otal. . s ti?1 ried ott by ll- tos both teatls are in excellent shapte IdTne Ifad rf ntePy 1 12 West H uron St. steti absdot oltil Utlvesit ~aotd havoe a gsod record intthie wasyo NORrTH I SOUrT . o h nvest ovictories 1tilteir credit itn thlegamnes'State Phone 119, s 4.iA. .l1: 01:25-A . 3.-- itrlilthexcvaeofie played this fail, Thte game wit be 12:40 Ir. I 11 25 A. a. electriclluniit knlownI as anii ampere. lo-ti rud ni lt ,4:56 0. CM. 8.40 1. f Thtpaeatteaigrudana. 5:05 A..3.. 1Tat a slight error expstededntheeA. G. SPALDING & EBROS. or. Ses or xistedill i ttsion will be 25 cenlts. *Rultwo oteen At's Arbor snd Toletdo (sly. svauteiofttilts knit hisstieen susectetd______-______The lNme the&uarantee. Vl.'ese traios oStuodtay only anid runse-ho Vr somie timte hty phtysicisis, owintg ttt Drs>iparlgdoe t42F O T B L twees TotledrdusiHl ioweil. All ote tratis'DesRpiigtoea 1 . datly exeept OSnday. thte discrepantcy betoweeno the nieciati- 1-istro1ti4 E.S. GlItlO, Agent. teal equiivaileiit of hleat lasitetertiledi SUPPLIES tt. w.BnFlxttTT. eG to.A. by thte iecllilical inethosh of Row- Tile Waldo bantjo ilas 0 tmusical Otftctal ossfittiers to all ohs lanid, atid the salte equivatlenttoi le. T1hey are -tillitmprovemnt onttlettgic l eenst las - deermind b eectrial mehods.IntttetteiuseootDobsnefo dernielbeetrconetosIl teatinolDibosfrquality. 5 Spalding's Official liter- order to correct this error, if it ex- Hatve as mulclh volutmie ss tile Fair- collegiate Foot Ball DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- itteti the Britisho AssociatitonsBoi-hantks or Sttirt. Atn Arbor Mutsic Usedexclsively byYale, ttinoetaaI, Horvrr ' ' v.Pennsylvoania. Cornaeil and altlett ie dleic BO ALWY sittee oil electriclmiesutrements Cit. eolleges actS universitieso. Mablosshotuld1 BORRAILWAY. rrtte foe prices atndisastles beftr, ,, isg etsewtaere. Spalding's 0Off1icr ootn SallGide, Carsleae fr Dtrot a a al'er dited by VWatertCaito Records. poito Caslaefr1eri t 4uarsraiphs of leadlig teatmts. 1808 tilts, stbis- after every hour, begintning at 7:15 a. des and exlanatorysnote, loc. il. nd vi to 11:151). in.I ForVYsilsnti Ittt I1'tt .A.G. SPALOING s;t (hO.,New orh, Chicago , E 1111)~g~ , U'r p*%.AJbsj. at a quarter heftore the hour sip to 12:45 a. mn. Cars leave cortter Hturotn and Main Sts. 'tickets on sale at Brown's p ' , .=:aRa : ;:rt : :°,r :r.. a, . ,. _ .s = ra w. ^ , , . .:: asati a z - ; , 1Yeor's b llfAallc y i 15mg Store. ~~Intee-cslellonis ureau oiiof RltadeIG ostetiti At News stand, 10cE lamt I1IUIUII~lIUU IUIOtI VI IIJUUHlU JUHUIIU. Give mhe a trial. Fi rst class work snd GOTEELL S& LEONARD, prompt service. Ass~ss, NV.PAUL MEYER. '\~7anted=8 Sttid~nts Caipe, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Aloo Class__________ TsoiisboipistoteW. C. KtERN, Western AMorl.,. F. J. SCH LEEDE, Tosoict ubcrpios o he.Hsnkett lltnsrssrn, Univ. or Chricago. 340 S. State St., Chicago Record AN ALL- £o A L.---BEvery kind.nduwad frselsA A fino opportunity to ears somu mosey. ivWestAL STAEBLRR, All Linn Paner, 4 lbs. for 50c. G. M STPHEN, '9 L.Stae Phne 44. Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. Fisest Stationery ix? tse city at lowest prtce. WEI PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG .STORE.