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November 05, 1898 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-05

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VOL. IX, NO. 36.




STOCK A The 'VarsityFinds Surprise in the Strength
IN THE CITY. , fte u pe
L 0ite upe
108 E. WASHINGTON STAo Widman, Caleyj and Stiechie the Stars.I
R ,_

'~2~? III 11.1 special to the U. of I. Daily.

Doctor s+
Should not be etamperedlwith+
byeunskilled cleks. We em-
ploy only registered phorma-
ists, ad guaaee eery pre-
36 Souh StateSee~
House. Hot and cold lunches
at all hore, Chocolates and Ice
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup-
pliee. R. E. JOLLY & CO.
308 So. State Street.
My Cough Balsam
is as nearly harinles as a
medicine can be and be
effective. It is made of
just sucie things as the
doctors use for coughs
and is the best thing to

5:55 e,.,)[.- Winde is lighi and the
weather clouidy. Greouneds are small.
Field is in rotten condition, covered
with thod aned pools of wrater. Beut
fewe bets maede and all arceie doubt.
No spiritedl bettleeg maeifested.
Northewestern eeins the teess. Hlide-
igans kicks off 40 yards and North-
western brings it back 10 and then
punts to tihe center of ties field. Ball
goes over to Micleigace and White
punts back for 20 yards. Widenan
gaines 10 yards arouned end. Bal
goes to Northwestern. Northwestern
bucks the line for 40 yards. Gets 10
yards for off-side play and makes a
touchdeown. No goal. Michigan
o. Northwestern 5-
Michigan kicked and Northewestern

westeree. Widmeaue buceks tieslhne 3
,yards, aned meakesairneof 15 yaerds.
Bhell see Nortiewestern's 5-yardline-
F~raeeeebhcks for 2 yrards, Slerkie
or 2 meeore. Caley emaekesis touce-
diown. Sneow kicks goiai. Tie scre
is: Michigan 6. Nortnwest-
crn 5. Both sies fail to score after
tis. Final score 63 to 5.
Tlee folleowineg is tlee line-eup:
Ocwing to thee rush of press enatter
on tie wires at Evaneston, it was ab-
solutely iempossible for the DAILY to
secure a longer accouent of thegaeme.
Brown ...........c........... Little
Caley..............1. g.....Thorns
France ......r. g....Hanson
White ...........1. t...McCluekey
Steckie ......r. t... G.). Diets
Bennett ......... e.....Elliot
Snow..............r. e. .... Ryan
Street............ q.....Johnson
W idman... r.h......Bothue
B arahe.............1. h.....Perry
McDonald..... f ....Libberton

Foun PA Es,.
A Course in Matrimony.
Studenets at Northwesterne are about
tee becomee proficiet iceties art of
getineg mearrid, or Professor Cm-
eorock, of the Shol of Oratory,
wiii know ties reasoee why. There
are to be o cors awkward grooms
nervouss brides, or frightened brides
meaids or groosmseen weneeeties gradsu-
ales of Northewesteree comestee the-
point of gttinegnarrie. So: fa
there is notineg knowne except that
thesre is to be icstruectieoeeileeties gen-
eral art of meatrimnoy. It is essn-
tial, however, tat tiesceeurse will
deal solely with ties ceremeeony. The
groome will be taught to ilucnge it,
his vest pocket fer ties rieg acd get
it oetet the first effert, eeed thues
seave teeeyers' weansd teereonehlis
nervosessystemceene e al day e f
flte arricves. Ties bride will lae
traied eslteo keepe tiesecler i ere
cheeks ecee to loock neiter seepreme--..
Iv serrorfel neer ieteesely happe~y.
Th'e, coeese willi eeot conetaieeeeleve
eeelking baheee, for taco-caetlieeneel
eeeteteeteeeethe suelnlets eeee take cse-
!of theatlartef it themceseves.
It is aiseeoeederstoeedl blat ties greet-
ect peeit ice the cuee w~cilhee ties
respeoences. It cwi h ee oleeger ie
peeesible for the speetaters ice tie,
freent leart leeeeeaks et whleter tie
picipaiel pirties lin cterest heave said
'"1 ciii''or '"I eveent"'''Tle ascer
ien every cese will riegot like a.
pilet leeilie eea leoeeteesoe.-.N.,Y.
Wse wouvld recommesend thise article-
to the claritable consideration of
Wrinkle. Ocr esteeed cnctecpo..
racynigit deveoipties posiilities.
of seche iscourse.
One on Tommy.
Joe Thomecas acd Johnny Bte,
bothe of '9S and prominent athlete,5
while in college, are now teaciing p,
ties cnortleercn part of Michigan,.
Eachc of tiemec before leaving lcrg
last year vowed to turce out a tsaccs
fromnties school where he tangles
wiche would beet that of the eteer,
Thesylave botlh tried hard to keep.
thceir vows, for eache gave all ,tbq..
ticmeewhich eaneicstructor rcsistently
could give, to coaching, this fall. A
fewe weeks ago their football teacms
met to decide ties first gamce in this
championship. Ties teaco coached
by the ex-footbeaii and trackmcace was.
defeated and Buter acd hisapro-
tege's went hocus rejeoicicg. There
remnains a baseball gameeancd track
meeet icn this sries, ties result sf
whlich ieiiibe ecwaiteed withe interest
by ties friendis of tiestwoleve n1c.
Ties freshencethis yer lave eace
abuncdance of artistic ability ice teir
class, as is shocvn by tiesiccreasing
cumeber of sigcns ocn tie campe~us set-
ticeg fortle ties ciams of ties rival ac-
didatcs. 'Thlis is a newefeture in
freslemean elections, advertisicng them
like football gamees. Fermeerv it
tas beene ticheplaneeto waeet till' th
cless meeeticg acd tienec win over the
waevericeg oces by aen explosion o
pyrotheechneiceal oratory.
J. U. Persicg'00 was ice town yes.
terday. He left today for Indiana
where he will say uctil le comes-
back ties second semeter.

returned. Michigace lpunts to Nortle- I


uesuntil thes doctor NAMEs.ec P OSITION weIconT sHEGH. AGE. PREVIOnUS EXPERENCE.
^omen. 25 seets. Brown.....,Center .................2e)4 5.11 ._0 Chillicothe, 0., 11i. S.
Caley.......Guard .................195 6i.t01/, 24 Michigan University.
E. E. CALKINS. Franc......Guard.................. 200 5.111; 19 Decatur, Ill., ii. S.
Allen ....Guard..................185 6.04 21 Michigan Reserves.
Steckle... Tackle ..................172 5.08f~ 25 Michigan University.
White......Tackle.................173 15l1e1 21 Class Team.
N ow aon Sale!' Avery.....Tackle ..... ...........1 80 5.O89% 18S Detroit H.BS
Bnnett...End....................... .O1;1i 2 MichiganUnvriy
Snow.......End .....................168 0.02 IS8 1Detroit H. S.
New Third Edition of Teelsel..End .....................150 5 09 20 Michigan University.
Hicks.R..Ed.....................ill 5.101; 21 Tecumseh H. S.
Street......quarterback ........100 5.10 24 Williams College.
C OO L EY S Talcott... Quarterback........150 5 08 19 Michigean Reserveo.
Widman....Halfback ...............1112 5.06 19 Detroit H. S.
CONSTITUTIONAL Barahe......Halfbaek ...............104 5.061i 22 Michigan University.
Whe1itcomb...Halfbaick...........163 3.10 22 Phillips Exeter.
LAW. Weeks......Fullback ...............168 0.00 21 Michigan Reserves.
McDonalid... Fullback....... ..1701 o5.09"/ 24 Oberlin University.
BY ANDEWaes C. McLAUGHee..e, Average Weight .........17:1 pounds.
A. M., LL. a., Proesor sf Am. Histsry, Average Height.........5 test 1012 inches.
Universityos i echigas. ---
Clotli Bindiceg................$2 50 All-Freshmanc Win. moddy and there was miuch bad
Fuall Law Shaepn............... 3.00 The All-Freslanc defeated this af- fumbling doe to this cause.
ternoon the eleven of Alma College. Herenan Russell '98, is now in tie
Rik 's score was 6 to 5 in favor of the southern part of Old Mexico. He is
rsBo k-t re Al-Tb hmn The field was very engaged in coffee raising.

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