4 TIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. g ir o6 S. MAIN ST., and WE M RWATERMAN'S WW W TM1k 342S. STATE St., Cor. Willijam St., CARRI ES IDEAL UNIVERSITY 1JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, FOUNTAIN Fountain Pons and Miscellaneous Books, JOS. W. KOLLAUF, Hlas received a nwandi serviceable line of Goods for ITROUSERING. Jest of Workmanaship. AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Washington St., nar5th Ave. PEN MAKES ITS MARK M0LMES'9 LIVERY, All around the world. Telephone 1 06. 5 15 E. Liberty St. Every One Warranted for Five Years. IPINE COACHES AND COT;PES FOIL PARLTIES. LAMPSOR STUDENTS i F W. .BOOTHPRES. 8IfITF W. AoaeoOLD, stV ere JOH. C WLTZ Arst Cahie S VINGS~ BAINK Transacts a general Blanking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oa e16 Capital, $100,(0. boiplo' and Profits, 040,000 ,rra~zacs a enc~al hfll it oreiSogo IDon't be deceived by false sigas We call oittentiolS to our complete lie of Center Draft Nickel Plated Larmps, credit. '" anid advertisemesef offering th~e Vat- ranging in price from 75e to X2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and P. D. SKINNE, Sres.SHARISOIN SiltL, moost improved platterns and snakes. Including "The New Ilocbeoter," "1The Vice-Pros. erioso Penl froom $100 Sull as thee is Yale," 'the Royal, ""Th lie rin Stuident Lamp, ""'t'he IPerfection Student S. ws. i.LASSSSON Co-hicr. no Watermian Pemadeilali t l that - -o'-fyawntt -ba ap o lt Lat l~e coesd s Prc.ILm fyuwn h etlan o h es lre aeadseu.We have he 0(-called XWa~termnsi iii F' II I etsily ! 44 S0. MAIN ST., D E N ni .n ant swlichbleads the SiSitsipeccil g AN N ARBOR, MICH. '..,ai ad la Srets pu~blic So tbelieve that they 'ire getinig o-ol-,-00. -).-o-p---.-I the IVfitl 11)100 Ide al atithsreiar--ecal li th bly 11115price. At any iml~e jprospect- Todatifs Game. I Notice to Ithe Scrubs. R0 1 llI'Oils. 0 C o.1o ItIoIl. Ice'lls ive l I)peuyrs hao i11 llli'~S seav estrlO In rSilo hel hSrubs will bilexc'ted)ollt0til oSS) I- 0-1-- leisue re e ilII gladly 5111150ilietsi Ihe follow5ling the thll et51)c ofilthis t iernoon and ----l wil b nell )0 SIOIhI inte1r1est. Nl 'silla w1111 Sleet Sthem, an Sligill 1111)1rI 0-l merteCe 1111I; ncig L aso onM(~ ily 1110aus)'the instoitut~ionSat AnnlS) ei~e wilsul tbe gonie fthroughiIwithias o 11111 slate5 -. R i, l)o10itN, 1) N ad en El r1 iastI wil be sl e. ot 101) 111)a iIl'o 001)0 ciiicsot he I'S d SALrb11 E"'J '* oiivleo Hthtetei in areand Hound Ru 1111 c rd lil n 0)1Stienifctin University Booksellers, Stationelrs, I footblliteamliifSlly Iep tisentS the r n on u. naVc- lotc 1i ii'-oooCcaher; M. and11 Engravers, esandinig irftlids greait unesity5. There5wli10llOb shr aliioilldIFl r iui air Againii Northweestern has5 not hid the runi)Saituirday iornling, startinig from - --i 320 i Sl~t St~ Mit A'ltit~,MtIt.pnivilege iif meetin~g MiciligallupIisae Gym., at 10 o'clock. All lootLA rLA141 &S----)fouothal fol' ai lilibel' if yeas. I' lioir C 511 loh lllityb&C'LN E R this reasioi, it least, She stu~denltbod are initied toi participate Iad helps Isholdl give She coin~g teami a hlearhty miake this rlin a pes-hisuliesit fixttrin- a T B- E ~~ T ~ recepition, as cordial pcrhapsilas5 Penn- our College athletics.r - sas welcomled by thle whiole student LOST.---Black ncy l~roEnlrs .~ in I bioiy led lay the tiniversity baniil seller bitch pull, black ears and spot S o ___LL Moreover, Northwvesternalsa a on hip. Leave withs Janitor of Medic- We keep everythiiig usually kept in a. UA N great opportunity to regain hler pres- al builiding anad receive reward. first-class Grocery asd Ihakery. Call tige in the gamse swiths Chicago. For FRIIN.-igerogon and tee ue. (Stiadents Leture Assosiation.) iwitha Clarkc out of the teamli, the Ma Fr- so-igerom rud_____ Sfloor, frout; furnace heat and baSts;_ 318 S. STATE ST. rilili Iisyprve u esyvicii~ d bloek fromiicampus. 224 5. Thayer.YO REN X the Wolverines at Thsanksgiving. -360 O 'EN X 'Therefore a victory froii Michigan U. of 31. Bareber Shot 'Tickets fur the entire coiurse are Sattirday w0o111 put Northiwestern on Chas_ F. Steinlbatlr, teacher of andi Baths Rooms. now ois sale at Wilder's, oii State St., her feet again, anid give the Purple Manidolis, Banjeau aand Guitar. Sac- J. R. TROJAstwtIt, Prop. 322 5. State St and at Gooyear's, on Main St., oir coihdenice fur the Wiscoissin gaums. cessor to Mel Gillespie. Stuidio with they nmay be had fromo stuldenit solic- Michigani will collie withi a clean score, Ann Arbor Music Co. Mandolin Or. RAZOR HONING itors. The price is only $2.00. anid a determiniation to keep it clean; cliestra Music furnished. 39 IS A SCIENCE. . . T,link of hearingig bult she sill meiet an elevenl sm~artin~g enrlAesy o eriCI wtie aatee Our Wok. unhder defeat, slid resslveid to sacri- cags), New York and Toledo papers ,____ ARE H ABR SOURKE COCKRAN fice all for thle Purple. Every stu1- at 121 N. Main St., Opera House -- den soul b prset a SepprdTHE MODEL of State Street ForUR0E COOKRA l e Stsh uda"present at Sheppard News Depot.D. BARBER SHOP It you desire For 0 cs., Fied nxt Saluday Baean01 .asv Wahinton D.first-class work and courteous treatment LOST. -Corner Washiington and C. Informattion pertainling to the try George and IHarry at 312 S. Stlate St. IN N ES' BA ND Inigalls. Olsen face, screwv fronst Laws of the United Slates, of thle____________________ For20 ts. orElgisnvatchi, with giild chain, giild several slates and territories of the ENOCH flICTL l Emalmeer and Fr2 t.orstoine charmn. Reward, 42t'Tlioiip IUited States, of Foireignl Countries ,I FuL~- -neral Ditector,. son.37 111 l~sled 1905 d1ph~sthilS.Calls oatedd voit ~ht. SOIL37 urniheduponappicaton. Na. 161 E. Liberty Streto. Residnce53 5 "IAN M A CLA R E N" Fourth__Ave,_Phone_129. For 20 cta. ESTABLISHED 1858.FoeiAo The dates for the absve will soon be made public. Watchltthe Bulletin Boards. We sold YOUR GRANDFATHER goods 3 when he went to school here. 1 Y W. rva STATE ST., 3 .r --- -ANN . :Orin Ll AN