j THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I S. C. A. Actie. The S. C. A. will manifest increased ta~k aed Daiy (Sandyeeecpted duineg the ativty this year. Mr. Chs L. Storrs THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. a salary that will enable ila to give ,; sised P i e InlndP eas ening Bock, his entire te and attentiocn to tier, Bth ihoe, 147d work. Mr. Storrs is a graluate of aeANA(.1NGE.DITOR. Amherst, and has spent oe year in r. Ecer~eesncc, 'oicL. the Yale Divinity Shool. The asso BUSYESS I~ ER. cation will have its ucsual fetures: 0. It. Hes, g.00i..Snday eetings, geerl prayer. >IDrrutis. meeting on Wednesday evenig, cii ae tiitor, . iR. Weevsest, oL special cmeetig for le freshmsecso W te..asee. c, A. 11, Menoee.c,ice.Mocday evecings, acid for Dent adi ci D. , .N,01 . c. I.t iee,oiiom. Medics on Tueday evenings. Ac G.. 1. ii COrT, '51 important additioni has been made ina the soial work to lbe done. A social t entertainment of an infrmal sort iswill le hail ion every Friday evecig r, tnio CC ir 0'0 cAL C1-2.5i foe lr ici i cegeie iiii daringbeee thesol year. Thlee owill itde. .Netiee, i' e ushe in. icd usually be co expense cinicected witi tie aiiee tci. See pi M., orthese evecte cniithey will be open to daa afe i.e fhedicll. Te sal nucccber of larger and lieewhich theae eectedtoC aNSte ac Clet atthie OIcY c dlaes spcial sociacls, will also e givec. The ot. si . 'ewtnd o ith ns tIni Sunday mcornicgcieeticgs will be held CC mli at 111j, 011j"e acii eCfee il(CCeeoficcthe large aciitoricini of Newerry z"i-.Ciiicl el i es CCC'C. Ieee l - - It cci e accounced with cocsi- i-in iha~s hieeciamainegly erahle ceraictythat Presidecnet Acgell CC 'CCC i ididinlcgeer racccls of lpro- will delivec the first Sccniay mcocnicg Ci--CCioulC-Cincc athletics. J. I. Miay- addres cfter scolo pecco. F'oritee CCClr CaidiH.I F. Coceis!'pitrticecfollowinicg, Prif. Wecliy, Dr. W. 1. ,tenCin cCCertaiciiathletic gamiies el inslicdal, ccciilProf. E. I- Johnicsoc it - rgemCcGreec, isCi., duicg the have beeni secred. CC iatiC cioit1i5,i suchccmicicer i5 ___as_________ vCCCittticr acmateur stacdiingt;" personal. CidI were diqutcalified liv the Atletit luctiil of the Iciverety of i Mi (ls erctriceceLoeter, t98, is teacc-C oiit ept., 98.ccng i tiihigh cool atcHuiso, Wenethde Board f Coictril took Mcl cnc Cii inc the C"Stcart Case" Wiseoni Mss Annmie L. 1H111 of Detroit, is CCLwa ithde first acd almiot only techingincth ie West Detroit high scho CCtoC raise a claiior abot Mccli- school. _anii eicng with lrofesioial ath I'AM.Swiyer, 98, is teacincg icc1 ete-. Shle aloce rcised questiocce CS the hc igh clol it Dollorvile, Upper a( die iccerity of Michigan's stnd nisua r A purec atletics. Eveni at thai it-cCl1IIIf the westernicoilleges sCCO. iss Arletta L. Warrein of -.eceild Maybury andcl Cecheis of Wooster, 0., is Preceltress at Iiwa roe f.iocaliii acd inticmccted tat College, Ioo-c. icey woucldI prtest cgainst their coi- W. F. Wolf, '99 L., spetlie petitigiC ini camateeur events, And it summer at Ludingoc, Mieh., plcy -liii Cof this fact the Conccil icc their lng bcal with the licl teace, eCI CiiC~ionsiay they regret 'that no0 uctimiatlioi of the pairtiiationc of Rfaph Apted, '00, of Grad Racp- =aii Maybu~ry cd said Cochemcs in is is hospital stewacrd of lte 35th saidieet was ever given to this Michigan, now at Caccp Meade, Penn. I 5oui~icii or cccy cmeccber of it ucitil J. F. Thomias, 98, former mian- 4aoiy, 1898." ging editor of the DALY, is principal Icc all faircieso to the Athletic of the Negauniee, Mic., high school. Ciiiinel of lte Ucniversiy of Wis- M1 M1 Joyce, twei years iwith '99, conii5ble it said that they relicquishi of Fort -Douglcs, Ic., his retnced to -alI recorido made by Maybury and college and will enter the lai depart. Coehienci sincce 1895. Rt it is o be iet loopied iliac they will not in future beceit :s0 ready to question tie notives of H. L. Foter has beeci appointed olters when they theccselves have on Prof. of Botany in the University of Jaccd a ase of ciinsideraby older Wasicgon at Seattle with a salary tauicg. of $1,400. _Death of a Former Medical Student. Cards have been issued for the i0tccev B. Nortiin, a memcber of the carriae of Mis Carrie Crooks, ex- CCeiiitclass ef '01,swas killed July 1100 Lit and Mr. Wig Agnew, of first, inc the chacrge of the Rouegh RI. aamzo ere tp ScaniJoan lill, necr Sctiago Ccpaini Johmn Bicler, of the base. o~e Ciba. When hic wacr broke ot all teaci of '98 is ct Ishpeminicg as hIa._ sprinigIe becamie imbuiced 'Vithc isrector ic history ic the high le fe ver cd, together with his brth- school. He also ihacs cacrge of ecr Eidward, eclioe icc Roosevelt's atletis. Roge C R-1 ides. His homenwTas icc Es. tee11c. Icc the charge tp the lill condu~hccted h imself with great brcc- T0-17T IZ0G II T_ v rbhiccwasostruck ic inte hecd by cc ofte--slr hecllet just before reaching ATHENS THEATRE le scccit. lie expiredin c his broth- ,a' rrccoaCfew cmomnects after being icoln i. Cat8 i-.'