THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 LIE GOLFT L"NE, GO0 DSD' MJlusic Stdio Piano, Pipe 0rga and Con~position H.Frot Stuttgart Consertatory, Germaony. 612 S. Division St. Cogcert Piano Tunig Students' Laundry Association~ Win. VOUGHT-Win. R. FOX, agents foe THEO GRAND LAUJNDRIY, of DETROIT The best high grade ianr int the State. The only machine domestic Oftesin the West. Glove fshtsto given. All week peotmpty, neatly and catefuliy ttne. Office 202 S.State st. esdetnot ti0 Lawrenee st. Ness State Phone. 4at. MIL.LARD THE PRINTER Ann Arbor, Mitts. MIGflI-1iR GENTRIIL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRIAL STAND~ARDtTtIME. Taking Effect Ausg. 14, 1898. Mailtand Expres...........0 47 P.m. N. Y.& BostonsSpecialt.......41580 FastEstern.s .............43" Atlasvtic Express. .........7 05 A. x1. Dietroit Night Experess.....t . 5 55 1 Grasnd Rapids Expressc.... t....1501 Mailt& Expess..c ... ...... 9058 A. M. Blostotn. NY.&Ciaeego . 0......813" Fast Westerni Express........ t 38 G. R. & Kal. lieterese........5 Chiessgo Night Exprrss ..........91 PssificExpnires............t12:10 A. Att. 0. P. & T. Aget,Ctieno. Ag't Attn Arbor CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORINCJI We operate tite fittest tailolring trade in the city, andl eqtual any itt the State. We respectfutlly solicit yottr valued patrottage. All gatmetnts made by us kept pressed and in repair for one year. 106 E. Hilloil. New State Phone 43. CALENDAR. Ann Arbor Wlater Supply. Thursday, Nov. 3-'00 vs. '99, at The larentoif setnts who arc fair groouods. attendlitg the Unsiversity of Micisi- Frisday, Nov. 4-'00 MI. vs. '99 gant are from titte to timte givent rea- IA, at Reget-3 Field. vonc fur ansxtety by reports regarding Satutrdaiy, Noev. 5, 10 a. m.-100 tie rctntatrninatiotn of thse Atnt Arboer L.- vs. '02 AL., tt Regents Fiel. owater suppoly. Suhursa report, pur- Satrda Nov 5-ll-resmenporting to cotme fromthtie bacteria Sitrlt, iv -llFeltc logical laboratoiry cif the Untiversity, vs. Altma, at lRegentts Field. ws w tidely c~rrolated duritig the patst Satuirdaty, Nov. 5--Miclhigan vs. sumtmter. rTe fiollowringgetatementt Northswestertt, at Evanstots, Ill. froin Dr. Nuivy slhiws thatt thsere is Meitneay, Nov. 7-Prif. Aetiley ott toeoccasion for talarmi at the presenit "Robert Burnts'its Unty Clob Lece-tthe: tttre Ciitrse. ANN ARBOR, Oct., 1898. Satturday, Nov. I2-Michsigan vv. During the last tooo es severl IllinteosUnIiversity at Detrosit. examtinastions ifthtie Aitti Arbor cwaler THE GRtEAT MANDOLIN ARTIST, Mr. W. Eugene Page, Ucec tse Josep~h Lohuiann Asnd aleoithe Washburn instruments. SHB LLE M SO ORE 114 1'eset 1.11 erty eStreet, Ann .Arbor. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emsbaling a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Are. Atoiselane eight and day. lRes- idence 31)2 FifthIiA ve. W in. Arnold, Leweler~ GiT YOUR AT W1W.TU TL ' OU R Ph-1X .ARE.. PERFECT IN STYLE AN 4" 1I1 Satutrdaiy, Niov. 19.-.Ceti JonB. Goritoit, its S. L. A. c'oiurse. Satu sreday, Nov. 19--Michsigans vs. Belioit. Thutrsdaly, Nov. 2--iiigass vs. Ciciago, att Cicag(,,o. Excursion to Northwestern (it--- suspply tiavebtins tmaide. 1.Tsr chm- ical anditbacteriological atialyses tail to reveal the lire sentie tof ittycoin- tamtintsion iiiir ottyinu iriouts orgast- iu. Tse crater, thlerefoire, is toi le consiiererd tire atniicheilesiteme. F. (G. Novx, Junttior Profesrceoit Hygienei..indi Phsioliogicaul Chlemiistry. w r'-, U tlbTT'MTisere cii be st ieetitigot tie '99) T H-iF TIME TABLE Tlue attletic iieaiuae tiit s nmade clss oFridaey aftrnooini at 4:15, 1set Tssiss R~ert Oc. 0 a~S. arrantgemeints wirlu>y ailownrte ale sRoom siC, tier thepeurpseofe electing UIin . Trains tears Ann Arbor by Central Stand.-liesecsured tior thoise iliciretig toi see a risss irator. edliTie. the Minlii[:ii- eerthli g Esti ane at L.tNslisVt:ttittitC, Prehelceel . I 2 Weeti u it Notrti- out tiiirgica;. It ii50 sitsli e secured tIoic.Staste 11l't :es 3 r:: n t.:74c ate ot $7.50 teetthe rotutd ltrip trillN tc.8 3A i. liA *12:4051'. l.11:'2,5A.M. besiale. The train trill lessee Niiv. The r ill beisn exaitti tits o n it fttnr-it t5:A. st. c . su. 4, anee tickets cilIte gooed retiri leetes for the Udsiversity Glee Chile) A. G. S P A *tunv between Anov Areer nend Toltedeo enlyi. un til tier last traintStundatyinighit. lit lRoom 24, on Weednesday evenineg t eeTl ieed an Soete le oheei nes 1 hoisede. irilie to goare reetuesteed to at 7 o'clock. All ccliii eseiriet e daily except Sundsay. leandte:ir taieeealt uonce tes Cliin.lfor theeclub ate requested to toe puc- N. 5. GtLMtORE, Algetit. BairdII. 1. lWeinusteitn or IH. B. ettast thalt titme. I.. E\ETGP.A'_- Pte.RH.STHN edr LOST -1lck titedcwlite Etigishs $25 gets the best Gresiulsuephieii sp&,ls i t: srtterrbotch plp, llear vsoanii spot $10 a goeod ote, of tie- AtittAtboleer DETROIT, YPSILANTI 8& ANN AR- ott hilt. Liivie withe Jantir itMedic- Music Co.iil ttWaishingteoSt.BetIsoxl ien! ik BOR RAILWAY. al heildiss.,lieiel receive rescared. ivestmeent I knewc of. c~h t,1, ;",~,, _ Cars leave for netroit at a quarter '. .0 .:0_t.0ne .0d vo....z cr e .e y .gu rrev eel) e i r e l 7, hy1tt1.tE, tt ; rpssi1'a tt ;" .after every hour, beginninig at 15 a. 9 i,ieand.i p i:.::, 0:,, :t it in. and op ts 11:15 For Ypsiliti lR~itzChtr, the ILbotograpb L:.CIs4.0G. 01: ., ti iO rCe at a quarter before thse hsur sip to 12:45 V.1 losTrrtoltit a. m. Cart leave corner Hruron and ~~,oin~c,.se.oe 11Ui t11!1 Main Sts. Tiecets on sale at Brown's -___ Drug Store. lnterGolleoiatG Bureau o0 1 Ga&MIG oStume. At N as Stand V 5IC A a.GOTRELL & LEONARD, pimeispt ee. ___Atoose, N. Y.prmtaev ----_- :ipe, Gowns, anod Hoods mode to order anod rested. Also CloasPAU \X 'a te =3Students Cates, Class Hats and Caps, Cisol olg il.Ades.j TWos beipin ote~. C.KERIN, SWesten lMugr., F .S To oslell______ iliUiv.ofsisia~ . 1 40 ::J, ." +"- Chicago aosbcitoRecord ADAL, ItQA.tivrykid. Miis Psmkt use:a,.'.. t, AG.opet M.tttoSooTEPIEstoe7 . SaePoet119 West Washington Street Al vi1pv 0. R STPIINO,'vsc. tat Phne 44. KBoth Phons,No. 108. 'Ant Arbor. lFineet sees eeete upince ityO WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S5 DRUG STO _ te i ll the I and " iliesaicfe, M OYER. eeci :-oeCs A. A. fr 5(lc. atCiespicte.