2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Sophomores Defleat High School. of .u ,(i Thte 1901 class teate defeated the. High School eleven yesterday after- tPublished Dily (Sundtayseepted) duttintg the noon, at the Fair' Grounds, by a score coleeear.o at of 10 to 6. The game was a gtotd THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. oe d hotly contested. IThe sopito- OFICpE;t The Iltand tresso, ttennitngttlock. mores tttade the first tottchdowtt otta ttotht thotne 47. flake, thte ball being futibled intthie MANAGIG EDIOR-. tiddle of the field attd earriedl to te MANGIIS ~ltT~t. goal litte by Btaker. 'lTe Nigh tO.tiaet~t~oto.OtL. Scbo ol tmadle ito tottchdowtndttritng ltUStN. IA5MANAGE'A Att. the last htalf ttiottte tof thte first half .IEDITORtS.. by sotme pretty rutintg ott the part AthlticLotlee 0.R ~ 5 ~ of Httrris antiWhteeler. eOTe soplto- 3P. W. JONES, '99, A. tt, WtotecAte, 'ot :F, tttres' sectond touchldotwti tas mtade Y. D. Eccst, 'Ot L: (C. it. Lern,'055.l, by hr line lute ckitng inthtiesecoittd G.0. TI NtT tttx.'0Italf. Inthiis Italf thte HightScitools wotiked te ball idowteh le field1 withtii a few ittes of -'01's goal tand tiett lost thte btll ott a fiatble The eusction prite oft the DAIYis l;2a.0'or The litte tip wtts as ftllowts: Befoae .Buying 7r'oiar FAIL SUIT OR OVERCOAT See 0(trs. We g'uarantee the Sty le, 'Wrorkinanship anid Material. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHTS Cutting, Meyer & Co. 301-303 South Mtui Str(eet. The Most Deliciouso l Molasses Candies. 10, 15 and 245 cent P.swkocges.. On Sale at Catmputt Drug Mtore. J. J. QUARRY.' FALL OPENING tere cordially extetnd tot yoo an Invitatioti to examine tour Pal atnd Ainter Shtoes. Yoti twill titil all of the swell and neweot laots and with poptilar prices. EMEiI TlNAE 218 5. MAIN 5T. WIRAI & MILLER. The Sfloe Men. hr tolle'ge o'ar, wtlh aegular odelivey beoroe nootaeoh day. Notices, e ttnnicattotoe, ando athor tmattee intiettded totrspulcatottt eh handed in ttilthe DAItYrooftceefooee8 .m. o mailedt to the eor efhooee 3atI. tofotthe tday previous to ttonwhtich thetyoaetexpeted to tubsriitonst tttytobe lftat the DALtottfitce, ?doyer's, 0r Stoltle toeeeitnt, or twtit Binoe Mianager. Subhcrihbes will cotter a faoor by reorinromtotly at thtistofottceeant5ftilore o0 carrerstoliverpte. Att changes itt attoorltitto tmatter toutt ho int the offiecbya4t. ton. oa the lay treoviouso to that ott which they atot piar INa CHAREttofor1otoe' iett. A. It. SttDtO GALL. i1901.OtHIHt tCitoot.. McGee. ....... :..............Goury Bourquin.... .g....... rozier B3rookfield......r. g......Murfie Bjork, Tft .....1. t...Smte, dePtontt H-1arris........r. t....... iT'ker Kittlema......1. e...... etroon Fredland... r. e.......Witte N. (G Becle . .q........elatoo Miles, It. LBegle.. ....Harris Hoyt .... ........r. h.l.oyd, I ottd Baker ..................... Wh eeler 'Iooobhowoo.--Fredlund. Hoyt,Wheel- er. Goal from touchttownt - Sitno. Referee- Simnisot.Utpire -Chatte. R1aams 1a3aar The Athletic Boardl of Notre Linesman--W tnchettter. FIEna An(5 Aitus Dante is greatly to be comtmendiedl fur W IPPED THRKFE MN For LAMPS of till kinds. the standi it htas takent regarditng thte PORCtELAIN CIt'llMll E tS. of DINNER SEiT- atidFA NCY' Ci INN. shigii Ot' tth otre Damie U. OF M. Professor Disciplined Hal- 11 5 South Mait St. Japattese Goods and Novelities playet's. This actiont is the mr praisewiorthty for the reatson that it loenDitres teas lotte voluntailrily, antdtwithtouttainy Petit. Dorratuce of the dentattltie. MO NESY L O A NED MAKE A STRIKE compith(ii ii the pairt of the Michti- partmient is tite tif the most mutisciultr Otonatcloos, Diamoooond'.Whoeol. or oilertPer- -ro ait auithioritie". Notre Damite htts oten ill the L'tiversily, tot evein ex WACEANJWEYRPIED BO L G AL .Y thtus volutartily ieprived itself of ceptitig the stitient t t lles. hist WTHSAD (EYRPIE, BO LN L iatotresidto'nce,33ltE. Libteoty Si.,AntooAt,-310 S. Main St. the services ofotie ot her miost valu- ight three miscireantt erte Il1iylo1 ho-, ttli..All looinos ot' e o lo' ouo si,0000 atble phayers ala titt vtt ieHiliet itlk i i't~ilbotoo 11::30a. to. rooootItto 3o an10 ,to97 p. in.o ,,~ T. MA H O IN E, - Proprietor. heeded titemottmost becaitse of iter' hoosd aitdlie dieeioli'ot)l lIi 11111 l oi Paor-aoniotilSeototooond-tandiitaeloeo3a00 tiamooooonds.irpenad-otati Nighot targe htospiital list, Up too ltst year (the lun of riplointg 1011feince's.lHe'----_- Noire Daotie utsutally played sitise totokatter themit antd fountoihemitt too 7=--=O 0 . protfessionaol tett ott its teamts, bot be full-growtnt ineet, presuotmabl stut- Ions this year beetiiakcitng great dehetto. They gave tile a gotod chatse, COLLEGE STUT) EN TS efforts too rttise her standaerd of atoto- bitt le sotteededh oinoverlakioig ote teurismt. 'flat Iter efforits aitd priomo- of thteits ttndltwos givinog I' too t goot1 ieii this eirectiont have.beeii site- odrubbintg otnthte sitlewalk olottlelthTH cere has itote beeti clearhy evidenced other ttwo camtte ~esa101 of their ('IU1IIRYL by thte toniest attoaltthy action in coompatioti in trioubleh. lit', Doreotoce IfOVER the ctase of lie offentinitg player. caiughot ottelby the' legs otiol lis hie'toi S.E Thetrph romisnowa-eait. he ose aodtt utt edt'to he ''ftohoord toteI) rhe h ople of a ituttiber of ottcceetlingtoito te stomacth lh 0 ylotowit'iehropt toctai.oosa griyouttnaosdooh-otgoaIiningo otto ______ riaoatigers, teatmis, titd claisses is itotfiorce that wtoutldltate miadle 'Cout,"Sit''olfn 6c r hotnger a mtere hobo. ''The trophylty lao or "Pa'' Henntinger etnvioust. r'ootothoos beeno furntishted and suchl There see Ithtee prettysoe eni - = '_-'r trophies as0 are availaeble tee beitig towtnt todlay wioo trill testify to the--l- --t-o - put utp as oquickly to they cait he profcso' pIloweersitn hatodlitog a ' If Vou WVant Or Binding, or Rulfing, or anything in ouorlhue, n()000toe secutreod.'PTe credit for thiio behotigs crowod -Tribott, Note. 2. boo' small or hoot large, to the Athletic Botardltatd the aluittti - - aJo o W AN DO I who contributedhmontey. Each toeoto-I -brOf the Athiletic Blotrd contrib- I Printing for you. Cell and get acquaitoted. otedi towtardls the fundo. Mantager' H. TeIln p,.< B3. Potter deserves esicecial mtentioto F"0 l,- for his itttirig efhorto ito secuorincg the roooo and ini ookitig after the A H furniehtitg. Neot that the roomt is - prepaoretdtour thooir recehptiono, atlT# Z T F lflhi M 1 40 S S'AN trophties abot Co tege shtouild hue IuppobJ4LLa IiBIbflg roghot ottohndturiteulover ho the CAjLLIAUGHANlooo'oe t 'od1o9 cmitooIdo thtlhey-otay be placeod0'i B o n tltey blotl.I'IjLaw B okPublishers a npoIr 'o S High School >,s. Jackson High. 1.If Have you retoo Wilsotn's Wiorks as eddoteol by jaitneo IX ift r I I One of the prettiest gataes of the -And___ i tirewts, oitt ol000 t s ot titttttiiit't t ta'nt il '« itc:2 o ty :eason wiill be phayed be playeth at UNIVERSITY tif the Untitedl Slates?" Tlhsese boois ore tot' sali ot outo thie fair grotitdo, Saturdaty aftertoot, n b~ B lronhitteisore anid twe ohtalh he giato hiavite yoauccall antod betweenth le AitisArbor lighi scitotol CIOI f 'acig exattinoe thtemt. anid Jacksotn high school footbiall Gagr-s- cadmcadmy ean.Our Branch Here Close botNo.IStie lit- 1'liptl. 1~___________ _____ Hospital Guild Election. - ___ _____ ___ All mnetmbers of the University ILh a Who SelS AKIH SEWIOU ET Hospital Guild are ituvited to be 110M nOISS A EH S e YU ET preenit at the annual electionm of P'enttetantdt'opoorni at theoAtletic iO GUNBO tSi Ofi YOUR FANCY, officers to he held at the residence of Fioldti(a iofOLD' Mre. Harrison Soule, 708 S. Univer- W. S. PA'RKER, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. i YOUR FINANCES. pity ave., Thursday, Nov. 3. 315 S. State. Call in and see him. W, d, A PR ILL. llhIE. Weehitogton St. i f