THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 feee Nffe4 e f 4f11ffe~ef+ ee***+*++++***f +*+*******+44*4+**++*4+feee+ e e * +4f+++44+* HILDEBRAND, THE NEW TAILOR: ____~.4~.k~4444444444444++4++++4 9+* 110+++4E.++*Washington44+*4*4+ St. ~ * STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WMi. VOUGHT-WM. R1. FOX, THIE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The best high grade lauondry in the State. The only nmachine damestie finish in the Wet. Glove finish alsoe given. All week proaptly, neatlty and enrefally done. The Excelsior Laundry Co., OF KALAMAZOO. Collarn ...... ...............1 Cent Caffsa.......................... THE ORIGINAL Students ! Students1 THlE GREAT M5AND)OLIN ARTIST, If diesotiofied withayosor oote ndryseorvicoe M .o.ougnaPae Ate riEXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Ccses h r A. F. COVERIT, Prop., 109 E. Wash. St. Joseph Bohmann lelelohono No. 2 I1 2tisogs. And alolahoe m IcaellesatWeek aad Qaiok lernine Guaeanteed. Washburn Instruments, 4LAoM COCKS sioo. They ace foe sale a0 the ALAROML PIS, 5.0 Ct. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE ARENOWON ALEAT114 Weat Liberty Street, ADn Arbor. BROW 'S D UG SORESFine Wetch Repairbog a Speciaalty, DRON'SDRU STRE. J. L. CHAPMAN, O M. MARTIN,.u FRESH EVERY WEEK. 20Soate Main S1reeltU EA Shirts.....:.................... . Either finiah. Satiafactionguaaranteed. Give CALENDAR. Ann Arbor Railroad Connections.E usaatrial Wednesday, Nov. 2-'01 vs. High Via the Ann Arbor Rialroad you A Offie1202.IStatenst. Residencel610 Lawrence st. Scbool, at fair grouonds. cats conttect for important points as 10 New Slate Phone. 440. _ Thuirsday, Nov. 3-'00 vs. '99, at below._ fair grounds. Leave Anta Arbor. Ml~filGRN GENTRRL Friday, Nov._4-00 AT. vs. '99 7:25 a. in ....Arrvec Chicago....I.. :10p. nm. +___7:___5loa. n ....Arrive St.. koala. e.:52 p. co. MITheligar FllRut." L., at Regent Field.107:25 i. ni... Arrive Kansas City. 71In. Saturday, Nose. 5 0a .'079 -i.. rieNaaaFalla.. .1:1pi. CNRLTA ARTIE L. VS. '01 IL., at Regents Field. 7:25 a. .. Arriave Cincinnati.1..:30 p. no. Taking Effect Auog. 14, 5198. 7:25 a.ain....Arriendiaapolis ..l0.3:5. . ~ ~SSaturday, Nov. 5--Michigani VS. 1:250.a. .... Arrive Loisville...:10 p. m Maltoon Expess . .31 T Nrlwseti vntof~ 7:25 a. in ....Arrive Fort Wayne....l12:35Snooa N. 1 & toto po t:25 atno....Arrive Cincina ti. 7:50 it.i. Fast Easterna......... 943 00 Mnday, Nov. 7-Prof. Weltley 0n11 11 :5:i. i ..Arrive ..Ariv leeeland.Wahnt....1.55:05 . . n tlatcxres...........54A..Detroit NcnEpes . , Robert Brs nUnity Cu e.11:15 a. in... .Arrive, naltimooore.2..:05 P.. 00 GrNdaidht Expren..........tttre555 1:2;a. in... Arrive Philadelpia ..0:5 p. ooi. Grn ais xrs .... ...111 oeCoarse 11 :21 a. in... Arrivee Onlonobao...8:5p. no. MaltA& Express..IN WS. .115 udAyNov 2 tIga s,1:2.a. ....Arrive Dayton.......:0p.In ..l o..ArieCincisonati. 5 oto Rastoon. N. Y. & Chicago.0.....813" Jlliniois -University at Detroit 8:40 p. so:... Arrive Coloonbuos. 06:10 a. no. Fast Western Express........ a 38 P. n atrdt Nv 9-.Gt B. 80:40 p. i..ArriveeNiagara hello .e:48 a.ino. G. P1 & id. Etiness ......... 5. 5 Sa.d00Nv. -Gn ohn 8t~ Arrive Iotalo ..7:400a. 000. Chieago Night Eapress .......... Go43 d+8:43.0 ...Arrive Lansng...10:50 a0.n, Foebdo Express.............12 30 A. M. Greol, in S. L. A. sorse. 8:43ai..orrove Granod Rapids..t12:55 BoonO 0. W. RUGGLE.S, H. W. HAYES, Saturday, NOV. 19-micigtl vs a:56p n. Arrive Sagisoaw . 5..:25 0. t, .A',toeao A' n ro 4:hp nay City_ ..8:30i GI.&T.A',Ciao gtAnAbrBeloit as66pi....Arrive Laonsisog. 17:50 p. so:. -- -_- - _. .. _ TlnsdayNOV. 24--Micloigatovs450poso.Arrive Orana t56.dn . apids... 9-55 p. in. i Chicago, at Chicago. 4:56 p. in.... Arrive 'hoont. ....7:30 po..M4AF9-0I a o Notice. B B O 1 Excrsio toNortwestrn Tholere swill be an examoinaltioni of cn -,0 Y eLO Game. oidates for the University Glee Club Th'le athletice ,. en asmdea Ro 24, on WVednesday evening TIME TABLE todsgoel d ~~alt 7 o'cloik. All so desire to try Toaking Efrect, Oct. 2, 1aso. arranogemenottSseiereby a lose rate clatnfor the club are requestedl to be pros. Traoo IreeAnnAror y seecred fo~r those desirinog too see ent at tbat tione. 'sot rlinClaeAnbryCetalSan-thoe iiohia-Nortloweoternl gatote at B .STIO edr NCIH5OT hileago. If 50 ratn be secured a R._1-._________ eader 8:A L- - - rate of $7.50 fior thoe rounold tr'ip will Thoere sill boo a moeetinog of Glee *Id:40 Pa. Al, 11:25A. At. be bmade. T'eitrirwill lleaove Nosy. andol MandolinC lubnxtdeX . sday 00:05 A. M. I s 2 is .E: 4, anti tickets still be goo:d returninlg e veoninog, at 7 o'clock ito Roooo C. -Ran- until tbe last traint Sutoday nighit. LS.BakadwieE 1 hRn etweena Ann Arbor and Toledo only. c t rToese teeasns on Sunday only ad run loe- Those se iritog to go are requestedi to LS-lcbldsyot ioil tweeso Toledos and Hoonell. All other traiooshadternmsaonetCh.sterbthp ,blcersndpt daily except Sunday. lao hi ooisa netoCisoettrhiLavewptoh bankeir torfMdioc-o E. S. 011SMORlE, Agent. Baird,1H. I. Weinstein or H. B.00ltp evesl a'aotro"Mdc H. W. nEVNETTr, 0. P. A. Potter. al builodinog aood receive resward. A very nicoeouite of roomos, tilor. 'T'he Grapohophoone is calleodthoe ou~ghly lieatoel. Baothoanod all noerol talkicog tmalchine, btut it sings, atod is DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- Conlvenienceos. Price reasonaoble. Only a owhiole brass bando as swell. It can 3 blocks from Camlpts. 545 Patck- be htad of thoe AnnI Arbor Music Co.I BOR RAILWAY, ard St. 33 for t10.tC Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter --. ~ . after every hour, beginniong at 715 a. n. and upts 1:1rp. m. For Ypalanl (ents ai, he b e00a~e r at a quarter before the hour fil to 12 245 chle, th ipn tolvple' a. m. Caro leave corner Huron and Alain Sts. 'Picketo on sale at Brown' Druag Store. ______ -.,...' DIRECTOR Embalming a apecialty. No. 200 Fourth kve. Ambulance noght and day. R~es- lence 302 Fifthl Ave. LVim.1-Arold -IA Leading VV .oI1I Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W, W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS . . .ARE . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 I12 Weat Huron St. Stoate FPhone 11l, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Thoe .Name the Guararotee. Offiiaou otittes.otoo all the leaddioocolegeschool ad athiotc cloteams00 S Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Usedcexclusively by Yale, Princetono,Harar d PennosylvaniaCornelloand all othlbo earoding co:llegesx and uniorsitis's. Maonaogers xlhould writ for pries o~baooosplseo~e ordoring eloewhecre. Spoloiega Otticiol Faat Ball Guide, edited by Walterr Campoi. Records. phoo graphof ol eadinog teams~.1893 roles, switho ln- dex and explanatory notes, 1loc. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., NowwbYork, Chicao Mom'rs LalllrY AUlcY Al News Staed, 607 E. William St. Give me a trial. Hirst oloes work and prompot nervioe. PAUL ME fER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. Stoate St., BiindseBooksfo2c.andnupwards,ad cells A, A. Watermacn Fsountain Fesorr$1.005and up. All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Finedt Satonery in the city at lowest price. Wanted=3 Students To solicitlsushciptions to the Chicago Record A fluoe opportuaity Iatoanome moaey. G. 25. STEPHENS, 1 L. 1 i Ib %tio~ itc ti o nduI5 DU IG~ u 01 c 1 6 b hI~I U U 1hUII. GOTRELL & LEONARD, AoLoANY, N. Y. SCops, Gowno, end Itoods mode to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Clossa ts and Cape, Claoss('ullege Pius. Address W. C. KEHN. Western Mncgr., A Haskelil Msoecm, Univ. ocr Chicago. ANDALL OAL Every kind. Kit9 Weot Wanhington Street State Phoone 144. Both Phoneo, No. 105. Ann Arbor. 1 WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.