VOL. IX, No. 2. AN\N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 27, 1898. RotaR PArCK. GYM WORK COMPULSORY. The aicerage numober of i-patients Football Practice. frte year was 239 'ad the __ All Freshmen Must Attena tsymna- average legth ofi time- remained by Hard Work Began Yesterdaq# After- slum Regulery. each patiet swas 2.24 days The noon at Regents' Field. ToT 'nuecn with Novembaeir 1, laigest numbielir sif patients is the he fooitiell gadiisid sits-first FIEFALSITH$, alfrelitein i the liter ni) de part. lipta1 t any oiii time we- 85s ad lisrd lrcicse of the year yssoc H IE FALSITNS H sit of the Jsiiersity isill blie i- the sissllest 27. 1'le-aveae uiiiiiiaternoons. Aboiut irt ny 55055a s isc jirel to take regular wo rkiniithle her of ptiteits for tliis s liioil yeari out aid liiel up fori i ihe rt tliii E mot/F (y nseiui. Tiwo hors eachlswek ws hliglher' ila liirthe yeaiiof 2 The soiniig mssde by the meta s ws' %i m stbespntit cas wrkuner moth. t as 71.68 s gaiiist eiicouraging, wshleu the fsct is Cl Director F-izpiairick'-s cliretiiii. 62.29 for the preceediig seliuiolyer. sdrdcioltlit tle wsriegivn 'i h ee iwill be four reglatr elasese, The numssber of de atasduirinig thelii sfor i the firsrt timhe jst la ore SWE CARRY THE LARGEST Tflies >aadth ethrt ia techlioetthe followeisg hour- eir ie 2ell h' isll l lissii sp The Vrs ity line i AjC1 STOCK l.,n 3, 4 and 7 1,it,. stdeltssi o ng its-jetets 2.7. li ~ iaist theiAnn Arbr Hi ghs Seii pr INTH CTY j they may desecpsruvidedlitsat no on115thii yeas,elsivse if letiis, light The IHsis School i eleen i hirslIc scectiion e is-silooe-iicsr wdeid. isg, i-epsiirs assd iispiss-su-stn ts scsiagaisi e diVNasity asild5will lii iu L L 1I sery- eli us-se swill le requsiiseds $2 1,1;)012 sill1thii-riceis e re g~is hemlii tlsas i) i s~r'etrh deshertsiitlh'tl iss , (Chicaigo asdsI llinoiscwill ocS sid v iisi lists iiidlmeadsis alws 'r j id i oiit titiT icit tios ii i i tic sbetva sit1 11s iaisii t i li s iss lalt hisdsi 5 , t- rsesiitplsoI ' csI I ii- cii aisdsl- it iii 1 laiso isi itN' s OG T le' totillr1-t0 2(2 lisht Iii sv slicitsttlcitit ~V~ihittit ack iiil. Wood-tl "t vLi Illseisi- -a lestIt isissliti rsiladidasifons its ~ w t(ists is'ts lir s , i -ar- Ii} :o 5u li tii J tc iil iit 1 t)h ssa i sso I isis-,thatsui-the seyh eelnitil i I- uc i iu i lu i -I oussah sil l I sassst siiud iss "-sit - iiioeeii3 liii s we sgsep elled th fri o mssiiihsia s sitn i i i isb h t it it - - 5' 1 'scre i till'sbea15.st h fhior li lausst . tli cuti hey i rsil s edhito L-- 55555 6uitss watisis forii 155-1' lities.sR.iE.JOusYstis u-s 1 s-h l it rc ull uaoui s ahletio mseit wsupass c Wisi-iiiti sut 153 his-sill t l.ve se itIc 5 e. 30sTH oLOGState sliii hues lislsigishlytmishhisscuaiisis situmlitw1111 isl(ssuh, u hssar-ea' i- lsa usl 5iis o r(I iP isFitptickthmiss u- aiim cssi-i hss t ;sy itum grsl i c s itu us msitssollusuthe lit i h10ieti [H S O O Y it tis e l-l l hi ii th u ii aii 5 ~iii 1 ireptir nt iu ich f'si sui t 5te I :S oori of he ~ i i 55 i r Coo PrieseBtt m -kspteii s1,l haSt21 lu's i sislutg; ssihIn ssetisg Pim ittusi ui sil bes c-ll hi-id; le u B ACTKIOLOGHA~ AY iworki iscoiplstorye-li )i stsseit rofe~iessotage;IN p tsre origiiiitor dolie ll., it 0 l~i i T bull mmiiatt scsid t i soxelet euts. ee fii hsse tt aganlst i s W ssstico s iti t a s v i s s I l s i ss-I'll sei - sATHOLOsGYs.l ims- 1.h1 hitiiysl(shl iileto his pmstn-, i sei it iii iiiedy, uisi5i ii suite uses tat nmth aimti th tetu multIalain sit e Qucre its -s' ei suit i;'1 v )r hnve adiis'srs r t cs-ts t ke rtistsfessii Iulcsip iertcon si tlrtiotby t hisadu t on o 05) s tl ihit V ie it Iis .',it Ou sir Pr i icie ii s tto . Lstshes uig th eren - 'iSs AtltWisc usuum. iofuswith-c iis iii ytlplayedshlf io i tl t SiltS istisi5 isin ilusyitc1s10i.ssOfitsisnumber h isa esingis daysif tistucdisettii.e m es ussesIf elc'asmt0--i6- A L 55555KI ' s i im is iu - l ' vvhu e 1u p aei ,il ie n tsei( i. iti o ar es r se l esto us iesld u isyc e a il hl lite r ani ti tsue h ugus ht ss upsrit heuh lt 1s >e 5i tshehsptlan6ou-aientsihereumpitioni of isilsticussretioen togh Cdates ut hisc svu us se 55sssiusssm iceetss --i .N se ryoso - -th s1430 Wo he t ta etyisouuusuui it a d1 u co iusti sh . ciito inrm igoursi levess t hi h rtw itl ml slliuibersmwerusesieni and the0 resmaissn--er--w---------- to Ciiesucmoitdesrousof obihe lstger done.i at~swill___e__ evry_______ lonrisn--------------------281sl thurat lscr ibs tousbe u, ng W w rststsethniew. Icuhuuicl hi } seited a. erd1.g1tohatace iotficd. wsim atler tis dll e muster qie- a ecrw a os \re - eeictefpueswr sflo scsherntisos. user TahresIuss foothssuhiInuuar i du~t atthis ti ethis bosurr :......d..it.i..as.... ..eprs-l- M Up p To nrdontoDwn o wn d Teian----------------------e RgeraMicorsfo electedfoontba hereasistappteisoeg etor StateeSt. oppBoullrs t hueIlnos------------ mnaepnthe einto f3.ueuld nthge nla isdsertoaed o 11 vESIFadanrfeaeaOherwSas------------ t1.reald.titheofootballonsorktthis fall.