THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES ITS MARK .All around the world. Every Onse Warranted for Five Years. Don't be deceived by fake signs and advertisements offering the Wat- erman Pen from $1.00 up, as there is no Waterman Peni made at that price. We have the so-called Waterman Pen, which is extensively advertised iair~annr o6 S. MAIN ST., and W 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., CARRIES UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. T A L L Y H 0 A We havs decided to satisfy a long felt want for an op-to date tarnoust, and soL have added to our stock of fios horses ad carriages, a rALLY-HO, which seats fourteen persons. Coaching parties will now be to order. Secure a date for the L- Tally-tin. Call op Y HOLMES LIVERY , JOS. W. KOLLAUFP M'R1IUOR7 nan received a new and serviceable line of Goods foe TROUSERING. Cool of Wnrkmaanship. 204 E~ast Washington 5t., near 5th Ave. W. J. Soa xPars j W Axn t Vise-preson J. V OasEN, 2didvpos le s R I JOHN. C. WATZAsst. CashierIVNO BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Annzd16 Caitaoll, $100,4005.OSirplusod Profts, t40,000 exchange bought osd cold. Fursist lttersof credit. E. D. KINNE, Preon. HARItON SOCL, Vice-Pres. S. W.CLARiKSON, Coasoer gtnnvmi 0han iiitr Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 1 LAMPS FORSTUDENTS We call atteotion to our complete litne of (enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $'2.50 each.IThese Lamtps are of the latest and mnost improved patterns and makes. lnclutding "The New iocliesler," "The Yale," "The Royal,""'fhe iBerlin Student Lamtp," "The Perfectioni Student ILamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Leest llsisey come aond see us OlId Number: 44 O. MAIN ST., DE N& 00 ann whitcnleatis tthe utnsuspecetig! HIV 1'W'' '-"-' ..5' - - - - - I stoiosattoeon Olesels public toi elieve titat tlhey are getting s~il iO11.Osll. 5,0 esot the Wtatermiant Ideal at this remaih tOptnt rk-U. nOgM.ertu' Notice. bseiness. In ppotunty orU. f M St" Ntie. ly ow rie. t ay tme ropt' - Rit, ;ti ~e( tlC. IG ' , Yie-Pres. ielo penbrice.a a fe t itu trlllt dents to Studtj the Correct Coo- No spectators will be allowed sit s-s:n. .BES- shier iv et uer av ewmttlIL-Reeats FieldIliiiTuiesda ttyi*Xedlles--- - - - leisure we will gladly shtsw themtti ib5 tomes oif Their Early Ancesters. ,tdTiu dt at letots h Jb P uIrl or Savi c aH swintdle thatt is beitng icrpctraledl Not ontly ihas the aotitr of "''n-t.' arsily swill hatve secret ittcice fortteiutli.I CaptaSlo k.1S~. 50,000.OSerplos, $5150,000. upon ie ulc dr-ediHetarts"ptaid special attetntioni Satsrdays glotti. Iiesnseoo-e1.100,000. r to the settitig of the liece, its airtistic CHARLE~S BAcon. tisgosized ssnder the Genseral Bansking Lows I6 i1- sechasgoeote principal citie of he Coiled 1)J nteso, butthle hts sdosiventhe EX-state superititetitetit of psiblic Ssi.tatesatscasoesd0upeopoerdentification. closest study to the costtuties of the itistruction of Wisconisini, Edwatrd F. noFIolo: Cheriistiaec. Pres.; . . Ollrri- UnvestyBoelersa tavers rs, periodi of 1770. Searitngpassed away at St. Patti, J.FitzAsisottcashier.Iioc, ohotM attil EngraversTie S ithian Intstitute at ash-Irit., recently. He seas ai clais-___________________ 320 S. State St., Ants Arbor, M1ieo. ingtsst, futrnisihes ample opportuinity tmate of Presidetit Adaniis in th~e _________________to observe the dress of stir fore- Uttiversity of Michigan. LAM B& SPE NCERI fathers. Titers is exhibited the otni- Onle hundred more souvetttr svtn. foir won by eore Wahingon.dow posters of the alunini team htave There will be no sham about tsebetorrdaidwlbenslet wtsard-robes of those wits lenld their Seehan'sere and ilbeiard' ale a n if talets depicting te beautiful roman -eeansndSidMiar'__a___ro er ti5 rm3KnrdHats ete h rePesteodrlal o L sham nor chamois will pas~s for buck- sod leading State and Sporting paper We keep everything usually kept in a, Anskin. Poatchee's ctostumue for in is hiaindled by F. Stofflet, Opera House first-clans Grocery and Bakery. Cull stance will be muade of buckskin. News Depot. Call and subseribse. and see ue. (Students' Lecture Asnociation.) Poatchee is the hlfi'-breed French Good delivery guaranteed. 318 S. STATE ST. and Indian character wshose qualities " lend prismatic coloritngs in this de. A very nice suilte of rooms, thor- BATHS--100c-BATHS lightful oldtieme drtotta, relieving outghly heated. Bath anid all modern until Nov. 1, 1555, I will srll tiehets Tickets for the entire course are the comedy yet intetisifying the conveniences. Price reasonable. Only GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1.00.. now on sale at Wilder's, on State St., climaxes. This charatcer is imper. 3 blocks from Campus. 545 Pack- Stogie Boats wilt remnas heforE',250esah. and at Goodyear's, on Main St., or sntdb r onB ek s r 1 3 ..a ojrwoPo.322 S. State St they may he had from student solic- several seasons a vaitted menmber of Bureau or Law, Washington, D. R Z R H NN itors.. The price is onily $2.00. this Otis Skinner (Co. This author C noisii etiig RtoR theN Thin ofheaing Mr. McCorinick. hits pictures and Laws of the United States, of theIS 1 A SCIENCE.. Thn fhaig pictures galore, sonic taken by hint- several states and territories of the We Goaranteeour or ek. self presenting te correct dress and EUtnited States, of Foreign Countries WARREN THE BARBER. BOURKE COOOKRAN fancy of every adjunct and detail.; furnished upon application. TE M DL o State Street At the Athens Theatre, TuesdaysT EM D L f$DN&EY' For 20 cta., Nov. 1st. The Goodyear Drug Co. wishes to BARBER SHOP In Bu s e&iEe' impress upon every student the fact first-elasa work and courteous treatment I N N ES' BA ND LOST-Black anidu-bite English that they carry this largest line of try Georgs and Barry at 332 S. State St. setter hitch ptup, black ears and spot students Supplies aind alsui chat they For 20 cta., or on hip. Leave with Jantitor of Medic- are NEVER UNDERSOLD. ENOCH DIETERLIEEmbalmr an al building and receive reward. 20 m.-0Oxv. Ctsottdd ueraligh t r. "IAN VMULMI-i' For20ct' . ESTABLISHED 1858. This dates for the above wiii soon he made public. Watch the Bulletin Boards. 1 1 We sold YOURhlhGRANDFATHERTI Focods when he went to school here. X 1. 11 .L i 1 1 i 1 1-: 11" 'S V N-IINA j No. 161 N. Liheety Street. Rleeidene 033 5-. Fourth Ase, Phtone129. So Le A. 4#ldp