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November 01, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-01

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Holbrook, Dreoke, Strong. Navel, F.I Before BSaying Your
Elmore, lsigr.
1990 Medic-Carr, Staughton, Cooper,
College yer, at Cayle e, Kennedy, Wakefield, Pray,FA L S I OR VE C T
Adam, Hcke, GimLakee, Freund.
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 1902 Medie--Seiblee, Seight. Nfer, See Oulrs. We guarantee the Style, Workmnamlusip asd Material.
Harvey, Ilerf, Lake, Dart, Bender, Mar-
Odrrie: The Inland Pre, IHening Bloctk. tin, Ulner, Mhorse Newberry, Paton,
toth Phones 147 Abell, Kepler, Shulz, nderwood, Iok- , OUR PRCE ARE RGT
1VAAiGEIO. wood, (Gilpin, Kohlhaus, Ser, Carhart, IIUU RGT
F. Exsnatanot, '01 L. Hils
BUIN S 3ANAGEII. All protets mstctbe in tie andes
.i5.ttnN, 'Ost. of thtoattistanttt football mtaagr by Cutting, RB eyer & Co.
EDITORS. Wednesday nigh,.
Athletic Editor, T. It. WOosen, '00 L. F. W. POTTER, Ast. Mtgr, 2(.1-20:3 South Main Street.
P. 4b- JONES, '9J, A. I. MtDOUOAee, 'it ,
F.D 0AAT ; C .L~) 00M oployWr nGm .0. ttetene, '0 E. Classes in tie literary and e in The Most Delicious of all
ag =ering freshtmen complory gymnta J/ Molasses Candies.
siumt work begint today and wiii be 9
The eahrtttioe tee. ot itlte 0AILY to .2.10 Cc' hld regtularly eacht cock day as fol- 10, 15 and 25 cest Packages.
he cotege year, witht a reulae deivery efore lows: 11:10 a. re., 4:15, 5:15 and, On Sale at Campus Drug Store.
vaooach tltdy. Notice, orttotttie tios, nd 8:00 p" it. Lise have been received J .Q A R
,Other ,sottrinctecctifoetpublicatiotn musteio s9
Ltaded in aitte Dter cic heforen85p m. or frotteSeetatry Weade and tiers yet
prvost hto hchte r xetdt remains aboutt 75 literary and 251 --
etth Inl t tteDoerestr tgiteerintigstedents to be enrolled. FALL. OPE ir 4
Mleyers, or 5oletc coewtd, or with BusinesseThtose wits fail toe appear on their
manager Subtscitber wlltcneter ta favor ty
reporting prompttly tat thittOlater ary ailrs of floor numbers in their class wiii be Wpae e cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fa
carriecs to decevter .
Altncanges in adoetise e atter mstete ~i arked absent and treated accord and Witter Slies. You will rind all of the swell and newest
ehe offcohy a P.Mt. on the aly preioseeo that itgly. The first five rowss iii be lasts and with popular prices. REMEMBERtTHlE NAME.
>n whichtheyitre to appear. reserved for freshtmen in tbe after.
There will be a eeeting of the noon classes. The work is conpel- 215 s. MAINv ST.Wt1 &MI [R Tio8oeM .
DAeLY Board WEDNESDAY at 7 p. in. sory and every literary and engineer
in the DAeLY OPeICo, lng freshtentaeutst attend unless ex- a t
____cused. Exaeinations wiii be held 31~II
The postmaster reports that about eachtday from 2 to 4 and 7 Is 8 p. m. HEADQUARTEIRS
500 studets haeve not yet left tieir KEENS FeTZPATRICK. For LAMPS of all kieds.
stetIdress ette postoffice. A Gaut ietr hs ar sPORCELAIN CIAMBER SETS.
streeqttyaddrsses a lhsacm- Gaut Drco hs ar sDINNER SETS acd FANCY CHINA.
lated for thtese inthet general deliv- sending cout widely the foloing 115 Sut Male S. Japanese Goods and Noveliies
ery. It is kept therecuentil tite cleris card, o rrge aleni to atenid the ------____________---___
cnftdtthaetloaettpe-Nortiwtteeretgme: MONEY LOAN ED MAKE A STRIKE
S5It itis ecie-esed o. Ibi oca- OOTALL.-UtivrSity of Michi- OnWaceDi am ~tond, Wheels or oier Pr --na-
son itis ddrsse to Ths o nogant vs. Northtwester'n at Evaenson, soneaPrpety. -TTE
iocthie paslffiauthettsities tno Saturday, Nov. 5. Game called ait WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BCOWLING ALLEY.
littele troueble andi delays the delivery at 2:15 p. eel, Trais leave C. 4- N. cetice at residece, 1 E. Liery St,An Ar 310 S. Main t.
orf thte sail. If te students wish to y Depot at 1, 1:25, 1:30 sed 2 p.bo ice. All businieteecofidenttial.os T .M H30 . -Popitr
receive their etiil protmptlythey p ot1:3 ai. a~nd 1to3:30 ad eo C.ye'tts . MHNY rpitr
shotld at once leave their nams'ad m Specittl cars atid reducei rates Bargaintt scodhandcwatchcesantd Diamnotds, Oen Day ad Nigt.
esebresses at thee postofice. AtferMcio:rot-."vr aieo
____ _____etecsithulid be set hanid to cieer the F
Platers on Class Teams. wearers of the Yellowv and Bieue.
"he follswiteg is a list of tite (Couatio, 25, $355. Adesis- U COLLEGE STUDE NTS
g.aese of players submtitted by theite n, 75cets CHA. BATtD,
managers of thte teauts. Graduate Directr. 'K
l9ot Lit-Hl. L. Begle, Capt.; N. C. Prof. TIreblosd attendledl the meet-TH
Bogle, W. A. Everetan, B. E. Dolphin,itefthMitge EototTaitCO TtYi
I. 'ett, Mngr.; R. Wadron, Jr., A 1).*o h icia lctonTah ONR
Blrookfiehd, . E. Davies, H. E. Bker, er s Asccciittton at Dtrit Friday. OVER
It. Harri, I). W. Mills, I. Fredlund. C. h SMOKE
Hazleton, B. F. McGee, H. E. Zok, H
Robinson, J. M. Tggart, G. D. Hudnut, ATHENS T E T E
R. Farnhtam, P. Kinne, B. inejokt BsTHEATRE.I soo n w t(
Kittleman, S. IB. Eddie, R. Springett, S. Tuesday Eeig, Noo. 1s. Uuh u ' od i 6lr
tranger, B. Bain.,
Ann Arbor High School-Sims Capt; i . 1 ± ____
Bury, Tfueker, Fuller, Army.XWhte, Elli1fuull lf
Peterson, Tovar, Roberts, CroiertRtchr~lr~I
etta, Leland, Boyd, Hares Wheeler, IIliU .IU IL Or Binding,orRlnraytignoulnenomtr
Loud, Mrin, tntgr. 'I e-o sa5rn If You WantorHinraytngnoulnenomtr
1900 Lit-Atwood, Capt., C. H-. Sater, W it Feerick oly nhSrnow small or ow large.
O. D. Strong, Hilyer, Kinsey, Rauch -Conmpcny of Playre obo
Newman, Miller, C. Reed, MeGregor, A Play aof Home-spun Cmedy ad aJbo WE CAN O IT
Gregg,Jno.Larsun,Dratz,Mngr.; Pitkin Quat LoEve.
Peton, MctElligot, Loud, . . Krause,1 A Crload ot Special Sceey cd Effect. Printingl for you. Call and get acquainted.
Kapp, York, Walser, Plumt, Page, Davis , Prtcest , 50, 7,5 cis-andel$.00. TeIlidPes
Lltean. Rie sslsa"Prss
1899 Lit-C. C. Adams, N. Bi. Ayee, Ad atce,'Salcites at Uual Place. JHening Blck.
J. C. Armstrong, J. W. Bannon, Thos. ___________________________________
Beath, J. IlurlsyItHI. Carmiody, P. W.= -- -- - __
Jones, . IH Kitelsy, C. WV.Kent, A. I
Kieth, H. H. LovellAl. L. acMuee Sng ;; iFaIfh3 340 S. STATE.
C.L Nunes, J. B. Pll, ''.A. Neal, .A. L CA~LLAGlHAN
X. Thompson, W. L. Cooper, W. IM. M-'a _____________
ioerCapt;A. I. A. Forward, WsrisrnA. WFn.Law
.Ric NNA~oR: LawBook Publishers and Importers.
Kiehrdon A E Wstan, io
1900 Law-W. L. Allen, . E. Barr, C /I i Have you read Wilson's Works, as edited by James DeWitt
Oppn- hi exatite-tem
Elliott, W. L. Ford, J. L. Gilehrit,F BecI.HOrwn V .Dy . 1.__________ __ Andrews, or Voet Host's "Constitutional acd Pslitical History H
H. Han, F.WIlartshurg,W.W. Hicks, UNIVERSITY of the United( Saes? These boks are for sale sI our
N. J, Hoswel, W. L. Kelley. W. Go a cn branch store and we Shall be glad Is, have you call and
Kirkbride, . B. H1. Kramer, A. V. Loug, Schoo fDa cn eaie1hm
C. F. Mohr, S. OConinor, A. P. Opn
helm, A.II. Overshimid, B. S. Duen, F. _A.- 0O ur Branch Here Closes About Nov. I st.
Smith, R. B. Thayer, J. J. Welsh, M. B. samPons 246. ~~.
iFlesher, A. G. Anderson, E. F. Holbrook, __________________________ __
C. C. Wood, I. H.,Sutphen. W YU ET
99 Law-G . SauenendesK
CB.Andes, Ballardihe Mvan Who S ell s SHAKE THOSE Wo YUFET
Bielley, Christenson, Church, Church Peasutsendi'Popor atheAthltict O D GU B A S co ORFNY
uoan, H N. Clark, Dye, Egan, Emmons , Fistd is
oCanshaw,Gillett, Gooditod.Hogg, Horn. W. 5. PARKER, BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. fi YOUR FINANCES.
herger Marshall, Randall, Sawyer, Sher-
moan, Wittenutyr, Arnold Speak, Fenton, 315 S. Stae. Call in and see him. W. J. APRILL. 1191. IWashingon St.

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