THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 THE THELOOK-WELL THE 'M'' 3.50TANSWEAR-WELL $3.50SHOES. z .MAIN ST " "-- ' - r - r 5r - - H _-r -r-r-r- - C - r -r- -r-r . - - STUDENTS' LAUNDRYy THE ORIGINAL Students ! Students! If dieeatisfied with your laundry service comes to the ASSOCIATION. M. VOUGHT-W M. R. FOX, IHE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The best high grade landry in the Stints. The anty machine domestic Einish in the West. Glose finish aleo given. All work peompeitly, meatly and eaeefnlly done. The Excelsior Laundry Co, OF KALAMAZOO. Collars......................1 Cent Cufs..n......................... Shirts........ ................ . Eithee finish. Satisfactisnngisarnnseed. Give us a trial 0111cc 2025. flintesti. Residences61lLawreeice it. New Stale Phsone. 441. MIGBIGflN 6[NTRfIL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL, STANtDAR IN tIE. Tahting Etli t Aug. 14, 1891. flail and Express ......... 347 P.. N.Y T& Boston Special....... 4 58 1 'ast Eatstern ..............9 435 Atlantic Esipress............7 45 A.1M. Dletroit Nightexpress....... 5 55 GrandlRapidsExprcis. til......111 Miail &Expreiss.............9518 si. Boston. N.Y. & Chicago ..... il..81 Fast WesterntEntsress........i1l3r P.i 0.1R & Kal. Exss...ce ......5 45 Chicagss Night Epress ....... 9 43 Pacifi Epress.............23NiA. iM. 0.XW. ERUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Aget, Chicago. Ag't Ain Arbor ?NW ARO1 TIME TABLE Taksing Etrec, Oct. 2,1898ti. Trains loose Ann Arbor by Central Stand. id Tite. NORITH SOUTH 8:43 A.MA. 1:25 A.55. 1:0P. D5. 11:25 A.M. 4:.5r..i8:40 P. si. t 9:05 A. M. +6:25 1,. i. 'Run between Acn Arbsor and Toledo only. t These traiste oSnday only and run be- tween Toledo acidtHowell. All other trains daily except Sundasy. E. 5. CILMOiIE, Agent. H. W. B3ENNETT, G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for IRetrofit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. us. and up to 1 :15p. m. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. mn. Cars leave corner Huron and Malts Sts. 'rickets on sale at Brown': D~rag Store. Wanted=3 Students 'ic solicit subocriptions to lice Chicago Record A Sace opporunity looen soesmnoney. G. M. STEPHENS, 199 L. legrottSIOR LAUNDRY Alle rell A. . COERT~op., 209. Was.St. lephone Nit. 21t,2Rings. Ohoc lat s Ecellent Wark and Quick Service Goiaranteed. ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. ARE NOW ON SALE AT U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cents. Pine Wotcth Repairinsg a Specialty, _ BROWN'S DRUG STORE, J. L. OHAPMAN, FRESH EVERY WEEK. 200 Sosste Mote Strcet CALENDAR. Adelphi Final Preliminaries. Weditesday, Ntsv. 2-'01 vs. High Thle Adephi Society held its final Scisool, at fair grouneds. prelinminaries Saturday night in Thusdaotcy, Nov. 3-'00 vs. '99, at Adelphi Hall. The debtatero were= fair grounds. Messrs. Harrisoni, Hurrey and IReed, Fridlay, Nov. 4-'0 1Mi. vs. '99 affirmtaive, ande Messrs. Young, Vats L., at Regents Field. Hook and Frensch, segative. First Sattirday, Nov. 5, 10 as. m.-100 place waOstwon by Mr. Young, seconud L. vs. '01 L., at Regents Field. by Mr. Harrison anid third bsy Mr. Saturday, Nov. 5--Michtigans vs. Vtan Hook. Northiwesternt,tat Evanston, Ill. The fisal inster-soociety debsate will Muonday, Nov. 7-Prof. Weniley on take place eithser F'ridcay or Saturday -Robert Bunts" itsUntity Clob Lee-iight antd stiii probably be hseld in tore Cosrse. Roomits 24. 'Te jusdges arcesnst yet Saturday, Nov. 12.-Michigan vs.anniounseed, Illinois Untiversity at Detrosit. Saturday, Nov. 19-Michiganivs. Satourdati's Football Games. Beloit. Pennisylvanias 23, Chicago 11. Thursday, Nov. 24-Micliigatn vs. Chicago Athcletic Association 8, Cisicago, lit Chicago. Newvtoiwne Clutb 0. ----Wisconinti28, Mittnesota 0. Excursion to Northwestern jIRush Medical 15, Iowts 11. Game. Northwestern 27, Lake Forest 0. Yale 10, West Poitnt 0. Thse athletic mnsagemsentthaosladic Prinicetoin 23, Brownt 0. arranigemiensts whlereby a lows rate east Harvardl1i, JIndians 5. be secored for those desiritig to see Corniell 6, Obserlin 0. the Miclhigani-Northtwesternt gamte at Wesleyani 23, Dartmnouths5. Chicago. If 50 can be secutred a Pittsbutrg Athletic Club 11, Wash- rate of $6.65 for the rounid trils sill ingtons cand Jeffersson 0. be mtade. 'Te traits will leave Notv. b 4, andl tickets wsill be gosod returnting E. L. Geismer, '98 L., a member utitil the last train Suntdtty night, of last year's DAsIfY board, wtas in 'Tlhose desiring to go are requtested to towni Satuitlay to see the alumni liatid their names at onsce to Chias. game. He is practicinig last at Cleve- Baird, HI. I. Weinstein or 11. B. laud atid reposrts considerabsle bussi- Potter. tiess nosw, wills prospsects of better. Geo. W. Levitt, '99 L., has just There still bN a iteetinig of Glee returned to his liotmeits Mieligainto, aisd ManidolitiCltib next Wedniesdlay Upp~er Peninsutla, after a fesw cays evenitig, at 7 o'clock in Rootm C. vsit with frietids iii Anti Arbssr. Mr.._--_- Levitt wtstisitakently reported ats At inlvestmtent of $10 to $25 with hiavinsg died osf fever. He still cc. tbe Atnn Arbsor Alusic Co., putrchlaseis ctuperte his health at hsoiteo and a Gtaphlopcoise whticht is anifinjii to retun to ollege about Iec. 1. source of atltsesttent. e t c e ,t e b t g a b r lotorGolloqiatc Bureau o1flRGadomiG fCostume. GOTRELL & LEON/bED, ALANY, N.NY. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Clas ' Canes, (lass lists dud Caps, Claos College Pins. Address All 2 1V' C. KERNWesern Mngr., llash ii lsmL, niv ~. of Chicage. A N LE L LAL. Every kind. " S STAEBLER, State Phone 144.KBoth Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. THE GREAT MANDOLIN ARTIST, Mr. W_ Eugene Page, tUe te oseph ohmann And alste Washburn Instruments. They ae for sale at tte SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 West Lierty Street, Ann Arbor. 0. M. MARTIN... FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a Specialty. No. 200 Forth Ave. Ambulance night and day. lRes. idence 302 Fifth Ate. "MiOOiTl'1PIlls Win. ArnoldLadn GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Tne Nmelse Gusranee. FOOT BALL SUPPLIES Oile st iittes tmalthic osin.colege, chol ad a.citibtim.cluteasms Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball lsecdexclsvcly by ale, Princetson, larvar11 P'ennssyvanii,.Cornmetllcidrli mtee ledlic collecgcsndcunieriies. Maiagevshot rte foreprice asotseasiplesiefireuordertng elsewhere. paldisg Ofiaial FEot Ball Guide, edited by wa ter Casup. Ilcirsdu. photo graphs o1 leadlig teasi. tO91 rates, with in dcx and explcanatoryimnots, to. A. O. SPALDING & BRO., New Y'ork, Chisg Mome's llh1ftlRYAomlc Al News Std 607 E. William St. Give me a trial. First clas work and prompt ervice. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 240 S. Stat St., Binds ttoolsfor 2c,sand upwrds, osnd sels A. A. Watertnma ntain Yeas for $1.005 and up. All Linen Paper. 4 lbs for 50c Ftnest Sationery in the cty at lwst price. WE, PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.