2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MlCHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +j Flesher, A G. Anderson, E. F. Holbrook, sit ate C C Wood, 1 H Sutpen.4 - 99 Law-G.. Halei, Andrews, R. M. l b~sed oiy (ondyns en~llaing~.Anderson, C. B. Anderson, Ballard, Collihd a ly Snaexcep ted uigIeBielley, (Christensn, Church, Chrh- College ear, atman, H1. N. larks, Dye, Egisn, Emmons, ( THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ganhaw,Gillett, (oodicod. Hogg, Horn-;~ berger, Marhall, andall, Sawyer, Sher. OFFIE: The mIlandPress, HaeningBHas. man, Wittentyr, Arnold Speak, Kenton, Both hans.347 Holbrook, Dreske, Strong. Naowel, F. , MANAGING EDIeTOR. Elmore, Mngr. F. EsN~.etAnD, '01 I. 190 Medic-Carr, Stughton Cooler, >ANAER. Sloat, Den Bleyker, Hlarris, Dunant, BUSINESS MnAGR ayle, Green Knnledy, Wakefield, Pray,_ .11.11anS, 'tO . Adams, Hickeyti,rim, Lake, Frend. - EDITORS. All protet,,- for 1900 and '99 1001 AI E S EdisaT. . Wassa, 011L. milst be in tie handsoro the assistant B '. AN '01asn, L: A C. ~ ss. ~, '0 , football manager' by Monday night, D F.D asa,0 . . II. en,:l, o , Ot. 31. 0.1) iiennnn tO ..IIW.\TPOlER, Asst. gr Alumni Athletic Association Formed. [Cotlensd Fom Pge 1. ,\~ T hesriptio~ n ie osthe DArIY il2.5Isfoo he oe rarl , willh a reglar dsliey besre Treasurer. It 51hal11 Itothe duty o non ncit day. Ntics, cmia,:,:tiosand~tie teart keepaddcu h othermate istended IarItulcatonsmustathatekepa-ddibsreh handed in at te AI fitsaeb eoaes85pin., aIorloneybelogig ta the asia5ton n msailsd 5o:t1e edit:: beore 3 p:i. of s te da reious lh:tht n wicht hey are ep~etd1 io accordance with te executive comn- ppp lteanrttyhatal 1 lteDaa eewelsinedelyt eresidet1 iitc~,o Soltsnwsno ih uiesad secretary of Iis assoiation. Sec l t Mlanager. 5::lbsabiswilt cnera fasarnb reprtintg polt,::::lyeallthis osieaany fal:: a of 4-Executive committee. It salb carest eiseaplpertn,e tc as a the dty of the exective comomittee 1P ll cthiange.s a tsnl att'eetstbin:I oIaegnra hreo h oi altie tt~e a s s aI~ea .Hess of tils assicitioi; to athtrie Is C s s a .'nA Y s ss vo as t t a a ll d is i r ls e m e ~t s+ ba a n tl d iin v e ~t t e nlts o f / - P. W.JONS. money beloigiigttthisassociatinrist- thriescfcalaporiat; ' Plaers on Class Teams. ohrvs pcfclyatrtrael prescribe thea geeral duties f the 4 The flotwing is a complete stehed- sec etry of tis lsocition, asda1151 file tf class games exceptintg the appont at ech anllttlllleetigfom championship gamle, the date of imembers of the astciatia aiatdit-SkT.EEO R 1 whichi will e annoutncedI laer: lIt0 ctommritte of thre 01whic l- Bltie Serge Suits If yol wnt a 1901 vs. igt Sciool, at air mittee shall extminec the accounto of suit yo'll 101ok nit farhe. 'ronids,01n Nov. 2. the trelsurer atni seceliry of tils 1900 vs. '99, at fair goundts, on asstciatioi. Notv. 3. Art. 5-Memlbership. Se. l-1- Winn~ers ofltii alove gamesc, at The mlemberhip of this associatio fair grotunds, on Ttteday, Nitv.. siall be of tea classes, namecly, (1) 1900 Medic y. '99 Latw, at Re- life, (2) anual. Se. 2-All grsiu- *a 19 S ecuts' field, 011 Nov. 4. ates and formler studets cf ho Ui- 1900 Laws vs. 1901 Laws, at verity may become life members 011 Rtegeits feld, 0oiloorninggtf Nov. 5. the paynet of the suis of $10 t the -- Wininers of tile two tabtove galles, at secretart. Sec. 3-All grduates aind 7: 0 fair groundtlon0 Wednesday, Nov. 9. former sttdets of the Uivrsty All gameslc will e playeil at 4:10 may become aual mlemtbers o~ the tIOTES AN MA pt, in., except the oe scheduled for prylllt o~ f $1 to the Seretry each CE iA mdPY Saturtday, Ntov. 5, which twill e year. HTIt1 n played a t .lt Art. -Meetings. Se. 1-The 1ICISOI IDNS The following is a list of the anual mteetig of the associatin tory Spplies .tantes Of players submltittedl by te shall be held 011 the evenig follw mnancgrs ot til eIanms that twilig tie anual almnl~i gane. j- play in tihc first ttwo gamnes. Lists At. 7--Amendenlaets. Sec - coitailing tile,,inam~es of players On This cntitutioni may ble amleded at thle othler teamls itill le pubIlishedltiel yovanulli meeting of tie lssociltin ,first of nlet eek. yatotid oeo h ebr 191 tLit-l. L . Iegis, CpIt.; N. ~hC. aresen.tlid oeifteilbr Btege, W. A. Eversmlan, B. . Dephinpect I. Teft, Mngr.l R. Wadron, Jr., AD: Art. 8-Qyulcuir. Sec. 1-At Brookfield, E. E. Davies, H. E. Bker, tie 511n101l meetig of tie assciationl 1. Hlarris, I. W. Mills, i Frediutnd. C. fifteen niembers will costitute 15 If You Want Or Binding, or Ru Htazleton, 13. F. McGee, H. E. 'Zook, It.qurmhosalorh Robinson, J. M. TaggartO. 1D. udntt, qo 11.hwsalo i R. Farnham, P. Kinne, B. Bjork, B. At the Alpha Nu society lst Sat- a Job of WE :Kittlenlan, S. IB. Eddie, 1R. Springett, S. unay night Eugele 1{Ieilfr'ik, GrngisB ai.- for you. Call andg Ann Arbor hligh S:hoo-Sims, Capt.; Gxustavus Olligr, ad A. M.is Printing Bry, .ucer, Fuller, Avery. White, tranld were elhosenl to rereset tie Peterson, TeVar, Roerts, Craier, Rich- sieety in tieedeblte titl Aelpili to etta, 1Leland, lloyd, Barri, Wheeler, ieiheld Iext Fridaly or Sauriay Loud, Morfie. Mngr. - 1900, Lit-AtwATR]obo l. Cap It.; C 11 Sterh,ngi 3.0. . eng, lliler, inse, roaich, ___niA _____________ rgNewman, Miller, C. 1Reed, McGeor, CflflAN C0 Pelton, IlcElligot, Louts . . B.Krause, Tesday Eeig No II ______________ --______ Kapp, Yrk, Walser, Plumt, Page, Danies,Il 1599 Lit- C. C. Adams, N. B. Ayrs, THirhn I i ~ 'w o k u lih J.C. Araistrong, JAlXW. Bannon, Thios. I ji W.I i eath, J. Burnley, MI. 1. Crmoedy, P. W. 1~1 Ut l it. Hae you read Wlilssus W JonesaI. Ktly . CoeW. et . HMcndresirLVoHsts 1Co Kieth, I. H. Lovell, W. L. Oack, 1Mngr.; Willh Fededic'o sleya 51:tongof the United Sa [s? IT C. L. Niles, J. B. Pell, T. A. Neal, . A. corpcy of Pcliabacsoeanrts510 Riegeimn, . 'Tupper, C. T. TPryo, N A lay or com e-spn comedy andbrnhtoeadw sal W. Thoampson, W. L ooe, '.M.l(c uin at loe. eamllie tema. Kee, (apt; W. A. Frward, A. E. 1 Richardson, A. 17. Wistrand, Wm. A Crlad of Specc:a:1Scnerand:111fccts. Our BranCh Here Cto Taught. P riest2l5,5,7 01tsand1 $100. 1 ________ 1900 Law-W. L. Allen, R. E. Barr, C IAlvancc sae opea at ucal Plces,.-r z S F. Beach, I.. H. Brown, W. L. Day, R. E________________ - ____ Elliott, W. L. Ford, J. L. Gilcrist, 0). _____________ IL hans, F.W.Hlartsburg,W.W. Hicks, UNIVERSITY SHAKE THOSE N. J, Itowell, W. L. Kelley, W. G.e Kirkbride, R. B. Kramer, A . Lon, School of Dancing OLD GUNBOATS C. F. Mohr, S. O'Connor, A. P. YOOURESeCALE S fES helm, A. 1. Oerhmid, B. S. Duen, F T YCUTS ALDSOS M. Rappaport, C. H. Reynolds, C. C: Granger's Academy. W. J. A Smith, R. B. TJhayer, J. J. Welsh, M. B. 7imno Pisoe ;s144. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR HANANI and BANISTER' FINE SHOES j TORE OP. 555RTSHOUSE GET INTO A COVERT TOP-COAT This timel of thte year, Ond you avill find yourcself pr-oper'ly dressed.. Its a coat that can - be worn these shivery fall days, or on warm days in the -\ inter'. We are display- ing a splendid. assorment of the best- tailored. kind. $15, $16 and $20. ; I & (Z0IT NUrACTURIIIROF5 ,ICAL APPnARATUS. Hleatdquarters ifor all Labora- 1125S. Main Street, Ann Arnos, Mich. rine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. ing, or anything in our line, no mattes ow large, CAN DO IT get acqnainted. The Inand Press, iHsnning Block. Imlr~LnOmlmTmLmim.LmIG a 11 340 S. STATE. ! oppseite LatwnBuilding. ,rs and Importers, trks, as etdited by Jaimes DeWitt tlstitultionlal and Political History hese bookts are for sale at our he glatd to have you call slnd ses About Nov. 1 st. F We YOUR FEET, an YOUR FANCY. It YOUR FINANCES, PRI LL. 119[E. Washington St.