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October 31, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-31

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WT ALUMNI DEFEATED. line for 7, and Ferbert for 6 yards. elected president and A. C. McLaugh-
An off-side play gave Alumni 10 ]in, '82, vice-president. According;
A Fluke Saiety Deprives the 'Var- more. Villa made 5 more, Dyer 6, to the constitution Chas. Baird wil
sity o a Shutout. and Alumni got 10 for a foul tackle. be the secretary and Treasurer Soule
TT Ferbert tried a place kick from the of the University the treasurer of
T T Over 3,000 spectators, the largest 35 yard line, but missed. Street re- the association. The board of direc-
FINE FALL SUITINGS. H crowd that ever attended an athletic turned the ball to the 30 yard line. tors will be appointed by the preai-
event at Regents Field, witnessed Snow kicked to Felver and Duffy re- dent.
E E the victory which the 'Varsity eleven, turned the punt to Alumni's 45 yard The object of the association be-
representing Michigan of the present, line. Snow made a fine run for 36 sides giving financial aid is to foster
won last Saturday afternoon over the yards and tried a place kick on the a greater interest in Michigan Uni-
Alumni eleven, representing Michi- next play, but it fell short. Time versity athletics on the part of the
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T ga of the past. It was not a close was called with the score 6-0. alumni and by so doing to get prom-
game, althoughan intensely interest- In the second half Villa got the ising athletes here, being persuaded
A STOCK- ain oe.Theu mn ee omtch
lmg one. 'he Alumni were no mnatch kick off and gains by Street, Bald- to enter Michigan by the alumni-
IN THE CITY. for the 'Varsity when it came to team win and Steckle and a quarterback This plan has had great success in
I play, although the "grads" played a kick put the ball on the 17 yard the east and will undoubtedly be of
fine game as far as individual work line. Baldwin made 15 yards, Steckle great advantage to our athletics
was concerned. The 'Varsity had 5 and Avery 3, when Widman went About 50 alumni present registered
things practically their own way over for a touchdown. Snow failed their names and became members,.
108 E. WASHINGTON ST.: throughout the entire game and would to kick goal. Score, 11-0. Babe Malley being the first to put
R have prevented the Alumni from Duffy kicked off to Street, who down his name.
scoring had it not been for it fluke returned the ball to the middle of On account of the play the smoker
safety in the second half. the field. Ferbert carried the ball 9 did not convene until 10:30 o'clock.
The 'Varsity played a strong game. yards and then 20 more on the next and after the business meeting the
The star players on the Alumi play and would have gotten through time was somewhat short for a very
could not boast of muchi idivilual for a touchdown but for a pretty enjoyable affair, but with speeches
+ + +.+... ...++ + . superiority over their opponents. Un- tackle by Street. A double pass songs, etc., a good time was hiei
You Ma+Have + til the last part of the game Cunning- gave Alumni 8 yards. Malley made until 12 o'clock, wi(hen the smoke
May Hav hams hail uit little diffeiutly ms get. 5, Hlesnisnger 2 miors-, putstinug the bsroke up.
Forgotten ting through and holding big "Duke" bail on the 10 yas line where it was The following is the constitution
YOUR TOOTH BsRUSa, Denby, and "Buck" Hall found that lost to the 'Viarsity. Snow punted adopted:
+ YOUR BLACKING BRUSH, Caley was somewhat sore than he to Ferbert who brought it back 10 Article 1.-Name. Section -
or- YouR WmsK-15ROOM, could handle with comfort. In fact yards. Duffy kicked to the 12 yard This organization shill be known as-
-oissfmany of the gains made by the 'Var- line. Hannon punted to the middle the Alumni Athletic Association o'
The one you have may be iorn ot, sity in the first half were made (i ied, where Teetzel got the ball, the University of Michigan.
andsiyu ny grant5,, ~o reiei.We thoughi Michigan'sbihedca.On
vther h hga' big huesd-cosseh. Oss the next play Hannon tried to Art. 2.--Objeit. Sec. 1-The
O lino of Druggist' Sundries is Malley said at the end of the game punt but big Denby broke through object of this association shall be tI
that is little more coachmig would Cunningham and blocked the bail, fosterandmaitinasiamong theAlumni
WILDER'S PHARMACY snake Steckle as strong a man at the which rolled behind the goal line of the University of Michigan as
S36a south state street. tackle position as le had ever seen. where Street was compelled to fall on active interest in the cause of ath-
+++++++++For the Alumni, Ferbert played it and the Alumni had two points to letics.
DON'T FORGET the star game, as was expected. He their credit for a safety. Time was Art. 3.-Officers. Sec. 1-The
is still the same Ferbert that used to called soon after. officers of this association shall be a
the OLD RELIABLE crawl, twist, squirm or dive through Line up as follows: president, vice-president, secretary,
House. Hot and cold lunches Cornell's lines in '93 and '94. Hen- treasurer
at all hours. Chocolates and Ice - 'VARSITY. ALUI. e r, xecutive cossisnittee and in
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and sringer and Villa both played a hard, Cunningham........c.............Denby board of directors. Sec. 2--Graduate
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- strong game and the "Count showed Francer...............I. g. . . ...Hall, Snow director. The graduate director of
plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. that he had not entirely forgotten Caley, Dye..........l.g......Henninger athletics of the University of Michi-
308 So. State Street. how to make five yards through the Steckle .......r. t.e .H--.-. Vl an shall be secretary of this associa-
ine. Snow...............r. e..Price, Sherman tion. Sec. 3-The treasurer of the
The Alumni had the kickoff and Bennett,Teetzell.....l.e......Hutchinson University of Michigan shall be
My Cough Baisam Duffy put the ball on the 20 yard Street, Talott......q...........Felver treasurer of this association. Sec. 4-
line. Street returned it to the 45 Whitcomb,Baldwin.l.h..........Ferbert The officers, with the exception of
is as nearly barmlesas yd yaprty r. h Weeks,a cDonald..............Y the board of directors and the execu-
medicine can be and be comb made 16 and Widman 5 more. Store-Mhchiganlt, Alumn 2. Touch- five committee, shall be elected at the
mfeictine.Ianseade of The 'Varsity fumbled, but Widman downs,Steckle, Widman Safety-Street. annual meeting of the association and1
effective, c tis mthade of got the ball and made another 5. Goal from Toachnown-snow. Referee shall serve for a term of one year.
just such things as the Whitcomb made 8 yards through Brooks of Harvard. Umpire-Carter of Sec 5--The executive committee
doctors use for coughs d o h n Wid D. A. C. Time of halves, 25 and 20 Se. - fe ht-d m -
and is the best thing to guar d.Onthe net pay iman minutes. shall consist of the president, vice-
a is th e was thrown back 10 yards by Price.resident, secretary of this associa,
use un 25te d or Snow punted to Alumni's 10 yard Alumni Athletic Association Formed. tion, secretary of the alumni associa-
comes. cents. line, but Duffy retuned it to the mid- At the alumni smoker Saturday tion of the University of Michigan
E. E. CALKINS. die of the field. Street punted to the evening was formed an association and one other member to be appoint-
25 yard line and Michigan got the which, it is hoped, will in the future ed by the president for a terns of one-
ball. Widman carried it 12 yards greatly aid Michigan athletics. This year. Sec. 6-The board of directors.
wN Sathrough Hall and Steckle got 10 is the U. of M. Alumni Athletic shall consist of a number of members
I OWV Ofl e. more for the first touchdown, after Association, composed of alumni to be appointed and determined by
seven minutes of play. Snow kicked from the U. of M. who, by paying a the secretary of this association ant
New Third Edition of goal. During this time the Alumni slight sum yearly become annual shall serve for one year. Sec. 7-
had not had the ball for a single play members of the association. The If any elective office shall becomes
COOLEY'S except a kick. plan of forming such an association vacant it shall be filled by the execu-
CONSTIT UTIONAL Street caught the kickoff at the 10 had long been considered, all of the tive committee.
C yard hne and returned it 20 yards. eastern colleges being so organized Art. 4-Duties of officers. Se:
LAW, Snow tried to punt, but the ball was and much good to athletics resulting. 1-President and vice-president. The
blocked by Hall and Alumni got the The scheme was pushed by Secretary duties of the president and vice-presi.
BY ANDRsw C. MCLAUGIILIN, ball on the 40 yard line. Ferbert Prentiss of the Alumni Association, dent shall be those which usually ap.-
A. M., LL. B., Professor of Am. history, mnade 6 yards and the ball was passed H. M. Bates, '90, of Chicago, and pertain to these offices. Se . 2-Sec-
University of Michigan. to Duffy for a kick, but he fumbled other prominent alumni, who drew retary. It shall be the duties of the
Cloth Binding...................$250 and lost 10 yards. Duffy punted 25 up a constitution which was proposed secretary to look after all interests-of
F law Sheep.... .30 yards and Street returned it to the at the smoker Saturday evening and the association and perform such ser.-
mi....................300 ddle, where France fell on it.. The enthusiastically accepted. The con-mmittee shal
'Varsity could not gain, so punted to stitution as adopted will be found prescribe and to appoint membersof
SBook tore the 40 yard line. Alumni got 5 for below. An election of officers took the board of directors. Sec.. -
interference. Villa went through the place and W. G. Cocker. '69, was tContinea on age 2.1

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