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October 29, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-29

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n ERITiA n ilr m6 S. MAIN ST., and
W riiviA N ~We WETMORE, 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St.,
IDEAL UNVRST TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand" and New,


Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books

Has received a new and srvriceabie-
Beat of Workmaanship.
214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave.
W. J. Boaan PaES.
W. RNODtstVie-pos STIT[,
JY.SanEHAN,2d Vapicar
JONa. C.WALTZ, Asst. Caeiear flVINL1
'transacts a general
Banking Business.
P DR T ?NAT MlNIA I RDAIk af Ann Arbor.


MVIAKES ITS MVARK L wehavetdecided tosataisfyaiaongfelt want far an ap-ta date tarn saa, and s L
haves added aa usac sk at fiat horses and carriages, a 17ALLY-HiO, awhich seats
All around the world. 1 L fsurtten pterseas. Coaching parties will new be in order. Secare a date fur the L
y Tally-Rn. Cal up y
Every Onae Warranated for 0 Telephone 106. BIB EAST LIBERTY ST. 10

Five Years. L A MKA P S F SE T s Caitl 10,0 rlu s and Prl~ofaitdr41863
Trasacs asgenealbainbsines.Freg
Do'tbedeeie b fkesin We call attentiona to our complete line of (Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, credi.bugtasl.Frihetrso
Dntbdeevdbfaeigsand aidvertiseenits offeringth Wat- ranging in price fiom 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of she latest andl P.,0. KINNE, I're,. HISBsON SnUL,
ang most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New lies hester," "1The Vice-Pes.
erman Pen frotti $1.00 up, as there is Yale," "'the Royal, ""The Berlin Student L~amp, ""1The Perfection Student s. xv. tLARtSONt castser
no Waterimain Pen made at that price. Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp for the Least Money cosie and see us.----
We have the so-called WaternianI Old Numbers lki ITPB T
Pen, which is extcnsively advertised 44 50. MAIN ST.. D E A O
and which leads the unsuspecting AN RBR IC.Nr.Alain and HuonStrs 5ees. R
public to believe tliattiiey are getting _-tspi - -to-ssal',$5.-. ies'ci
the WatcrmnuIdeal at this reosarka- jRyan ofh Nortbwestern on Michigan ST UISErONTWANrrnt.i-clarrghil. gnrlnliguie
bly iota'price. Atay tiine ipiospecat- ciao ae Iinto solicit for fasnilyIBilies (Ger. ai. rs e 'sc. C.I'. Gcasc, Vice-Pass.
-Chiccaafeat'ain.nDiats atsndtsiEnglisis, Protestatan is II t isssi , C a tai5t.
ive penibuyers haveai fwNmrtent
leisure ate will gladlly showtheirs te 1D otiss aeterii's right sisa, ('atlhaliic, )stthe issiallssiciss ipilan ofiThe nn fibor SaviĀ¢? 5an
switndle that is beiiig perpetralcalh as-t is beeci ioelass dasay o'r tso 2,5ctawecek, its this city ald Ypsilani.I
Stuf)b iegMichiagantacitcs, sltatedlas a I. Wlhittaker-, 207 5. diii a. 311 CapitaiStosse. ,.70000. Sc lltia' 550.
poitei11 )Ati.V -i-e Si-lsliVe list isiglslt that L
Maiiigasti ssughtstosabeait (liiegis 'lTef'se aces 0, dlie ' seliaslle o , tate. aal ss;ieaeois, i"ai lls y1
SHlE EIfl & 60 'ilsassksgi vfiag sista if selse s thIde stadilslsg iate andsal Srtissgsalts'rS-t'ait ss. t sh' tos i roeridatsiaton
s09 poles tatiesas 'lChicagao. 1liems- is landsale-aby F. I'. Sisulisit, Oiera I isus- a5 lfe-op i5,5 ass.-. tlsa.ac'as.;-. it.Is tel-
Uitiersl yIlssslseller, SatitacIpets theslefesi at ofChicaougstodelay. Newss Dlepsot. Caill anisal sie traiis 'asasa 5ic-r;I'~s us(as' It.Iisees. tash-tier; St.
ad -ralrs e clainias Chicasgeis ]lists- is aweak. Goodstaelitery guairatee-d. ..Pit.A'isa (5se.
sia bssrt's"'Bailif llerslalerger, tess asked, gelsI
320 S. Sat S t s. AnnilAaltOr, u-h. Ihe bls1 w-tiiin 30) orr40 Ardlssaof A vary anice mste of ressa tis, liaise.
_____Michigan's goal, aesswoldl he siot prols- eoughlyal-atedl. Bathltaid ill iodlernsi A B
ably succeedsinii iakinug ti goal froni costvei iaee. Pi-ice rea slasiuslls. aily
the field?'' "Certaiiily, hut Michigan 3 blocks f'roui mlamps. 5-45 Paick-. .TH E E
awitla thelhue she hats ought not to scsi St. 3
C I alloaw hima to get the sail at the 41) yard 1"OR RENT-At 508 E. Liberty[ancce rs
liinc often enosughs to aitn the gaime. St., a saweli froiit suite of rootis; liii
He decliiied toisaiake aniy stateiients itace iheat, bath and aii modemrcyiro
;iu regard to the Michigan- Noith- pros-eliltts. Price $3.00 per aeek. We keep evetything usaally kept in a
avL A estern gafie list reiterated, "With 30 first-claas Gracery and Biakery. Call
right tactics Micihigan out to beat and see ue.
l~tadtts'Lecur Aaocitio.) Chicago, and I hope she aloes it" LOSs.-A pair of gold-rimmed 38S TT T
_________ isose glasses. Fintder call at 503 -
Madison St., and receive reward. 31 BATHS-- lOo-BATHS
Ann Arbor High Wins. Unti Nao.v, 5189, I wililastlltets
Tikt frtacetrecuseae Yesterday afternoon Ania Arbor Wilder 's drtig store on State St. GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1.00.
nowe fonrleatier'sosae.,High Scliooi defeated Pontiac High has secured a large quantity of fiie single Bathas willremasinasaabefore, 25cech.
Schoolsaletaventer''tonhalvest.,yelloaw chrysaiitheiums, whichi will Si. eofat. Shaving Parilors.
Scoliiitawotenyminuse 'le, . .51 TOJAaOWaai. Crap. 302 S. State 5t
and at Goodyar's, on Main St., or y yasoeo 3t .Tebs la-b nsl oa.Yuogtt
they muay be had from stiideintsolic. yasoe f2 h . h etp ay: e oseoftda.eseto ughtr to he
itors. The price is only $2.00. ing for Ann Arbor was donie byhv n fteet ert h RAZOR HONING
Harris, Boyd, Tucker, Sims and game with blue ribbon. If it con- IS A SCIENCE
Thiink of heariag j Whites. The officials aert Walseh of sWtal uniyi vne res se 0uaraniteoar Wrt.
Anti Arbor referee, tand Brown of , must be placed this forenoon. WAHRFN THE RARAFRA

For 20 eta., 1
For 20 ets., or
For 20 eta.
The dates for this above awill00011
be made public. Watch the Bulletiii

Y psiiaiili Sumpi . Bureau or Lase, Washington, D.
DnigC. Information pertaining to the
The University Sciiool ofDacn Laws of the Uiited States, of the
wili hold a programme party this several states and territories of the
evening at Grangero Academy. This United States, of Foreign Countries
school is thisoiily out ha the city furnished upoia application.
catering to the student body, and is ________
meting with pronounced success. 30, Dress repairing done 412 E. Huron

THE MODEL of State 'Street
BARER HOPIf you desire
first-class work and courteous treatment
try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
flIC~DII almr and
Callasiateded Day at Night.
No. 161 E. LitertyStrteeit.litaidence 5aa 5..
FsattAte, atone 1a9s
tpkkkkBOR ii



when he went to school here.
S.I A.n~ g ~ r

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