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October 29, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-29

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t+ Inlander for October.
f O f f ,Inander made its initial appear-
teance this year witla a particularly
Published Daily ( e dsy excepted) duringeg strong anumbaer. The editorialco-
Collegeyacomat uent is brief and pointed, while the
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. hook reviews and exchange depart-
tittacot The Inland Presse, tenning Black. mtent are cared for very ahly. This
Bolle Phoest147 year a new plan is presented ia the
MANAGING EDITORa. organization of the hoard of editors.
F. ENEARDxa, '01 L. Hithierto thtere have heen buet five
BIUSINESS MCANAGEaR. members anid the board was self per-
0. HI. Boat, '55L. petuating, atedits memeiors cottrolled
EDIaTORIS. the electioti of thlcir stoccessors. Notv
Athletic Editer, T. B. WOODROW', '005 L. ive newc nietbers ale added, two to
P. W.JaOaE, '99, A. II. McDouALLte, '01 E, ho chosen by the junior literary cliass,
F.D. EANANo,'01 L C. HI. LUND, '005M,
0. it. HeDNTTc, '01 E. one by the freshiman literary class
and taco by te year's subscribers to
the Inlaiider.
______The litertary work conitained in
The eubscription peiee af the DAILY teissteeo this atumber is very gooid, the leadinig
he college ,year, tith a regular deivery bhe rice, v i u T1Ihomas, being a
moon each day. Noties, comiationsle, and atile b>C
ether matterc iatended toe tublihtio tbt brief bort h fth aetrf
hanaded to at thce OctLYcoefiee hetoeoR p io., e itgaor o h at rf
tootled to the editeortbetore 3 p. t ofa the day Edacard IL. Walter anad printed hecre
previous to that on which they ace expected tco ytecuts o h ain h
aubceriptieotsatay he loft at the DAILY office, short stories are "King Robert,-
Maagr Sbcrbrswllcnfra aorbyThief,"byA. M. Smlith; "Eileen," by
reporting protmptly at thisaalice toy toaittee ot Katherine H. Brown; " Sotiie Every
carrerseot deliverepayee.
All chtages to adveertiingtoattermtob e tontDaySpootks," by '. M. Marshall;
the oeficehby 4p. to. on the day previouc to that yb
o whicht they ace to appear, __ anad "Has Michigatn Athletic Sparit?"
=_- ---- --- by T. M. Sawyer. No commuetit as to
Vanity Fair Tonight. thteir merit nteed be mtade after nato-
Brightt anti catchy mtusic, ttaleanted ing the twriters. The satmetmay be
as well as pretty girls, exceedingly said of the verse, for it is seldom
clever cottediatis aitd agile athletes that a sittgle number of a college
and jutgglers, with a wvell balaniced amagazine contains wotrk front so mnany
choruis atic carefully traitted voices, different writers of recogtnized ability.
all backetd tp by mtost alppropriate The ptoems are "By the Sea," by
scenicourrottadings and respletndenttin Louise F. Dodge; "A Phatntasy," by
beautiful costumiing, "Vattity Fair" C.. Fred Gatuss; "October," by A.
comnea to the Athtetts, tonight. ITe M. Sttithi; "Totmorro," by H. M.
cuartaini raiser etntitlecd 'A Winter .bow'n; atnd ''A Sotng of War,'' by
Carnival" will oiler plenty of oppor- 'T.Al. Marshall.
tuanity for entertaitting muesic, and The illustraticon cotnsists of the
futnsters still have their innintgs as fronitispiece, a portrait of Prof.
the situatittu is taken froti the Ice Walter, and several grouips of "Camn-
Palace spectacle that attractedl 50 pus Vietws," left over lay last yealr's
mttch attenioit at Motntreal some Michiganiensian.
years ago. Mhiny pleasing intaova-
tionts till be introduced anad not thte Chicago Alumni Here.
least is Pattliate Mayhetw in an exhi. Chicago altitani of the Uttiversity
bitiotn of faticy hag punchintg. Thte Of Michigan arrived last night toa
olio is toade op of clever artists, awitness the 'Varsity-Alumni gatue
amng whtom are the vivacioits Dadl- on Regents Field. About fifty of
lug Sisters iti a bright singing spe- te faithful followers of the tiaize
cialty; 'Tcpack & Steel, eccentric and blue were on the special cat'. It
comtedianis in songs and and awitticisms; to expected thait about atsmatty more
Ruth Ward, the laughing songstress; will conic today. Presidetit J. Giles
te great Sparrow itn coutedyjttggling: Lewvis of the Chicago Altttmni Asi-
Morrissy & Ricll, a teamn of enter- elation has beeti tmaking special
taitiers woho have tto equals; Paulitie efforts tot secure a large attendatice.
Mayhieweini a turn of coont atelodies, Secretary H. M. Bates has also been

Before Buyring Your
See (Sites. We 'gunaranatee the Style, WVorknaanship aind Material.
Cutting, Reye r & Co.
201-203 South Maim Street.
The Most Delicious of alli
Molasses Candies.
10, 15 and 25 cent Packages.
FALL On Sale at Campus Drug Store.

We cordially
and Winter
lasts and witi
218 S. MAIN ST.
115 South Main St.
oan Watces,Diamontds,'I
Offiee at residence, 331 R.
bre, Mtictt. Atlbhsiessc
to11:30 a. ieancdl1tct3:30
BanosinctSecotcd-hcand V

extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fal
Shoes. You will find all of the swell and newest
hpopular prices. REMEMBER TICE NAME.
WffiRl & MILLER. 1he SWeooMen,
For LAMPtS of all kitids.
Japanese Goods and Novelities
whteels or other ccPee- - TTE -
LibertcSt.,AnnAt- 310 S. Main St.
cenfdectial. etcrs
andt, teat . in T. M AHON EY, - Proprietor,
Joteh C adtto. Open Day and Night.
Xacc n imns e LLEGE STUDENTS
IPIWU's Gold~n 56cDt126
Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in our line, no matter
Scow amall or haw large,

antd, as a fitting finish to thte oio, the active in stirring sep enthusiasm anti
Interntational Feneahe Bicyclists in a hteadhs the party already arrived.motecigthe-lere.Ts Bcaeofheertath'V -
as an Etirepean imeportation atnd is a sity miiglht learu their signals, tile if-You wrant
:reniarkable atnd clever piece of rue- Grads awill not have atay.
chatisni, as the race takes place itt- - --- - a Job of

full view of the audieance. tEhateca b A H NS T EA RE-D
lequ ACeTeHeEetNe"attieT cEA TR E -l Ln for yaou. Call and get acquainted.
cloaing item ema thee program aud all Satarday Esening, Oct. 29.ThIlanlPc,
it are reserved someto f thee}best tea- hteltigh Rotler otfExtcovagantca Hennin~g ittek.
Sores of thee hill. It does seemn as if
"Vanity Fair is abreast of thee timtes IA ITV F R
and a pace-setter fotr tihc best ot VAI TYh FAIR
C L A ANAlumni Smoker. The Winter CarnivalC L
Those wilo attended that."An~ti-Crena eMe ALmp re
withjacythe necs teat notler tttl~tSa. eccttteHave yout read Wiloo's Works, aa edited by James DeWittH
te saace kited is to be givent thise a at sa taces.~ Andrews, or Vote Hoist's "Constitutiotial and Political History 4
eveniang at the armnory. It ax to be
given haniotnocriof tihe "old grads,"- - - - of the Unilted States?"' These hbooks are for sale at our
and a host of theem atill he ima townt UNIVERSITY f branehi store anedAve shcall be gla to have you call and
and attenid. Every tundergraduiate is S h o fD n ig~l eailt hci.A otN
time is anticipated. Admeissiona only Granger's Academy.
25i cents, joot enougha to defr'ay ex- Itell Pttoor 246. S _ ='-T' T T .T ^
In yesterdayheS ls's DAILY it t ras stated 1 he Man Who S ii SHAKE THOSE We{ YOUR FEET.,
that H. D. Hill of Pontiac was nomni Peanattscued Popcorn at the Atleotie OLD GUNBOATS Catt YOUR FANCY.
nated for preahdent by the ?Michian Field tofi
men of the first year law class. This w. S. PARKER, 1 SY COURTESY CALLED SHOES.- fi YOUR FINANCES.
should have been H. D. Rockwell. 315 S. Slate. Call in and aee lime. W. J. APRILL. 119-E. Washington St.


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