U~ of ~ ___ VOL. IX, No. 30. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1898. Fou Pes. T T D 'VARSITY VS. ALUMNI. four years at quarter and half and Plaler on Class Teans. N'was captain of '96's team. He was The following is a complete sched- wl ragmnsMd o h i eonzda n o h etbcsueo ls ae xetn h Game This Afternoon. in the country and is at present championship game, the (ate of TT The hardest and most interesting Michigan's coach. which will be announced later: game of the season will be played Leroy, '95, halfback. Played 1901 vs. High School, at fair H EFNE FALL SUITINS. this afternoon at 3 o'clock when our back and was captain on Michigan grounds, on Nov. 2. '98 'Varsity eleven lines ups against Scrnbs in '94. 1900 vs. '99, at fair grounds, on E Ean eleven composed of players who Grosh, '94, halfback. He was Nov. 3. EE were on 'Varsity elevens in days half bak on the 'Varsity for the Winners of two above games, at gone by. Many of Michigan's great years '91, '92 and '93. fair grounds, on Tuesday, Nov. 8. ct football players will play oii the Duffy, '97"D., played fullback on 1900 Medic vs. 1902 Medic, at T WE CTARRY THE LARGEST T alniteam and will make it the the ' Varsity ii '9. Regents' field, on Nov. 4. STOCK Astrnetaggregation of football Maiy other 01(1 players are ex- 1900 Laws vs. 1901 Laws, at AA talent ever seeiioil the Regents Field peeted tsi turn iulsad be ready for Rfegents' field, on mornig of Nov. 5. IN THE CITY. at one timie. the game this afternoon, in addition Winners of the two aove gaies, at No one can venture an opinons as to those metioned. fair groundsl, on Wednesday, Nov. 9. to the outcosme of the game. 'The The 'Varsity line up has not yet All games will leilayed at 4:10 'Varsity tre in fine condition,ar well bei dfinitely idecided upo,lit it p. ii., except the sne scheduled for o 0 traiiied and have gotten their team is iquite likely that narly every sne Saturday, Niv. 5, which will be 105 E. WASHINGTON ST. work down to a fine point. Onm the of the players, lotli regtlrs adil played at 10 a. ra. II H other hanid the alumniii playes are all scrubs will liave a ciauce to get ini The fillowiig is a list iof th of superior idividuaill albility, btt the gme. The 'Vrity huee p s isiacssif paeliubite y the are enitmely lacking iii practice or givemi oaulby the coches hut iiglt managers of the tesu that till team work. Most of the 01(d playrs is as followi: play ii the tirt tiisguies. List. hdarvdlast ngtadters fCenter......unniiighamn and trown eiiiitiiiing fle nuimes ofplaluyes on tlieii will get ini this msornuing. At Right gurd... Fruuice, lDyeasid Kramer the iter tesowiill hbelpublisedi the .....e....00.01 11 10 o'clock this iiiiriiiig thiiy will Left guardl........ ...iCgy soil:Allen firt of unext ieek. a h prurrative ointhe crmuiiiiliearethe Right tacke.... t i kle and Larson You May Have Left tackle....Avery aii White 19lt lit-l. . lW"i, Capt N. C. May Hae + i s ou l dtiis ill le the oily Right end..........c oveandi TelcI egle, WV.A. vrSsiisi, B. 1. lDolphin tForgottenIprc ithey iwill hiave' hadlefose Left cd.... l..Bniitt and ic liko 'efelt, Ailng -C. I udri, Jlv A1.I. toheigame. iumusnn, will etlerreperfect ii uartrback. .Street and'l Arco t rokfieldiE. . I ivis,1. I. l.liker, f eOURs BLACK(AV.INi~irti, + yteiiiof signals and idecide ipiiiiight haitbuck . Wdun ntldit litcoiikI.lr vI.X.hb Felbii.C dLeft hutbrk.. .. .. . ........letonK U Xf1K MeeII EiLook, 11. or ourswlmsKstc13O(5, fth* Fto of pa.HaaeBldwiin ad ViernRobinsonsJi. At.TggurtG. 1). lluliutt, _oK-_+ liiiHcniniuger, the euluisi of Fullack .llsnoon, eeks ,uvl ltlivnaild1' Farnham, P. tinne, 1 . Rlsrk, IP. the'liii 'as it whol frlveiii enns.1.Edi,11pigct Tie , e ou, mnvr mno se nrnnout, y, 1 rs fu5 lve It r, xhleteil that the(isUvl itllcini8..Rld, .prgetS +~e the ,It rn uo dae sy. ee stgirlanihcl IusiaOsteindance today will lie the harget tAnsngecr 1.tliii.oho ir Cp. eve (Suemicted togetheruuusisssshvshl Bury-, 'uelker,'Ii lie, A vry.White, ilte untry,uwille captasi of thus- Fied. Pre-sit Augell uaidsithe-Pslesn, orur, Rbtert, Crozier, Iich- a IDRSPHR AY slumnii eleves. Thue otler umeiibesrs fai utsiteid to tur u ut iuia ettu, Llaend, Bosyd, Hlarrs, "Xheeler, as.RS faciulty . ,01d -lou'5 rfn, inge. o stlve illle asfohlows: bosy. Po.Huusosn, w lihsanvr 90Lit-Atwoods, Capt.; C. H-. Slater, NN**.+*+****++**++*++*++ 1)smihy, '96 L, of Detroit, Michm., in his life attemnded a game of fit O0.DD Strong. lilysr, Kinsy, Rasuch, -DwllN'Tycritr=us.ReGETes ball, will le present ad yell for the Newman, Miller, . Reed, McGregor, ceneronth D A C' eevn n 94 " regg.LarIsron, I raz,1Mrausitei, DONT F RG T cntr o tue . . C eevei n '4 grads." Hon. Ben. 'T. able, osne Peloton. lcEliot, Loud, (O.. E. Krause, the OiLl) RELIABLE and tas 'Varsity center im '95. of the leadig poiticiams f Iliis, Kapp, York, Waser, Plum, Page, Davies, htouse. Hot and cold lunches Stevenson, 197 L., Rockport, Id., will be there amd will be chief ell.iMcLean. at al hours. Chocoates and Iceyel ream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars andgurd HenvrpadonaMcm master for the alumni Assistant 1,9lt-.C dmN .Aes Tobacco, and full line of SmokingSup-igamn team, ben ligil under the J. C. Armstrong, J. W Bannon, Ths. ineigbl yell-nmasters will be appointed at a Beath, J. Iursey, li. 1. Carmody, P. W. plies. R. E. JOLLY &. Co. amateur rules. He played several meeting of all the alumi st 2 Jones, R. It Kiteley, C W. Kent, A I. 308 So. State Street. years at Purdue and was the only o'clock this aftermioon at the oli Kieth, H. H . Lovell, W. L. Mack Mngr.; --____________ - western pae to be laced oni aimcae.EernlmmussrqetdCL. Nies,.I. B. Pel, 'T1. A. Neal, C. A. All-American team. Played guard to attend this meetimg, as a or- ReelinI. Copper, . ryonN iPP fltf d on the Chicago Athletic Association at1el frtm ccsim p ppm W. Thompson, W. L.Copr W. N. Mc- tean in196 at yels or he ccaionwill be Kee, (apt.;h W. A. Forward. A . team in '90. framed, and they will all march out Richardson, A. R. Wistrand, Wi. Hall, '90 L., guard. Played totefediV oy aught. T blDP SIS guard at Priincetomi in 93 amd on tie A feature of the game wile the 190 Law-W. L. Allen, R. E Barr, C TheTooth Brushesthat 'Varsity in '94 amd '95 and omi Butte fc httl grahcreot F echt, WL. FBord, WJ L.Gihra, . I sell for 25c, or more, ,arefattateerpireotofteEloW.LFrdJ.LGlcis,. good brushes, and'are City Athletic Association iii '96 amd Chicago-Penmsylvania game will be H1. ins F. W. Hartsurg, W. W. Hicks, well made. If you should '97. At present he is our head read at regular intervals during the N. J, Iowel, W. L. Kelley. W. G. get one that sheds its coach. Kirkbride, R. B. Hi. Kramer, A. V. Long, brisles, , progress of this afternoomns game. C. F. Mohr, S. O'Csnnor, A P. Oppen- brsls .Suiw, ex-'99, guard. Played The resumlt of that gamei should be helm, A. IH. Overshmidt, B. S. lDen, F I WILL guard oin Varsity imi '97 amdtas received before our game-is over, on M. Rappaport, C. H. Reynods, C. C. REPLACE IT. hiead coach at Mianil this fall. account of the differemce in tini. smith, R. B. Thayer, . I. Welsh, M. B. 'rtymn 89, guard. Was omi Teoniil ortegme.wllb Flasher A G. Anderson, E. F. Holbrook E. E. CALKINS. Prettymano te am wllb C. C. Wood, R. I. Sutphen. ________________________Michigam's 'Varsity in '87 amd '88, as follows: U.mpire-Brooks, of Har.199 Law-G. Iaiein, Anrews, . M. _____ ____________ ___and took the elevemi to Canada for ams ard; referee-Carter, of D. A. C.; Anderson, C. B. Anderon, Ballard, etded and successful trip. timekeeper-Dr. Hull, who tas an Bielley, ('hristenson, Church, Church- 1ow on Sale! Villa'96 L., of Walla Walla, old 'Varsity flayer himslf absiut mansawGillett,DGoodic d, ilno, Wash, tckl. H plaed acke o tel yers go.BerrM sa l lRark , eSawy, emn- New Third Edition of the 'Varsity in '93, '94, 95 and '9. The entire stndemt body is x- man, Witteutyr, Arnold Speak, !Fenton, Malley, '90, tackle. Played the ptdtourinttohegmitdaHolbrook, Dreiske, Strong, Nowel, F. CO L YS samie position on the 'Varsity i '93. si Eilb tems hadfugi ~ lmuore, Mgr. CONS ITUTONAL Price, '9.5 L., of Milwaukee, ecml. a th llas the niost iiitrdoutn ame 1990 Medic-Carr, Staughton, Cooper, CON TIUTON L laedend at Dartmouth in '91 and thtwevll e thetirtrivtilegetoase Soat, Den Bleyker, Harris, Dunt, Playedl b hirpivlg t e Cayle, Green, Kennedy, Wakefield, Pray, LA .'92, and tas 'Micligsn's star end in utlteaun ascnx er Adamis, Hickey, Grim, Lake, Freund. LA ''92 and '93. untlte _lumi _amenetyar 1900 if. wll1 play '9IL. instead Brv AaNRW C. MoLAu(nim, Hlutchinson, '97 E., cnd. Played In order to avoid a conflict with of 1902 M., (no teaim)on Nov. 4, at A. M., LL. B., Professr at Am.Hitonry, on the '95 and '90 teams at tackle the auiiii football game, tie Fresh- Regents Field. University at Michigean. - amd end._ Literary-Enginieering eectiomi has All protests for 1901 and Ann Clothn Binding ...............$250 Sherman, '94 L., cnd. Was encd beenu postpoined for one week. '1his Arbor HighShool players must ho on the 'Varsity in '9. sill make it come on Saturday, Nv. in the hatds of the assistant fotall Fell Law Sheets...............:3.00 Felver, '97, quarterback. layed 5, at 1 p. m. Both cansidates met mamager by Saturday night, Oct. 9, that position on the 'Varsity in '96 withi Mr. Chisres Bsird andi Secretary amd those for 1900 and '99 mni by W ahrs B oks oreandwas called "Jimmie Baird 2d." Prentiss of the alummni associatiomi Monday night, Oct. 31. W an s ooest re an '97, halfback. Played and settled the difficulty. F. W. POTTER, Asst. Migr.