THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIERMAN'SI IDEALI FOUNTAINI PEN ; T MAKES ITS MARK A All around the world. L L Y f i , I . . It Will Pay You JOS. W. KOLLAUF, To take a look at our TIE . OT WINDOW. All the new. TV, R1LiUI( shapes and colornsgin Fall and Winter Neck Dressings Hai reeived a. new andls ttesncbte Iline of Geeds for At 50c-1-2 Dollar. an- - ® ..--0 D. A. TINK(ER & SON, IROUSEBING. 34 S. STATE STREE. nt'est of Workmtanship. Comnplete A ,ontmnt of Sweateis. AV soy for ihe Celebrnted ILongley $3Hat. 214: ast Washington St., nara 5th Avo. W~e sell the Best One Dollar Glove in the city-Silk Lined or Fur Lined. - W. J. BsannT,i'PR. T T p =r _ - 7- T JOH~WNineWL, st. iCashe fV1s A we bave decided Cosnatilfy a loeg felt *ant foIns sutp-to dale turin onut, end so LBAINK haeaddt u tc ffn ossan araeaTLYHwihsasLfourteen persos. Coaching itrrues wilt ion betin oder.Sectire aut etfor the L , ' Tally=lNe. ClliupiV I ranisacts a general I llanking Business. Every One Warristedl for1 H- FieYaO Telephone 106. 015 EAST LIBERTY ST. 0 FIRST NATIONAL BANK or dnAbr Captittl, X10,£0. StrpliiututndProfits, E40,000 Don't lie deceivedl hy'fake signs A M S ,~.S T U D E N T s crt'edt t~ntttukgt r"Fut antd advertisemients titfering te Wat- We call attenttioni to stir complefe line of ('enter Draft Nickel P'lated Lamps, itE. n. KINI ,, tes. HAitBIdSO iPr.. erittan Pet frotmt $1.00) ni, as there is; ranging in price fromut75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of (lie latest anti S. W. titAttett,(SON tauiol, no atemanPe mae a tat ric. muproved patterns and nmakes. Ineloding Ilie New lRochtester, I 'be noWtritnli taea ha rc.Yale,"Tu'lhe Royal,~""The _IBerlin StudenttLamp,"I"he IPerfetioniStudent- 'We htive the so-calletiWatermtan- Lamp." tf yous want the btest Lamp for the I coot ifottey coime and ate us.~ Pent, which is extentsively advertised Old Number: and which leaids the unsustpecting 44 SO. MAIN ST., I N (09)'0 pulct eiv ht hyaegtig! ANN ARBOR, MICH. N ct I itt t ittten ~~indttlttnson tet' lily ittw' price. At ittytme osspect Dighij Bell Tonight. Outing Ifor Nocemer. R iP itttttes.n C. t ('oust '"ie-Pc ive peti huet's hutve a f'es'ittotien to 31 tt'''ttj tiolt ltsFtlngfo o 'ihrintta iiv tn H 3 iEt'tt tt.t leistire it'"sill gltttllv sotethe !t , li uhy cyh j[ bo Svig swintdle Itat 1is hetigiperpetratetoithatrcintte hel; ,wdlltsotl and'tits) ianfl uu ttotii':tllc tltigll. Sit. Bell isiiw uvo iwoll it'- 11itsIs itltjoct'. lT o rs it ) tllt 'aitphidt Sitt't..t*.-0,(1. Otipli', It00,0(). ceived ht he lilre t t'setnts ttatll d sho itt n ig, the oot' ltlIlatyer out hit' Resot't".es,tt 'Itt0. .ttktg i te o t ttw t o iit t ti, (t)fttllt''itilt totus ti?.i SO V.e'e i e . e l o il , O us. s l'.i tttii uugtn'eui. tt lutgi atl tl i t y to Ilt stlit e. tuitutiti tut ayeo r t t ei(eots iset t I iifnt h ordnupn ia citop~rio (euif~nfaion 112 .S eS. ii b- ia tkotomt utt tiliiietLLeter SiltoteofI tilu ittl i thillb Cite lltiii l e S£. 'tcdto (Yactelt wlioi tte titltitrileds s XV of ct-Nd xst et ltaingo itt e iofthtem s te Ii i'.>e ('ttponld o tei l it ll, .11. intuit odly lii'11sia lic Pe.; .P 1 ri 1Idorstgi c ie itteec p otlaytibtitedste heteuis, hiA. it. gohoreyttthe; . .rizA.isat 11shier fled ngravrs;n it it ndr. ihtty ita esIt th sttte Sof o t DerE and. tt he ot ar --ti -tt 320 . Stte S., An~rbr, M tl tit sitle fntlted abfe lle wetr-lyl.ome A. its KenetdlyoatentsLbH grl wea thedocthor, adE Blhaes '~tn~arceknow auhoiisa tt er a ey G O ER s therurk of iecDr.oim',the dgoil T enn"is. ScareyX enkepheverThing1Eahykpti. The ar cteurvredant, fronarthie 'Woodrff, o f chin ndsyiL.a s fincGr rn ch ersGul A h osideo ieof h owsd.GunA.c.i tid seeueE..H (Students' Lecture Asocotiation.) dototr''whien lie is miiddle-aged, a has his douhts, or claims that hue has, widower with three grotwn-up damugh- regardiiig his team's success againist_ 318 S. STATE ST. ters aid a mother in-law. He studies Chicago tomorrow,.lie says that is BATHS--1lOG--BATHS mdcntkshis degree slid weds the gamie which gives him the miost Ut'nil Nov. , , I will nell tiekets Tickets for ltne entim ree a chiarmming eidowe, which hatter fact concern of the entire schedule, and 0000 FOR 10 BATHS FOR $11.00. now on sale mt'W'ider 's, on State St. he keeps secret for fear of halo mother. has already conceded that he doeo single Batts wilt rettman a befoer, 250eeh. and at Goodtyear's, on Mlain St., orill-law; and which soime of hio neigh. not see how his teani can lirevenit ifB.Tof Mol.Pe 2 . S tate gPalo s t ihey nay he had fromu stutlent solic- horsnImisunderstaniding, lie is disci- Herschherger from scoring several ----- mor. 'lueprie i ony $.00 Apined accordinig to the 'Whoite Cap" points hy his fine kickinig. A lilim- RAZOR HONING itr.Tepiy sol 20. code. The story reads like a chapter be1fodPenyvnaplyr e S A SCI ENCE hlinil of luearinug fromi real life anid alppeals to tile siding ill the west have weritteni to we Garantee OurWork. heart. Mr. Bell is supported hy an Woodrufif warning him to prepare for WARREN THE BARBER. BOU RKE OOKRA N excellent comn~jmy. the hardest kind of a gameu. ______ Btureau or 1Law, Wahigtu,D THE MODEL of State Street Fo 0csNotice. ,us IDemae& ELY'S Fo 0caC. Infornoation pertaininag to the BARBER SHOP It you deoire 'fle 'Womueni's League wtill hold ai Laws of the IUnited Slates, of the first-elass work and courteous treament I N N ES' BA ND reception in the Barhour Gynmnasim several states and territories of the try George and IHarry at 332 S. Skate St. on Saturday, Oct. 29, fromtd to fl p, United States, of Foreigni Countries ----- Can For20ct.,orIn Adrsss y r.Algel ndfurnished upon application. ENOCH DIETERLE, Funrral Director. Dr. Moshier. All are cordially in- -________ "IA N MACLAREN" vited. LEJLPA M. Ciuui.mis, Pres. Dress repairing done 412 E. Huron No t6 E ert treet.ded iden e 533it NitoiuE.thiet oneee 9. teei For 20 chaS. ;Foiteib- At-,----_n-- itS. This dates for the shove will soon be made puhlic. Watch the Bulletin Boards. Au -Oppotlluty u tlves Do you know what a Full Pique Kid Glove is? Moot of the gloves sold as Pique sewed are whet is known to the trade as half Pique. Until this season we'have heen urahle to huy Fall Pique Men's Kld Gloves to sell at $1.00. But we have them naw. You just think S*lii ~4iMen's Full Pique Kid Cloves, Imported Stock, a 'coores $1.00 1123S. MAIN ST. WAGNER & CO8 lwl~A 3 ~ Iti SruuetSARD v ' ATES.N- -P