THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM S U ITS GMAIN ST.8O STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WVM. VOUGHIT-WM. It. FOX, THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The hrat high grade landry en the Stair. The rnly machine domestic finish in ther West. 11o e finish also given. All work promptly, really and careflly dour. The Excelsior Laundry Co., OF KALAMAZOO. Colar .a...... ................1 Cent Ethereintih.Satfaction guatranteed. titer ,. atial OcC 202 S.SloteCSt.Rosideancti10Lawrencenst. Nes State Phone.d41. IMIGflIGRN GENTUtIL "The Niagara Falls Rnute." CENTRIAL STANDtARDTI)TME. Takaing Eftert Aug. 14, 1898. t)aiantdFExpress . ........3 47P. M. N. Y. &Boston Special .......405 ' a stEastern..............0 43" JAtlanticExCpreos............7 455A. .. Dtr~tott Nterht Foiteso ....... 5 55. rand Rapidso Exprenss.......It it Mail& Express.. ..........9018 Al. odsoston. N.Y.A&Chictago.......131 Fant Wesern Express........ 1 38 aP. (. It. & Nat. Esxtrss......5 45d Ciago Nigbt Expreso ....... a..s4 sacute ic xitea.............12 30 A. M1. {. W. II~t OLEi, II. W. IIAYEOS, IC . & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Ort. 0, 5898. Trains leoae Ann Arbor by Contral Stand) sotTinse. NORtTH I SOUTH 8:43 A. Ct. ! 0*?25 A-ta. *l12:40 . Al. 11:25 A. M. 4:506 P. S840 . M f5:055 A. i. _C_ 6:025. . a: aEn bettorn A nn Arttor and Toledo only. Thtese traitt antaSuneday only and ran tbe- Cvttet Toldo and Rllssrt. All other tratin 4,%ty exceptSuday. E. S. GILMSORE, Agent. 11. W. BENNETT. G.1P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for, Detroit at a quarts.r after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. a and up to 11:15 p. us. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. un. Cars leave corner Huron and Main Sta. 'Pickets on sale at .Brown's Drug Store. THE ARE FRESH E% ORIGINAL Students ! Students ! If di4aseithynunr alatutdryserevice come tos the Ie re~tiEXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. F. COVERT. Prop., 209 E. Wash. SI. ~ ocolates xtcttlent Workanod Quick Service lGuaraanteed. ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. NOW ON SALE AT UT. OF M. PINS, 50O(Cents. BROWN' DRUGSTOoE Watch Repairing a Specialty, BROWNS DRG STOE. . L. CHAPMAN. VERY WEEK, 2on Souete Main Street CALENDAR. The choice of a name is everything Saturday, Oct. 29. -Michigan nowcadays arid whena tbc management 'Varsity vs. Michigani Aluamni, at of "Vanity Fair" chose its title the Regelats' Field. goddess of Wisdom auust have surely Wednesday, Nov. 2-'01 vs. High presided. It is the epitomle of all School, at fair grouands. that is mnirthaful, musical and men.- toriou~s in the wayv of divertisenient. T hursday, Nov. 3-'00 vs. '99, at Pretty girln and clever coniediamns fair grounds. make life seem one rotund of joy and Friday, Nov. 4-'00 Mi. vs. '02 festivity. Brillitanat'costumnes and M., at Regents Field. gorgeous scenery prodtice scenes of Saturday, Nov. 5, 10 a. m.-'00 encliamitment. Music ad song fill L. vs. '01 L., at Regents Field.' the air with rytbiiiic measures. Satulrday, Nov. 5-Michigan vs Seekers after amnusemlent should not Northwoesterln, at Evanstont, Ill. limiss "Vanity Pair" whem it conmes Monday, Nov. 7-P rof. Weniley on here._____ 'Robert Buirns" ill Unlity Club Lec- Wilder's dreg tore son State St. tutre Coarse. hsscrdalreqatt ffn Saturday, Nov. 12-Michigama vs. yhasoscntedanlremutsmwtiyhoflle Illinois University at Detroit. yellonsalhynle to rm. sYbiclaghtill Saturday, Nov. 19-Michiganlivs.hbe one osal e o eatioghet Deloit. hv n fteet sa t h Thursday, Nov. 24-Michigan vs game with bluae ribbon. Chicatgo, at Chiicsago. 'helie Free Press, the old reliable Freshman Must Register for Gym and leading State anad Sporting paper Work, is handled by F. Stofflet, Opera loisn All freshmtien in thte Litertary aiid Nesss Depot. Call anid subuscribe. Engincerinig Departments arc re- Good delivery guaranteed. qiuired to hiand in their ntatmes, swithi choice of sections in gymntiasiumi A very nice suite of roomis, thor. work, this week :n order to obtaiii otgltly heated Bathianid all mioslern credit for the semester's swork. coniveniemnces. Price retasonale. Onily KEENE FITZI'ATRICK%. 3 blocks from Camputts. 54.3 Pack- ard St. 33 LOST-A pair of gold-rilnm~ed nosse glasses. Finader call at 503 FORo RENT-At 508 E. Liberty Madison St., anld receive rewearsd. 31 St., a sweell front suite of roomms; fuir- THE GREAT MIANDOLIN ARTIST, Mr. W_ Eugene Page, tes thei Joseph' Bohmann And also thae Washburn Instruments, Thaey tire fur sale at Ike SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 West Liberty Street, Ann Arbor. Os M. MARTIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and day.Rea- ideuce 302 Fifth Ave. AIM ~Oc, C11 "1 11chill1P1118 Win. Arnold, Lean GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. Stlate Street. OUR PHOTOS ...ARE... PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. State Phone 119,nS A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Thte Namelihe Guaranee. FOOT BALL Oficeial outfitters to all tbe leading ceollege, ochtool and athtleticclab teaman. Spalding's Official Inter- Usedexclusively bytYal,Princeton, Harvar d Pennsylvania. Ctoraell and all other leading colleges aud universities. Mantagers should write fttrpetices anti oart p Irs befotre ordering eloewhtere. Spaldinga Official Font Bal Guide, edited by5'Walter Camap. Recorda. photo. graphsof oleading teamas, 1898 rulen, swith In dcx and explanatory notes, 10e. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New Y'ork, Chicago layer's Laundllry Amulc At Newa Stand, 607 E. William St. Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. Notice. A Hare and Hound rain sill be held Saturday morning, starting froiti the gymt at 10 o'clock. All svlo hrave done long distancee runlning are invited to participate. J. F. MCLEN. ntave heat, lbath aiid all miodern imi- provements. Price $$3.00 iter wceck. ______________ 30 If you wvant a flne guitar, mianido- liii or banjo go to the Alin Arbor Music Co., 011 Wasingtonr St., bysy all means. *1Rentschter, the IIb'otorapher. Intersollegiate Bureau o1flcaUdnilc Go5tun1e. GOTRELL & LEONARD*O ALBANY, N. Y. ) a 4a rk-d.o. 0C 1.a-,l W'; j as na.ra~slandaHosmadeto rer carnted . lso Jf vyaI~= JLLClSCanes, Clans Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address ----- To solicit nahscriptions talkse W. C. KEEN, Western Mngr., F. J. SCH LEEDE, Haskell Mlusumn, n, o'f Chicago. 340 S. State St., Chic go eco d j---Birads Rooks foe 25c.anud upwnrds, and sell Chcg eod A ND ALL, U A.Every kind. Wtra onanPn o 125adu tone opportunity tn earn nome. mousy. , OA- 19 Ws Wsigtn.STAEBLER, All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50C, G. M9. STEPHENS, 199 L. State Phone 14.WstWsintnStreet 44Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor Fluent Statinery in the city at loweat prise WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE. Is P. ;e.