. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THEUNIVESITY F MICIGAN.AILY WM The most complete line of o-to-date Men's Furnishing in the city, is at D. A. TINKER & SON, 334 S. State St. L.D L dealers in Hats, Caps, Fine Neckwear, E. & W. and Cluett's Collars and Cuffs, Fancy and White Shirts, Night Robes, Pajamas, Bath Robes, Gym Suits and Shoes, Laboratory Suits and Aprons, Underwear. Hosiery, Jewelry, Umbrel- la. Men's Olothes to order at low prices, fit, quality and style guaranteed. AIN COMPLETE ASSORTMENT AGENCY FOR THE FOUNTAIN OFSWEATERS CELEBRATED LONGLEY $3 HAT PEN T s TIIITG- E T L We have decided to satisfy a long felt want for an op-to date turn out, and so L M AK ES ITS MA RK L ouresadedturstoch ofine horses and carriages, a rALLY-HO, which seats fourteen persons. Coahig parties will now be in order. Secure a date foe the L All around the world. y Taly-us. Callup H HOLMES LIVERY 0 Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 10 Every One Warranted for Five Years. LA.M1PS FOR ST UD E N TS We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, Don't be deceived by fake signs ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and and advertisements offering the Wat- most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The erman Pen from $1.00 up, as there is Yale," "The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student no Waterman Pen made at that price. Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least losey come and see us. We have the so-called Waterman Old Number: Pen, which is extensively advertised 4450,MAIN ST., D and which leads the unsuspecting ANN ARBOR, MICH. D A N O. public to believe that they are getting- the Waterman Ideal at this remarka- We are in receipt of a valuable A l1eac Line. bly low price. At any time prospect- book by William Blaikie, "How to Brown University has the heaviest ive pen buyers have a few moments Get Strong and How to Stay So." lie o' any c -llege this year. Oie leisure we will gladly show them the The author deplores the condition of guard y eigho 238 pounds ai.d the swindle that is being perpetrated ill-health resultant from lack of exer- other 230 shile2each of heatackle upon the pubsic cise, which so often accompanies the tip the beam at 200 and more, Ces- training of the mind, Mr. Blaikie bro, as strong as an elephait, and a shows the misfortune and discomfort professional baseball player, is at o., icident to a one-sided training. He center. The ends are also big and proves by aagument and illustration heavy. It was this immense weight University Booksellers, Stationers, that a sound body is necessary for a which made Peny's score so small and Engravers, sound mind. Exceptions there are against them last Saturday. 320 S. State St., Ais Arbor, Mich. to this rule, but he cites to prove it several hundred instances of scholars, 'The Free Press, the old reliable statesmen, lawyers, preachers, etc. and leading State The special value of the book lies is anidled by aiSt ed Sporting paper is hndld b F.Stfiet, Opera House the numerous practical suggestions News Depot. Call and subscribe. and directions to be found through- Good delivery guaranteed. out. (Harpers, New York.) Gumnasium Notice. Manager Fred Huber will present The compulsory attendance on "Vanity Fair" at the Athens, on gymnasium work is asked only of L l A 1 Saturday, Oct. 29, and if pretty students in the Literary and Engin.- (Students' Lecture Association.) girls, catchy musical numbers, dainty eering Departments who are now en- gavottes, inspirng marches, clever tering on first year's studies. They comedians, surprising novelties and re o directed to report on soe an olio of exceeding merit, backed aenw ietdt eoto oe by artistic scenic embellishments and day this week to Director Fitzpatrick Tickets for the entire course are Istunes of dain llin and which of the hours offered by himf c ost u m es ofsd aindysoloti n.. a n d d e- th e y e lect fo r th e ir w o rk , an d to reg- t , o . , sign can make an attraction, then and at Goodyear's, on Main St or surely "Vanity Fair' is the most Bster teir na Mes. they may be had from student solic- attractive entertainment of the sea- JAMES B. ANGLL itors. The price is only $2.00- son. Monday, Oct. 24- Think of hearing ex-vice General Agency for Detroit, Chi- F.E.Cfarhedy,.97C .,i xnose cago, New York and Toledo papers BOU RKE COCKRA N teacing in the Dental department of at 121 N. Main St., Opera House the University of Denver. News Depot. r2 cts. ____Bureau of Law, Washington, D. E Rooms -508 Maynard. New C. Information pertaining to the f I N N ES' BA ND house, all modern conveniences. One Laws of the United States, of the t suit of rooms and also suit suitable several states and territories of the For 20 cts., or for five days in the week. Prices United States, of Foreign CountriesE IfA N MACLA R EN" reasonable. 30 furnished upon application. For 20 cts. -l~ ~ h ~1 lr~ The dates for the above will soon i 11111 IIIII 1I TIVI be made public. Watch the Bulletin L J JOS. W. KOLLAUF, M7IIOR, Has received a new and serviceable line of Goods for TROUSERING. test of Workmanship. 214 East Washington st., near 5th Ave. W. 3WBooS P s . J. .SHsLD, 1st ie-pes JonsCawc, Ace Cashier.E 26VNGS BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OfrAmsnAr Capital, 1OO,0OO. surplus and Profits, 40,000 Transacts a general banking business. Forein change bought and sold. Furnish letters o cedit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUL, S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier _ i~nntr~t&rhxnth Cor. Main and HuronS streets. Cspial, &oO. Suepls,$sa0o. Transacts a geeral baing business. R. KEsep, Pres. CE. GRseEE, VicePre. F RF.H. BEcstERCashier. CapitalBlocest Surpus,$5, . Organised under the General Banking Laws of titnsState. Receieseadposttasysandsd elea rebhage othe sricipsi cities ci the United 5sts. nrafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit btxees t et. Ceeseems: Chisti Mneak Pres.;W.D.Harri. ma Vie-Pes.; Cias. .Hiscock, Cashier; M. J Fritz, AstssitCashier. LAMO & SPENCER, ..THE.. Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see us. 318 S. STATE ST. BATFHS---10c--BATHS Until Nov, 11898, I will sell tickets GOOD FOR 10 BATHS FOR $1.00. single Baths will remain as before, 25c each. U. of M. shaving Parlors. J. R. TRoJANOWsK, Prop. 122 8. State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE ... We Guarantee our Work. WAREN THE BARBER, THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOP is DUNN & ELY'S BARBER SHOP If you desire irst-class work and courteous treatment ry George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIET ERI.E Babalmer and Calls attended Day or Night. No. 101 E. Liberty Street. Residence H3 S Fourth Ave, Phone 129. yM.W.MIbWAR: , TAE ST. boards. Do you know what a Full Pique Kid Glove is? Most of the gloves sold as Pique sewed are what is known to the trade as half Pique. Until this season we have been unable to buy Full Pique Men's Kid Gloves to sell at $i.oo. But we have them now. You just think nal eolor Men's Full Pique Kid Gloves, imported Stock, nl ess$1.00 123 S. MAIN ST. WAGNERW& 00 a (-