THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 ++++++++++++++++ ++*f++++++++ef++++++-****++ ++++f+++++++4 +++++++t4 4+++++++**4*+ ++ HJLDE BRAND, THE NE;W TAILOR: 110****E.4**Washington-******+*St. e STUDENTS' LAUNDRY THE ASSOCIATION. W~M. VOUGHIT-WM. Imo. FOX, A THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT.C The best high grade landry in the State. The only machine domestic finish in the West. nieve finish nine given. All work pronmpty,AR neatly and carefnlly dane. 'R ORIGINAL Students !_ Students ! THE GRE'AT MANDOLI'' ARTIST, If dissatisfed witti en naty sesvie eoinMr. \- Eugene Page, Ie rl EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Uees the A.roi AFS COVERiTProi. t209E.Waes. St. Joseph Bohmann isletphans o.211, 2 Rings. AndI nina the hoissss t-cetetWoransd Quiek Service Guarnsteed. Washburn Instruments, ALARM CLOCKS,s1.00. Theaer sae Mat I th OR NOW ON SALE AT U. OF M1. PINS, 50 Celnt%.SHA, EL UI TR 114 Went Ltberty Street, Ann Arbor. FinseSWatch Repairinn aSpeialty, - ___________ _____ fe Lxcelsior Laundry Uo,, BROWN'S DRUG STORE.,.CAMN 0.M ATN. OF KALAMAZOO. J .CAM N ,M ATN. Collas....... ... .............1 Cent FRESH EVERY WEEK. 255 Sonea inSftsretUN RA Culls .............................. _________FUNERAL____ ____________________ Shirts ........ ..:..............."DR C O Either finish. Satisfactisnguanranteed. Oive CALENDAR. A Tribute to Michigan's University. DR C O lsta trial aariy 9-iiiatW at dtro h Embalming a npecialty. No. 200 Fourth office 202 s. Stale st. Rlesidencess610Lawrence st.,Saudy Oct. 2.Mcia Hamiltots .Mbieioro h Ave. Ambulance night and day. R~es- New tatePhee. 41. Varsity vs. Micitigan Alumni, at Oustlooks, tas a valttable article on idence 302 Fifth .Ass. "Regeints' Field. "The Intellectual Movetmentt in the -- -- West," in the November At lantic. ______ " EN 1111L Prof. Otto Hairy, gratluate Clii. Thte author pacys a generous and un- a dok Th igr al t. " cago Inst. Phrenology. 303 So. State, grutdging tributte to the amountt and 'TeNaaaFlsRue" invites yost to bring youtt head atnd valute of Westerit educational work. n hInli llff CENTRAS, STA.NDARD) TIM. have a delitneatioti -of your character Thse following miay be of interest to iaiglfetAg 4 81, md.10rfrne ee 0 torraes edn GOING EAST. Ypsilanti, 400 at Valparaiot. Book "nMany of thsese collegen have tiot W ivv Ar olllewle Maii and Exprssn.......... 3 47 a .hart 10,$.0 25.l'tltol edrda meit evc N. Y. &BosatontS pecial.........c ats$10, 2.058.5.Wihotony-edes-n-nnnditesrvceJwee last Eastern ..........5:3 bookl, 50c. Readings tiasde outside of the highest importatice to theGE YOUR AtlantiscRairess............7 45 A. X. groingcotmntitiesin w'ciath D~etrsit Night txitress .... ... 5'j witliouat extra chearge. Mtake appoint- groscig ii h ieyGE srasd Rapids Epress ...... IS....1 tal ent one day ahead. Class now ssere placed, bnt have maintaitied a0 asin wear. hg eelo echn n 'hlr M ail & Express....i..... 8A. M. formeitng for stutdying Phrenology anid eghlve f esestg atiiNslaslar Bostosn, N. Y. & Chicago......... 13 " Phvsiosnm.'ia.TeUvrs.otesMichigan FastWtic Express.........12 3 P. Ite-lssShdue t shihrLV O E o.R Kal. EiXsress ... as..............5_45 has long been recognized as one of A 'hisagn Nigeltxrasesse.........94:3 cth centres ofhge eduicattoin in W. W. T U1"TL E'S Q). W.ItUGG~LES H. IW. RAYES, Assistant Fosotball Mansager IPotter the country, a universtty its- spirit 338 So. Slate Street. G. P. & T. Agt. Chicagtt. Ag't Ann ArberMaae anstnadswllai.nm.---- - - _. ______ al~~as ecimpletesd the inter-elass schaeduleadeliar s hellastiiil ae. _____f as it is priiited in f till belowe: eRaro ely aligt the ract ctoal valueHOof z1001 vs. Highl School, at faiir gueerousdelngmoewithnefedcat)ial O R P O O a S.t'1C2lA grotunds, oniNov. 2. 1t iobetimr sgiicity I - 90v.'9,a-argrstss lustrated thati in the history stf " .- A RE E. F, ~~sA Nov. 3. Mihgn' tae cihhsgie PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH -Winnters of twco above ganses, 'titn puiblic regard and in getieral repu- TIME TABLE fair grounids, on Tuesday, Nov. 8., tatiosn thrtoughi the high stanintg ated T H E Ti'iassi Efrect, Msay 7,st89 an. 1900 Medic vs. 1902 Medic, at widsprelad fatne of its unliversity." Be rryman Studio Trin lav nnArorbyCntalStnd egensts' field, on Nov. 4. Ex-President Harrison has been iS Tisse. 1900 Laws vs. 1001 Lasws, at secured as one of the Judges iin thce 112 West Huron St. NOtRTH _ I SOUTH Regenits' field, onnmnornitig of Nsa'. 5. final debtate, of thee Cetitral DebatinigSn,'Pae1, 5:43 A. at. ! ni7:30A. at. Witnters of thistaco above gaines, at League this year. I s