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October 26, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-26

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n ~ Bible Chair Classes.
f f f Bible Chair classes to be held in 11 WE ARE...
Published Dotty Suday axcepted) dringthBomIfNeEXLSV
College yer, at te angd follows: llt1ebetMAGNT
olrtee Th loed ecc, icoaa Coc. i.,begitnig Oct. 17.
BlowliPhaoes 17 Life an1Wiinsof PuSatuetI '
days, 10 a. in., begitintg Oct. 22
tM ANANGETOa, t~.ot siaio PtI,~HNN l~'A ITR
F. NAOI700 EDIO]. Philosophy of iReligion, Sataurdays a FINE
ItUSINESS11NAa.R.n., begitnnig Oct. 22.
0 tI. hootNAe . Oldiestlamtent Stady, Saturdaya, . SHOESI
EDITORIS. 4 p. il., begianing Oct. 22.-
Alaloic Editor, P. iR. Wooaoo, 0 L. yJ p109P. COUINSRT as
P. W. JoNa, '9, A. i. McJoooAa. ,'( E n. begiotitng Oct. 27. - y--ry, ..+", . _c- -- a~~ ~,.r:.,~-,~~,-~ r-
F.. E~attAN, 51 t. C. 11. It, '01M, Other classes Illiy e lannoncted ______
G. . 1. nNttce,'Ot F. later. Those who are auaceran
aboat takinag the cores are ianvted; GET INO A
to viit the clases a tlo s aecd
whthrohewok sprofitable ead
ha eolegowhat, clhassesolwhdellery toboo to~hoos.
anch111 day. Noices, commullnications, and CO ER
other maotterIntonded o pblicationO wool bo Delta U. Conention..,+
handed inat01 he ODAILY1111100 bfore 5gs p.,o
matteld to the ediooIbeoe 3pa. o the dy1 Clifford G. Roe a retauraned fromaO P OA
ap r.oot hl0 hct hycotdt the Coatveatioan of tlte Delta Upsilonta
Susrtons01'ytbe let at tho DAtLYO oaie, frateranity Ield 110 Philadelpshia last I '['istine ef'he earan
Mersor Stooe h etao r wi thaeraBusiessa1. wek. Theofficertelecteaforath
Managruscies 00 ofr avrb Je, Tae B.fficers1 electenddyoor-sthe
reporting lpromptly at thi ofie any failre of Jiy y yuwl id yusl
0000100000o delivr pap~er. year areJe Elijahla.Shaerman I 9 Is
Alt changes 10 adeetiniao water mut b no hg;frsthet vie-resde t, in I' rprydesd t
the officeeby 411.0. on te 'a403 nto that ' 'hitgo frvaeptotlal, ikaoeryoesea
on which they are o o apear. h . Jenks ofMihgn seconad vice- cotat can e woe-a
I nat 111 Cioaao 0 'o aan Isu, presidetnt, Arthr H. Janmeson, of t hse shivery fall days,
F. D. EAMAN. Mssachusetts. It was seided to Oi a'n as te
---- =hold tle cotnvetntiotn next }ear Int / .a-ot am)ay nph
In a few days the freshamean classes Anna Arhor. vit-. Weaedsly
1it tlhe gm ssim ill meet for the ANesIetue.Ing 1a Splendid assortment
gy t t. o upr-lssmnit Neetur. f the et tailored kind.
should come as a emtitder (f tlhe Prof. F. G. Novy, of the Medical
great benefit derived froauatlis sysse- Departament, till reort to tle State ASK TO SEE OUR $151,$6a d 2 .
teaoatc stork durinog hts college ca- Board of Hlealtha at its next mteetitg Blte Serge Suts. If you an cit a $1, 16ad 20
reer. It is too oftean the case tlat that thae IUaiversity laboratories are stit yoa'll look 01o farther.
tose whsolre anot required to exe- opeat to fle healtha officers through-
cse are likely to overlook this iaenor- out the state for th- analysis of tubh
tant inatter. Soaee of the professors eculosis, ldiphltheritatnd typhoid llC m4
occasionltly reind~ their classes of fever and for situilr swork itt cases I1Y I4~.
the necessity of a strotng body to of ay seial epidemaic. the health
aaaiataia a srotngtitnd. Now that officers till e reqauiredl to pay sanly1 e
mest of the sttadeatts are settled downa the acttual cost of amaterials.
to stork it is titer for them oatt again Student Missionaries.--
btiktelslsoftegaaa- Of thte six maemtbers of te Stu- .L C 5I & 0 27
ss. detts Voluatteer 1Ba1(1 who gradauated
U.oif M. Boat Club. last Jotne, four have gonte tos mtissioan- cIMPORTERS AN11 MAUACTURES 00
It is very likely that tlhe IU. of M. ary field. These are: Williamo S.'
Boat Cludt sill be revived anext Lehtmaan, to Lolodof, Kataeratas, W. CHEMICAL andt IYSICAI, APPARtATUS.
spring. '.ilte cluth was ecessful last Afrtca; Jesse K. Maroen, to Aitab,1 MICLROSCOPIC FINDI)NGS. Heathaartes lor allLabora-
Ferfriothte first aitd its regatta Turkey; Sharott J. Thoma~s ando Miss tory Supplies
tea 11 . Main stet, AtatAebor, Iich.
givena it Jutae sas largely attendhedI Mariona Wells to Btusrai, Arabia. ________________
and getneraly ejoed. Of the offi- Fn ofcin
cers last year, fete have returateol to Thec Scietnce Chub of. the aiver. 7r Bon Bonn and
college. R. S. Kepner is itt Alaska, ity of Wiscnsint has establishedoa a
W. Stoweo is in Chicago. and E. Law- thesis metdoltlwhicha will e awarded Chocolates.
less is itt Des ,Moittes, !It. Tlte other annaually to thte student of the seaior' 1 20 AS ASIGTNSTET
tetbers of thte club, lowever, po class wh110sbtits tle moost satisfac- 20ESTWSINTNSTET
poseto egi aaangttatttsfota r- try hess uoat scentc o eaita 3A SOUTH STATE STREET
pstobgnarneetfoitr-trthssuoascetco gi 36vival of the club as soon as possible cring stthject, for sae of the bacca- -
aext spritng. It is possihlc that a laureate degrees of that Uaiversity. f You 'Want Or Binding, or Ruling, or aything in or line, no mtter
permtanent club ltiitse nmay he erected I .Mr G ilimPh . how small or bow large,
0o1 thte Huron if entoughtinteret is Ms ay(- WlimP.. a Job7f W A O I
Inaniestdin th moveent. a Utniversity gradllate, is teachatng W A O I
_e _ feteh _ath...ve_ to. Greek in Mt. IHolyoke college. toeirs nt for you. Cl n o cuitd
Philological Soiett. Williams studied last year at th P in i gsoge a..w.
Poo. Rlf loeslleot f hocl~oil-school ofArchteolsgy, in Rome, whee ,**Tn iudPes
l o g ic a l S o c ie t y , an n ou n c e s t ta t t h o i e edt h eEet a a e s fh esy h i .In a n P r e s s , o k
irst meetinog of that body will be____________________
hteld Nov. 10. The society will con- AT E S H A R
tinue its wrork aong general haes o Friday Eoveing Oct.28 IUJ C I fUA 9 ~l34 .SAE
inquiry. A arge nuoltbel of etthto. Iau.~o-ntvelhettehewol opsie a Bidig
stastic nmetober, proioses to vervot1- wkn.lo'theJfasvort oeian teo ot *f 3lr tp0t ls oig
teresiag year. !MR. Ic cactE LL IL w B o u ls esa d I p res
Junior Medic ElectionDOYBL a okPbihr n m o~r
'te junilor maedics haave elcted the Spo Hy A~Aocn LHv youa read Wilson's Works, aseie yJae DeWitt [
folwigofier:PesJ.I, a. n heoe fsoooocomany inwA,11Ce ts ofdtewsU nitd sts?'"Constitutional and Political History
Mullett, Cassopolis; vicepies, iss I tlteoes011compownAto, orthclanste d Ste sTeseb ook efo all tour
Eva Iay Lock, Nashua, NH; The Hoosir Doctr a bac tr ndw hl eglad tohave youcallad
sec., Geo. R. Pray, lonia; treas, I L11.t.k5J LNW 1L.J.examinae thenm.
H1. Brevoort, Lodi, N. J.; lhistsraan, Pricet s i,0 VL7 0 $00 Il urBrncdH reClss)bot ov 1t
F.C ye rn ais eatsoatnobale atars,on Main St,ad O rBae erIlssA =, N vi t
F. C. yde, rand apids tagteer'e onS tate St.
Mr. Charles D. Clark. captaiti of - -- -- - ---......._ ..
the '95 football teama of Tuft's Col- UNIVERSITY SHAKE THOSE We YOUR FEET.
loge, was a caller a the DAILY Ctbah11ofD ncn
office last night. He is manager of Scolo acn OLD GUNBOATS ca YOUR FANCY
the "Kindred Hearts" company, a -AT- i
plywitn lydand managed by Granger's Academy. f BY COURTESY CALLED SHOES. ft YOUR FINANCES.
polaye wrten, playedezas W. J. APRILL. 119 E. Washington St.

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