.q he 'of r r VoL. IX, No. 27. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1898. Foui PAGES. 'WIW L ! T H E T A L 0 R T FINE FALL SUITINGS. H &. E WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. iw C 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T A I L 0 R You May Have Forgotten YOUR TOOTH BRUSH, YOUR B.LACKING BRUSH, Or YOUR WHISK-BROOM, The one you have may be worn out, ana you may want to replace it. We have them all inup-to-sdate style. SOur lne iof Druggist's Sundries i4. compiete. WILDER'S PHARMACY 336 South State Street. DON'T FORGET the OLD RELIABLE House. Hot and cold lunches at all hours. Chocolates and Ice Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 308 So. State Strcet. W rranlted1 Tooth Brushes TheTooth Brushesthat I sell for 25c, or more, are good brushes, and are well made. If you should get one that sheds its bristles I WILL REPLACE IT. E. E. CALKINS. FOOTBALL CLOTHING GYM. SUITS AND SWEATERS. Our Stock is the most conmptete in the city, and We, Can SaveYou a liIddle-man's Prafit, as we bay tisenmfromltenannufac- turers andhave thaem made to e- special order., WAHR'S TWO STORES A Prettq Romance. Unitj Club Course. Friends of Hazen S. Pingree; Jr., Among the various lecture courses look forward to a wedding announce. to be given in Ann Arbor this winter, ment upon his recovery from the will be that of the Unity Club. The attack of typhoid fever, says the course given last winter was very Hartford Globe, in a recent article. successful, so the club concluded to It seems that the young woman whose offer another this year. The subjects happiness most depends on the result are varied and the lecturers are all of of the illness is Miss Natalie Par- considerable prominence. sons, daughter of James B. Parsons, Prof. R. M. Wenley opens the of Detroit. Miss Parsons was one of course Monday evening, Nov. 7th, the 16 young women who formed the speaking on "Robert Burns." party which went to Camp Wikoff to Rev. R. A. White, of Chicago, will nurse the sick and wounded soldiers speak on "Savonorola." Mr. White detained there. is pastor of the Universalist church Miss Parsons though not a figure of that city, and has an enviable in society is yet of an excellent fain- reputation as a lecturer. ily. She is a girl of attractive Prof. J. M. B. Sill, of Detroit, Ex. though not strikingly handsome U. S. minister to Korea, will speak features. Most of all she has a on "Korea, and its People.' Prof. lovely amiable disposition. Harry B. Hutchins, Dean of the de- When Mr. Pingree was taken sick partment of Law, will speak on some the presence at the bedside of the subject not yet announced. John R. young nurse was not questioned. She Effinger, Ph. M., instructor in French, accompanied him to New York and will talk on Montaigne. cared for hiin at the Hotel Cadilac The last number in the course will for several days. When the physi- be given Jan. 30th, by Rev. Florence cian decided that he should be taken Kolock Crooker. Though Mrs. home, it was at the special request of Crooker has recently come to Ann the patient that Miss Parsons was Arbor, she is no stranger to its peo- allowed to accompany him. She is ple. Her subject will be, "The Min- at present at his beside nursing him istry of the Beautiful to the Masses." with an interest that is much more than sympathy, though very much . Library Annex. akin,'Tieannex to the library is still "Joe" Pingree was a member of the dragging on towards completition. 1900 class, leaving college last spring The work was to have been finished to go to Island Lake. where the state by Nov. 1, but the usual trouble in militia was being orgaized. getting the steel framework has caused a tedious delay. As it is, the h A Good Work., . walls will hardly be finished by the 'e Students Christian Associa- middle of the month, and the roof tion is again entering on an active will still remain to be completed. campaign in all its lines of work. On At present, there is a contract the practical side of helpfulness, the simply for the exterior work, but at association has been doing a great the next regents meeting, it is thought deal this year. It has found room- that the contract will be let for the mates for scores of students who interior work as well. When the came to Ann Arbor strangers and annex is completed the shel froom of knew little of the means to be pur the library will have been doubled. sued to get a congenial "chum." In the last few weeks eight cases An employment bureau has also of old books from Europe have been been conducted this year, and some received. There are in the list some 30 students supplied with positions hand illustrated Bibles made before in which they can earn a part or all the days of lithographing. Another of their college expenses'The list curious specimen is the old treatise of the positions eltludes steward, on "How to Win at Horse Racing, waiter, room work, janitor, sweeping, Dice, Cards, and Lotteries." In this care of children; furnace, grounds, treatise the etods are all worked horses or office, typewriting, reading, out in Algebraic nicety. eb book tutoring, collecting and soliciting. A is now yellow with age and can systematic canvass of the city has isardly be read. been made and much good accomp-ii i lished. Freshmen Engineers Indorse Ben- Freshmen Lam Meeting. scoter. The freshmen law class met yester- The freshmen engineers at their day afternoon, and after a disorderly meeting yesterday afternoon voted meeting elected R. W. M. Shauman unanimously to support Benscoter the delegate of the Oratorical Board. for president. Brown and Benscoter The disorder and confusion was each offered the same inducements, caused by the incompetency of the but the latter drew the prize, which chairman, who was arbitrary and un- it is thought will amount to more able to get the motions that were than 80 solid votes. The engineers made before the house. At one time are to be represented as follows on the class all got up and were about the ticket: Secretary; McCloy; to leave, but about 50 returned and treasurer, Ferguson; baseball mana- carried on the election. ger, Lee, represeutative on Inlander, amaLewis. This makes Benscoter's The total registration of Harvard teikeTal.ihig ae. encte' University, according to the Univerticketall-Michigan sity directory, shows 3,774 students $120,000 of the Elizabeth Bates enrolled in all departments, an in. bequest to the medical department is crease of 35 over lat year. The roll now assured. The heirs, however, of professors and instructors numbers will contest the transference of the 423. real estate valued at about $40,000. Intercollegiate Golf. The intercollegiate golf tourna. ment will take place October 25, at Ardsley-on-the-Hudson. Four and possibly five colleges will be repre- sented; they are Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, and possibly the University of Pennsylvania. The contest this fall will be the third held by the Intercollegiate Associa- tion, but it has never before been held in the fall, it coming last year on the 15th of May. Last year Yale won the team match, defeating Princeton in the finals by twelve holes to eight, and the Har- vard team in the final round by twelve holes to three. The individ- ual championship was won by J. F. Curtis of Harvard, who defeated John Reid, of Yale, in the finals, by a score of five up and four to play. The teams are to consist, as here- tofore, of six men, the result to be determined by match play in rounds. In the individual championship there are to be eighteen holes at medal play to qualify and the contestants making the best eight scores to quali- fy and to decide the event by match play. The finals will be at thirty-six holes, eighteen in the morning and eighteen, if necessary in the after- noon. Debating Outlook. Next Saturday night, most of the society preliminary contests will be over. Both the Adelphi and Alpha Nu will hold their final society contest that evening. Webster Society will hold its final preliminary both Friday and Saturday nights. Jeffersonian Society, however, will have one preliminary yet to be de- cided next week. In the literary department, very few men have entered the contests year, but in the law department the number of entries is even larger than ever. Owing to the early date of the preliminaries this year, many men have not entered who usually are to be found in the contests, and as a whole the debates have not been of a very high quality. It is thought, however, from now o i the contests will be more interesting and show improvement. Will Go to Paris. Shigeni Matsuyama, whose father is a member of Japan's cabinet, will be one of the assistants in the Japan exhibition at the world's fair at Paris. He says Japan learned a few things from the Chicago exhibition, and have held fairs since in their own cuntry. He says his country is prepared to show the rest of the nations a few things at Paris in 1900. Senior Pharmic Election. The senior pharmics had a warm election last week Thursday and the following officers were elected: Presi- dent, L. 0. Cushing, Dexter, Mich.; vice-president, Miss J. G. Hall, Oleai, N. Y.; secretary, Mr. George W. Eckel, Petoskey; treasurer, C. A. Duen, Benton Harbor; Historian, Mr. H. Hewitt, Jackson, Mich. Miss Harriet Beard, '98, is prin.. cipal of the high school in Birming- ham, Mich. Up Town State St. Down Down Opp. Court House RFain Street