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October 25, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-25

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WA ER ANS WW WETMOnRE342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St.
DEAL , UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, "' , ecetvrdeo new anfGosdericatah
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, TR UERN
FOUNTAIN Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, R SEI .
Let,ofWorkmian hip.

MVAKES ITS MVARK L Wehv eiedt aif aln etwant tar an nip-to date tarn out, andso L
All1 around the world. L foureern persons. Coaching portion will now be in order. Secreoa date for tine L
Y Tally-Ho. Calt op y
0 Telephone 106. 515 EAST LIBERTY ST. 10
Every Oia>e Warranted for

214 East Waiine nSt . ar'th1Av.
W. J. Boaone PaE. S~
W.A NOLlt Vine-pros 8fT.,
J, V. SHAi,nc 2Vc-iie fl I
JON.inC..WATIn, Asst.Cooaht i ycr
'transacta a genieral
Banking Business.

Five Years., IA fA O -- i1aI If IRA I IUIIML UMIII ogoniocAt t463
i FOR Cap isOa 0. Surplusand Ptofits, E40,00
lvi IF IreivI
Don't be deceived by fake signs We call attention to our complete line of ('enter Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, crcditag og n tl. on-ilte-a
and advertisenients offeriing the W4at- ranging in price from 75c to x+2.50 each. 'these Lamps are of the lateat and 0. 0. KINNE, ires. IIARISOt~N SOUL,
enaPefrtt$.0uathrismoat improved patterns and makes, Including 1 The New Rochester," < The -*I.p 1IeO Cha
nWaeianPnmdattaprc.Yale, tThe Royal," The Berlin Studeint Lamp," l{The Perfection Student - -
noWermaav e n st-alledatWat per.a Lamp." If you want the beat Lamp for the Least itfoineyt cote atad see us.
Pen, which is extensively advertised Old Number' ----- ---
and which leads the unsospecting 44 SO. MAIN ST., D E A
puli to believe thtat they are getiig ANN ARBOR, MICH. N L c Cor. Mait and titti ti Street.
the Waterinain Ideal at this ceinarka- goentttlbankig buitnets.
bly low price. At aity tine prospect-, Whiat Players. Gumnasium Notice. Ra i,.iFPres. C.tF Snot tOG vXtC 1' -
lye peii butyers hatve a few tmittt Teiit rormenttcstptlor y Fteit.aite.iii31a > ttt, ncaie.
I ldlhhm h e wott pltyers of Ainioth cmusr ttnac i
leisure we willgadyshol mtohv Itvea opportuinity that rarely gyinaitsitutmwetrk is tasked ottly of i TheRnn R~rbor Savings Ban
switdletha isbeitg ierietritel COites their wtay. Mrs. J. S. Jeitks, studentinu the Literaty anid Enigin - i copitltstoctk. $s;oott. Sutrptus, X150,000.
tipetio the puoblic. whbe haai edited the Whtist departmet e eritig Departmtetnts trite tre noew en-1iaaa a-.atOOO
~~' r of the Chticago later-Ocean for sev ,teriitgott first yeatr's studies. riheiy organized undetohettaGe'neral Bantking I tat
IIeral year's tand whitehas given iiistruc- are nowirdirected to report stt somie excangea onttaa principal'cities oftheUite
600 titan in the gtiae for teit ySaeyears in(lay this week tii Director Fitzpatrick Sttebrafts caheduonopetttr idenstificttat.
SndepI N o t boxsto nrt. W lri
IChicago, is stoppinig at the Coek which of the hiaurs offered by hinto OFCRS:acatairitiata Mlack, Pear;W Oiaa
Unvriy Bikelee tItItes House. Atueng somte of her tiore they t'lect for thiaci racok,antd to icog. K Fritz, Asisata.hir. iaoCoiM
aitd Eiagravers, protnteit pupils are Lymait. Gaimge, icier their ntamtes.----
320 S. State St ., Ann Arbor, '1Iicl. the Ptullttanas, Eugene Field, Coit- JAMES B. ANEi.. I
1 resmn ik ad thrs Mndy_ _ _. 4.L MB & S
Sit trllbe alase ti iceve iiy-IRE NCER,
Sehilbplaetorcieay of the titop~layers aitilstudents of All freshiiniiitanaiolin and gulitarc. .THuE
the torn, wtrte they trish to lake players meet tontighit, at 7 1. ib., ii
the ciaurso of twelve lessoits or itot, Roots 9, University Hall, fur cx- ~&'
irwhich site iiitends giving while here. amittatisial. Guitars especially mre de-. a c r c r
Dtiniig the pact week the nmistakeit I ALFRED B. R1-tosaooM, Leader.
impressisiithsat Michtigan trill tiot'first-classpGroeryhn and l ket CnlE
A NJI ±1 play Beoit this year, has become Mr. Alfred S. Jithnsois, 99 L., of Wers keeps evoeryhingdustalkept510ll
coticin linstg he iudtit. TseFetitot iMini., spont the week twith and see ue.
Stdets LctreAsocaton) omonamngth sudnt. heFeiitoin studeshetabre, prev ions to go- 318 ST EST
(StdnoLcueAocsin) football maniageiient twishies to cot-- tidHavnTtAbemusere
rect the error and stmate postivelytatigto GadHvnt emsee
; urtem il ee Blot nSlitir- oo hscaimpany ini the 32d. BATHS--100---BATHS
I- N-10 ~ .1Until Nov.n, i18t8, I will soft tickest
Tickets for the etitire cottrse are tocly, Nov. 19,the tweek proevions to 'OUtN.-At 228 S. Thtayer, the GOD FOR tO BATHS FOR $1.00.
notw on sale at WVilder's, ot State St. the Chicago gante, and a stiff contesoiest sut f-om i5nAbr itngle a Pts wilt reain an bnfore, lac acha.'
beepce.cots nl o omUnAinAbr . rfsM. Shavitg Parlors.
adaGodersonM nStor 'Fumrttace heat, bathi and all miodlern J. R. TROJANOaWSIiProit.322 S. 5tato St
they may be had frott mseiit solic- R t 5S Mynr. Nte convenience.-$2.50 per tweek. 26-
itors. 'Te price is oiily $,2.00. RoI - 0 anr. e RAZOR HONING
moue, llmuoheta onvnince. ne Thle Free Press, the old reliable IS A SCIENCE .
Thitnk of hearing suit of roonms and also suit suitablhe and leading State and Sporting paper We Ooraatt Otur Work.
for five days itn the treek. Prices is hiadled by F StofletOpermilHouse WtRNTEBRE
BO U R KE OOK R A N 3e0ttbe News Depot. Call anid subscribe. _ -______
Good delivery guairainteed. THE MODEL of State Street
For 20 Cia,, At the Athietas on Nov. 1st, the BARER HOPifsyouNd&EsirS
people of the city trill have an op. Bttreaum of Latr, Washington, D. fiRRstc SOrkad fcurtou eremn
IN NES' A NDportuntity of wittiessing a performm C. Information pertainitig ts the try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
INNE BA DIatnce tif the Colonimil Remimetic Dramta Laws of the United States, of the -__________________
For 20 cia., or tiKindereil Hearts' presented by a several states and territories of the I flTEI Embalmer and
stronsg and swell knotrn company of United States, of Foreign Countries ENOCH UILILHLL1 Funeral Direcor.
&£IA N M A CLA R E N " players.I furnished uponi application. Coiln attended Da~y or Nghm.
_ No. t1lt 0. Lihorty Stroet. Residnceao5.33
Foir 20 ets. Fourth Av, Phone tas.

hE.n..willso nn A-y ESTABLISHED 1858.

rrb, rlat.na fnr ti

be made public. Watch the Bulletin

when he went to school here.

S. Ll AN , ,

'STATST-., i

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