fi THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. was at first reported, nor have the varsity players. The old line is all other leading western colleges except gone and behind the line Dibblee is Chicago, aund she will he compelled to the only sure man. The class teamG or' play to the same rules that all her op- men who will have to fill these posi- puneits will use. The matter is not tions will have a hard time reaching yet settled and will depend upon the the standard of last year's team. 107 SOUTH action taken by the Board of Con- PENNSYLVANIA Is STRONG. trol. Of the old men who will return at Pennsylvania, Oldfield, center; Hare S OUR Eastern Football. and McCracken, guards; Goodman The big eastern colleges are much and Outland, tackles; Hedges, end; Uf more fortunate than most of the Morice, half; are all expected to r western ones in having such a large make the team. The most serious proportion of their last season's foot- loss to the Quakers is that of ex-Cap-- ball men return this fall. Harvard tain Minds at full-back. It is not " is the only one that has lost many of expected that a man will be devel- its players and the rest will all be oped who will play the great game represented by teanis of veterans. that lie did, but Coach Woodruff ; YALE'S~TEAaM ALL BACK. thinks Walker will make an excel- lent man for the position. At Yale only two of last year's team were graduated and both of Latv Department Will Open One them will be back in the professional Week Late. departments. They are Chamberlain, Although all departments of the / NailI captain, and Jim Rogers, last year's University are scheduled to begin captain. Cadwallader, the big cen- work on the same day, Sept. 27th, the Nai ter, has been dropped, but his place law department will be delayed for a will be well filled by Cutter. The few days and will not open until Oct. question Of selecting a head Coach 3rd. The new building in which that is still undecided and it looks as department will be housed this year is F0 ' though there would be none. Fitz- not quite finished, some of the inter- patrick's place as trainer has not yet ior work not yet being completed. been filled but will probably be given Dean Hutchins states, however, that to Sanford, Yale's famous athlete of everything will be in readiness by the class of '96. Monday Oct. 3rd, and that the de- CilstOlOgy, SHORT SEASON AT PRINCETON. partment will openin earnestthat Princton will have an unusually day and begin active work immedia- short foot ball season owing to the tely. All preliminary examinations faculty's decision that no football will be got off the week previous so B l work should begin until college open- that the department can get down toayw t B ifey, sri. Practice began last Wedssosday stork withouut any uf the delays which and will close Nov. 12, the date of have occurred in previous years. The the Yale game. Thirty candidates registration so far this year indicates are now at work under Coach Brokaw. that about the same number of stu-TedR cterioIogy, The snasagesmesit is tryinig tis secure desits as last year will he enrole , the services of Longdon Lea, captain with only a small increase if any. of '95's team as head coach. The All new students or those desiring to old men who have returned are obtain advanced credit are requested Booth, center; Edwards and Crow- to report to the dean in Doom C, D issecting, dis, guards; Craig and Reiter, halfs; University Hall instead of Room A Lathrope, end. Suter, Poe and Ro- as announced. sengarten will try to fill the hole The department will really lose caused by Baird's absence. only three days by its delay in open- HARVARD IS DISCOURAGED. lug, as the first lay only work is as- Captin Dbble an Coah Fobessigned and sno classes are heard. The' Captaiss Dibblec asnd Coach Forbes time lost can easily be made up by a have a tremendous task before them little extra work the first few weeks. to fill the positions left vacant by The following will be of interest to Dancette, Brown, Shaw, Cabot, those desiring advanced standing. We are the largest dealers i Moulton, Swan, Mills, Parker and others. There has never beEn a year EXAINATION FOR ADMISSION TO AD- the State of this line of goods ani in the later history of Harvard foot- VANCED STANDING. our motto stil holds good. ball when there was such a drouth of The examination for admission to MONEY LOANED We Will e fon wateis,Osiamonds,'wheels or otserPer- " y sonal Property. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. __ - .5 s iss , ns office at residence,531 E. Liberty St, Ann Ar- N ever B t ,f 1bor, Aich. All business confidential. Hours, 8 Drug Store lMRIN STREET. LINE OF Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Lather Brushes, Bath Brushes, Cornplexion Brushes Files inrg I Buffers, ail Powder, Rosaline for the Nails, Pumic on Iory Handles, For the Nails. Emory Strops. F r ihe Nails. SOAPS Roger & Gallet, Ed Pinaud, Colgate & Co., Pears, Wrisley's, Johnson & Johnson, Cuticura, Packers, Etc., Etc. PERFUrIES Palmers, Lazells, Penaud, Roger & Gallet, Seelegs, Wrights, Lundborgs, Lautier Bros. Lubins. In bulk or by the ounce. n d Jseph C. Watts. Bargainsin second-sandwateus andDisno -. Fine Confections Bon Bons and MEYER'S LAUNDRY AGENCY, Chocolates. At News Stand, 607 E. William St, 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. 316 SOUTH STATE STREET, PAUL MEYER. COLLEGE STUDENTS THE COUNTRY OVER SMOKE S llinllun' Gokhn S G9r GI L - - - -- - J Undersold.; *t Please examine our you buy. stock before Goodyear's Drug Store, 107 SOUTH MfIIN STRBEiT.