THE U. OF M. DAILY. m z1 -P. CRANDALL TYPEWRITER ine on ly high traide Machine on the' Markert solatIaRas oalerie Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, 5'iRWaolijeglon 5t., Ane Arbor,'11th. M1_ STATE,-IABFR, Ot-eiclci 11 W.Walie)-ole ci 'II e\o.8 VocecSI . C' . 1:i., 'Phone No. 51. . FLAG PINS $1.501 "Fellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of lM. or the year 75e. WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. HARRIS HALL, THE SIMPLEX PRINTER. 11 ,SchaIers Bookstora, T Oct. M A new inv ention for duplicating coiesofritngsanddraitgs R, Formerly with George W~ahr, 19 _____F. Washington si. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the j J j line of Text-Books, Stationery and R a 1 r it 9Miscellaneous Stock: in general. The MaicianMARTIN SCHIALLER, TI-c M gican,_ __ --_THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Will give one of hils deligetful fIom ac orionle ancorincry ptepec aith l9OE Washington et.. one bloek entertainmnents uiu ally pen,, 101101op1es cn111 l d. fif 'ty es flli t 'opies if typewitermanuls crt r o ueued es fMi t Magic, Mirth and Mystery. ofi wcrk. AGENTS VAN i I). _____________ ___- AWTON& coA. E. MUMMERY'S, ADMISSION 50 CEBNTS. 211 N esev St., ew York . KEEP YOURSELF NEAT AND CLEAN. F. . SEBBNSTX~~EWe will help you with ail ABp~LLYA Is selling (2011)011 lbtoks good Y icATI ltFIl.NE TOILET SOAPS folr $3 for $2.~5. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, AND SPONGES. I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED thelirlheadquarlter' ls wiSle xl ____________ tid____ - ________ tlker tel'C lly will fn e , a= evf111 s. STAIR luousucT.W. H. LEWVIS, Prop.ffL ~~t [R MRS, ANNIE 1WARD [OSIER'S sTTDZE j]\TTI5. Dac.i nd el.rte FINEST RESTAURANT 46 5. MAIN STREET. Fo' l'ulrenquiroeeeflb.eteslend6ll C I S-m" S Al 11101.MORE & WETMORE '0.6 S_ Sr A!T'E S2'- l(rieitrl.lE. 111111 ct 6S. M1ain st., ad State st., cor- neu of \Willi110st.,have 1 LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS! comoplete slotk of Second Hand Books, College Text Bo( Law Books. Medic, at clut rale prices al S'-TATE STREE Bargaiune in Stationery Books. special reduction on K. & Es Drawing Inst We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC and Sporting Goode tor gymnasium. Come ands are the largest dealersi and our prices are tile los SHEEHAN & Wholesale and Retail 11 FIRST NATIONAL OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capitol, $1010,0010. Surplus and)1 'transctics 11griers) bans Freigsr)ecehaniescboughtuand letters of credit. P. BAG)), lres. S. W. CLARK 22 Years in the Business. CITY LAUND M. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 1 FOR FIRST CLASSr TRY THE ELITE DININGI Cor. State and Liber EDWARD L Boarders Wonted. Miss Hattie I Gunitar, Mandolin an is Miller ave., Ans Arbhi Make ho mistake. Do you wauut a lamp? We' ean slow yon agrea.t iiUiIiFRSiiY IXT B8~KS ok, variety and give you lower prices thoanOaly house ini this miarket. ok, An examinastioun of our stock demonstrates 11101 it contains the best New and Second Hand. 01)d umost improved lamup made. Thirty-three years experience ini tlle Bs'n te idit'Splc al BokLamluIlsiness is wcrth something. Buy of uis anii get thle beriefit of' it. RotIl Bo ksl1ine sttoneury, Slortille 0111s, etc , wichl tteteoerateloetrie.44 South Main Street. ( (( J RECall and see un before purchasing. ,lJUNIVERSITY NOTES. ('orreetion.-'Fleh 11ihoo'Icl lpup~ils M SC LGOODS '. Adliphi Tyrcie r,. ')4 med~it',is pte- .A'T[IlE Olid~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ir NoeIiiglthshm t ela. cillat lBelillan l11, but 1114thit scie right.o'lielois ill his'boinle ii PontiaciiSTATE STR EET MU~SIC 8108RE is this week AV. 'W.-Wilsoni, '97 meldic, who is rgt ikt tteuulrt o trunlients. 1 llil5 u olil'' i .11 tes. 1f1,n businessiaic.1111nlow'. 1is1v'sitlit, Cheaper than anywhere else inl friends ini the city. I .Ivt 9)lw .; i, the Counutry. 'PTIN here will be meetinig of teesenior Wseetdcpano lefre r the new lits t11.Ii.Soera.iiteclass football teamu. fTn'e('teamwill 1rl" ' gee us. We inl the city vest. CO,! Woksellers BANK. 'refit's, $40,0001. log besiness. sold. Furnish SON. Casehier. IRY, N. 4th ave. MiEALS PARLOR rty sts. EWJS, Prop. ong, 3d Banjo, r, Rich. iciapel for the electiooi of class officers. (Calvin It. Rissood. '1)1 neldie.iias bece appointedi assistat phiiysicianu of thue icsanei'asyllumliatihis hooiue in Potianc. Thieue swill he a mueetinig ofthoc new'ly e'lctedi comm~ittee of the juonior lit class at Nessberry 111l1 next Friday lRes'. 1-. 1). Duff wvill close his tsvo yeros' connection swithu St. Andresw's chiurchu swith a fareswell sermon on Sun- lay morning next. Mr. Devcoll, loot year's assistant in general chemistry, luau left the Univer- sity to accept o position in Parke Davis & Co.'s chiemical laboratory uat Detroit. The senior uuedical class held a short mleeting yesterday for. the electious of officers. '.he umeeting, hoswever, so postponued until Saturday, svhen the election svill be held. 'There are sever- al piromnuent nuembers already nien- tioned for president. but it is hard at present to tell sshlo has theo largest followinog. at 4 o'clock ech a ufterunooun. 'Thiose uteuibers of thit freshmiuauu mledical cs s.lio lhavse Latin to muake' uii ssilueet inltie Deuntal 5111)01- thieatre frouiu4 1to v ouu Mondiays. Aell- nuesdaiys 1111d1Fridasys. Iru. Sauiders, of thie'lite'rary dteparctmienut will hlivie chiarge of the recitaions. Of thue 800 lockeuc iui the gymnaulsium, All beut 15 hauv'e'be'eu sold, and 200 of( thue nelumblerliase lieen token bt ose- mieun. No onei ssill be allossedl thui'use of the gyuscu 'i u o does nline5 thue locker fee. If it heconies rices- siury, unewv lockers ssill be Guill. Chuairmans Sasueu', o!' the junuior law class announces the follossing 'soni- uciteec, swho wsill report at the mleet- log for peruuanent organization, No- velober 3: QOu selection of chuss col- ors-MTessrs. Lotting, oil Michigasu, Hamlin, of WVasuilugtoll. aud 'fThomup- son, of Kaunsasouu selection of class motto-Messrs. Truemnui of Iowra, Shuanon, of Illiunois, andui Lunudl of Washington. Aniri~caD ouse Corner Washigton st., aund Asule y s1. Rates $2 and $3. '-P=OSB123- M. STAMM3E1L, PRCOPRETOR. 0.H.WILD TOE LEAI'G TAILOB Has the newest Full and Winter Woolens suodlargest stock in thue city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. A ~COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washinsgton st., near Main stl.