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October 25, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-25

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M HIAN CrNTPAL Dr. GibbronCancer.
Time Table (Revised) July 1, li -l189i4i.ilW(itiiyJi'li'i i
eASe.S. cce sliditiiionhiel its first lnoetiliff of tlieP.-N
A.M.ailand Ex---40s M i -------843 icii ii liiiHoiiieoltltiie liiiiliii;RIlut
N. V. Sp eial---a5i0 N . . peci al_-
Eastern Ex--10 25 N. S.Limited.---'925iii'ht. Tiele nbei o ef the board oif
AtllanticExRe-- --47P. m.re elic cud the Michligan Library
D. N.Espress.--- 5 40 Weseern E---15
G. P. Express __1105a lii. NC. x--s-10 2i5 asocibtinweresrrentit petiilIVila-
0.W UGLS 3. iW.IiHsVES, 1i0n1 Dr.(liibo. itheliresidenit oeth le
G. P1. &I. Aget., Chica~o.aACt, Ane Anbor.
Ssocion1111reaid anle paphller ion
T, A.. A. & N.IX.FRY'. -cancirl-hrienc-kaofolio«-icld by
- ci; fectSu yAn.I iii94 iliicussioniled by Dr. Nailereile. hr.
ard ime.(libec ace alii inorestinig iesela-
7:1 a M {i.5i . ii. biiotl of 0cleiliilll, paraslitic origini of
112:25 pi. m 1I10,.m
4.15 p. m. 9:0 om caner indtihe lireoability of i-lre lby
*risrnbetiieeii AuneArboraned Toledo iearl' operationl. His 1pa1cr oras nr-
onl y.
All trains daily exceplt Siiniday. oiiipaiiodi by demonistraitionsith witeli
R.IS. REENOODi, Ag-ed.
1IV. II3R BENETTIG.. PA., Toledoa, 0. ltiirosoile.
DIETAS & SCHANZ, 'Varsity Practice. l
V. OF bM. TAIL On Thle 'vari, iyliinot imake asll (eel
Latest and best styles of Ioieigin aind DIc a S1101114"" ailusilolialgainstoCihe IV-
mesteleWeoleis. Firsnelisitand frsclaes
corekgiaea nteerd. Cleaning, preningad ei'eO ill yolerilcy liraitice, 00111ff 1o
rerpairingo neatly donie.
411S. Stte stc., Se cnd Flooir, AnnArbior. i 2bec fsvrar';la llt
CAEE, front hlie 11.
H ANGSTERFER, li1'E. asbliot- ''lii iscrulb hadiainewet of 01si-la
iii Isuccededi1is--iii'nlil le-1-lilild11at
1115 ue I iiiiie' iili. oi 1
TRlADE ijuredl list. ('ua.pt 0. rd Vllteand
!. Carl-iwill probiabilylie aie to pday
[\1 A S iii ii ec1y.hut iti510 not certain that1111
tirela i-1iil1oteni. V~'110i'
Big Four R oute (ilAli phaiwNu Pr-ior111
11EST LINE T Ilefol10, porn il (-vl
INDIANAPOLIS, h .lh.Nil. : lp.t.,Ot
LOUISVILLE, .27, 10 email4.
and CINCINNATI. AMocie. vcal iioilo. Me....'r. larker!

The lileeinigof Cliifreshmlian inei-
ical ebas calledl yestereday mnorninig
0110 iostoniiedl 11111 cili ti e lclate11r
iii line'cceel.
Joun S-. Johnsni the crecklic uyclisC,

[Noticec incsertediinthis coluomnat be rate
of 5centscper 1line. Special ratso liiioiiiser
tine, aiiiextra liiiecsefuiiniediy applying
t th~eDLY fir e.
Ilegainti' stite of roomas to reiit,
netl kep ' t,'0$ 110 l ile dibohalri

Through Sleeping Cars
Petoskey, Louisville and
Passenger Trafic1ie Sian n. IP.& TAgt.
Byly lyng your
G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
Biesur andtakeethis notieswith you
torcenriif Soate and IWilliacm sts.,
William st. entrance.
hlTI i' 8 I 3-.A, W w:sI
Students Recreation Head-
No. 3 N. MinmStreet.
Anc Arbor, Mich. Capital Stock, 050,000.
Surplun, $150,000.
Oreganizeed under he Central Baning Laws
ofti hisc State. tReceives deposits, buys cnd
sells exchanige on tine principail cities of Che
u7nited States. Draftscgashed niponi proper
identificationi. Safty de olit boxes Co reniC.
OFFICEnRS' Christians act, re.; WI. 1).
larriman, 'Vice-Pres.; Chus. E. Hisockl,
Cashier', 10. J. Fritn, Assistant Cashier.
High Glnsn and Domnentic Finish.
E. S. SERVISS, Manager,

Iriiiiniii..i...i....i .. . . It.iyman
Debtate: Rihi'e'i. That tine' irganiai-
111,1111 leneicitil. All'. Alt'.Blockc,
Mn'r. linickley; neg..Air. iRoekwoell,
Sir. leynold.
Alturic. vcal solome......Mu'. Patrkuer
I-tc'rrcboeis' is inivitiulto attenni.
Lectures in Hygiene.
'lineoroise ot lecturesogiv'e'n liy Dr.
estinig111111 nitruen-ine' liii'sunbject
iiiiereiinics'irtioini't precenit is nilik
11111 caler. imhe ndotor 11as madiie
itlemneriis oril liii - 1. 01110 llire-
gand Cii both is idr iks but fnilsheso
fignires to proc' his ci'itellwilltS. File
icoursi is ideserving of01grioter uattendi-
ance, btal 'hihly'aireiatiedisois
eviicd ' by ihe 'aciioflie' ininoloen f
extra stundeints Oking liihe'oiir.-e.
0)n piriilly reliiffnext ot 7:30)p
mi. Clientecoill lie I.sicild gic-iniby lie
Chloral Uni10n1Social Club t1o11its1new
nmemnber's at the Srih111ol MAusii'.
Runt tcwo sits cwere pilyed in lthe tell-
nis tiourinamnt yesterd'ayi, eist111100
edotibies, ('lierinfa11111 licelizie cvs.
H errilk anid Gaele. Ruteli took a sil.
To gice the "Bent on Rarth" is tine
1m0110 of Witters' Palace Ilaundry,
which leaves nothing undone that cain
he done to give perfect wvork. We col-
lect Mondays and deliver Thursdays.
Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shop,
eor. of State a nd William sts.n or ad-
dress card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st.

eil a mile' yestterdauy afternoon at Rxn- It you sokyo cCigarabu he boat,01
11li til re lu i me 1'of 1:33 54-A tISCOR CONKuING s 1theibrii.
ounnohiig tile worl's reori la3Si- Twototustlers a nuitae good mneiy
ouiis. soliciting subscriptions ot the I of
All11eoidrbiccs hae xniti Neoimtirr I. Daily. Call at tie office inunTies
1. to classify themslves ini groupss si block.
fouri'fter'prantire c-Islt clerik. iucoto 'Iatc.-A bri'htly iii"g ii'iniof
shi let is o.sil b nts ilinileo tle iasingffaddreo teoielight isvtrk.
do otdosowil e casifed y he(oocd mmoney 111111steed lb111fher'thee
clerik on that ai. 'Wo'erkeis boomnug ight tprty. (tll .after 7 he i.it 14
lii tile'tracticerout 111111oetnieiiu21)N. tIngals st.
'ucase lvetercoienetdl. Actultni when youtnxfnt 'C,"10o1 itr'551
'neurt ccwok cili soeln begill. ftu thee ItOSCuit 1CfNIiN(.
NOTICES.The bet in eveything always giee
NOT ES, ie greatet satisfaction. The ROSCOR
lINT1ER-tCiASS nFOOTBALL. CONILING Cifar are he best caid
Tliii'cetidule ontetr-eilass fotiml tet no mnore than inferior brandsi.,
ff11111 5N15as follows'I'r' them.
Nov.-9 ltv .8 lit. The Daily haaleready more sub-
Nov.815lwv. 96 lawo. scribes amon the co-edo than ever
Nov.1-' Iti.vs 9 lit, before in its hisitory. Co-ed, ub-
Nov.c1-14-W'Iimuer of Nov. .S cs. tig-h scribe, yotu are retreeted on the
Schiool, boeard.
Not. W -ii Viilil I of Nov. 3 0vs. -- -- -
cinnler eel Nec'12. EMIL DREFS,
Nov.1ASWhie oh Ntv. 11 evc.cs iii
ee 'oc ohvp16.1T6 itud W dhiVt mkai
Anyc'oth er claeci'shlling tee iiigun I- 1kIUIO ldLJIII
ige' tenis tilcmtsie for io' haltiloil n- efrieei~-lti oIeutt ts' nI
sh1,111d1. dass oonI 111 cc al11 sositlec CityCicag~o and11Assn Ar1111
tandilplan-s u-scshidlie -ill 1fb e sc ffm(45 :. i e ss. iCoet caud1see lie-
n-sio liethn. ' ~ " -
UNT ,1.nty clubtiis uoffering it itphis','tleI htI [~ ri r
ctushe commiiissi~ton nil lticeos s ll viitroatden, ycr shtiuhersaenit tek
Anyolne cwishing to sell 111113' obtinh thi s toopi froml your bac. Will de-
vrlopu anymuseie r set otmuusce-
tiecets tromniIouert Philiphs a.t; theinitie belly. All lants gui'ranteed
State Sterings banki. for two ,years. C-a11 he pill p any
It~xullt.arN~r FORullnhA~roX" room,erand is toutoiskeless,gself-adjust-
All stndents expecting to graduate in ing and adapted to aly age or sex.
alymivi cen year rust report to int(,Indorsed by te le 1adinm athletes of
registrar t the opning of the yea tie day. Call for cataloges and
andaacrtin ciat resried olrkif inspect it. Prire only'. For sale
andaserai wht recrbedwokif by BLOUNT & VANKIRK,
any, io still laecing for tie degee 14 N. Ingalls st., Anni Arbor1Icle.
Pn. It. dPO)NT. THl + IDAIL'Y
FOO~tTALLt. ReprCesents Evy IDtpritmeti~i
All rcandidaetes hr '97' ootball ti lii of IlieUnversity
ae- recitnetei o ap~pear t tin: AthiAt .5itR YE R
Filid, lWeeneselyand every5m d 2.0aER YE R
thereater t 3:0. StlcItiJit. Cptt. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.
The class football games will e FOOTBALL SUPPLIES.;
played early this year. Managers mnd Eversy Reuisitetsfou tied
captains are urged to get their mecn- Gam.
out at once. Spaulding's
CHARES BIRD,11gr 0 fiial -
",ALL;RIID LMr Intercolegiate
U O01' V CALRNDAR. Football.
.'jltdopted 194 ty cthe
Thorn, Oct'10 Snior dntall cluss t- < i-ntriniigi teteAsoiue
nrctin" i te dnlostatin lomtoni, nd unistsbe nisd
Ii ln.nlnt lumntuiiu uon ill ltmatch gmese.
at 9 a. 717.hPtE, {Pithe inlautr, >.
Thus. Ot. . ln-resiidelt :Angi . palinIgu 5 nsiete I otlltiiCuitilgue
T'htir (On-Isenl frn- "pniden's UOffiitFootal tiud
gives1a5r.heittIitoul o the umemnbers o fIII linedi- etet by Waier t'tamp, cnetaining
tilln w tee s ilxantel11"3t l aloi inftrrn-inO
tinesfaItlity.lon, fyysmai nunprice10cets. Spulding's
trade-neariconnednat you ltuy itie guarn~ntee
1ri.,On-I .-Seninuitlit retcts. thaet the godc'rr te est.
Sut,(Jt '07 "rsily ,cvs. ese Nrw Yrk.eeh Crug. rhilnadlibi.
Sehrentitic School at Cevead..
Sa.,Oc 2. al Fel Dy t FRANKLIN HOUSE I
Sun,(Ot. 25.-w'. D.I)..Jihmltiii
spieakis at Necwberry 1HunII, t:13 e . lii. 111 DETROIT, MICH.
"Tine olunuteer ADsc'I'nient Iiso." It is'ell before leaing hm, cheth
Alon., Oct. 29.-Cuintcerttettre [.:iity fr uinsnor pese, o deeide upna
htl and th erby ausd4cnfuin.
clubl by Ar E" N Bilbie. Whn yu isit Detrit wn wuld be
leased o ae you stop at the ald
Aton. ewe., (Art. Ol-terbert A. 'iFranklin Houss,' en. Lamed
Spragni', impersonautor. tefore thieI- ad Batn Sts., shere yu willavea god
meal and a clean bed at mderae rates.
letnd League. The hue has been rinated frmnitp ha
bottm,and inow nsfirsm-clascnndiion.
Snat., Nec-. 27.-Seuior lit election ill Repetfully,
chapel at 1 i.nn. H. H. JAMES.
Me al, 35: Lodgng, 0.
Don't forget to subcribe for the pe Day, $1.
Daily. I

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