THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pi'sh~ed faty (Sundays ected)t'ttt't the Ct alet'-eyeart, by 1HE . Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCAIOUN t:)FF'aE:T 'imnes blilm N. fMain t., apposite post office. Susrpinprisea$2.50 per' yeari, invaiablly ina dvane't. Singlet'copie's 3cet..ub1sript- tonssmay be'left. at the'offittaof 1tb4t'DILY.., at Stafflett's, at State st. se staa6, althanty at the 'tittots ar authize oiios Coammnitcatitons.shoidretathit h1'offibt'iy 7 locka p,. ta.if they artoappe~larthenet; lay. Addltetss all mtattert'inttentdetifat pafili- itiantth at ai dio.A bsns THE U. OF M. DAILY, EDITORS. .. L. Lttiie, Lit. '95, ltatta.intn Editor. F.1'. ttLEstit, Lit. '96, Assilstattt. A. F. tRtCKWtELtL, Lit. '96, Asslistat. J. A. LFittts, Lit. t96, Athletic Edittot. .. S. PEAMi, Law '95, Basinssan lttaget'. ,Assisttant. A'ssistatt Cartie V. Smaitht, '96t. E. L. Evatns, '9tt. it. B. Sley, '95"M'tIAt.. ________________- E. S. Niblack, 't5. All eopy mast ltt' at thtt'offite efrae 8:3ti. a.ofthtet'dity af tublicatitoi. Taetditarsdttttttldhesvsrspn tibia fatrteoaitisitt'ritstattmentttf t'ot'tes- liii Uivstrsity. W't'itikn o flit othl- il'l t'5 es a niv'ersity stt ititell tris- ti et' 's its librtiiit',ito llls'llfins tint it itt gf.atlerios, tatnd i fiths fbetn, a fite oftiw' lontgit ta ltnsiiilt'regretthait till: wh'it'h lielil tan potsst'sst's. Wi'th ft'.'$25,00f0fof iRtgtnif Ilrboutrtts'zt nuciletsitho'wee', ftert' is t(tt'ry tea- sttnttoittliest' thai tfters atuttedtibty liii' tstiittft'itt'fhis gtitt''ttsift still Tho Psychology of Usage. 'lTtost' inlt'r'sft'td illthe psvetllti- Ittirn ftttPriot'. .a'ttfisittatltitig a will stoon lgiveto tlilt'ttflit' hit' re- stilts ttf his int't'sfigan on. 'T'e titlto'- atiliexlai tt'tiaturte trnd iidesi'n promtttly pt ilt otta.liflet'proigate it- de'~x e ttlt'gtoritts ttf is 09111,tilt of iteonootilti o beftte than tilt' J. T. JACOBS. CHIAS. H. ALLMIAND. other,-a fthing whlicht canl se'lldobt' tone,-bt:fsimpily tot' puirposes of it'- cor'tlantl compattrtltivet'studty.Il~e is Eniglishlim-eti't,' tindt is seninitlg ofuf Foil Field Day. Try t'etfill fli t'e ftroortieldt tat yc'ls lrt'tontofdeft's art'itaisytill bt'i'ttthiss'bititti. e'ilt'eigndthte ti '5hans ogther i'awithotiltettarttlittt Football Scheduie. hull gttiiis: ,NNs'-. _) lf5 fit's.'s.8'lift. is ..:poi'. 12 'f5 litl 's ff lit. Nov. 1-Wlittt'r ttfNtis. S ts. 11 --hi JACOBS & ALLMAND, IDEALERS IN (-)M-E A"'I) "TBS.~ The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS lo COUJSINS & HALL, flt, 2i S.tUivireety tire. EXCELSIOR f LAUNDRY 20t EAST lHtRON STREFET. Glood WokVaaitranteed. Geads ictlled far titt tdelieretd. A . ". l VIIT. leep. Svbsurb~ for the UD of M. Daily, TheILoD Yt contaits offieial notices froim the Facuilty, aind notices from the athlot ic tetams antl other student or-anialtioils. It coainis complete reports of till" fitniversil~y events of interest. ft keepsa yost postedl on your own ot anover-o tther department. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. next ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ulue afittitI oe stits 0 ~ sf t 0 lthou'tsitftih t' ola s otir l t''t ts.ii it'tlattittsi 'ls dtti'elopenlttsitil tl it'trhe i iltr'iltts ttiio'tsoifiany tit-t t'ftScho o t'l iiif i ltr's' Ito at ti c la 's t r eingit' lay. ff t ti f ti Whle, the snori'intl enttnsli a it tei OHesHo!sht aLL eOrnro Nv 2 t g' 0 Xtl Prof Slat, ofthr uiee Bv.1-wileo oys; I s fli' ii''liisftit't' i iitli;tiil t it Buton (.icgu hsttawa wrko nx till dt eros coglls auy leortersi stritye tta iuig Ettot s nitoori t I prt fte cotch Che-a hrt-i-ewllhv etre h «-lo li'sliht ipednt i sh li'titorhofd thei $25,Oftff 'lot iii Detroi i helen.iotouble1Breasted htale of flit' rmlytiltii-lont'slI. Suit.$ 2 0 .0 Darlyoir.sur. tatthbonle s tiiwtthli thi' 1g' t ut ld eilingtit' o ts tpnei i i . This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. nectedvtlsh he ni' veit'rsity1s-11o hia' thiouyhtit.if sorth theirwshiletoitgisv' to our inistitutioii. The list is siatll. Mr. Wuiloriotti, tlr. Buthil, Dr. lord. Mirs. Cttyt. tanidso's'has's'then) ineatrly till. Mi'. Barbotur ini adding his tianie hatt enugravedt'it in the hteatstatd ittinds of evs'ery instrucotor tatdthstentt in theiove'rsity andh 'very paront at learning in f testate. 'Thes'puirpttsoof the gift, the ereoftinosin itart build- ing, -appeals strongly to thle tintd. Tis building has been. a lang oter' ished dreami afthobse sonnected oith 'F'O YOUR MEASURE. Blue or Black Eng- Rpeetdb lish Kersey Overcoat MR. R, E. HART, cut extra long, with in- At the ARLINGTON HOTEL. laid velvet collar, deep cuff's, etc., etc. WEEK OF MONDAY,' OCT. 22, COTRELL & LEONARD, AANtYa,N. Y., l472 AsN 474 BRtOADPAta' Mdakerseof CAl' and (GOlWNS to the Ameeican Univesities. Illustrated treatise, eta., apes requeat. V. A. 31IUREI.LL, Agt.. 44 Williamn Strpet-.