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October 25, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-10-25

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alai ln.

VOL. V. No. 23.



REGENTS MEET. school for nrses, and the iiiprovel- THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION NoC pST D T
ea ii Ilie law deartmenrlltN.G ODoTU EN
Pres. Angell Addresses the Board.m Closes Its Sessions.-Election of
Much Business of Importance Is cerniiigitie btter le said: Officers The Net Convention Trst eriiittltho.
Transacted. It hardly need be reiarket thai, at Kalamazoo. Son1101)(eople',thootgh try to nsec
oue of thle greatetofobteles whichiscaentlinswthltl
011111 President Angell roll.-Itle law Schools espeially in the wyesf, en- Tliiiicigiain Library Asiriitioiin liillilti~llt ihltl
lir 110tiiie.
regents tto (ildr yestrdaly lmorningi roiter in isisting oii a high staninllglossidi its siessiosyiseriay a fternooi
hr tliir regularIOctober mtir , le.,i-of ediucatiiun,.is foun iiiid he ixireitiebafter two (ays of hpriiale iisos W Sa Bay 1 hosa e hih Hae lOO ,
eaycniin nwihaIusint tplilfl boardl rosistiiioof liegeats p1eiinltoi O bii.iiesoi 001library lieetds mine]t i(t.
liii bar is Serledl iiisoiie staies. It We li t kiii.
Iocker. Barliour. Kiefer.,Dltai.Bil- i i s le pwerof iii Isr timorn-inii-lig's session ws iswe ll
lerlielil. Flefcier 111111Ihi-isiniweecmove-wihuni ie obtacle. and ofitiebar it ililc 111 aiiiiliriiftiisii
an t 5t eatne ndanmelfitrsigIeonlii. 1101ed1that liiiey aill o-operateili-with Ipiapers ssre rc i.liiihe11qu1sioiui ii
tikescholsin earig aIar erprepaskng he ext egilatre o a51 South Main t.
Prsdn nelrn i nulapitrprfr liii'year eliig Sill. t/,aaiioo of all wo ssuli115100ill(resleii- a, sttelimaty iiard wtias liibly i- SDTTJID IlT5
1011. siuihichlu-us-el 1.as 11snal11.of ltiihl c adimotnidteso le useid. n11111faviiieidby.a larmi- 11111
illers. Thleri enierelW7idegiiis conii fle seeol of pharmicy.ithe. iiMiiise-mi' yl. Airs.pecciLst ati lirariauu. -FINE
Ilti ouuuuince-uicl 111111 a ttlunptul e ranad(hoItIpinpoos( la ywic h ibaisFOOTWEAR
deraeill lheiattendancelilis11tiyer0101 crneil foir lie-itshre f : flletiiewulle rugtrraerA
of 119 pyhfc Presient Anell itri- ;on. An heriifmesehe rlit giiu- toiehelit-brin rg the ti iiialilin
bil,,t i leiihard11tiiiis. Mithigai iliisurprise of fl-he ssion:it ire otrc:wil h
setilasltyear 1,111 siiibeits r 52.1 -i> gaeuit ikioldi sii itate ibari.iTi-lilctiiuiof if uiers
eren i--iof liih11111ota l ur. r2 per ItothlUnIiviesit yliloin. Lev .iiBiar- followeid. .11. .I'ley, f Dietit.
ucu-il, miri- than11any prei eous tile. buior, f a lt in hDetroit, ialneulIitwas ri-eleteil tirisiluc; iMrs. Mart-
lit rigardl toitle attud -e cof wo- .$25000,. as a buicihon towards tilsluenerl, tof Iatisii. 11a111.iss (hu e--BEAL SHOE STORE
lilt-l, Avte lii folo ig: iret-ion of siilich iiildiii tt ittiihlb -eulli. tf Ypiaui il-ni- )p11. CtIoni i a nn iSt
ti la 1sftyeair s-12. lie-d lie hPas-n,5o7511Ciy11..
mi liii attenudanic- of aohin as-ui A fterlthe ripr, the rigenfs aentlariiofhtyit.sniii MsCH OL-
Laiiy- IBtll if (radLuact ilis oinsre.1 HO OLTE BO -B N
lol-i-i ill iiafif uepr-ils tariliis -xu-uis- sstiil li lst-se Aflee the close iffliemtt-ii-iig lihe Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
0011010liii ient, 'Whilt- tiledeliels-in Hsicoissihllhil-materli.
tosl att-idanucteas 0suit'four phr Teyls hli as-u11 i1w~- isiing imimbericiaof tIllssotit i Night or Day go to
cel-il. Iii thit li-lor dat- hlistii, n1111111 n as . cmmnicti iutgi-heriysillirelboiaiih ofiregens R. E. JOLLY & CO., State Sit.
w0hetret bytfar the largest iiiiiber f werle iiiprilssshilgI lhisiliilsalynt uietainieI ntiiiiicIiREUTBEN . KEMVPF,
ssiii-iiart foundliteytanstitutedulatst flittPliesjini-rliltool llcfts.that rii
teal 37 percet,I.this year 3l2ptr cetil.fratieniylt be reisriediiirom gis _______________ o tth licratry
It wsoulidsimtiihur-fuo-e111111for teinlg us111hop i-e ynuuiuiuili i llii Judge Ewing Secured. Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
presetot: li tin irootion o f 55tuluto lirio of u~~~tethula sswhen-utsuithi a. hop11Composition; also the At of
nui-n in colit-giute solis ct liklyctolwsiniiiealiiit a.'frtety atis iin Thie col11uiiii tlhlappinitdhbyhetihills.Teaching.
ixceediltfle ligure reachet-illast tear. cbses tsectnueI-ae luse funrutash- Studio 212ItS. DivsisiontSt., Annu: Abor, Mth.l
flue inidicatfioin si-uils o be thatthe su te liii- iiuit-i-ut- eset trsnt ultu liiclt huse-un i MERCHANT TAILORING
hardlfilles haiuni-iteifere ucilenwithi uihht shuiltout lul(,iiatter iiws id- Yhiuu I ili.o irgi ug iats-i slgiOlpl u
of loG.Itft, fCiao.Icg lenncstscual 10 in
the cohegiate- attenuduance o ssomiesn air uniltiili-,hnxInils tnillgs. ssi-hh iduli Bl-usit lI.SIoIne ntI ly by V lsge
th enufluin thu luhofth i '-u.Dhet sl tiliiil hlt ihe Univtesity, hiuving uatdrhesedthe.IHOiT0iu I 'J CKEIS
is 2l1 ter cent. The hproporitionliniialhiliihlt-a-uu-uiiuiitl b4anquelut of liihe Democrtialuiub litil .1 uuusOn-NEO
Ill(e professionail schools is us little icore wslapp~roriatedto f iiishift-helilihin.l I(iuth ii-e ratricaihassoitionm luf O NhosCOCLAE
thounsen hor cent.'Thie faling Offtftirackiin thu gynuiiatiiuniiaidoh suili liitus-o ii-jlle L I SiCH ut siiOrOA E
hus been chiieflyithle literaryrteprt-ia-tlso set asidhi-forte pi urcehalse- ofItuis
ils-t.' lisC.oo.t unty uu(sul l.) euperircouurn-di + TI.TTLE'S,
Sutiz fte ymranyinsideruitd111ne-ofliiiemosh t illiant + 48 S. STATE ST.
SIt'hiig i iiE.t11111 C1hlN I. R--loe-iherewstie ited attl ssit
'its. Aingell sait itii(t-ui iill oretorts oitthtil-esst. a R A ~
'This 1111sflie buil. Wi-hat-uabot iMonieyut-suappropreihiated to isholihp Glee andBSnoicCubs.SCOL FDA IN
x2000 l i]induiuulfori-that tpurtpost.fButl CHO-O ANIG
so-u illu-i about $20,000. W ill hot soleuuu l-tlll liusiilT-l~ti u ii hetatic-h- iiytted tutoslDtilthpar- tItis-c- nw1100 g uptilsc ueuveu-ititalil
geeos pro rvd stem a s innugs 11tfhet lavtis tulbu enlutiu ulliuft htriu t i-fi-hluuuuettliii- lhu i ie, l ue si-nll i thug at lti c iius
I 1Portig' o e te ersnnl o te Gee sou. All classesccleund1,110 i-pesonathl i-
ofuet hsmuhnee ul-coeed,- .sfiuution oif trc and tis. Rosus Ot nger. Na
tulefiuthsiuil uuul luil- uaind Banujou luibiso-s, ft Sea-muus, giuedusalst mountu fies isd D uin lg Hal its
lug? ~~Dr. Prescotut sols ureappohtedudeainullfroiiitniureliuibleurce,5 ls inuir iteaouduloour, ttMaynatrdh s.
He- fsuther-usauidtat theUnluiversity uflu lthe riiuuceuit-tal udupartmentiu and tItituutihl liliuuisc s ti
nitedeid fellesshitus flt-Ilelp grauautetIhie-lattefon tituteNatiol iiIuuotut- atthtaduterthuci-hits utsith 1011111' BOOKSTORE!t
studentfs threiigh.Othiecti-truiti is flue etftanswered,. delininig to re- ~
tar- swell endowesci iithis Stil, bot not muoe ts-iln tbetz.issiliiiutfu"uuuuuu--iluleofrdiositnal
so lure. Hosweserlie ouddeid: I-. I.Coetwsapoinedl asistat W ffrdicunlntl
"tgesme great pleasure o uac- to Dir. tibbts and 7 J. 0'.Iighauuu andl Snt fhepsfiuso ltiMluu University Text-Books,
"If gites andtucul liilubs urec efill tpn andulthu Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical
tiuosoltgethe genlerosiftof the grail-Gth -V.Ptsct-rtltassistuants iii fle I-l eso ohws tt eiudr n cetfcBos
eatinug class offle Literary depart- -ludbsoiatlislyiithtle-.uhu-adScetdcBos
mlenuf inupresentig to Ite iiovriitt ulasoodt fiut utyai- umaeu ilo positite We buy sand sell second-hand ooks.
subscription of $0000,flu be known as sec. 0Wuade sois uauhorized -uto it 1lil t othuu-t i u-anduto h flue iiup lltfttMathematicalInstruments and
the ecepionroom in he ymnaiumDrafting Supplies at special
thle Scholarship Fundilof thin Class fi un-uiu eusli ht tuuaiuu titrespletive-dclbs uuul 111111hliii- urates.' We offer
of '94" swhile t t-e 11ttro iletysetsilithu uoueueutut inilt-eluedyt Cotrittr D t 0
'fle requlireets for uadmuissionu oill med-ial depauurtment-uuwsilItft ve w hBest Linen . lat CPer Lb.
soas unutuuuuuiutiiu. fTi' personnlh BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c.
be- stiffeunedlnext t-yersad tprepaatf~inunutil unett: uueefiug. Thuelboardl ftheiloit f lubutssoill lit'gist-lni1uludy ur ____________
ini somceuanient or muodeurnl language uadj~ourneitd unutil -Nov. 22. SO SOLE AGENTS FOR
reqluired for admuuissionl to ft-engineer- (GsAWet-lhbg: ft' l-agues- pither, - + WATERMAN'SIDEL OUMAIN PEN ++
ing courses. PresietuAngell slso soill oachi fleVUiersity o e s.8l- Stuiteullo uret-o12.4201 hoes frotu t'__________
touched upon11 the muedicual departmen'ut. saniuslitcerusidurigfthe'fall uacudllibrart last yeaur.ohil'tututfesors '=77O 'OR=S.
it le newv hosital for consu uluhuises, the inthier. - sl-re stit 54t. hViii eriy Ilstoe, Downi Town,
} ou taSute ott. Op. CustcHoIso.

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