THE U. 01? M. DAILY. I 1-I £HARRIS HALL, T E SIMPLEX PRINTER, ~aIr 8oso~ CA ALTYPEWRITER jj~ A new invenitioii for ciupliratinlg____ - -- ----._. G 2(i 8 _1 Formerly with George Wahr, 19 The Magician Will give one of his cleligetitil E. Washincton ef. H-eadqnarters for everything a. Student needs in the line of Text-Books, Stationery and Mfiscellaneous Stork in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, -- I THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Frma ;itO tanorinay crwlt 19 l'. -Washington of., one block opti pits i ec. nts todned east of Main St. coi1 o tpwrte 01110itsw-dae TttY r I 1;.T nlt oE EtCi ~ i fnthe ( Mfagic, iutliand L~ys ery. A . -VM R 'S S 1, hi iii el 2i ; snto sc ric*. __IAWTO N & CO., .-.-UNER'S Simpte; Durable; Writintg ha Sight; ADMDISSION 50 CENI TS. 20 Vesev St. New Voik : KEEP YOURSELF NEAT Pernanenat Alignmenct; Instantly = - - - AND CLEAN. Chaangeable Type. F. 0. STEBBINS, X Wn wl el yt it J. S. PEARL, Agent, " W ii1hepyuNit ' i5f'1 si1itu5~A nA br l lilh lt- Tooth g'-g . ... . x - L L . Li(ui WlliI >c Iin ctijtoi o____ o(FINE TOILET SOAPS tR ItI-tkll Vii t CAit~l,it for $i3 for $ 2. . SUNDAY' DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, AND SPONGES. , TS:A t;. 1.'hn o.1.'Il eIsadctra, -dn,< h EW DRUG STORE. - , ~~SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 t tjttir eu tera vii illpitltitidI, .'Y ACY434.i SLA PNS I 01 2o 1 tor otti r T i>t at Iit y tit ___Ot. S STAE STEET.W. H. LEWIS, Prop. Yellow and Blue But-Z'S tons 60c. N rteMR\1 ANNIE 'WARD [OSIERS ST. TIlEI year T5c. 'oca FINEST RESTAURANT' 46 S. MAIN STREET. AS__ Danctng and Delsarte. W. ARNOLD')S, Jeweler. Thr d 5c tstttttpetnttfist week inNtoetlctber tnAtitArboit1'tMOORE & WETMORE 461 S. T -' SATTUFWsm itaeltial. 2FUroli 6 CS. Ala of t.,and Stall st.,cat' fr) IIfhll IIhh~lB~~rf~f Tll, IriAg- i - er f AWilliahm st.,toveot JU.W N A A E ' IAL HN A Second Hand Books, JII WI' IIrLilI U UiI b b t, College Text Books, Sweaters teoneasnre, alt colors, woolen, $3. Sox, all wool, fast colois, 1lit Lawe Books, Linen Shirts, made to measure, 75c. Tailor Node Snits, Medical Books, 25 per cent under Ann Arbor prices. it ceit rate lances at the Avoid jobbers, and whaolesaler's profits. Suits $10, $12, $15, $10, {,, ni a do to order. OFFICE, STATE ST. NUSIC STORE. STy~S.IUSfh~ LAMPS!. LAMPS! LAMPS!. STATE STBEET. Make c noistake. Do you want a lamp? W'e cute showvyonu.a gieat Bargaiiis ini Statiotnery atad Note variety and give you lower prices thoan any hoonse in this market. Books. Special reductiont this week An examination of our stock demnnstrates that it containis te best on K. & B.'s Drawing Instrutoents. atid mtost improved latipimaude. Thirty-three years experienice in the We have the best. Lamp Business is wvcrth sotnethoitng. Boy of us andc get the lienefi t of if. 'SALOINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING 1D OOISN&IIMP A.N7Y and Sportliog Goods for the new 44 South Main Street. gytmnasiutm. Coteoan id see us. IWe ate the largest dealers iiitthe city UNIVERSITY NOTES. Titi work 01' htyingliii' ruingoi and our prices arefloe lowvest.tiakith tttaoltit.ttiOt1 HEEHA N & CORI tlS A. Smth,'04 ltt isprintcittalitf tproblyb'le compttleted illtthree otat'u Woeaeholesale and Retail BlooksellerS The stenior is will probaly h oltd The seitor. dental class mieets l'ioTtu- a caucus next Fridiay, Oct. 2('. tdty itottttin t t ockock ito the It'- F ~ j I NNASTR.NATIONAL BANK. . t. 1 letin, '(t2 pjairta, is worktig notatioiiroom for thei eleetotnof OrizedN.ARBORfor liesfather at (Cielsea,Aieti. officers. capiti,,510,000. CSurptus asd Ptefits, $40t000. It.A. Mtchaels, ff1 loowe.arrhvedt 5's'Theteagnrlbnigbsns.a trte ftotr heriottit sftudents in Foeig exchageti bouhtiatn idsoltd.Furtisoh ftrdtay andtidlol takework sitthihis the detntoiltdepalrtmietandtwoattfroto letter ofetcredit. P. BtAdCH,Ices. S. T. CLARKSON, Cashtier. class. Switzerltand. Biothi of the lattertr te .22 Years in the Businesses''O IreiltfAigl oilgitt ea-graiduts of thelietatitl colliges of IJNIYEBSITY TEST BOOK! New and Second Hand. Note Biooks anatteesStudets' Supplies, Ftine Statiicoery. Sportingi litotid, etcwhc stey offer at thc Litwcot Prices Calf and see us before purchastng. MUSICAL GOODS AT TOE STATE STREET MUSIC STORE Chaeaper thatn anywhoere else ito floe Country. Corner Washingtoni st., atid Ashaley of. Hates $2 and $3. 'PSERCIATWI123. WL. STAE3LER, ROPRuIETOR. -.1H. WILD IO[ L[ADING JAILOR Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens and largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. OFWCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st. CITY LAUNDRY, MX M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY THIE 'ELITE DINING PARLOR Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWIS, Prop. nearders Wtated. Miss Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, 69I Miller ave., Ass Arborech~ll. tioti tolith ttmeobers of ftefacoulty Thursday night, Oct. 25. Dr. Bighati wilt gh'e his Psychlotgy class a worifteo review' Thtursdaiy on all thit work (lotte this semester. AV'. D. Johinstono will speakh at Nisw- berry Htail next Suttntay mnornitng ott "The'Voltunteer 'Movemoent ?Missiono." A1. 1Knlp, 'f6llIaw', president of the Prohibition Cluth, atidrosed a ttrohtI- hitten ratll' at North ruke last ntightf. Gentva. 'Tle iunior law' antd fres i l t otl~ tiams inohtetd tiplatmi!itt abci lttler for an fhourstractice yesterdtay. 'T'hey o- P!tteet on the eaotittousiaii oft 4 o'clock thids aftiroont. If.thtesweathier is fotvorable there awill be two gaittes of dutbles pltiyedi ott the tenntis courts today. Otto will be played between Chiickering and Ale- Kenze, Gale atnd Herrick. The other W". W. Griffin has gone to Chicago between Prescott and Seabury, Joc- to join the C. A. A. eleven. Ie will elyti and Wilbur. Sette second class play witht thenm on teir eastern trip, singles will probably tlso bte played.