THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GLENTRAL Time Table (Revised) July 1 194 Mal and Exs-4i05 Mail .....84 N. Y. Special.... 5i 10 N. Y. Special Ii 0 Eastern Eu---10 25 N. S. Limitd 5 25 A.M. Pcific E ---. 21 Atlantic E....7 47 1.M 1). N. Epress.-- .5 40 Westen E.--15 G. R. Expess __11. 0 Cli. St. Es--- 0 Si . W. ItiwosEs, 13.WiiAYE'S, G 1'.&T Age.,(hiasos At,AnAsbor. T., A. A. & N. 19. RY Tklig iefiect Sundiay, Aug. 1. l894. Tais leaises'Aim Abroeeniital 0Std- sari ime. 7:1a. m. 'e:15 am. 4:15 .tini. 'Tainssrue betiweeisAni Abirsaid l'iied oly. All tans dily ecet Sinday. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agei. W. 14. BENNETT], . P. A., Toledo 0 DIETAS & SCHANZ, U. OF ZM. TAILO Ltstad bes Styles of Foreign sdIo ist class t is irsst las swork guaantedClening, pessig ands epasering neatly dsne 48 S.Satet,Smond lur, Ann Arbor. HANOTERERCATERER, I A NEW LINK CUFF Big Four Route BEST LINE: TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK :FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. F. . 5ICCORI5Ii' D . B. SATIN, Pasengs er rfiM. 1 G e. I' .&T. Agt. STUJDETS SAJSTJ'0 $ lly buyig yer -WOO7D AA§TZD OA~j -or G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Hsron Street. lBe sureail tke. this et:a withiyea. FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING corlnisc ofiStilead 'iWiliass . WVillis (St. etace. Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3 N. Slas .Street. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Au:: Asbor, Sl ia.C,ital his: , ,W05,000 iSurplus, 10,000 Os., iicd suder (lete Gesi !Rnl ibig iws f this Stat. Lcesea dpolibays iil sells elmhagisan lie Biseipa l::l iesof (le CUited Sates. D', fs C:ih'slid psispopera identificiations. Sfty d ,ipesitfuses tIrnt Ocb(EsRs: Cricitilllak, le..:IV. . PHarrimauisVice-'Ies.: Clis. E. Ifiscck, Cashies; Al J.IFitiz, Asssisntsir. FINNj55gA EBORE STEAM LAUNDRY CO. 11igh Glss adslDuasstie Fnishi. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, Q3i SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Eighteen different lieblicallolis a10 issued sit Columblhiat Collag;e. There arc abouet 12,000 sctdents Ii the scientifie schools if thsis asedliley in the tenisournamentiliiiat ii arvardli. A fee of 15 centls is ehlkred file a swim in the tanki ast Itie Yale Olynllli Columbilias enidowmlienit111115 is $9.- 000(,000. It is secoindl inly toIii liisi' College. Couinell has colisceditoiiijioin isnn sy15'iariaint llill in~trcolle'giaitiecrss ctryliaycsle. '('le 100a11receipitsof thlieiYale Alumi- siggvegiste .51 t7,0l~. boa a50 yearls niiolimokert'lihis grzidi- ateid froni Harvairdl(olle.o'iiihliii lihoos of liis class. -Twelily-one geslilusliss of Johnis 1h0op kilss ilivi asity aire in thei' suslty if ltse1-nfi'easily sif Ciciago:. A5.seftlemienit iof 'liisig Ui oversity ,stud1ents0is aboutitIo begini to live i the teneoient distriets HBerlle i'stosk- ler the lies) tmehole hilst iory f° Peinceetonl. liieiinuibercof studientin l ili'scintific deatensh'iilt exci:eIs that Tlii' masliselll'lil if Ili' 1"ia leGle cbthis yeari offers twoprize's S025 eaib foer the beist: song :111:1 ldlmusic if (lie (City'of Ness VYoek will :ieectii itsol site osi:'gton'VlmSqoin' 'sNill be: 10 stores high sold cot $500,000l. 'fie csallee't aril als::thl(age(st uniiver'sity in the 'Woldl are bothini A fri. 'T'he foainle ills fire 'stllcniis Egyptl, lii))10,000 stnllillis. The llnanige 15 oh'Amibrosse lark, Southllireooklyni, N. Y., ale laying to idsuce:theicYale sinidlPrinetonii111:11- ag1eients to:hatve' ill(, 'flThanksgliig dtsy gsiable pllyedl on tha) lieldl. Lawn Tennis. At a mieetinig of the juisior lii'stio nighit the followtilg were electedil mesh- ilers of ths' 'eetutiv''e ommliittees: Sir. sisal miemiber's; 1". E'. llallslleslfosit- lusill; NV. 13S. DeWitt, Osisetball; .1. A. Lieroy, traselssathleties. toi tsike p. ay. work. To give the "Best 011 Earth" is tlie mlotti) of Witters' Palace Landrey, which leaves nothing undone (liat can be done to give perfect work. We col- lect Mondays and dleliver Thusdays. Leave orders at Fuldo's 'Tailor Shop, cr. of State and WilliamO st's., or aut- dress card to L. D. Care, 21 N. State st. NOTICES. CNITYV(,LUh. Unity ceb is offering si SO lie.'cent cash comiiiiision 011 all tickets osold. Anyoniewsihing to sell hily obtinl tieckets fromnItlobert Phililipslit Otie State Savings bank. RIEQUIIREMIEN'Sl'OR GRADUlAii.TION. All students edpecting to graduate in any given year Boat repsort to the registrar at the opening of thic yeas Wantlted.-Foolii sale fromilHigh School or U'niv-ersity, by yotung mnl.. ('all after 7 p. lni. it 11 N. Inlgallosi.L CAN YOU DANCES?. In our iiovwssacemiy eoily protvisiole hais buse1nlmiade to alilssile' the intier- ests 111151promhoteO'the'oimfort of 0o11 pupils. 'Ill: loc'atioin is cesi], ye't p~rivsate',binilgbu1t sins' block froms Stite of. 'Ihere' illelioistalir'sIs miounti, Ohe' dancaing 1110111beinig:11 liii groundlilfloor.s'. Is. sail Mrs. 11o00 G'raneiesogi na'551l1 listriuct all clss- e's. Aesadsmy (i 'Maynardl s1. Wa'sntedl.-A.heighit youuiig lilliiof.' plesing saddress o do ::)light woak. 01001diimon'ey landesty (sub fur the right party'1. ('sll after 7 p. -i.lit 14 N. Ingsalls st. Whlen you1-wan~t pagsod Cigsr a5si: fci the 11(St>112 CONELI Ni,. 'The best in everything al~ways give'o thle grealest satisfaction. The OtOSCOE+ COERCLING figaro arc the best soil fot00noaorethianiinferiorebransid. Try(lienm. Tho Daily baa already niore 5su9- scribers amiong- (he co-edo than aver before in its history. Co-ado, sob- scribe, you aee represented on thsa board. EXIL DREFS, an sceiy ai wap~ecic o',tThLn is still lacking for 11sfdelegec The iits ,\\T flk C Q t'. 1t. deP'( N'I'. Best refleenmces esosbe i::sC scoop:', News aco FOTAL ity, Ciaosandm iAsia Ac)bos. as' reqesed to asilu tesicAthlet11 Fieldl, Wednesdsay. ndeers dyosul 1XIIS1 thratra :0 PCIi,(a~. TeTecasfootball ;;antes s will be 1k W i , r s will tradsien youric sisuliee's a il tile playedh early this d-ear. manisagers and the sosop frosn y-urilachsil. Will de- captains are thees to get thihei icn 'velop any missile irsaest out musclses out at once. usii 110(13-. All pa5rts guaanilteed CHARLES ISAIRD, SZga. fsa tsi (1years. Ca'siii tso' ip11asny ________________whiere, withosuit fsshing 11p llly U. OFP55. CALCENDAtI. room, antd is nioisele, self-asijnt- .tg'an athslpstedl to sisiy ageorsesex. Indl~orse'dIby t(leahdinv 'ati lets's of SWush., Oci. "4 1-hlegeiiis meetlootlay. (hit'diay. ('sll forsat~losgsues anst VWed., Oct. 24.-t'nis'siiy l'assl1iiin hspect it. Pates' shil0M. "usasale iois ('listspolitiesilrally I)t1rik. 5 by BLOUNT & VANKIRK, 14 N. Inglglhs st., Anus Arborh, mcli. 1p. Ini. Wed., Oct. 25.-Slichigani Librar s -ey 15' 1HJ J 13 + TD AI.L.4 socia~tionh, continhluldimeetinig in bac- slly roso, Unisversity hall. LRsa ('oshlts Lbvery o 1111tiie ut 'IThurs., (let. 25.-Senior shusillasss oif (ho Univerity. hlls's'ihhgl111(his' d'lnilhtltsoll ssi esusli $2.50 PER YEAR. at Ji si. ii. Tlhus'., lOch. 25.-t'assish:'ii: Asgell A. G. SPALDINIG & BROS. I sul this'c(sillalnshgown'sluh'ilsor guii ' Ills'the i-culy. EeyR(us o h c(I'sslh'nhiliillt e'gsihli', i' s i'fits:: Fr.ech6- Su idorh lit Vutils, > =: pauldsng s hhilio I b shslhlghishl-s Iss'di l'-a Sat., (Oet. 27.-'Vsasity vSs. Cs:e 0ifa litsshe'bIisl i i'11WleSceetihis' School at Clhevehlands. Xntecollegiate, Slil, h. 2'. lih thhub ssi' il ~'-.w I- . Football. boardels. Atlehstic' ield. - aIsteadolf ti t oisail sssbet'tween'ii Stun-, Is-. 2S.-W. I). .lohisstollo1111 esoih~e ' sA'.-sseiam- (h'soholis 'II:1, f'sliisis' ats t 1 ssslso, l s't i t 1New berry' hasll, IP): t.5ia . Ilt .onii all 5.Itl i es. '"lhetsVosluteerhto'o'h ls'''eiin lSIi55i1511." 11111 l", t:is tinflato, 15. thir puhysieablh'l'hhl1s'3' i'sill b d- pad:1:' orip ohst Isuolb' : r' I nu .Ion.,(IOc.SI9.-C'oncerth;ubefores'I 'iliii:'si'st: Isis. ''eh:isallfs V'S Offi il hs~hhtobllGide cided'h ho sa seiesof asletic ' tsus lusI'sfosse 105,'' editedohtry tVsshlee 'anis:h, Contiingh,g , stills AItr' It' 4I.. N. ;lbti. ithe' io-vlso ). r:~id o (the auaso norl arrans~ged bly ti' Studen'ts' C(':sttih,'' .loll:.I'S-u., IO. 29.-Ilhs'it; 0lmos, by umaisl, phoe't05it CentS. pamdismg-. Vs'sssis-siieh, soil::ss 1::ul bu i s the «'u iiiia 5111 Di'scipliie. Sllh'ssashs. iithhs'hsolhitsh. lbefiore'thio' In- that tVheoe ,'siarme thei- hoot decised ob Out te s : it ll urfs'sshtl C BUSINESS LOCALS. ~ N L foild 1to0'ihlllll'so'h'rt .XIIhllia '11)(slush B K I VSnIs& jlompetell wtsh thell'X. Y. .t..,1'theii [Notiesp's inss,'tediiis s's fsseat i:esiite Sochusylkiil11505' 1and1thi s' tni i.3..ahes, sindshestries hsisfurenisl hd by asltsiyiisg DETROIT, M ICH. si x rc aheis t lstussleAI tlca.] It is well hefoseleasing hsome, owhether .5.. il teseksh~ihllhO. bihsgstitsuite sit roosutit osre-Il, faa business use pleasure, Pa decide upon a 511 1 Vshs'Sciesntiic oleustlly i is'4,slsy 1(111, $2,50, asotliii:' Iiy' boaitdl Whenyou visit Detroit weewo-sad ha ills ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <0 li'stiliislhllfhtssslsbh'st2.).No. 4 i lskarsse . pleased ta havsyoustoslp at thu old this Shie feld Sch oosl. It is 0111 th eu styli' If yoth sm ok e Cigars, bey thn: l11: . su eull and a clean bed at moi l a raten. f t0 Ppulr Siene lontl rcel- OSCOE CONK LING is (lie braod.t The houseahas lbeenreovated from toplto Iflo olhhhSisieSmhlmS,111 bottom, and inaoinPfirt-class eondition. tisningIaboest3(0 pssigt'sitf esadiniiat 1- ToBustlers can niakegood nioney Resetfully, soliitig sbscrptins or te U ofH. H. JAMES. terwithartilesby pofesors nd 0. Daily. Call at the office in 'Tinses I S1suis, 35c, Eodgings, 50. plromhinhent alumnii. block. Per Day, 81.30. __