THE U. OF M. DAILY. 34 _ IPtblisheid 15 ily (Smidays excepted) duntg the College peat', by THFFD. Of MINDEPENDENT ASSOCFIION, Clrics Times building N. Main st., opposite pest office. Subscrieption price $2.50 per yeoar, invoriably ins advance. Singlecopie's 3 ceetls. OSubscrip- tioes mopytbe left at the sficer of tile flatLY, at Stollet's, at Matte st. netw stand, kitihiany of thseediters or autoizied solicitoes. C'ommunisationss sh iold reachIs t'fhe lip 7 o'clock p. m. if they oce to opperthenet sdip. Address all molter isntended feeorulli- 'aotioti to the Massaging Editor. Atl bosittss c'ommttunications shottltd (tosent tothletlitsi- ses Manaiger. THE U. OF M. DAILY. Ants Arbot', Michs. EDITORS. Jt. L. LOnt1, Lit. '95, Manaiging Esditor. iF. '. OSDERsi, Lit. 'l96, Assistoant. 1I. CL'ttEMANs, Lit. 'lIP, Assistotnt. A. F. tiRO CELL, Littl9, Assisont, J. A. LEOYtt , Pit. i96, Athletic Editor. J. . PEAMt, Low '!);, Bosiness llanager. ----- Assistant. Assistant 11t tilne'Tsoopsoss,'97 F 13. Ilarill, '50 Carrie V. eSmiths, 'H. E. fL. Evans, '95. II. A. losseer, S ItG. 10. llarrison, 'tt'. S. B. Shiley, '93" M~EICAL. E. S. Nibilach, '95. ODENTAi 11. IB. CGaimoti, '9E. sois elci, or the secretory has bseeni msisinsformetd, for freftmill tiitneiisor- liii (be seniors liars'beeti allowced tlus pivilege, stud there is n00relison -WVis tficy shldiInot eonstinuioto bie'so. Tliiistisior intdepenitent lit esetteetes haesa ys t15'ip b ieeintitist andthordeirly, isithlioe'so (han isietinsig hl'ifoe' olte'pirrses, send lihit' is tilouse ,oiletssit htity this yeair shouisld lie dlris'en toliifrs'sitsotsidle hllllto hldl s mieeting of ititirclssoli istisinate thetir 'lasis otficers. Political Rally. A. poitical. rally still lie givsen by t'etoiblitionists sitlit'e sinkundise'r liii' uicefl'iOsof tss th V is'irity liii- hibttiiosi 'ltt totipit. Aisiong thes speiakes'i'o It eIt'pieseist sire:A. Al. 'Tdd, of Kaltsiioo, isnitidtats'lot' gov'ernor', swidefy knitow'nsthsroutghiIis ''tssi'ntisal sills''ad atoi t iiil'ittlib- 'slry; A. C'. Wtisnei't, if Allicils.'anidi- t(sate fiti'lie'tenntsgtovtserttor, santitt'v. ft. 1\'. Wistner,'8i lit, sif Albsioni, wlii wtillfseakt'i onii"E'eotiotsit'Remei'eis furrditl 'illes." Junior Laws Meet. A.T. JACOBS, CHAS. H.ALLMANiIA A isteetisy of the juniiotelIwisvlais Avas field yesterday for r-i I ti~sae- JACOBS &ALIMANO, tinof butsitness prt'litiisiasp 0_olue permsanent organizaittin. 'filie troni.itEALERS IN natioticottmtittee reporteid si cositle- lioti sshichi wsas atfottd')yty ii" dos. + .&' 1(i Esi. + + The elateof ftirlisawLt'it orgaitsionoC M ~)bb3 andss eleetion of officers wss'sf ixisd for Satturdap', Nov'.:3, sat 7:35 ). ini., ait svI'ipciititmie'cot)IItlti''s ase'to bt.e ap-The \Washington Block. ploinitedbfyTe''mi'iporry cp'h'asirssi FL WE SFLOW ER& Salter, ssill maksle rept-reco ts'si'mnsenis-. fores s iiso nd Everybsidy. itt~ itclass mtioto sititiclios colors. COUSINS & HALfloits, s ,;1 lvri ae It :aecordasnc'se 'wit efoi~wtfrtit t'hess'li EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY!' (lseniorIsist' capthe ois ng 20 EATO''HICRON STREET. eistittet'was apointed slltc the cliir- G~s ootd5Vorklsaateed.sttis Goeds cilted foe tssan P' act t'ir (i th lttt ;i ' ieseset ;a'(rleS.Vtss 1(3 thie' secutitog of so pesit.'c for 5.,eli KRo oi1o f f intyon's PBirthday: .Moo nt, fhis lts'n- I bttrp'tr, WIiliatms.sose'tt.'lf I oet- soosd alit'Watt. The IDA ILY sontalns official notices- from tile Faculty, ands notices from, Fall Field Day Only 25c. the athslstic teams and othter otudent It contsaitscotmplete reports of all, to this requtetsoif itIsrge nttmbe of University events of interest. seniltts a1151 hiss plsacedl lii' pric'i'if It keefi, you posted ono your osw' sastmissioti to ft'e fsifl lfiltday eoii-atid every othser department. tests, Satutrday, sit 25 cents. '1lits."- RUBMIRF NnW ANti KFFP A FItFE Aill roy utyotst tie ;t the tfics' beforec8:30 a. Patients Woanted. dntiOn ill prict'litalics it flossiblt' fur D1.ofltshsitotlittio 'lbe 'leeio'rt0dieits iiie iittiiplsititstgever''iy stttlitt. cilot 'xacs'teti'.(i 'rie esditors dit h ist(old thelsesrsecspiie- siieforte opi'iis orscstaitemetlsiit ctues- thelactik of fpatits inlthiri'tttpats't sa'ttn. 5'his ts'tit'ttti ts'ill si't' si'a liiitotidts, islstiil ts lie DIisi. shult. IItsssay' not lib eoesslfp l s li tst aisil if attltsittstislf ltlrgo' illtl T' i' ctitl"steO lt'iiiglhe hld lip'tlistt lth lsr'tatig t'totm is s' tfipti bers'fitthlst sudtslessattenddit col'ylisise llclf;al Lbrryasoiaton areofoid reatdy' for use' sld that sill 1reatic'heeffe'ct if t't'itilti;fir iresforite rt p'ctui'aintifrst'tt'Call 111ighit beiattelit- lelt si tftr'tt'of i'harge', s'lile lint aet t'ssl. 'het' tioittil ti t1115 l t .tt' 'ii wsith pitit by 55510y'of Ills'slt- slilt sliargi' iss ails'ol' alt'ritls a, 10-ceti tii ilt'tlfort'"25 icents, ____________ sttftrs'isiofl of Dr. AWatlitmga11111 out. 'The Dasilpy calls attesutitoIi t'e fattfttllpyat good its thast tie li'yts'ens't'- Thesliit'rar'societies if tel;iii hs. fiao t oeffoirthassyp-t bee'nltsmade t o s a'cdi'litist. ofPercti ontlati souict 50i tme'tbers. .ye'ir. is is istartly' tacuteitd itor bys ,H lie fore s encelsits'tof a51 csiti , si5 HO 1 Intl nuwth lat sswe'hao eee tn t he+++i++ tiL G E (lii++++ runtntiro sstancongrs'gsitcandi ssheire' gressatipttus shititlid be gisetothis [ (sitst heltfuftl fort'tsoit exesicise A Imported Clay, Three E L Li S gce'ttthiii;g;iilo'hefavoir ofthelsss'itis1 is thaitflinyinumbeir sitmtnic'ts pnits - 15Button (Cutaway Frock I r" ipatte. Ii itll. lasesll dll 51lotst F lothfid si slu'pillorllts trequtires'i' s intd tulSuit. sit spec'sial aItness, bt lsto115't withsilsa goois constitistiotn ~c tin ot fur isall"{I hsour'tititi across liiithcotry'andtu stIll fet'l all t'e t'b'tttfhaf'erthesi'b-d'nlidts hi' 'iiii5il.'fit lllp'sr~lfi Imported Scotch Ch e lilt' t ost' suitsisirest takenin isthis - frofstportthost a cross s'ttthnt'ry-t1,111 vot Double Breasted blil f tlrlfnd l ofther ster'tss c Suit.2 e 0 '10 YOUR MEASURE. f'orrsomelOutninown'tiresil thesllt' ir class lhts bi's'n reftusedt(lit'setcif tt' cel iI itltd an t'i'usls'uselt Blue or Black Eng- Rpootdb elasss 'sdidthllies fosr olis'. .A.utilite lish Ker, ev Overcoat' ~ E HA T Steretalry' Wadtls'fitr thtlrpuosi' -va cut extra long, with in- fiest rt'fer'dt'ot the hiresidleilulttn At the ARLINGTON HOTEL. aft'rwa'srds tofd that it had bett''helt laid velvet collar, deep rootmssfor otich pltlfoses, 0usd i tsa thleefore tile sesiors cohuldinthilasve cuff's, etc., etc. WEEK OF MONDAY, OCT, 22. tisesu (iis ye'ar. 'Therei.s a mist(also $2.50 IN ADVANCE. -ttbseriphiosis received sat ther I~ki ox' oftice, 'fTimes buildling. tStoft- hots atid by ahhausthoorized sol icitofs. Ist he LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS andIHORT- HAND. hMagnificetsbhildisg;iren teaches; targt attendane; goed disciplie; supetior work; well suppliled readieg teem; dailyletrees; haturday seeningreceptions; opeihsestireyme. Excep- tional faeilities ler placing suodet so postios. Boardoendrooem is ho $.S ereekthis prisate famittet. Tiheteraimte ed 51e S y stlf heotding. Pee Caitegueaddess P. R. CLFARY, Prts. This space is reserved. for the Grand Opera House. COTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANYi, N. Y., 472 AND it4 74 BROADWY5 Satters of CAlPS aind GOWNS to the Ameritass tuns ersitles, Illustrated treatise, etc., upets retquest. V. A. AItAlfLL, Agt., 44 Willam Street..