l e tt, of t ii VOL. V. No. 22. UNIVERSITY OF MfCHTGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1894. 11(011110CENTS. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 'with poweor to brow Iboos wit of tl1' Michigan Library Association in tlliir.'Ilolw1innew- Session. -Speeches by Pres. fill 01)1rationlin iii Ntv York. iii)) veryv Angell, Utley and Others. ''ofit will lie 0011' w to ms it I we'. -Meeting Closes Today. fness ~inier. MICHIGAN 40; ADRIAN 0. NO0 0STD T Snob was the Score Yestorday.- Playin-g was Slow on Ac- Li ysto lat ithoutiiiiilbooks. count of the Roine Soiiii peopletinough try io 11.1 mus ii li lrst11ul "; Av1iihittle ll is fourth wnt' l1lli 1 j.it p 11i.1'(' yew tiliy ii 111 .' f lily roC1s. 'Ill i lnecwire 1ul's''.i ledIoiii lt b irei,ll .0mwlc>-h o h1'l:r.ioeel ii to ( es~ ideni if 1, 1w -111w coli( i1 J~iryto s1c.1p'n.u,11'newoki e Sle~tl It) lc"c ?It " p o ti,"n I iiiii-,illvew.,lii us nido. ''lati(:.h ii iiii iii' ilenalw iul.JI 1i rci' ii 1115 c 1? zsofleinuli.n ,.nd p r'it s h ich r'w i iiiiil - e,0 ll d il for0 t11w' inlow. iwi iii' tlitin 11ii'.]:t iw en swily cIot wlh lsten to ]l(i frli'. ;el Soil.1S Mo'lii'nol' l g wixofili 1ic tiiir w ln; . ubolidte1. 'l'iii'ioi'11;,' Thelieettin" o1pens ihis morningo wthil n ppori on ''Book Finding" by A. 1It. Ropkinow. 0t1111'ounil l1110ry glee and Banjo Clubs. in)' eililt'lsliill ofi tii (!1Jo'et(iid) Firstl ow.wenosI. .t. iene' i. 05lit, '11 1M;, wiol in.ewM.Sii' bow ,'1S Vi. A. Spunkly. '%1litIGirl ltil)'). '11)1< lntIL.' W. 1 non,0IsI.N'. n- untie.'4, 95i. S'l1ondissm-(511 ',.I Yesteriday's fglill' --tili ,1nuiaii Col cli'lege iasi frll praclltice00111) 1 1111.0t1le' Wasliy elevien.1 The '1') 11') 1)111 1of) ril tO ii 11111o'ninuedl1w thr1ough'1)111 lh~ L) ii 111111 1))11. ('111)snap111111 11m1 ii'ntoiteloom' in liichi cl ai itt11e slw ola1 I ecl We Sad Bq tIhose Which Have TIner 51 SoothTXain at. FOOTWEAR9 Al' I :': 1 .I 1 1 i 7 S) libraries of over ' 10,000 voluIlles l .incl 44 of over 2,000. She also l;are 111 aceounf, of the establishment of some of the more important libraries. Arith bershipldubis. Ht'. Hi. P. ('ollin eaaperlorno libiraries'wof valuelltolltill' ilmliliill." Hei highly ireommllendiedl 00)111buildi- tioi. ff1'alsoew mentionedltheltai b wl- liliiwii of a jutenile tdephartment li ll twile ciies.w Re'geniltBartiouri'spllo'eoftheiiim-ii potanceitt f tic 5illogicl study.andi is in Caor of .libralies being t'el ject. The library imay. 10somelix- ten11tireictft'e current of pulic~i thouight. Maniy of 11h' larggi' iiir- shties are new giig a, grieat (:teal of aitention to this sofulcit. Mrs. Mlary C'. Spenceir, librarian lif lilt Stt' Litbrary at Lansing, des- cibked the libr'ar'y ter iiiandi'reidles-. tracts Cfrlo a hill, 10 be prne to thew next legislatuirte, allowtinlg fgradedt Orlle lslibraries undter tertaini coi!- -ditlos, 10becomeilassociate oui'oiiers 't t c f (. 1 c 1 r 1 11 <: 1 Arltt'h.raulglass1111)'11111 li1t.11BEALS SHOE STORE Jillili~l'. ii. 10. lilitioti. p1 t i eam11 Lu fis11'.u i lu'(tiin oinl i 11 -itt o t l).hx l he Ban~io ('111).1111 jtinef111)111' b pp.uwourt, 1) f, li'ill)'it I)ifst. wiliii . 11 whl t''ant (,-nil hap obouodtutes Ete wi. 'lily 11t1elltf t*ll )) .1 li) If igh 'etDa fieg o o f Iii iii 111a11plucky11 ht ili le oi lly in ul-i . .yo LLYwa COntStooSi lit). It. S. Chlni~li. ,')1i. NLondolin'. A.iII.i'Ot 1"95 it,11; 10.b 'lilty05ittrOt TeteroNihtoor ygo sod uia '11ac8 lit. . Compositio;ealsontheaArtho IlI AVtlu nll i nlgrs.C i'I liiw . lyu'0ho tii1, nfl d u' 15 111lt oe lay on0wfii-l R.VERCA. JOL TYA&O Stae St C. S. lh orse.lRClii' 11 01 1 1 , > theiyliin - ollilcl i six e tackle we - (Ii5)1t IOSiS)110IiE Y '''iis llii wwgiw' qitetsc issi'i.'t. in theloyalint'erBob-y eiawtwoHetw. II iagrtene'e 12-(;. lit. Ma(n1dolins.51 1, 06ar.t, Germany, u lul~ttlonlullns(,einotheifirs(11' l ,l-taiw of -It. D. ~ ritiin'4;llit, , J.iO'Bieniabo t ii:s1in' iuob'TecrTofPianoOrgan ni d MusialS floutMlitignyars.uo 'ue kkii' 111 L ' TEhSCoCLwE ir iCom'posi(li, i .Ioluu. 'e tn u'' 111oui ruit 101 ~ tin alotLe'Sr, o Casalan eeing s owit neiii' llg. ~ allOnrT48hi5.ST E S. Ilhili ~ ~ ~ ~ i thh'ig'11Neit'r hnlliw u. fii 'irs wwal 1o1:ro ntsMulih E C ATtA L R N it -1now oredkstthoulltluiiwsland uLI-no) t eo n eaig utlid 11111w Iii 1111510-tg %_11,1 oh ian.s :Jckis on.il' he11 11 o' itll of 'lit'woiiioolp: ni g h SoeZ 1 C (5 ~ ~ ~ ~ h ttfirsto aiutwooul doi, ue~-1 'ysld uchd l ii aelk teae r 1 lte clubsaregitres'ietlChatrnlesC.ni-Suui - elte iiwhhu Ct ie ictifo l "ah ilf sseiti" bsinIue inid hfirst 115000 e u milnute s un1fti'nr~i Irl le o un thB njoetl, 111SII. I:. er B IIllhl'.1 II). tIli inif..'+ 11 e oya tI el eeou -ai bos hihw'rlsug t'sr.hlotou, uieu weotad - is bll and ieil . -altso leuntalIusttm+usni CaeuliaIMeing. Slo e. paFisiill'1"u-iii .ilh'n'i rt S."Ye To TEr ST t'iIirdllieIhftsecoinwd.filhalf whiasi bhut11 ______ ten es LlleMipenhu2ceerLb 011dsurle tin . ilhhewberry. 1issuw 1M larst___________________ anitlllsIii toi tuoll 3-iit h'u' iiti- A lNei . u huuud a set t 'l (?lassshy.o 001. ~AENTS f'evedat u eral ___di__cussionoist of matteruhsrsof 11os'td lio1 l- aM tss M. I UOr h ieN of in+ (0 C.o-ufse .P '.lik5.il' o h a ' l irh. n iceu' tw o 11111 ction o S'Tandl 'os ."ue N toive ertity lit''ll, bob illbeStirs o os un hett. ffie sund u uiwsa, o CasliogLe ssastraie wilr. beioi-yheani to Sutehe Olinaur Iupse