THE U. OF M. DAILY. +_ Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OFFE: Times building N. Main st.,opposite post office. Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stoflet's, at State st. new stand, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7 o'clock p. m. if they are to appear the next day. A ddress all matter intended for publi- cation to the Managing Editor. All business communications should be sent to the Busi- ness Manager. THE U. OF M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. J. L. LoRIE, Lit. '95, Managing Editor. F. P. SADLER, Lit. '96, Assistant. H. COLEMAN, Lit. '7, Assistant. A. F. ROCKwELL, Lit.'96, Assistant. J. A. LeRoy, Lit.196, Athletic Editor. J. S. PEARL, Law '95, Business Manager. Assistant. Assistant LITERARY. LAW. A, F. Roekwell,'96. F. R. iamill,'903. Minnie Thompson,'97 E. L. Evans, 'M. Carrie V. Smith,'96. . B. iarrison,'95. 11. A. Dancer,'5. MEICtAL. S. B. Shiey, 5. E. S. Nibac, '95. DENTAL. 11. B. Dammon,'98. HOMEOPATHIC. All copy must be at the office before 8:0 a. m. of the day of publication. The editors do not hold themselves respon- sible for the opinions or statementsof corres- pondents, appearing in the DAILY. The committee appointed by the senior laws yesterday should go slow in procuring a speaker for Washing- ton's birthday. They should remem- ber that some of the most proninentt men in the country have heretofore been here on that day and that our sister university at Chicago has se- cured a member of the supreme bench for this year. It has been formerly the general custom to get men, uncon- nected with the University or grad- uates of some other institution. It seems, however, that Michigan, among her immense alumni could find one eminent enough to fill this posi- tion and who would appreciate the honor all the more as coming from his alma mater. Several members of the Dental school have wished to know of late why they were not represented on the board, and allege unfairness in shut- ting them off from such representa- tion. The reason is that a certain number of subscribers must be ob- tained from each department before that department is entitled to repre- sentation and the Dental department according to our books is not yet so entitled. The subscribers which the Daily has in this department say that a large number of dents read their papers and for that reason do not sub- scribe. The Dental department has at present a good man competing for a position on the staff and would now be represented had it subscribed more liberally. The Dental school is too large a department to be left thus and should have sufficient pride to see that there is a man on the board to repre- sent its interests. The editorial from the Albion Col- lege Pleiad which we reprint in an- other column cannot fail to be grati- fying to students and faculty alike. While the Daily believes the "bru- tality" of our team in former years toward Albion is somewhat over- drawn, yet there have been times in the history of Michigan football when there was cause for just complaint on this score. This year, however, with the exception of a slight tendency in that direction last Saturday, the men have put up a fair, clean gaie, and well deserve the praises which Albion, even in defeat, so generously gives. There is not a true college man in the University who can read the Pieiad's words of commendation without feel- ing all the prouder that our team can not only play football, but is made up of gentlemen as well. Words of Praise. The most gratifying feature of the Albion-U. of Al. gane was the friend- liness of spirit manifested throughout. Albion students have dreaded to seed their team to Ann Arbor, not because of probable defeat, but simply for the reason that previously they have never been treated in a gentlemanly manner. With this one exception, the history of our past games with the University is a bitter one. Particu- larly is this true of the game year before last, when our boys were most brutally treated. There is no doubt that such action upon the part of our big neighbor has been due to the fact that Albion is the only college in the state which stands a show of playing the University eleven anything like an even game. The bitterness of spirit heretofore displayed has made it evi- dent that the Ann Arbor people both feared and hated us. With the excep- tion of the cruel tackle of Captain Shipp, last Saturday's game was un- marred by any unseemly display of brute force. Not only did the Uni- versity eleven play like men, but the University student body acted like men. The result was a scientific game, a helpful game, and the birth of a friendly rivalry between the two schools. There is much in all of this upon which to base congratulation, both for Ann Arbor and for Albion. The probabilities are that the Univer- sity can defeat us on the football field nine times out of ten; hence it is to her advantage to put up a clean game. That victory alone is worth gaining, uot of which the vanquished come with words of commendation for the victors. What is more to the point, a college is judged, in a great measure, by its behavior in athletics. This may be unfair, but, as a matter of fact, it is indisputable. It is altogether in the best interest of the University to play respectable ball, for, in so doing, she not only wins the confidence of her athletic rivals, but she also enlarges her chances of securing graduate stu- dents from the Michigan colleges with which her team contests in battles of brawn.-Albion College Pleiad. The class of '96 hold a meeting in the chapel today at 4 p. m. for the election of officers. J. T. JACOBS. CHAS. H. ALLMAND. JACOBS & ALIMAND! DEALERS IN f+f S UES.+ COME AND SFE U ."5 . The Washington Block. FLOWERS, FLOWERS For Everythinz and Everybody. 26S. University a.e COUSINS&ALLlrit Telephone15. EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY t 20 EAST HURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A V. COVERT. Prop. Subscribe for the U. of M. Daily" The DAILY contains official notices from the Faculty, and notices from the athletic teams and other student organiia tions. It contains complete reports of all University events of interest. Itkeeps you posted on your own and every other department. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. Subscriptions received at the DAILY office, Times building, Stoff- lets and by all authorized solicitors. 0-' gRY JNESS IEL, Is the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS and SHORT- HAND. Magnificent building; ten teachers; large attendance; good discipline; superior work; well supplied reading room; daily lectures; Saturday eveming receptions; open the entire year. Excep- tional facilities for placing students inpositions. Board and room $2 to $2.75 per week in private families. These rates reduced to $r5 by self- boarding. For Catalogue address P. R. CLFARY, Pres. This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. 0i 7! O L 4444444' +++f++++4 Imported Clay, Three Button Cutaway Frock Suit. Imported Scotch Che- viot Double Breasted Suit. Blue or Black Eng- ELLIS The Tailor CHICAGO. 'T0 YOUR MEASURE. Represented by lish Kersey Overcoat MR. R. E. HART, cut extra long, with in- laid velvet collar, deep cuffs, etc., etc. At the ARLINGTON HOTEL. WEEK OF MONDAY, OCT. 22. COTRELL LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y., 472 AND 474 BROADWAY Makers of CAPS and GOWNS to the Amerlean Unisersties. Illustrated treatis'e, etc., upnn request. I 1 Y" M. 1T1Vi111GiJi, 1V. Vim, Y"i TV AAAAU NSA OVA GW--