THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN C!ENTIL Time Table (Reied) July 1 184 Mail ad E~--- .4 0 llail .......84 N. Y. Special.... 51015N. Y. Special--1 0 Easateee E- 1 13 N. S. Limited--9 2 A. M. Pacific E----1 1 Alatic Ec.1_ 741 P. M 1. N. Epess.-- 540 WesenEx - 5 G. R. Epeessa--11 0 Chi. N. E_.102 .RE55 0. AV Iulecaes, H .II VAYEs, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Ag., Aloe Abo. T., A. A. & N. X. RY Tking effet Suday Aug. 1, 184. Tains leve Ann Arbr cn Cetleal Sad- ard ime. 512:25p m 1130 a. m 41 p. M. 9:0 p. m. *Tains usn belween An Abr ad Tldo only. All trana duly ecep Suday. R.. S. GREENWOOD, Acnt W. A. BENNETT, G. . A., Toledo, . DIETAS & SCHANZ, V. OF MA. TAILOR.S Latel aed eal a-yes of Foreig sd Do- meslic ieiolen',isa lcias1suad flrstclass' work guar ateed Cleaing, pesesig ad repairing neatly doe. 48 S Sae st.S eon lour, Ann Arbors. HANGSTERFER, CAEER A NLW LINK CUFF Big Four Route BEST LINE TO INDIANAPOLIS, LOUISVILLE, and CINCINNATI. ELEGANT Through Sleeping Cars BETWEEN Petoskey, Louisville and Cincinnati. ASK FOR TICKETS VIA BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. E. . McCORMICK{, . B. SAlTIN, Paseger Traffic Mgr. Ge. . & T. At. SIDDENTS °VE $ $ By buyig your WOOS AASFD COAML -OF- G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street. Be ure ad ake this noice with you. WM. R_ F ID, FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner of sae ad William ats., William S. etrance. In~ i~ D s ssra-.. a BT Students Recreation Head- quarters. No. 3MN. Male Sree. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Anni Arhor, Mlich. Ospial Soc,$50,000. Surplus, $110,000. Orgnized under the General Bnsilig Lwa of thisuSae. Reeive deposits, hys ad sells exchange 0n the priscpal ciies of Ele Uited Sae. tDraftu cahed upon proper identifiaion. Safey deposiloes £o ree. OFICERS: Chritiane Mach, Pr.,W1. D. arriman, Vice-Pre. Chs. E. Iiscoch, Cahiers M. J FizAsssant. Cshier &JYTNf ARBORE STEAM1 LAUNDRY CO. High Glss and Domesti Finis. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. 3 a 5 3 5 , :> i 1 s 3 .,, -'i 0 Prof. Truoblood on Pout. NOTICES. A very large atidiencee greeted Prof. ITNiT T . Truerblood ill Sil o peninlg addrceslii- Unity cltub is offerinog a 1tt pe'. cet-o loreIitheiUnit'rsity Bihleclcass at thic cash comisiltioilon ill tickets cold. Aniyonec wishintg to sell tmay obtaiti I. E. chutrchl yestc'rcday nmorn~ig. tickects from IRobcrt illips at thc Prof. 'runeblood's toptic was5 "St. Pul1, Statc Sacvhogs batik. hiso lift' 01111workc." S-Icsaid 11ha1 110 IEQI-iE3ENTS FOR GRADUTIiO~sN. one could studly the ecaracter aind All studcntusepecting to graduate in caree'r of thio grcat leader of Chris- any given year Bust relsort to thc tianilty wiitot cth profit So himiself, rcgistrar at the opening of thic yeas and ascertain whlat prcscribed work, if and thatino literaturc', willstSloe c~et-ltan0y, 1s otill lacking for Sthe cgicc tion of the fouir gospels, cottld bIasis ouight. little dispenlsedi with. Th iSrstIdil P, . R.del(iNT. visioni of thit'subtjc'ct was. I'autl the PIOoTIASL. Studenit. Thei class football games will hc "'flrstis wals St' Aoit Arhor of that1 played early tis yeaS.'.Managers and lime. It wLSctihi seal. ot a greatc ~li-fcptalinsIut ale urgcd to get their mcei otat once. s"erstily. ht sst15this wais "onitucted ty CHARLEStBAIRD, lMgr. 'it one cof tilt' Jc'sishiacaidemlies of the T'elit'lst. soeial circle rcep5tion1 ci c-ty. EHere hSic'icvt'dstpecial instrule- Sts Hoblart Gu1111for i1504-<;swill tie tittilinSt' S cly Scriptucrt's. is ('lris- hldioil IFridlayevnigNtis. 2. Te' Iinily wls Jeswishi, his iitic 'tslihtdates oitlhe reminltlig soeltls art' Rhoianticd his culture Creciani. At. Dec. 7, Jan11. tiFeb. itS atdSlay :2. Icr 1h5v5117lift the acadeiiiy 'it'Tarsius To give the "Best on Earth" is the he' went to Jterulsalemi, wh1erechei-vvas Ilotto of Witters' Palace tLaundlry, MASRTIN IIJALLESEI. Deallel'ii F"riturc', Ca~rpets, Oil- cloths and Shaldc's. Gooil gioodlsit reasonable prices. All kindls of cai-l tilt anusphotlste'ry wotrk lone to or- der. No. 32 S. .Maintiand111No. 4 XW. Liberty st. Soasseilgt'r elevatol'.'Tele'- tihone 148. Wanted-Lady studdeit to t'a1vass5 for Detroit Sylvasn Toilet Co. (hood lily. Work doniin odd hiotirs. Ill- qulire at OGtieral ,Agency, 53 Willard st. The inest liBe of Neckoitar St 50 cents at Noble's. Speciail sale sit the Star ('Ictiitig Hiouse tis sweek. 91'litclDrecsShints worth $1.23 So $2 ait 75 cenits, sligliltly soiled. SDerby Ilats cc-cth 02 lto $5 at 9S cents. Healthy ansuic bstantial dahi oa~rd at 45 Packai'd s1., at $2.50. it-ill If 3011 snioa'('G==ars, boydlt'hidus. IlOSCORUtCINEiLING is the briaiid. Busly a Schitol Scuit tt Nile'ts. Oilly $12. Notingl like iS. Unless yon want So be ,t.grind sub- scribe to the Daily. Whesi yoii scant a goodl Cigair ick fri the ItOSiktl; (ONiLI Ni(;. The Daily has already iiore sub- insicted bheIt'mlost l'mincnt schiol- which leaveo nothing nndotie that coni scribers amiong the co-eds than ever arsof is ime Afer a-i;; inilit hob done 1o give perfect w~ork. We col- before ini its history. Co-eds, sub- lect 'Mondayo aiid deliver 'Thnrsdays. scribe, you are rep5lrsented sin the I~i eucaio li lccaic1'al h P r-Leave orders at Fulde's'T'ailor Shoip, bad seiltil'. cor. of State and William ssor sid- Tebstievrhngawygvs 'Ino'Jews cweirc very scoin ying315 dreso card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st. She greatest satisfaction. 'The ItOSCOR to stm. 0t1'h n.wCALBEDAR. andCONKLING °Cigars are the best a111 1Pa1l1waIs the imoistiliir21e cifthli'iicost no nmoreItiatinfiierior iatiss. 0511. Sic'was0sinocere. iViwas .ta01011' AIons., Oit. 22.-Dtr. tcht'cii lic-Ilices Try themi. of cooi~ioilc-cswith im11; indtlils cars till"'Tli h'eslt oitthliii-Rvioilo Spccial tries madeil' at liresent ill hi1 -i' scocit oe l' SSItailt'iso Elypti.''covering atind limakingover tld lorli~t Soontherecgnied eadr cf tis on., Oct. _'2.-Priof. Sidney it.stilts, chairs 11101 coiuchets at 'Martin citsi Slt'iccigiicilhelerI fllt' il Morse lictuire'stbefsore Utnity Clib. Haller's. oIxsitio; btlotllIis way t o IDamasctus S-Ioi., Oct. 22.-Rcv. Camsodeno 'I. Cit was moiraciulotusly conovi'ete, sl ter icBerisle'cturi'i'c before thic Inilaii threeyea'ssenotredl thec'thirdl piriodti f ULaguec. OcT'lli~h he hitely [x[ciser Isis lift' as i tilSle Apostle. 'o'. - -- at Athilet'c fildisill hirodein yiorshiouldeirsaldstape.k "I e peacednotwit ct 'in ciTes. ei'., lit. 23,.-Dcass D'tie the t'otop froitoyour hback. Will de- wsortdsloot ssithilt'e ireft' he li"holy lecture' s o"My' Summetr ini.'orwsay velop ansymuscsle or set ciftiiuscles Spirit:. Set'sc'o ut Isolil(iniiv'oice andt Swteden'i," at ii2 L7. Hulroihlst., tsr ins Sle hotly. All paots goll cutitaet for toc o yeasrs. ('n111 t t' upt ttanyl andol imannicr, tbtt heiwsa t'ribitly ino lbentefsit of Ladies' ibirary Asociat~ioni. whert', withoutltainug sop any c'rsoo't, andtifillewitsiihicvinei'posser. Admsissioin 20icints. loom, andoriis unoisehess, sehf-utdjust- iis riasosuisogsasoocleIar, his cousehis- Tiles., Oct. 23.-M1iciian Library as. lug andt adapted to 0113 age or sex. ' ocitio mets t 2Indorse'dbt h~e heatdinic athletes of lionis iiuasiilble. Hle, 100m '55r oiaithanetsat2p. m. iiiFaculty tile day.GCll for calaltigiss aid 10010, L'niversity boiliding. inspecit I. Price onlhy IM. Ion sale sily ceilsetse, helpied So frt'e thii chiluchisWed., Oct. 24--Michigan Librairy as- by BLOUNT & VANRIRK, froths Ie'sishs exchusiveniess." sociatitin, conltinuedi meeting iii Iac- 14 N. Ingaslls st., Ann Arbor, Michi. Iso concluon Prof. 'Irnibiessi re- 1111y'rom, Piniversity hail. cS A IIa BR . oitedl Paul's diefencee befost' Agripitia. Salt., (ct. 27.-'X'arsity vc. tacts.e P LDN R S Net t~isoy oesil ie~un'51 (IscScietificit'Schoottil l velsc'and. P0 C 'I >: AI L : C F F LIEIS. - Ssat., Oit. 2i.-,'iih Sield DayS at aS cc yhetioct' u sostin.Atheti tild.Spauldinlg'* Doan Knowlon's Houso Burns. O li~0 sle' ___BUSINESS LOCALS. itc .< Ibtelfeollegiatct 't'erc'side'ice sut Snot. J. I'. Knossi e - Football. toi ws ain;;d y freSaurdl~ o Notices inertediS tlhs coulumne 11theraetse - ' IAdotlied 1OH4by Else' t~~~~~~m~o 5sa clgilh it i~li~l i 1 ests per e ii. Spe'cial ratesx foerIloeger Q-e "s.1InterIcollegiat slu oociss- El ms'.heandDfiea lies founished by applyle" tios, 111101mastbi' usd- The fie initd fon th ovrtarni ' yI'RICh:, ithlsinilssor, 5k '4s'lr gultltsnts' vrhhn g ON 'PUESDAY, OCT. ?s3, ,eiluc 'tti ,,,sig~ of at kettle of ssax aslotu~rpe'ntoie oo hee's-behiagrandst Fasll aniIdiin- senEfree. 'Suisldiisi "OtihiciashllotbtlGuide foerlb194," editedhy 'bs ie t 'Curtnh, clisishig thec latchs'nstose'ad auhssconhuoed to ten openhig of Fhn' Woolens at thfile teruises a1ud other valouaboliiformss- ('ottohiuoust'. ''his opeing will si tcosi-Itio, bysmssil, pice 10 cints. Spaldinig'ti St'e reair roomussttandtitif. '1'hit'lhss trade-miarkont whassyou00btoyis thic gusaantee ductetdby Mir. A. E. Rotse'. itttielt' tat.thh le ;coodi, sre'tet. 55w5ascovere'dI by insu~rance's. Vl'n Iot ucn Eught' cloting housci'oittDetr'oit. Neon I ork. Chicasgo. 'hilalIlsisa. Knowossnuu's library andli houus'hoiduhflur- Mr. Roist'hals bh six yeass'cxperienoc' nitture ssere savusd by uneighblors anhd ssith thit' 5. ittM. studetsand kn os' students. swhast they sssatnthdloosetheyty vosush FRANK lN HOUSEt- F A it. Heinvilsitt's thecir'inspiectionsoittIheor 's.I.0.Ahsis sf ht5iril~3 ~ist llt' if ttsitiuigs 's-cvr shsoss-in i DETROIT, M ICH. hisunsech ic rthi~thtc'IIiii Slidlys 110 Ausu Anto, hoit fit'gc'iilsi'lalt'ettohle lelahefe g lesing ome, tehhe lers, hilt I eapeitnsjury tty Iserise;- the optt'inig, 'T'uesday3, Oct. 2:1, for busiaessaorpleasure, to decide uaouse hotlhaadtherehy avoid confusion. tiler of msindthill extinusising lt'e Nosy is tile tiusso to get yonr nitiol- When you vlii Detroit we would he sterirheased so have you atop at she old flamnes sviichs hooc cauightl 1er Idress. seig done beforoeswintt'r sets ini. Franklinmlouae, ear, Lamed Mrs. Knowctdnon have a splendid nesv lisle of pl el and atslSs., where you wl aego was ighly brne on ealanda clean hed at moderae alm. es, tapestries, cordouroys and other ma- The housm han heen renovated from top Is enrsaandsaaddiareufaei'ayfrhuteinoto, and isnow in first-ehasa condition. hornal hadsand atutrig ronloewaswilling to make Respectfully, nervos sa hoelt occasioned by thorfire. estimates. ?MASRTIN HAULER. H. H. JAMES. Don't forget to subscribe for She If you wish to have your rooms renst- Iteahe, 35e, Lodgings, 50. Daly ed, advertise.Othem in the Daily. 1-7 FeDa,1.. I