THE U. OF M. DAILY. I Publshed Itaily (Sundaysexceptited) durin the LCollege. year, b)y THE U. Of M, IDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION OF-ICtE: Timnes building N. Alanst., opposite post office. Subscription) price $2.50 per year, iovariobly io advooce. Singeocopies tenets. Sobscrip- toonsmoy oe left at the officec'of the DAILY, at Stofilet's, at State st. neow stand t cny of the editors or authooized solicitor's. ('ommunoicatioos should reach the office by 7o'clock p. m. if t1h0y.are to appeacr the next clay. Address all oatte'rintonde-d for puoliS- ction to the ' lruoagiog Editor. All busines's c'ommunOica)tionosihold ble senct to tihe Busi- neos Manaccge'r. THE U. OF M. DAILY. A))))Arbor. Mich. EDITORS. J. L. 1.LORE Lit. '15, Alanaging Editor. It.t'CLEMiAN, LiI.'l)7,Assistanct. A. F. ROCKrWELL, Lit. '96, Assistanot. .1. A. LeerOt. 91.6,)Atticl Editor. J. S. lPEtRL, Lccs 9lt BusioesAlaonager. Asitanot. A. F'. ltcclell. '1)1. FP. . oill. 55) 511ni coe'llotccocc,'117 E. L.. Evccns, '95S. Carrie V. Smith,. ' G. I. I).lcrriono.'115. 10. A. Daccer, '93). MDIAL 1 D. NTAcLy.'). E. S. Niblcic, '9. 00HI. I. 01. tamcono, ' ))). divsed imlself of all "pr't'ce'rtire- lugr the college girls 10100 contact witht judice" andti retedi the sutjlcet fronot the ladies of lice fcaculty. He elliplll- Ste stand ofct prctical 111111iteclligct sdt hei11cimcpor'itnce'of c'ultivatingc miil of thce world. Hle shiowedti ha otcictlpgraces andi of acquirin~g that t1e hileit, its truthco cand crinceitples ire case of hicarinig «which nothintg else the guide antirtule of action not conly gives so well too assotill oncwt11 re- lt 0)1 calledCh 'lrioticans, bhtto 1a11 e'- liglitetic' e ad mli tci10states cindtlna- titionsaswecll. '11cc'broade'st rculture piositively demllandls a kncowledgt' of lice ible. '11ce masterpieces in literca' tull')'re0')'lllof r'ef're'nc'e 1o 1cc' book of bcocdks. Ev'e'ry 011e of Shackespeairc's gre'aftlplays lids r'cferenc'cs 10o1che ile. Miltii's great'itc'td na1111Daote's divlic' cotoedy c'cntmtb))'untderstoodl owiouit ct kntowsl'cgc' cf tt'he ihle. The ora- -tcrios ci et ma))0 sll~ter's 111111101) are' tnearly ill hased pci t1hc'bihle. Moe'aitdi tmore' it is conintg to he rec- ognioIieIt11cc'heprincilescOoflice hihle' sh10u1ld Obccoumec t1e' priniples of cei- lighiltccd husitiess inter'curse' hetwceen coact nctd ctiotis. T't his endc hbie' cha c re heicig established'l i1n1111115 of ouler cllc'gceciaidluniversities.liev'. Alles pa11 ic euntiv'er'sity a eQolpli- liet'llfocr'being in (eamcple to lice tiii sersitics of :Missouri, tCalifor'nica and) Wscon'lsinl in offerig hihie coltrses to her stutst)11. Tho Woman's League. finedl peopit'. "It15stmor)' 01e)0011to a pcerson icc t1c' itng run11to possess eaisy lllllltlrl' 011n11to1 011'chlc'to t'onjugacte a (rick v'trh."' L'llcltrael'ivel'personal15 Soaring las e'tleld lice loss 00f111111y golodl lositionls. tHesoite 0)11 1 crmls 111 highcst praise ofte w1or01k1 dooce 11y'the 5'ounlg women~ ill thbi ntitution,. and)1sai11 01110 thc r'emar'kcably till)'ec'r'l' i' chlth1ecy colle'ges toc som011n1. '01ey barc'' done Iwo greatitngs0. 'They lhavec'lpositiv'e- ly' de'mionstrate oth' ie woltithat ie 15 possib0le' fill'woment'ltc sltdy inth ie highecr instittions withcout ititelleeltal or m~oraddisc're'dit, 111)0 because many05 oIf tluci go ccutto1 teaech, they havec d1)n1))' uchlcito raise 01ce'standaicrd of c'ctionllinticlii'high schools of 1Such- sated 01ce'slat' for whatt thecy have') cost 11. Sirs. (illylry-Bross'l gas'ea short talk in1 hehalif If 11cc ladies of the facu~lty whlo))s50kinidly extenth eir lhospitlity All cpy musit be at 01cc office before 8:100a. m.of the' cay of publiection. Theedi)1o0)10)ldonot hold th~emselverspon- sib~le for the'opinionscocr statemecntsof cores- pocndecnts, Olclccrricc in thle tDAIY. A cocoparisono of Satucrday's gamtel wsithc our first gameit'h5111tile Sichigacc Millitary Acacli'cly is inideeci cr11115- ing0, 1and) speaks in1 lhe highicst termis for the' cmaniagemen'ct of the' teami. Sal- ur'day's game lid inch t'ol1 arou'se51 foothall enthusiasmiito calhigh ipitch, wh'icin'1 itself is a matt00r for coh- gratuliatiocc. Tue Daily dislike's to findclfcatlt wiithenthismll, bcot it w5oldt' 010ge that spectators i11tile side lictes c'estrainc themoselv'e's a Uitile miore thcanttvs the lcaose Satutrda~y. Tic he surc', t'erc'sserc' se'verall 11e111)1 lice Acem'ly 001011msoho tdld quitc' a little very cquestionabhle playing, bult that is no0 exruse' for the crowsd to thin0k of taking a hacnd icc lie cmatter. At sucheim111s, 01115.those right lot hacnd kcnows all the circumlcstaces, anid it is the plate of tile erossd to ac- quiesce inc lie decisions of the officicals. Michliganc's foothall teamilwoet for it- self a reicutation last yeatr as once that play'ed a eleac amcie, antcc htact repuctat- t1icccmust lie ci iitiined at an1y'cost. We wsould also urge 01100 there he less chceerincg of inldividultals acnd mcore of lice teamc. Star p~laying inc foothall is seldomi seen ally more. It is the swhole teamtl that tdoes lice work and cio one ciacc can accomcplisht cmuch ucn- aided. A particularly ficce play is do- oerving of applause, hut as a role it is 01ce teamc that should he cheered. By all mceanus, let us hcase cheering and lots of it, hut let ucs keep our loyalty switiicbounds. Rev. Ames' Address. "The Scientifie study of the Bihle in a Collegiate Education" wvas the theme of R0ev. Ames' discourse at Newbherry hall- yesterday msorning. The speaker Thit first meleting of lice Womianl's to all collegc' irls. Leagu~e at Sirltillai hail, Satuertday of- Strs. t'llrllrt, whss'ht15to spea1k. ternloonl sattllenlded by na lle' ofy1111)coutildnot he pre'se'ntltindiec' paper'l the colh'ege girls anlcahdies or tile flat- 55115rteadclbts Srs. B-rownl. ulty. P~res. Anigell gave'tht'address of After t'e program a1 reeptionll-was) wsel-ome.lle' ic'spore of'the 0"r'tat selr- hli n iitic' parlors, and1 e'5eryonec 0)111 s-ices of tile leagute in openinlg Ot'ecaway feelicig; 11111 it was) good to liate hiocmics of culturetdpeopt l ad ibricig- heenl thece. OH, 1O!H0 ++JP OLLEGE BOYS1' +2+ J. T. JACOBS. CIAS h. ALLSAND. JACOBS & ALIMAND, IEALESIS IN + l St-i (41 8. ++ The Washington Block. FLOWERSFLOWERS cFc]oruuF )tr3ihlile ad Eerybdy COUSINS & !TALL, flrist, 26 Telepone 115c-e EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY ! 20 EAST' ilUiitN STREET Cooed Work Goaratetd. Goods alled for and delivered. A IF. CVERT, Procc. Subscribe for the U.of M Daily 'The DAL' coctains oficiah notices from the Faculty, and notices from tile athlietic teamcs and other sudent organdiz~ations. It Continols cocmplete reports of all University events of interest. It keeps you posted on your own andc eveoth00100departnment. SUBSCRIBE NOW AND KEEP A FILE $2.50 IN ADVANCE. Suhscription= received at theo iDAItY otrice Titnes hilding. Soff- lets auth 115 all authorizedi solicitors. Isothe LEDING SCHOOL OF BISINESS aod10- SAND. Magiicent bilding; te techeres; lge attednce; toed dicipline; speio woroe; ell suppied readingrocte; diy lectuees;Satorday eveningoreceptions; opnthbsetire year. Ecep tion. facilities for pacisg stdets ips Oietis Bloardanroom tom $2c.75ype eetobivapte0 famlies. Ttes rtsrdcedto lc.obysel- boording. Foe Ctaloge addes P. R. CLFARY, Pes. THE GRAND) OPERA HOUSE. A MSIC~tAL EVENT MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, '94, WALES OPERA 00. In the ltest opeatscess005, ATHENIA ++++7 PEOPLE 67 + + Acnd the woderful La tegalottila Tio. A peoductionl complete it every detail. PRICES, - - 35c 50, 75c. COTRRELL & LEONARD, ALAY, N. Y. 472 AND d74 BROAW AY' Makers of CAPS and GOWNS to tek AmericanUnivshersties, Illustrated treatise. etc.. uoecreqes. V. A. MSURRELL, Agt., 44 William Street0 Imported Clay, Three ELLIS Button Cutaway Frock T e T io Su it. T eT io _CHICAGO. Imported Scotch Che- viot Double Breasted 0 Suit. _____ '10 YOUR MEASUiRE. Blue or Black Eng- Represented by lish Kersey OvercoatMR R.E HA T cut extra long, with in- At the ARLINGTON HOTEL. laid velvet collar, deep cuff's, etc., etc. WEEK OF MONDAY, OCT. 22,