1ie I . of AL AIL In* . VOL. V. No. 20. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1894. PRICE--THREE CENTS. 40-6 THIS TIME. called, Burrows' good tackling having Great Improvement in Team SincecotMciasmeyr. First Game.-M. M. As Only The second half wvas reduced 1o Touchdown a Fluke. October 6th-'Michiigan, 12; Orchard L~akc, 12. October, 20--Micigan, 411; OrchasriLlake, E;. The aboveccscores speak for thiemselves, and tiny speak loudly for the last two week's ilrac- lice. Ti) be sure, Orchard L~akc scoired,. tbut it was 110 iparticulhir credit to themll.inilg a plains fluke. Nothing will explin ltile diifferenciel in scores exceipt the remallrk so often played 1bal1.''lii' 1Orchard LJaik)' men noicied itile differene m e O~till)) much111 lstoishedi)'l lt tile difference ill tile linle thalt facedl then). It woulld is' lat praise. fo~r each ldid Ihis test 1)n1) bli' for 1110 1)1o'). icihigan 101111 tile west goall in1tile firsi;lhalf and Orchard Lake's kick-off to thle 10 yard line wvas returniedi most- giv'ing till ball to1 Goodrichl for a 35 yard run. Orchard tLake got 5 yalrds ill 4 downs, 011)1 011off-side gayv'tile)) t0 mlore. With thle ball011 tile 15 yardi line, ain off-side gave Mifciigan the ball, 011) it wals then steadily ru~shed down tlhe feld for Villa's toulchldownl. Timee 12 mihnute's. Baird ,missed" goal Score, 4-0. Baird returned Orchlard Lake's kick- cit to thle 40 yard lice, and1) the ball was lost thlere on an off-siide. Had-)1 den's and t, erbert's tackles lost groundl for Orchlard Lake, and 1ticlligan got 1110 ball. Gains by Richards, Dyer anld Villa allot an off-side by Bowling gave tRichards It touchdown on)a 181 cards run. Time seven m~inutes. No goal. Score, 8-0. 210 mlinutes. ltloonlingston was put inl inl plalce of Dyer, wihose 1knoo'wals hlurt. tDeering retuned ll iciigani's kicki-off to thle 41) yalrd linle, but1 Orchlard Lake could not gain) froml tihere. (letting lthe ball11from ltill'p1u011 ihligan carried to O~rchlard late's F FRESHMAN ELECTION Passes Off Quietly.- Wedemeyer Presides and Gives Satisfaction. Hyde, of Grand lRapids, Is Elected President. Thfllass155of '1)8 1had(1a1very enthusll- iasticIlleetin~g ;aturlIly lafte'rnoonll lt 1)0)1 succeededll'inill ectintg 1a11their olcers withl perfect order 1and)1 ar- evet1ill ltquarltier', LeRoy lat lift l111111' Sonuores. fieldllfor'a t tlu)'llll1'1. Go.1)1 coel', of til la110, but1iknowvinlgthtilie t110') I Olrchar L ake 111'retulrned'ltile 1ba11 to ther1'41) yalrdllille 01) lh-ligllan' kiiki- off, lilt coldlnot milll. Sichiglol's stort, steadly gilinls 5soon1 Olit Ionei- by5 Bloolingstopn. Seen'. 24-6). Olrchard Lake lkic'ke'dloff to theIc.-) yard)11line, but lMichigau un edcll'l)'ltill ball11withl s1)a1d15'irins lto(Orchard Lake's)5 0It) i111)10. troll) whiichl YIoll madel a' 0toucihdown.Ililoominstollo11') 30-(i. Bloonlillgstop m11111)1)' til'tolele- 110t runnllingffo~r 11115 offic e e tiu t le w)1u1)d 1)1ot bc illtill'w1)y. ticIx- 11115'boistetrousness, 1and)1 (llillgS'M. Welely'r, '9-4 1ii1111d1't)._)lao', to till c'halir io ipreside,'. leeleft the dihapell. Aftel' tile appot meililnts of telle, the) following 11en11 we)nlomlilint'd for pres0i11idnt lAfssrs. IF. Hyde, Seabu~ry, of till' othercrandtlidaltes, leaving 01115 two celllstantls ill till'fielld. ASr. in~g 1117 to 6ff. 1101111illabout tfoutr lllilltes, end ru11115 Miss WAinlifredi Beamnl, of AnnlIAl'- by)5'Ferbert 1and1 IL'lonardl assistinlg. hoc, was elecedi 1ice lpresidlent, 1a1nd Leonardl w111 subsltitute'd for l.l'1115, Miss Decker, of Battle Creek, see)')- 11h11011115inljured. Score', 10-61. tary' by'acclamalltionl. Mr. Otto 1111110 Orchlard Lake's kick-off111a5 return- of S00)11 Bendt, In)1., delfeatedl Mr. etd to thle 40 yard line, Wvhere Orlchlard TrowIbrihdge for trealsurer, and M Sr. Lak1e0got the' ball1 for holdin1g. Orc- Roy H~ardy, of St. LouisSte., was and (1Burrow1s fill 011 till'ball, when I1Henry ' l. Bloonmingstoll Imissedl it. Orchalrd T1110toastmastershlip 11as mlonceded Lake hlad the ball 011 Michigan's 20 to tile fraternlities. As it. I'. Standl- yalrd line, but Vill's tackling coin11- art, Sigmna t'ili, of tDetroit, w1110tile poelledthe11011to kick, SMichligan 11)111-1111)1c0o10511 at1tile fralternlity5'acusl, 111ff, a ttuhckllill. Fromlltile 25 yardhe110,v115 teclared unan11imously15'elected. line Mlichigan steadlily10011 tile ball The question of electillg a baseball 1101w11for It toulchdown-l1byS'Bloomlings- mlana~ger 1105 tiscutssetd and1 llid over toll. No goal. Score, 40-6. un~til thle next lnbeling. Mtichigaln had retulrned Orchard Mr. Wedemeyl'1er p~resided fairly and1( NO GOOD STUDENT Thys to 112111 wtlout 1)1)01s. Solue peolple thloughi try to use Weo Say Buy Ihose Whch Hae Tne We sell that 1kin1d. 51 South Main t. S'TIIIDBETS! - -FINE- FOOTWEAR! BEAL'S SHOE STORE opp100111rt Hue11.1n0St. If you wan111 to got a fine box of CHOCOLATE BON-BONS Cheap; Hot or old Lunches Either Night or Day go to R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St. REUBEN H. KEMPF, 1)01)1tle o'IlConse.rvatry, Stutat,nGtemany Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical Composition; also the Art of Teaching. Stldos22S.hDicisoSt., An Arbor, i. MERCHANT TAILORING!1 Cleanisg, Pressisgad telainig dose etlysy AUG. SCIOENEWALD, 2!6 5. Vsllgtsa IHIOT iU1i7QHiEIS LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES + TUTTLE'S, +48 . STATE ST. CRANCER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING, Ilass.elnow open.pl s re.iceivdi t sy tmle, thtermostatingt)1Owith dtceof admisl- sion). Allclsoee are Undcr the Peroali1- struction) sit Mr. 01)1dIMrs. Moss Grlngr. N sairs to smount. (Offc5)1ndlDancg Hlsi) 1) till grond flor, 13 llylrdst. WAN'SBOOKSIOBE! We utter discount on all University Text-Books, Law, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientidic Books. We boy anld sell second-hand books. Mathemnatcal Instruments and Drafting Supplies at special rates. We oter Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb. BEST NOTE BOOK FOR 25c. SOLE; AGENT FfOR ++- WAIFOMANS ID191 FUNTAIN PEN.-+ i I r 1 I T -rP --.1- - Baird injured 1110 kneec in1retutrninog Lakles111110-o1115 alt Orchard Lakes next kickl-off, bntt00)1- The line up: tinned11playing. Steads' 0winslof 4 to 8yards by halves and tackles sent Yent over for a touchdownu. Time four minutes. No goal. Score. 12-0. Baird punted back Orchard Lake's kick-off to center of f01)1, and Good- rich took it back 10 yards, Orchard take lost grtound, and Deeriug tunted in touch) at MTicfhigan's 45 yard line. Villa, Yout and Rtichards gained wcell, and Richards got a touchidow-n in eight tminutes. Goal by Baird. Scote, 18-0. [7. of M. 1'OSIT1ION0. Gireeaf s----lect e1-1- Villa-c------ettale -e Eilude- cc------lf1011111.... Smith----------- eter..--- tlrosisoic- 'c--- iht guard.-. Yost --------rght tacleie. Iloddes- 'l---- ilht end.-- Basird---------qarter.--- F serlert-h----ect half --- Blomingto------ rghthalf111). Dlyer- to------fll hock---. U'mpire-Lieut. Strog,. BA] ual~ds, U . of M. Timlekeeper- MI. Attendane, S0t. Prof. D'Ooge wiill lectui Sunomer in Norwvay .land Tuesday evening, at the ilo Douglas, (2 E. Huron s1. 1110 lenlter impa~rtially', )1d111010t110 praiise of the freshmuen.11l110 ff1110im a tulnani)- 111011 vote of thlank~s. hr. M. A. Adrian Tomorrow. ---ohlrbau-hlI r'oniorrow tile 'Varsity plas tile ----- inl n~l ---- rise Adrian College eleven at 111e Atletic ----stont~l ---Davidono held at 4:10. 'Ibis wvill be the last ----Burows _.b---.Ooodril1 hbome;cnolsmotmpehp ----1 sll ail ~ 011 100 lrlaps --toch t n util tile Oberlin ff11110on :Noeember- 1.. tRferee- -'arker, U. of 17. As to the Adtriain teamo, so little' is '0 01) "SIl' l 8weoleh, - )Inc of liss 'The lecture' kn~owno 11110 it is imp~ossible to e'stimtel w1110 sort of aI gamue tly Ivill pt up~l. '1110college is Ia 0)1101 0)10'.but 1111 grellt inte'rest in footblall andlihain~ the past turned out good teams11. illa l-l- A r 3_..,, .-,, _A: i-~ +i,,. ,n I ,c t-r +h- .,ยข +;,n 1 -1--l r ;t, I ... . .. . . f Ochard Lakekedllloftlo th0101010 i our tno' Onlitofll th0e0110 ies11' Lib willbe unlable to play tomor'r'ow, but Yard line and Michigan had returned racy Association. Everyone tisivitedh.n-ill be all right by Saturday. Capt. TWO~' ST'ORES. thbil to tecetrwo im tas Amsin20 cents. B irdvill b lyn na (ayor twio. Utiipity Boostore, DownsTown), bal th cnte, tlel 111 Amisio Bard be laingin daynsSt.e s1. Opp. Court Ilouse.