THE U. OF M. D)AILY. TIIII F. C. STEBBINS, CRANDALL TYPEWRITER H I_~IAD[[ % L1tIIMAN! ss efling couplon hlooks iol~ :- = _afor $3 or$250 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED '20. 112'-. 'STATE 119116 .6. The oly Ii'h rae tahteo h V~ , ,S Mre o datitR o ni leio c e ANIE t Simple; Durable; Writing in ight; Dai* ~gand Zesre Permanent Alignnent; Instantly an g Deat. Changeble Tpe. Thrd seson oens th, ieel, in November Chagealeoypepartcuelars eriquire be ew den) ,ntO6p. n J.S. PEARL, Agent, atesho, 7 -r 3T«ahnto . n roDib ORDER ltYOI:ll liAL 6)1 Sweateis to mcasure, all colorscoolen Ii. STAIEGUB1 FAR, Linen Shurts, made to meas Oirlilr::)it1v).\V)).linot s0 'l'l)l l)0No.82 ccn ne YARDe:o li C I. .It., 'Plea c N)) 51.25 ercn u dr + avoid jobbers, 11)6 i ld) t olaliers FLAG PINS $1501imalle to ordier.OF ,- Yellow and Blue Biut- LAMPS!1 LAIM tons 60c. Mk i itk.D o al With U. ofX. or the Mietl ~~dOD 11 a~ year 75c. vaiety and give yoa lowei pirices ttill 0 HE n EW SchaIIe['s BookstoreIEN A D C DE T L Formerly withGereWh,1 YPSILA NTI, MIH. evrtigaSuetndsnth SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 'CLOCK, Miscellaneous Stock in general. ~tsi1)e 1)4 -- ateil MARTIN SCHALLER, th~leiradelu tisie inYps silatndtdtsndcizs nY ae this 1THE DOWN-TOWN BODKSELLER, Mlost rdilly, 19 tE. Washington at., one block W. H. LEWIS, Prop. east of Main at. STT-DEJ NXES! T A. E. MUMMERY'S, -TI'PtgE FINEST RESTAURANT KEEP DURSELF NEAT illAnen Arbor is AND CLEAN. C-1--- ~SE1 "- 's_ We will help you with . Giv i a ril. Ea Hroan st J WHir A~ i ( Arbr ries I NE DUGSTOE. [PS!FLAMPS!IHALL[RS PS slprofits. Slots $10, $12, $15, $16, 'ICE, STATE ST. MUSIC STORE. J[N[B 0A L E ' 1 m p ? W e Pc a n sh o1 w y(o u1a g rea t S rT 'Q . ER 1 = an Oily Ihouise inithie iiiarket. 46 5. MAIN STREET. eionlistraites that it contains the best - 'hiriy-th rie years expleriece in the MOO0RE & WETMORE Buly Of 115 a1111net thle benefit of it. 6 S. Slain st., aiid State st., cor- ±A i C & OIIA._Ny__ Der of William st., hlave a complete stock of 11ev. AlIes, of Chicalgoi, -will laddlress 1iNIV[RSIIY I[tIl flI kS theS) .neigatNwer Bl,1:15 Sundiay molringi. New and Second Hand. Thle Daily negotedl toietiniitile Ntseookscaii etiher Studens'OSpplies, naine of Illo. Tthoinasivesteriday Piner Statienery, Sporting Gfoods, etc , lhieh they slfer at the tLowest Prices. bioarid of cointriil. Call and see us before purchasing. This year Btrown awarded 17 11011r- MUSICAL GOODS cry degrees. V'at, 12, Harvard 7. Dart- mouth 7, Oberlin 6, Priceton 5.T il The University of Pennsylvatnia 11a1 STATE STREET MUSIC STORE eleven gainler scheduled. Of lie-se Cheaper than anywhere else in six will be ltayed ini Phllidliall. the Country. The intercollegiahte oratorical contest will ho teld here, thlis year, and will room~~~~~~ 12'10 101g eool ietl'AboAra,0 WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. QOOKS. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at cut rate prices at ltle ST11 II D1lTs, B1(0SiORE STATE STREET. Bargains ill Stationery aitd Note 'Books. Special reductiointis week on K. d, E.'s Dlrawing Inostruimetits. We hoave tile best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHNG and Sporting Goods for the new gymn-asium. Come aind see us. We are ties largest dealers in tile eity and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO1, Wholesale and Retail Booksellers FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OP ANN APBORt. Orgaieldtl8. Cipital, $100ooc0. Surplus asd Preits, $40,0010. Transacts agenierat l ieg busine. llcrelnc exctebsegecb;chtetdscid. Furish letters ci credit. P. BACH, lees. S. sv. CLARESOON, Casheier. .2 er nteCITY LAUNDRY, M. Ms. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4th ave. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY TH-I ELITE DINING PARLOR' Cor. State and Liberty sts. EDWARD LEWIS, Prop. lisarders Wasted. Miss Hattie Long, Guitar, Mandolin and Banjo, G91111lr ave., Ass Artsr, Mich. anti most impijroved lanmp Imade. T Lamop Business is wo ribh601111ting. JDHE 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Up to tlle prestnlime1110fotur coeds1 hlave registered for lthe stud~y of 1law. Thle juniior class5 tiasts of threpe. Tile Youtng Peoples Chirstian 1Uni1n will gile receptions15 i11till'differenit chutrchels Pfr01118to 10 this evelilng. Prlof. 1KnowlonlIlet Ithe presiding otticers (of all ctubicouts at h ei orgbiiizatlioit yesterdayl3and assi55gned thiuiro10001. The Ktanosshiw students will 111)1-t to censidler club court matters Toues- dlay after the afterinoeon lectture, in Tlile psvorili League g ive their aill set, Kalaimazooi,tHope, the Slat)e Nir- inial reception lit tile parlors of thecAl. mal and the I'.ofPAl. E. chiurch toiiight. All memtbers and The campu~els is being rapidly ileaired thteir frieiids are invited, of refuse and11ilhe'athleicil;roiuid wsill Secctioin 5 of the junior lassie sill be soon be ready for practice. Thiesvwill quizzed in "Fixitures and Easements'"lie greatily apprecl-iated biy thlose lilac- oii MNonday iinstead of Friday, as an--hieling for thie football teaml. pouinceed in yesterday's paper. Tile GermanO1 class in1 Maria Stuart, lies. Canmden Ai. Coberin. D. D., whiichl has hleretofore recited alteic- leasior of thi\l . I]. churech ofPtis fnatly 1in twso divisions, thlus makin~g city, has beeii elected aiimemlberP of only two hlours per sveek.,swill be di- t11" American Oriental Soi-ety. videdin lto twvo sections anidi recite tour Tile senior las held a class meet times per wveekl. lug yesterday after tiele ectuie, for A smtall roish took place last eveiilg Arnerican House Corner Washington st., and Ashley st. Rates, $2 a nd $3. I'BU11©O3_VM. 123. Mg. STAE3LER5 PRtOPRiIETOR. 0-. HI. WILD IHE LEAOING TAILOB Has the newest Fall and Winter Woolens anid largest stock in the city. You can get any selec- thou you are looking for. OF-COME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., near Main st. the transactioin of mliscellaneous bus- iness. A motion us favor of raising football funds soas lost, thle miemlbers of tile class loot seeing fit to shoov their loyality. Only about 15 mn nwo-rc out to tile fresh lit football practice last evening. Somae new talent is out .v Bich is prov- ing very strong, and th~e prospects are excellent for a winning team. They lined up against the junior hiss team. this morning at 10:30. on the canmpus, bitt only about 1350 took tart oil accounit of tile ramn. The freshmini are desirous of testing thleir strengthl, anid an~other icontest mlay be looked for tonligiht. A book of statistics of all th~e u111- versities of tile vorld is to be issed by the Society of Liberal Arts of the University of St. Card, in Belgiuml. There will be articles on student life and customs as wvell as on the courses of study. 4