Timle Table (70vi.ed) July 1,14.
Miand Ea----4 05 Mal ------84
N. Y. Special.-- 510 1. Y. Specil---70
EaIsern Ex-l-1025 N.. oitd. 1I9 2
A.-A. 'aiTticEx --1 - 1. 1
AtlanticExo----- 7 47 n. MF
1). N. Express--5e etenE---15
G.fI. Express --l1i3 C8.0NIt.x--10
0. IV. lii bILES, 11. IV.IAES
G. 1'. & 1. Agt., Chicalgo. Agt., Ann Arb~or.
It is well before leaving homue, whethert
for business or pleasure, to decide upon a
hoteland therebyavid confusion.
pleased to bave you stop at the old
"Frankliu Lnusr, cor. Larned
and Botes Sts., were oyuu wilhvea good
mealianodanclen bedtmoderat1erates.
The house bus been renovated fromutop tu
botto, aud iosonoinfirsl-classuditiun.
1131onin, 35c. Lodlgings, 54.
Peor Day,10..
17. OF ~. TAILOn~S
~LtestI an11 best '1y11-0of ForiLmandoodI-
repIairingl neally 11110.
Corniell 11a101,:13 student~s rcgisllO-
T111re011re 74alicantsiIlIOfor 1gi't11110-
'0'hre 111llbe no11Exeter- Andloer
111111 'f I'afaylol'sbasebll itell II.
.8 cr11s0-1811111r7 11111 00111u 1110s 1111ck
11A1.crsixcofu1111ylluIl-ilub 1111711e1n
or io 71111at1 the1111151s1111 of1110nf-
110111ylv lyIaI-lllinlla.a.11'
11he (freshmain11 football0 111 ea71111
Prneo ilnotICae atai. ga
"Athonia" 08 Grand Oper-a Houso.
101e1 to tilov1111s of 111111form ol f Iel-
1100100of t1111 Mo e ra1100CoI. 11r151n1-
110; Ill111n1w11111d1111p1 o Slle.oi
1111 110at11110111111th1111110.Ileit1111. 1
Th117 SzllimfoIcolie01010h10' 0111 1a
2 10111. 1111 1111011sic f 11110' 1111-011 i1
sa111toIbeill'111Sf Oremarlkabl 11 117-l
alilly 1and1 llll'flllios. 111111 111e sairi-
1111 11111111 11on111h1111 . S. SBantle a1111
saidto11be11br10711t111111111k1ng. 7111 for
som t11illlie1 has11ther1e7b11ll1-a 1moll ev1111
ductOionllt11an11Nvill 1b1 01111ill 'A l lwl-
dionalS.Mis G 111ce Golden.1and 811ir
811111111'oS the . 111111 811pnp1s. 1111118
we~oll'0known 11001 el ookiheom1011
11u1111tl11ey711.11111 h-acl.orris.
A ~11e11 fealture1 of the perflomanclle
I1111111111 8011111711-1111 11111ch111
1111e.0'Id11 w 11w71r1ty1111151sis
c111111s111111Shaides. .11111117111110at
reasona~lepies1111. All 7111110 (f caIbi-
111r. Nol. 52'S. :Vain1 1a1111No. -4 W.
Liber ty ti1. P1100011700 Ielevator1. T'l-
Th i111sft11110 of Nellk-.10 1at 50
001110 111Noble's.
S11001111 0110 11t 1110StarCilothlinig
Idouse thisovweek. While:iDrss5111r10
worrhi$1.28 to $2 110 78_(811n0ssilglilly
s111101. lDerby 111a10 0110111 $2 1to8
.i1 118 ceiito.
at1 4851Pziekard1St., 01 $2.51. 1.t-16
If yo011in0111010- 11 buy100 , 11 b111s1t0.
l.0OS0OE '(8N1(1L1NG i1s the' brand.~
llSIn- 11-111ch1o 1111uit tNole's. 1117
'1218 Nothinlike1101it.
TO 1I1I\ 1'.--.1 pleaisantfsuilte, fur-
11111011ea1, 11711811111d11ba11,111118-$3 11e1
001k.010. S .811110 5t. 1:3)
Unliesounto 701 e1111 a.11 10 rin01111stul-
scribe o th110Daily.
1'1"1N t'1IN.--81010110, t11ere will
110 a11 excurs0into I lerrolo Saturday,
(81-. 810. 1011111n1111010s>AnnArbor 111
7:110 .in. sharlp. "llo-tuinligleaves1)
Detroit at t8 p. 11. ou1n1111101ip tOies.
58 Cenits.
11111011you 1 01.1.a 0 o7011C71710 11'i
fri ftie 111888817 CIONKtI iI.
tFor' 1a110 1101111for (11.11, pilllb'llife
1ti(ed Coilumbia icle01. (10011 0011d1-
11011. (111llifteroonlls, 14 N. Ingalls st.
'1110D111117 1100a1110ad117m11001sub-
scr~iber; a11111017h1110 011s Othan ever0
before in its hiistory. ICS-oeds, sulb-
scrib', 8011 1r0elrepresenitedoni 11111
Til ebt ii001verything 11111a70 ;Ives
1110 greatestfsaisifactionl. Thi 10870
CONKLING C(1:1100 ore the best 0111
485S. State04t., 11e1ondFloor, 11110311110. UNITY C8U.1'
CATERER, 011011 0 ll i ft'11 in 111rIII, 11111~
11/2 F.i.o11. ElI (tONS.
_______ ,J lcy 1ne 111111117 to 1..l.8. 110101in
Bi our :ga illybn. 1 1 oio
illDE 1.illNI 00i 81.vll inn t 1n1-oo 1111,01111.
- -----01100o110n1111101'tlan inferiloilbrandls.
Two Htlelrs c0011 11100good 1111111081 Try tieiii.
solicifting sbsritiontsllfor fhe U. (If Sp10011111101115111ad11-ati pres01111in
81. Datily. Call at tbe office in 'inies110017111illli'10011111111
ILNDI.ANA.POIS, -.lit 00i144 of11 0a-.E.cI'51181'rcto 1 4111 1Bloclo. 0sni1, cha~ir";11111d1conchel01at81111till
teOaoiaasoitoI ityOc.LOUTISVILLElio1 llo101 lis0Ollllll11111 111_____
'n ICINT.191, if 41)1. 11., in.0111111-1. U. 00" 8. CALEVNDASR. I~l~5
adCNI AT.R.. it. 111 ie.81 " '--_hfllr y OTT78 CI 11 --
Ea lfA T'lie freshmalclal rss (If the8 111t1118y t 101181 llf8 p.your
Through Sleeping Cars departmnout will 01114 a 1me011117for 'it_,Oct.'20.-Orchard 1La1e1'v0. iy1111
BETWEEN10 li 1010, 11 tli t Sat., Oct. 87. 1-1111 F-eld 1)ay8, Athi--01--
Busnes n he hael air Z e tiegruns.G. R. KELLY, 33 E. Huron Street.
Petoskey, Louisville End 2 o'clocko Saturday afteroonOct.'(881 ic "11d
Cincinnati. OI.b(1.10 lilIl 111,1:81. o 8101111 (fti
ASEK FOR TICKE +TS VIA Ithose' ititetidinigto lIilfCinfill 11 1 811.,(01 8.lOlf 11100 1
BIG +IF"OURJ3 +--RIOUiTE.1101b181117 oliil 111101 1111-e11 li 11) 'boll I
ne1xt:. A. K. ilUlt 11 N N M n.,1111 Il -I-b I CI md(Ill'.Ic o-will 01171118-11 811110 01 e1181's 11111 (s
T 'Aio., 0-f 88 110. 'aithei 8.sl- o111'011111 n10111 our110backo. IWill do-.
C. 0. M Me11If 01 B. MIIRTIN, Tbeen 817 II lcturesO bl flore' till- IlandlillI 01 11111 i Ilse II 110 510of IiscIeo
Passnc eri'rfle 1.1 l,, Gen. I'&. &ilAgI. .A11 11011 who O'xpect to do1anyi ng0111- 71i7110. tl ine 1body'.. 111111010s701100011ee
, _ R_ 1 'TTZ3 . -in fthefal field (11ay ire reques~ted t11 lOrS., Ort. 811.-81iciiigan ibrary101 as-11 fo1110w1o 0 ears0. ('11a1n 11' 1110tlti 1111y
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILU1ING icoouor practice11t at theOf Athletic111)111 11e11 1tinoless,'1 tip anyd115t
f(1e18dfeveroytoafternoonl. Mr. 11itolelfrihrn, and is uifiilg 11 111 llltolldn11 111)' 00 110SON.s
CreofS atead 01liats , 01ill be sit band fromil4 to 0sld an'd .,Ot.willrigtt11100 10 1Iitlonsc~lb ele111 a10111dingaliitl s of
rende'r 00hatait anc5 1e 111 1an in 0111a1dd'- ll,8-llilll'l1l(lth1 ~ Ile (111. ('11afll'orcataloties100 and(
Lin o aMnTcae of tile 100111al0l11111,1111m'r-n1Un 11v11rsityl1'hit.l.it on(1117 t". For 01110
ESI tu.dent.s1 d-. Rereti' 801 toe1a1d70110by ~BLOUT JT& VANKIRK,
StdnteeretoaHa- (011. Thle fall fheld day owill 08e11114 14 X. Ito-Oloost., AAtib.0001, Mlichi.
quarters. ini about thiree we-ekso. BUSINES1S LOCALS.
No. 13 N.Min toSreet. J. A. i i-:Rox-.Capt. N(il 11 s.,11111II 1110A. G.PALDING & BROS.
THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS BANK 1111100178111 lltl~1IN 8otres io p110; il ta ui 1110 00 1111it:FOC TrAi[c I 1tIErt11
Anls Atbot, 0111 i CapitllSo ck 111, 880,00. All studlents I'xpectintg to 70r(adu1a'te 1 in t thioe 1r.8 1111101.1 11-
11111'. $$150,00().1110150 P
Otgani1ze1d1008 11 Ot11 GeeratBa111ing11Laws10a1117gi0v011year m 1st 11008rttoIth'e 10-Now 1111'h111111' t (L or 511001- -- Spaniding's
(of ths01ta08. Rlive11s1deotls, brtys .and11registrar at t(li en1'ig of (lie yearse 011-01117 n1111111' 11 nt1101'ts i n1l 1. *,- 0 Idisale
oello exchanltge 00n1110princial ities11-b f11the
Unlitet atesl~c. iDraftsocashedll 011111p0011101antdascertainowhiat lprescribedl wo)01kif WI' 11101-1' 1 seii nel1101lillel)of Iplash- _: .5f. --0 Iuchoi
ideotitbolttion. Safety deposi oe olt001011rent. Ineclgit
OFFICEtRS: 'hristiaIt a, 'Pre.; 00. l), any, to stillacking for the deg-"e e aes't'0 rli e~ s , corduroys0 and1111 other'01111- l~ Football.
lllserima,, Vie'-P'rey.; thas. 1E. hi'cocic,soughto. l'1ils0an114a108' 110w17sOlwilli-to11 11111'ke aI i AllfIl' 111°b 11
C'ashier; Al. J. 14ritz Assistat Csho ier. - 0.bO 8e'(Nd. 'tli,"l0. 108ITNIif~.1l.-l erl00 lebgjiateAssoia-
''O0NNIAR OR .If yo wisb to bave ou000o00ms0rent- ilE.all t lalatores.
STEAM34 LAUNDRY CO. The clans football games w0ill be ed, adv-ertisoettem in (be Daily. 1-7 Spalding'. s colpll'1r l'ootbllCa'talogue0
001en0 fre-. 7S011411170 Otlcill ootbIotGidelt
Hingh Glt,ssanod Domuestic Finish, played early tbis year. !Managers sod Wanited.-Lasdy studlent to canvass0 for 1894" rdtted 117 W'.stt-rCompt, cnannapan r rgdt e hermnfr eri yva toltCo odtlele ue adohrvlubeifrml'mimie1tet. plig'
E. S. SERVISS, Mianager, out at once. pay Work done 11n odd hours. In-td-marlstwat youobylsy 10h cgsllrotte
thttegosarc the test.
213 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. CHARLES BAIRD, Mfgr. qu~ire at General Agency, 5 Willard st. Neornk. Vlicetgo. Plalidelphia.