THE U. OF M. DAILY. ThElE CRANDALL TYPEWRITER F. C. STEBBINS, SBL1 * LAON8MN I TH DNEW DCCI DENTAL, PjRE0 $5. The only High Tirade Otachine onthe Market sold at a i easonable Prtcer Simple, Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, 51 E Washington st., Ann Arbor, Mich. FLAG PINS $1.50. Yellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of M. or the year 75c. - AT- WM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. ANN5T l~ ARBOR STEAM LAUNDRY CO. nigh loss and Domestic Finish. E. S. SERVISS, Manager, -3 S)UT1 T FOURTH AVENUE. The Daily is edited, pub- lished and supported by the students. BOOK S. Second Hand Books, College Text Books, Law Books, Medical Books, at ut rate prices at the sI Nisi BOOKSTORE STATE STREET. Bargains in Stationery and Note Books. Special reductions this week on K. & E.'s Drawing Instruments. We have the best. SPALDINC'S ATHLETIC CLOTHING and Sporting Goods for the new gymnasium. Come and see us. We are the largest dealers in the city and our prices are the lowest. SHEEHAN & CO11 Wholesale and Retail Booksellers MUSICAL GOODS AT THE STATE STREET MUSIC STORE Cheaper than anywhere else in the Country. STUDE8NTTS -THE- FINEST RESTAURANT in Ann Arbor is Gc-LAS~E R'S Give ita trial. 2 E. Huron St. STAB STEAM [AVNDRY HIGH CLASS WORK. DOWDISH & HOUSE, PROPRIETORS Office, 32 South State Street. 4& Will call for and deliver work YPSIL-ATI, MICH. promptly. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Students and citizens- hould make this their headquarters while in Ypsilanti, and I assure the they will find me, as ever, 20% S. STATE STREET. Most cordially, W. H. LEWIS, Prop. FOR FIRST CLASS MEALS TRY THE THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Bich. Capital Stock, X50,000. Suplu, $150,000. Organized under the General Itanking Laws Cor.Stat an Librty ts. of Ohio Stotc. lReceivedoposito, huysanod Cor. State and Liberty sts. selis exchange on the principal cities of the E i~Y~ii) ER'[. Pop.United States. lDrofts cooked upon propee EWAi LEWIS. Prep. idetiictio . Safely deposit boxe I oreot. Boarders Wanted. OFFIcERs Christian Mack, Pro.; W. 1. iarrimnoo, Vive-es.; Cha. .1 iiscock, To keep posted, read the Daily. Edition today 3,000. LAMPS5! LAMPS ! LAMPS ! Make no mistake. Do you want a lamp? We can show you a great variety and give you lower prices than any house in this market. An examination of our stock demonstrates that it contains the best and most improved lamp made. Thirty-three years experience in the Lamp Business is wcrth something. Buy of us and get the benefit of it. DEAN & COMPAN - 44 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY NOTES. C. T. Purdy, '96 lit, will not return to college as he has a position teach- log. W. Corporu, '91 medic, is enjoying a lively practice at Minnesota Lake, Minn. A. J. Tuttle, '92 lit, and one year with ,93 law, has re-entered the law department. E. L. Evans, '95 law, of the Daily staff, has been appointed clerk of the new practice court. Dr. Ames, for some time assistant professor of history at the U. of M., is studying in Europe. Chas. A. Denison, '94 law, last year managing editor of the U. of M. Daily, is practicing law in Chicago. W. W. Hurd, '94 lit, has received calls to teach history at the Universi- ties of Dakota and New Orleans. A. Weinberg, '94 law, will take a p. g. course this year. He will also manage the kindergarten at No. 3 Main. The first concert of the Choral Union series will be given Nov. 22 by Seid's orchestra and Lillian Llauvelt, so- prano. Win. E. Bolles, '95 lit, last year managing editor of Wrinkle, is in tie coal business in Detloit with L. ;. tHupp. also '95 lit. The Adelphi literary society will hold their first meeting Friday even- ing, Oct. 5, to make arrangements for the coming year. The Woman's League and ladies of the S. C. A. will hold a reception for the new college girls this afternoon at Newberry hall from 4 till 6. S. W. Curtiss, 92 lit, and formerly business manager of the Daily was married to Miss Marguerite Shaw, spe- cial lit, and also formerly of the Daily staff, this summer. J. M. Hollister is coaching at Beloit. Roger Sherman, '94 lit, who has played in various positions on the 'Varsity football team in the past three years, is coaching the football team at the University of Iowa. F. H. Willetts, '95 lit, managing ed- itor of the Inlander. arrived yesterday morning and is busy at work on the first number of the Inlander, which will be issued Monday, October 8. Services tomorrow at St. Andrew's Episcopal church (N. Division, head of Catherine st.) as follows: 7:30 a. n. morning prayer; 10:30 a. ii. Holy Com- munion and sermon; 7:30 p. ii. choral evensong. The young people of the Episcopal church will hold a reception for Epis- copal students on Monday from 4 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. in. in Harris hall. Light refreshments in the evening. No re- ception today. The $10,000 donated to the general library by irs. Jean Coyl, is to be invested, and the proceeds to be used by the library. This will be known as the "Col. Coyl collection," in honor of Mrs. Coyl's brother, Col. Win. Coyl. The attendants at the desk of the general library for the coming year are G. D. Jennings, '96 lit, J. E. Laut- ner, '95 lit, J. F. Thomas. '97 lit, and H. S. Voorheis, special lit. Those of the seminary are C. F. Weller, '94 lit, and Chas H. Covell. Several changes will be made in the management of Wrinkle this year. There wili probably be no managing editor, but there will be chairmen of the different departments instead. Its first number will be issued Tuesday, October 9, and it will appear fort- nightly thereafter. Lewis, Brooks, Cranston, Willard, Upton and Crosby are coaching the Harvard football team. Schallrs Bookstore Formerly with George Wahr, 1t E. Washington st. Headquarters foe everything a Student needs in th line of Text-Books, Stationery anc Miscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. A. E. MUMMERY'S, p . 0 e KEEP YOURSELF NEAT AND CLEAN. We will help you with BHair To th c Teth I II oail uiruu u o Shoe IU4JIII Math o c FINE TOILET SOAPS AND SPONGES. I NEW DRUG STORE. HIAL[E'S ST( 46 S. MAIN STREET. WM R. 21'ULzDB FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING Corner of State and William sts., William st. entrance. MOORE & W'"^~ 6 S. Main st., and E ner of William s complete stot UNIVERSITY TIXI1 OOKS! New and Second Hand. Note Books and other Students' Sapplies, Fine Stationery, Sporting Goods, etc , which they offer at the Lowest Prices. Call and see us before purchasing. -- I T I) 12 NE G A 0 T ) 0f BILLIARDS AND POOL. Choicest Line of Cigars and Tobaccos. No.3N. Main Street. T HE Corner Washington st., and Ashley st. Rates $2 and $3. 'PIODTEI 123. ~. 8TAEL, PROPRIETOR. G, H. WILD THE [EADING TAILL Has the newest Fall and Win Woolens and largest stock in tht city. You can get any selec- tion you are looking for. fWdCOME AND SEE US. 2 E. Washington st., 'nea Main a